What I See in You - Chapter 4

Story by Zerrif on SoFurry

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#4 of What I See in You

Author's Note: Sorry about the delay, folks; lots of things have been happening in Real Life, and writing has unfortunately had to take a backseat. However, I'm back now! :D.

This will most likely be the final chapter of this little series, so enjoy!

(Unless I just write porn with these two. :P)

Something you may not have known: Zulf is not my character, but my friend Humbuged's. Check him out at www.humbuged.com! This is dedicated to him, for being such a great guy through this entire thing (and for letting me use Zulf :3).

Anyway... enough of me rambling at you. Enjoy! ^_^

"I'll see you later." Zulf whispered into the ferret's ears, who had fallen asleep quickly in his arms. He slid out from under him and stood up, reaching for a white shirt and black vest, and putting them on. The ferret just moved to snuggle the blankets, and murmured in his sleep, acting like nothing had happened.

The wolf took some paper on his night-table and wrote something on it, placing it right in front of Zerrif's face. He smiled, kissed the ferret's forehead, then left.

Zerrif awoke with a slight mumble; before he quickly realized that he was alone in the bed. He sat up quickly; becoming disoriented at the movement, and began to blink and shake his head.

That was when he heard the paper crinkle slightly on the bed. He snatched it, and yawned; beginning to read.

"To Zerrif:

I know that you're probably angry at me just leaving you like this; but you just have to trust me. If you wake up before I get back, just sit tight. I'll be back before too long.

There's some food in the fridge if you're hungry. Go ahead and watch some T.V. or shower, just do something. Just don't show up. Everything will be alright."

"I'm sure." Zerrif muttered, shaking his head.

"I know you just said that you were sure sarcastically, out loud. But please. Zerrif... this is something I have to do."

Zerrif nodded.

"Thanks for understanding."

The ferret chuckled, and put the paper back on the bed, and yawned; getting up. He looked around for his shirt, and realized that he might as well eat and shower. There wasn't much else he was really able to do. He looked at the foot of the bed for his bags, and remembered they had been moved. He grumbled, took the shirt that had been removed before, and headed to the guest room.

His heart kind of sank then; his eyes going slightly dark blue. He could use this time to mull, too. Things happened too fast, he felt like he didn't have control anymore. Sure, there was physical attraction to Zulf; but he tried to look for something more than that.

"Is this what I saw in Jayce?" He thought again. He placed a hand on his forehead as he reached the bathroom door. Jayce had promised protection, love, a place to belong. So did Zulf. But there was something more...

He didn't think Zulf was lying to him. No. That was wrong to think. He wished, he hoped that Zulf wasn't lying to him. He wanted to be able to believe fully that Zulf fully and truly cared. Jayce... had been so convincing, and now Zulf said he knew Jayce. Zulf said that he would take care of everything.

So did Jayce.

No. It wasn't the same. Zerrif sat on the counter, and sighed. He wanted to tell Zulf... but something held him back.

And then he remembered. Why he still felt attached to Jayce. Why he had put his utmost trust into him.

"Your father is still alive." Jayce had said. Zerrif at first, didn't believe him. Then he had handed him something.

His father's precinct badge.

But Jayce never told him where. Or when. Or how. He just said that he was alive. And that had pushed him to take everything, try to live through everything. Just to see him again.

There was silence around the bar. The "closed" sign hung neatly behind the door, and three figures stepped out to meet Zulf, who was leaning on said door.

"Didn't think you'd show." Jayce muttered. Zulf just smirked, and shook his head. "What? What the hell is that smirk for?"

"You know, there's a difference here." Zulf said, standing up straight. Jayce cracked his knuckles, waiting for what else the wolf had to say. "It's basically the determining factor; why I'm going to leave here, and you're not."

"You think you're going to leave here?" Jayce mocked. His two followers laughed. He began hopping back and forth on the balls of his feet, ready to scrap. "Once I'm through here with you, I'm gonna find where the hell you brought that whore, and take care of him too."

"No, you won't." Zulf muttered. "Because, that difference here is going to change everything." He began to stretch out his back. "Once I beat the shit out of you here, you'll realize what that difference is." He brought both arms up, ready to retaliate. "Just one agreement before we do. You know, as two fellow canids and such."

"Oh please." Jayce groaned. "Humor me."

