Kitsune Days - Chapter One

Story by lupolc on SoFurry

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#1 of Kitsune Days

A story about a Kitsune/Red Fox hybrid who tries to find love in a world attuned to ridicule for those of his orientation and mannerisms.

_Kitsune Days is a romance novel focused primarily on the lives of two high school seniors, Leigh and Nathan. For future story reference, in the story, Kitsune are defined as a rare multi tailed fox of pale golden fur color modeled after the zenko kitsune fox spirit of Japanese lore. These foxes are rare and may possess three tails if they are "pure blood" and only get three tails as the rest were lost when the first kitsune spirit became a mortal in 1055 B.C.E according to folk lore. Scientifically speaking how these tails are formed is still a mystery as no mutated genes have been found. _

This is my first story so please be patient as my writing develops and my editing may be lacking. Comments and criticisms are welcome in the comment section and hopefully my editing comes out right. The character notations before sections dictate who the point of view or "camera" if you prefer, will be following. Although unnecessary I am including them just to be sure everything is as clear as possible. Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy. The story will hopefully be updated twice a week, although it may only be once per week.

Edit: As per the suggestion of Jayce Whitefang, I have converted quite a bit of the abbreviated dialogue into actual conversations. Not as much as I would like, but I am working on the next chapter so I will make more improvements in the first drafts as we go along. Thanks for all the kind words so far, and I hope you enjoy reading.

Edit 2: I finished fleshing out the dialogue and stuff as per suggestions, next chapter will not face this issue and hopefully won't require too much crazy editing.

Chapter One: A New Year


The loud droning of his alarm clock ringing startled Leigh awake far earlier than he wanted to get up after months of sleeping in late through the summer. As he lazily reached for the snooze button he heard his mom call out from the hallway, her warm morning voice saying "Don't try to ignore that alarm you have your first day of school today."

He groaned and rolled out of bed and began his morning stretches to force himself awake. After ten minutes of stretching he quietly plodded off to the shower with a towel in tow and turned on the water as hot as he could get it. He let out a soft sigh as he climbed into the shower and let the hot water melt away his stress as he reached for the shampoo to wash himself. The smell of bacon began wafting up the stairs caught his nose and caused him to begin salivating as he finished washing the shampoo out of his fur and turned off the water. After toweling himself off he wrapped his towel around his waist letting it hang loosely on his well defined hips. He looked at himself in the mirror, gazing across his rounded ears and his curved body. He smiled at his pale golden fur as he brushed it down in long strokes trying to pull the knots out. The Kitsune wandered over to his room and began searching his closet for something to wear.

Ten minutes passed and his mom called out for him to hurry up and finish getting ready.

"On my way." Leigh replied as he bounded down the stairs and gave his mom a peck on the cheek as he snatched a plate up off the counter and fixed some of the breakfast his mother had cooked. He set his plate on the table and poured himself a cup of coffee, refilling his fathers cup in the process.

"Thanks son." The large red fox said as he looked over his paper smiling at his son.

Leigh had found himself a pair of tight jeans he thought made his ass look good and matched it up with a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He smiled back at his father and sat down quickly finishing the eggs and bacon knowing he was going to be late picking up Lilly from her house. After washing down his food with a glass of milk and washing his plate off he said goodbye to his parents and took off down the street to meet Lilly who was already outside growing impatient at his tardiness.

"You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago." She sounded terribly unhappy with him as he felt his tail and ears start drooping.

"We still have plenty of time though so there isn't anything to worry about, right?" He looked off nervously knowing that wasn't going to be a good excuse.

She continued to complain at him all the way to the high school and by the time they got there he was glad it was time to go straight to class so he could get away from her harsh criticisms. Things had been going downhill between them for a while now as her attitude seemed to be getting worse. He wasn't sure if that was really the problem or if the growing turmoil going on in his head was making it hard to tolerate how confrontational she was. He sighed as he shuffled off to calculus and found a seat in the back corner away from the door and laid his head down on his books trying to figure out what was going on in his body. He had been questioning his sexuality ever since he hit puberty, but wondering how his parents and friends would react had led him to push the thoughts away and he began a relationship with Lilly. It was genuine at first but over the summer the urges started to come back and he felt himself growing further away from the little fox. The desire to be with the firmness of another male and the desire for someone else to be the one to do the fucking, he began once again questioning if he could stay with Lilly or if he should just come clean. Leigh did love the girl, though lately it was nothing sexual or compassionate, more of just the love one would have for a sister. He had to take care of it sooner rather than later so less damage would be done to their friendship, his thoughts were interrupted when the final bell rang and the teacher stepped up to introduce himself.