"When I do beat the shit out of you, you leave this town, leave us the fuck alone." Zulf said, with a smirk. That, had obviously ticked the retriever off, as he began charging in a mad frenzy.

"How stupid was I, then?" Zerrif asked himself. He stepped out of the shower, and began to dry himself off. "I can't believe I didn't remember... I saw my dad's body at the funeral. Saw him laid in the ground." He wrapped a towel around his waist, and padded over to the kitchen, bending in front of the fridge and reading another note on it.

"Unless... did Jayce... was he involved in my father's death?" Zerrif thought. He couldn't rule it out, anymore. But he didn't want to make assumptions, or dwell on it anymore. He had gotten over it. He turned his attention back to the note.

"I still don't know what the fuck you eat. So there's a meat dish, and a salad in here." Said Zulf's writing. Zerrif smiled, and opened the fridge; the cold air slowly chilled him to his very bones. He shivered, pulled up his towel a little, and then pulled out the meat dish; it looks like a simple barbecue, but he wasn't complaining. He put it in the microwave, and set it to cook. That gave him even more time to mull.

He remembered right after Jayce had told him what to do, he had the mindset of going into the bar, doing so, and just leaving. That "Now Hiring" sign almost made things too easy, and Zulf nearly set himself up for it. He offered him a job right off the bat, and they had to be there early the next morning. All he had to do was slip the pills in at some point, and offer a drink to the tired, still-sleepy wolf.

But he remembered why he didn't too. Jayce had described Zulf as some sort of power-abusing asshole. Someone who didn't care for others. Some gruff, stuck up, selfish idiot, who deserved to be taken out of the picture; but when Lorrie began to explain things to him, when he began to slowly learn who Zulf was, he hesitated. In fact, he was about to execute his plan when Zulf went out to get food; but his inquisitive side had made him ask Lorrie about the wolf.

He was thankful he did now.

The microwave beeped loudly, having been finished for a while now. Zerrif pulled out the plate and brought it over to the couch, and sat down to eat, grabbing the remote from the coffee table to turn on the T.V.

"Don't you get it?" Zulf asked, standing over Jayce. The retriever grumbled; one of his idiots was knocked out, the other turned tail and ran. Useless idiots.

"Just shut up already!" Jayce muttered. "What the hell do you want me to do?"

"Move on." Zulf bit, coldly. Jayce looked up, wide-eyed. Realization dawned on him. How Zulf was so easily refusing him now, how Zulf could defend that whore of a ferret. He had moved on. Here he was, still clinging to the past, trying to claim Zulf was still his. "I'm sorry, Jayce. I really am. But you know me. And I know you. We could never be."

"SHUT UP!" Jayce roared, getting back to his feet, albeit weakly. Zulf stepped back.

"I'm not going to do this anymore, Jayce. Leave. I'd rather not have to do anything I don't want to." Zulf muttered. He watched as Jayce began to shake almost violently, then pulled something out from his pocket. Before he could see what it was, though, there was the loud crack of a gun, and Jayce fell backwards onto the ground. Zulf stood in amazement; officers that had been strategically hidden now filed out to inspect the body.

"I'm sorry." One of the officers said. "I know you didn't want us to interfere, but--"

"No, that's alright." Zulf muttered, seeing the gun Jayce was about to bring out on the ground. "... If he lives, he'll go to prison?"

"Yes. He's been on our wanted lists for a while. Thanks for the help." The officer said. Zulf wanted to say something else, but just nodded, and turned away. He walked into his car, got into it, and sighed; watching as the police did what they had to do. They hadn't killed Jayce, apparently; they were loading him onto a stretcher and placing him inside an ambulance.

"Feh. Pity for a criminal." Zulf said, starting his car and driving home. His body ached as he felt the motor rev, the adrenaline in his system slowly draining out.

Zerrif hummed to himself as he stood at the sink, washing the plate he'd used. He stared at the kitchen, at the walls, at the cupboards, and smiled. Yeah. He could get used to this. He wanted to.

"That's all you're wearing? You'll catch a cold." A voice behind him said. His ears perked up and he took a deep breath in, turning off the water, and smiling. He turned around, and instantly his smile faded somewhat. He ran up to Zulf, and quickly clung to him, kissing him lightly.

"You're cut and bruised..." Zerrif said, pained. Zulf smiled, as the ferret's hands began to slowly wipe away dried blood from his face. Zulf noticed that Zerrif's pupils had become a shade of bluish purple, filled with worry.

"It's fine. The problem's been taken care of, and I'm back now, right?" Zulf asked. Zerrif nodded. The wolf cupped the back of the ferret's head in his hand, pulling him up for another kiss. He felt Zerrif step back and smiled; stepping forward to meet his stride.

No more words had to be said, really. Both of them were happy that Zulf had returned.

Their fervor increased, as their kiss became slowly more passionate. The ferret soon found himself leaning against the counter, when Zulf took hold of his legs, and raised him up to sit on the counter. The ferret heard a low chuckle, almost like a growl resounding through him, and soon something pressed against his lips, begging for passage. He looked at Zulf, who simply stared back, then opened his mouth.

He tasted awkward, for lack of a better word. It was nothing like he'd expected, and yet, it was better than what he'd thought the wolf would taste like. There was the faint, copper-like taste of blood in his mouth, mixed with some sort of juice, or something. The wolf did like his juice, after all. Zerrif whimpered slightly into the kiss, as paws soon began to explore his exposed body. He tried so hard not to make any sort of sound, not to give in just yet, but oh, this felt so good.

He realized that he'd never been touched like this. There was never any passion behind his treatment, he was just an object to be used. He could only wonder what his eyes would look like, what his face would look like, as this flood of feelings began to wash over him.

"Nn!" Came the strangled cry, when Zulf's paws began to rake slowly down his back. Not deep enough to draw blood, but firm enough to surprise him from his reverie. Zerrif arced forward, pushing himself into Zulf's body, when he realized that the wolf was still clothed. He reached down for the bottom of his shirt, when his head knocked into a cupboard behind him.

He whimpered, chuckling slightly as he broke the kiss and ruined the moment, grabbing at the back of his head. The wolf chuckled too, pulling him forward and bending him down a little, giving light kisses to the spot that had hit the cupboard. Pain flared in tiny little pulses, just as his eyes flared white with pain, making the back of his head sore; but he could help to laugh as Zulf continued his "treatment".

Then, suddenly, he was slowly being slid off the counter. "Somewhere more comfortable, hm?" The wolf asked. Zerrif smiled, and clung to him as the wolf padded off to his room. He smelled just as sweaty and bloody as he had tasted when he kissed him. The ferret smirked a little, then nibbled on Zulf's shoulder, surprising the canid.

"Oh, so you want it like that, do you?" The wolf asked, with a tone of playfulness. Zerrif chuckled, but before he could reply, he was thrown back onto the bed, landing with a wumph. Soon after, he was surrounded by heat, as Zulf leaned down over him, and began to kiss him again. He playfully teased Zerrif's tongue out of his mouth, and once it entered his, he gave a few jovial nibbles in return.

God, what couldn't this wolf do that made Zerrif feel like he was in pure ecstasy? His eyes began to turn a passionate, deep pink as he arched his back, feeding Zulf more and more of his tongue, and soon felt a paw rake down his back again. He groaned, and realized far too late that the paw had another goal in mind. He shivered slightly as his towel was almost ripped off of him, and he blushed as he sat up on the bed.

"Now... this ain't fair..." Zerrif muttered, his eyes a forlorn grey. He placed his hands under Zulf's shirt, and began to run the flat of his paw up the wolf's chest; admiring the coarse feeling of his fur over his muscles. He continued until the shirt crunched up at his neck, and then the wolf pulled it off himself, and leaned over the ferret. Zerrif smirked, and slid his hands down the sides of Zulf's pants, leaving them there.

"Zerrif... you sure?" Zulf asked. The ferret looked up surprised. "I don't want to elicit any memories, or put you in any trauma--"

"You won't." Zerrif reassured the wolf. He smiled. "Rather than bring back old memories... I think we'll be making new ones, hm?" His eyes flashed a hinge of playful green again.

That had apparently pushed Zulf into action. He growled seductively, shimmying out of his pants almost too eagerly. Zerrif smiled, and used that chance to reverse their positions; now he had a sexy, naked, lusty wolf pinned under him.

Oh, the things he wanted to do, to try, to experience; and how he trusted Zulf! He felt stupid at feeling so wishy-washy, at how he didn't want Zulf to think that he was only into him for what they were doing now. But he had to draw things out; this wasn't just sex, anymore. At least, not by his definition; love-making and sex were completely and totally different.