After class he walked down the hall lost in his thoughts as he searched for his new locker. There was a loud thud and the next thing he knew he was down on the floor, he glanced up seeing a bulky wolf who he had just ran into towering over him.

"Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to...uh...sorry." Leigh stammered as he reached to pick up his books ready to be gone from the gaze of the intimidating wolf.

"No problem mate, I was a little distracted myself." The wolf smiled down and offered Leigh a hand to help him up, "The name is Nathan."

Leigh nervously took the strong hand and said, "I'm Leigh, nice to meet you and sorry about the...uh...running into you." He nervously scratched his head.

Nathan looked the small Kitsune over and said "We better find our lockers before class starts."

The gray wolf stopped at a locker and Leigh found his a couple of rows down and begin loading his books inside. When the bell rang, he walked off to his history class and found a seat in the back of the class like he always did and spent the entire class thinking about the handsome gray wolf he had met. He melted in his desk resting his head on his paws hoping that just maybe something would go his way and Nathan was interested in guys too.

He smiled lost in thought when something hit him in the head and someone in the class said "Answer the teacher femboy."

Startled out of his dream world Leigh growled in the direction of the voice and let his ears droop turning to the teacher to read what was on the board.

"Mr. Kavorsky! I'll see you after class for that remark, and Mr. Kaliah I will need to speak to you too." Leigh laid his head down on his paws nodding and let his ears and tail droop as low as they would go.

He spent the rest of the class in a funk as the comment and reprimand from his teacher had ruined his mood. He had been through this entire life, people mocking him because of his appearance and his feminine habits. He couldn't help that his mother was a kitsune and he was happy for his uniqueness but it caused him so much pain through his life. He pushed these thoughts aside as the bell rang and he slowly walked up to the front of the class as the room emptied out, ready to get an earful.

Mr Harper, the lanky brown otter looked up from his desk with a concerned look on his face. "Leigh, are you alright?" Mr. Harper asked.

Leigh nodded weakly before whispering, "Yeah, it happens a lot. It isn't that big of a deal."

The otter looked up at him and said, "Well in case you ever need someone to talk to, I am the counsellor at the school and you can feel free to come to my office at any time."

Leigh smiled a little offering a thank you and left the room hearing Mr. Harper begin giving the German Shepard in the room behind him an earful. Back at his locker Leigh was still bummed out as he got out his English text books and heard a familiar voice approaching him.

"Hey there mate." He heard Nathan say as he turned around and gave the big wolf a sheepish grin before catching himself and the embarrassment plus the downed mood he already had made him look a little sad.

"How was class?" Leigh looked down about to turn back to his locker.

Nathan gave Leigh a concerned look and quietly said, "Maybe it is me who should be asking that question, is everything okay?"

Leigh looked down with a soft sigh and said, "No, but I am not really comfortable talking about it with so many people around.

Nathan reached into his locker and pulled out a piece of paper scribbling down his phone number, handing the strip of paper to Leigh. "Call me sometime after school and maybe we can talk about it somewhere without all these prying ears."

Leigh took the paper, grinning far more than he should before noticing and getting his composure back under control. Nathan gave him a grin as the bell rang and they walked toward the English class that they both had this period. Once they arrived, Leigh went and found his usual place in the back and Nathan sat next to him.

"Mind if I sit here?" Nathan questioned the young fox.

"No...uh...not at all." Leigh blushed ashamed that he couldn't even answer the handsome wolf without stuttering.

Leigh shook his head with a smile and laid his books on the desk as the teacher stood up to give the usual first day introductions. He spent most of the class idly fidgeting with the phone number in his pocket as his mind ran rampant. With thoughts going this way and that it seemed like no time at all till the bell rang and it was time for the day to progress once again.

Nathan turned to Leigh as he stood up with a grin on his face. "What are you doing for lunch today?"

"I have the second lunch with the other furs who are on sports teams and the band since I am on the track team." Leigh grinned at the surprised look on the wolf's face upon hearing he was an athlete and blushed at the attention he was getting. "The only thing I can do is run, it's not like I'm some big shot football player or anything. No one really cares about the track team." He looked a little disheartened as he finished his last sentence.

Nathan tried to comfort the little fox saying, "I care. I mean running is a tough sport and it is how our ancestors survived in the feral days."

Leigh nodded as they walked toward their locker thinking back on the things he had learned in science class and how furs used to walk on four legs and have less intelligence like the domestic animals that were used as food today, such as cows and pigs.

After a short walk to their lockers they bid farewell and Leigh ran into Lilly on the way to the fields.

"How is your day going?" She said with a slight grumble. Obviously still upset about this morning.

Leigh felt his ears sink as he replied, "It has been pretty good. I made a new friend today." He perked up upon mentioning Nathan.