He leaned down, and casually licked and nibbled at the wolf's neck; drawing back slightly when Zulf made a strange noise. He looked up in worry, and carefully began to massage the area, seeing Zulf wince.

"H-hey..." The wolf grumbled. "Th-that isn't exactly nice, I think it's bruised." He winced again as Zerrif pushed a little harder. He drew his paws back, and freely began to run them up and down the wolf's chest. Zulf looked up, lightly touching the ferret's cheek, before Zerrif shifted down lower.

Another moan escaped the wolf's lips as expert hands began to slowly trail up his inner thighs, and as a tongue slowly slid down from his stomach down to his groin. His eyes, which had been shut from the pleasure, slowly opened up and he saw Zerrif, mischievously smirking back up at him.

"Can I?" He asked stupidly. Zulf, resisting an urge to be overenthusiastic, gave some sort of strangled nod. Zerrif looked back down at the wolf's semi-erect member; poking out of its sheath and continuing slowly. He leaned down and breathed on it, making the wolf growl in anticipation.

"Fuck Zerrif... just--" Zulf started, but he let out a guttural moan when his head was enveloped with moist, slick heat. He didn't want to thrust into the ferret's mouth, not wanting to choke him; but oh, gods, how it was getting ever harder to resist that urge. Zerrif stayed there, suckling on his head, his tongue flashing out for tastes; but otherwise unmoving. The rest of his cock felt alone, almost; wanting to be a part of that heat.

It wasn't like that for long. As bad as it sounded, and as horrible the thought was, Zerrif was experienced with this sort of thing, after all. And God, how good it felt! The ferret's head bobbed up and down, his hair swaying slightly as he moved. The wolf's tail subconsciously flickered out from its resting position, and began to slowly brush itself on Zerrif's chest, resulting in a chuckle that reverberated lightly around his glans.

He lost control at that moment. Zulf let out some sort of low growl, and gripped Zerrif's hair tightly, and thrust into his mouth. It wasn't rough in any form, but it was needy and quick, and the ferret easily accepted him.

"Gods... so warm..." Zulf thought, another groan escaping his lips as Zerrif began to lap at his head; not only knowing, but feeling the pulsations move like a wave through the member in his mouth. But it felt too early, Zulf didn't want to let everything loose here.

And apparently, Zerrif didn't have any intention of letting it end there. He pulled off of Zulf's raging member, quickly reaching out to stop Zulf's arms as they moved instinctively to push him over the edge of pleasure.

Instead, Zulf took that chance to pull Zerrif back up to face level, and he hooked his leg over, switching positions yet again. He looked down at the ferret; thoughts racing through his head of what he wanted to do, what he wanted done, but he knew he had to take it slow.

Zerrif just smiled.

Zulf reached over to the night-table and rummaged inside the drawer, surprised a little when Zerrif buried his face in his chest to give him light kisses. He chuckled, grabbed what he was looking for, and came back to where he had been comfortable before. Zerrif looked at the small tube held in the black paw, and blushed.

"I-I'm n-not... Y-you don't h-have t-to..." He started. Zulf smiled.

"I want to. I wouldn't have it any other way." He said, kissing Zerrif again. The ferret took the tube from his hands, and they both sat up, not breaking the kiss. The wolf heard the pop of the top of the tube opening, and the little squelch it made when he squeezed it.

"Smells fruity." Zerrif said. "Just how you like it, huh?" He asked. Zulf just smirked back, and kissed him again, instantly seeking his tongue. His breath hitched slightly at the cold feeling of the lube, as Zerrif's hands began to work over his erection, all the way down to his knot. Eyeing the bottle of lube discarded on the bed, Zulf grabbed it and squeezed out a small amount, and pushed Zerrif back with his dry hand.

He smirked at the sight; the ferret splayed back on the bed, his chest lustily heaving breaths. His tail was stretched out between his legs, and he used that as a sort of guide to his destination. He slid his dry hand up Zerrif's legs, his other hand following his tail to his tailhole. Zerrif shivered just at the touch, his hole puckering and reacting at the very touch.

He began to press a slickened finger against it, feeling the slight bit of resistance before the ferret calmed down, and began to relax. Slowly, his finger began to slide in, and he took great caution in making sure he used said finger to explore Zerrif's insides; soon enough, he found what he was looking for.