Lilly grabbed her chest pretending to have a heart attack as she happily asked, "Who could be so interesting as to cause you to make a friend on the first day of school mister 'I'm too shy to speak to people?'"

Leigh said a little less enthusiastically, "Well...I may have accidentally attempted to run over someone while thinking, but since he was bigger than me I ended up busting my ass."

"Good job you klutzy kits." Lilly teased stifling a giggle as she turned to the cafeteria. "I'll see you after school."

"Bye Lilly." Leigh replied as he turned to head off to the practice fields.


He gave Leigh a warm smile as they said farewell and the golden fox wandered off toward the tracks, he watched him walk away for a moment admiring the subtle sway in his hips as he walked away. He smiled lustfully as he walked off toward the cafeteria to get his lunch. 'Man, I'm famished.' He thought to himself as he worked his way through the crowd and picked up a tray with his meal on it. It looked like beef stew with carrots and potatoes, a meal he would usually appreciate but school food generally didn't sit well in his stomach. He sat down at a table with a few of his friends, giving greetings to each one respectively.

He didn't eat much as the food didn't taste very good and excused himself from the table heading outside for some fresh air. He was feeling a bit queasy as he stepped outside and took in a long draw of the warm outside air. Nathan wandered around for a bit eventually finding himself at the track so he went and sat in the bleachers to watch them practice. As he looked around, he noticed a few other people watching as the team lined up preparing for starting drills and he smiled as they leaned down and he got a good view of Leigh's ass up in the air. He heard someone watching jeer out something just as the coach yelled, that caused Leigh to falter his start and nearly trip on his own legs. He glanced over and saw a large bear and slightly smaller tiger cackling at the slip up so he moved close enough to hear them.

"Man, did you see him almost bust his ass?" The tiger looked at the bear with a grin.

"Yeah, would have served the queer right too." The bear replied to his friend.

Nathan growled as he stood up walking over to them, it was people like this that pissed him off more than anything. Too absorbed in their own self righteousness to care about the feelings of others.

When they saw him approaching with a snarl on his face, one of them jeered, "Uh oh, looks like we hit someone's nerves." They both laughed and stood up turning to face him.

"You two better fuck off before trouble starts." He snarled as he stopped within arms reach of the two furs he noticed now to be football players.

They both laughed at him as the bear teased, "Awww, did the big bad wolf come to defend the poor little femboy?"

Nathan grinned a toothy, almost scary grin as he spoke. "As a matter of fact I did. So if you two jack asses don't move along, I'll have to make you.

The track team was now watching the altercation and Leigh yelled out for him to not worry about it and risk getting hurt. This only encouraged the two football players as the tiger laughed and went to shove Nathan. Before he could react the wolf had grabbed his arm and flung him over the bleacher and he landed with a loud thwack two rows down.

"Why you!" The bear cried out as he threw a hard right hook at the wolf who just launched his friend.

Nathan ducked under the punch and brought a hard uppercut into the bears diaphragm knocking the wind out of him as the coach and Leigh came running with the coach yelling for them to quit fighting this instant. The coach went to help the tiger up off the concrete as Leigh ran over to Nathan thankful for what he did but worried that he would get in trouble. Nathan looked down at him and told the fox that people like them were the reason that so many people are afraid to be who they are and he would risk getting in trouble to stop that mentality.

Leigh nodded knowing he couldn't argue that point. "I tried to fight once, but it only ended in a visit to the ER and making problems worse for me." He looked down as he noted the sad expression on Nathan's face.

The coach told the two football players to leave or he would turn them in to the office, the badger giving them warnings about a two game suspension and removal from the team if this kept up. Leigh grinned as they walked off and the coach dismissed practice early so everyone could relax a bit and get ready for lunch.

Nathan turned to Leigh and warned "You better watch out for lunch today, that crap food nearly made me sick."

Leigh laughed and thanked the wolf for the advice mentioning that he always brought lunch from home. They sat on the bleachers and chatted for a bit till Leigh needed to go change as the bell rang and Nathan got up heading off to the lockers.


As he watched the larger wolf walking off toward the school building, one of his team mates, Turk, a raccoon, nudged him with a smile on his face, "Looks like you gained a guardian from those bullies who are always haunting you."