Zerrif let out a sort of mix between a cry and a moan as Zulf began to massage that sweet spot, inserting another finger within the pleasure. He scissored his fingers, ensuring one finger kept constant friction against the ferret's pleasure point. He watched hungrily as Zerrif's back arced, and fell, and as he squirmed and writhed at the touches, letting small, stifled moans escape his lips.

The wolf leaned down, ensnaring Zerrif in another kiss, as he withdrew his fingers, but kept them at the hole as a sort of guide. He felt Zerrif writhe again, and hushed silently into an ear, before he nibbled on it. At the very moment that the ferret moaned at the new feeling, he began to slide in.

"A-aah!" Zerrif cried out, his arms linking behind Zulf's neck. The wolf reached down with his dry hand, and lifted one of Zerrif's legs up, before attempting to slide more. He felt Zerrif's ring of muscle provide resistance, but the lusty look in the ferret's eyes urged him to push more. He used his other hand, still slick with extra lube, to lightly begin to stroke Zerrif's previously untended erection. Zerrif cried out again, pleasure mixing with his pain, and his grip on Zulf's neck tightened slightly. "J-just... g-go..." He muttered.

Zulf placed Zerrif's raised leg over his shoulder, and nodded, driving into the hilt. Past his head, he slid in with remarkable ease, until he was hilted; knot and all. "G-ggh..." Zulf groaned. It didn't matter how easily Zerrif had accepted him; he was undeniably tight even with all his past treatment in mind. He looked down, his breaths heavy and almost coarse, and smiled when Zerrif's breaths began to match his.

He pulled out to his very tip, then angled slightly to aim at the point he'd found previously, before he hilted himself again. Zerrif groaned into the kiss loudly, his hands falling limply from the wolf's neck, before the lay beside him and gripped the sheets. Zulf took that moment to begin a stable movement, slowly drawing himself out before quickly hilting himself. With each thrust, the ferret cried out, and with each outcry came a new thrust. All the while, Zulf's hand began to quicken its pace on Zerrif's member, and the moans got louder.

"Z-Zulf..." Zerrif moaned, and the wolf nodded. After Zerrif's previous ministrations, it took mounds of concentration to not lose control at that point. "H-Harder... P-please..." The ferret moaned. He was silenced again by another kiss, as Zulf's hips began to increase in tempo, no longer drawing out the passion, but instead heading towards a more mutual goal.

The groans that escaped both their lips mixed in with the creaking of the bed, the slapping of the bodies, and the heavy breaths both took. Eventually, Zulf's forehead rested right beside Zerrif's head; both breathing heavily as the pace had reached an almost jack-hammer speed. The wolf's paw nearly glided across the ferret's cock, in a steady counter-rhythm to his hips.

"Z-Zulf... g-gon--A-ahh!" Zerrif said, whining out a final, louder moan as he began to shoot the result of his ecstasy all over himself, and into Zulf's hand. The wolf let out a sort of howl, echoing through the room as he thrust himself fully to the hilt, releasing himself inside the ferret. They kept that position for a few seconds, their cries dying out to heavier, tired breaths, before Zulf raised his paw and stared at it hungrily.

He didn't expect Zerrif to grab it, and bring it to his own mouth and begin to lick it clean. He felt cheated, almost, but smirked when the ferret looked up so innocently, and he noticed that Zerrif had shot just under his chin. He leaned down, licking the ferret's front clean, letting him have his fill of his paw.

"Y-your kn-knot..." Zerrif muttered, once he was finished with Zulf's paw. Zulf looked down, and smirked. The final hilting had sort of wedged himself inside the ferret; though he was soon becoming flaccid and would be able to pull out easily after. He just smirked, and used his free hand to guide Zerrif's leg off his shoulder, and he lay sort of atop, and sort of to the ferret's side, grinning foolishly and happily tracing a single finger over Zerrif's chest.

"S'okay." Zulf muttered, before he pulled out, and assumed a more comfortable position beside the ferret. He then pulled Zerrif close, who sighed, and moved further into the fur. "Love ya." He muttered, before kissing Zerrif's forehead.

"Love you too." Zerrif thought, but he didn't have the energy to say it. He just let out a sort of "Mmm..." Into the wolf's chest, and snuggled closer. He looked up after a few seconds, noticing that Zulf had fallen asleep.

Yeah. This, he could get used to. This, was something he had been looking for.

Right here.

Within these arms.