Leigh nodded knowing Turk was right but unsure if he felt comfortable knowing that Nathan would put himself in harms way for him. He stepped into the locker rooms and grabbed a towel heading for the shower room to clean up. He pulled the curtain and stripped his clothes off admiring his own toned physique in the shower mirror. He grinned as he ran his hands down his sides feeling the lean hard muscle beneath the skin that he worked so hard to maintain. Reaching over and turning on the water he let his worries fade and he started thinking about the strong handsome wolf he had met that day. Realizing his erection was starting to grow out of his sheath he blushed even though no one could see and quickly focused on cleaning himself allowing it to subside. He finished showering and slipped out of the steaming room over into the locker room where he changed back into his clothes and walked toward his locker to fetch his lunch, his gold fur gleaned in the sun as the dampness made it look much more vibrant than its usual pale shade. He walked across the track dreading eating lunch by himself, especially with how quickly the events that just happened would circulate around the school. He grabbed his lunch out of his locker and headed for the cafeteria finding a secluded table to sit at and attempt to eat his lunch in peace.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" A gruff voice inquired, it belonged to a large Saint Bernard who didn't look angry or intimidating so Leigh nodded and waved for him to sit across the table. "I'm Francis, a friend of Nathan's" The dog said looking Leigh over, "I don't have lunch with Nathan and my friends and he mentioned you being a nice guy so I figured I would seek your company."

Leigh smiled when he mentioned Nathan and relaxed a little, asking the dog, "How did you know I was the Leigh he mentioned though." Subtly probing to see how Nathan described him.

"Well there aren't too many Kitsune in the world much less at this school." the dog stated, "Plus, you are the only person around here that could catch Nathan's eye that quickly."

Leigh blushed heavily, his ears turning a little pink behind his yellow fur. "He...he said that about" He stammered trying to get his sentence out as embarrassment and happiness flooded his veins.

The large dog nodded taking a bite of food and began to make idle chit chat for the rest of lunch. The bell rang and Leigh bid Francis farewell as they headed off to their respective classes.

The rest of the day ended with little more interesting happening and after walking a now calmed down Lilly home, Leigh walked home ready to tell his parents about his day for once, a task he usually despised. Upon his arrival, he could hear his parents talking about something a bit loudly and it sounded like a topic of great concern so Leigh decided to listen in for a bit before interrupting.

"Dear do we really need more money? I mean we live comfortably enough as it is and would it be worth uprooting Leigh from the few friends that he does have? You know how hard it is for him to make friends." his mother sounded concerned.

"It is the only way for me to advance in the company though if I want to run it some day I can't pass up an opportunity like this." His father replied with the growing sound of agitation in his voice.

Leigh frowned dreading the conversations that the future now held as he stepped into the house announcing that he was home, he heard his father whispering to his mother as he entered the doorway. "We will talk more later then find out what Leigh thinks."

He walked into the kitchen to see his parents who inquired about his day. After a brief recap leaving out the teasing and the fight that happened, his mother ecstatically asked about the two friends her pup had made that day. Leigh blushed at being called a pup and told them more details and his plans to hang out with Nathan later.

"Will that be okay?" He nervously asked, dreading that they might say they wanted to talk about dad's job offer.

"I think it is a great idea." His mother beamed turning to his dad. "I think it is great Leigh is already making friends."

"Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with him going. Who knows, maybe it will loosen him up a bit." His dad replied gruffly.

"I'm right here you know." Leigh grumbled. He hated when his parents talked like he wasn't in the room. It always made him feel unimportant. "But I am glad you guys will let me go." He quickly said, not wanting to get them angry since they agreed to let him go out on a school night.

Leigh practically skipped up the stairs to do his homework after sending Nathan a text so the wolf could have his phone number too. After finishing his homework he gave Nathan a call too see if he wanted to hang out tonight or wait another day, the wolf said he was sick but if he didn't care that Leigh could still come over. He agreed and got his address and directions with a grin before changing clothes and getting ready to head out.

It took Leigh twenty minutes to jog to Nathans house and he found himself in the middle of the rich district of town. He had to practically hold his mouth shut as looked at the houses around him, so large and beautiful, before finally finding the right one. He walked up the curved driveway panting slightly and knocked on the large cherry wood door that led into the mansion. A tall thin bobcat in a suit answered the door with a formal hello and asked if he was Leigh. He nodded and was escorted through a large front foyer past a luxurious kitchen and a beautifully decorated living room to a set of tall wooden stairs.

"You will find Master Nathan's room in the third door on the right." The butler said as he extended a frail looking arm up the stairs.

"Thank you." Leigh replied warmly before proceeding to the aforementioned door.

He knocked softly on the door as a sleepy sounding Nathan told him to come in. He walked in with a concerned expression growing across his face at the sight of Nathan who had just woken up from a nap and still looked pretty sick.

"Hey Nathan, are you feeling any better?" Leigh asked, walking closer to sit on the edge of the bed.

The wolf smiled up at him, "Not really, but it is just a little stomach bug. I'll be fine after I get a good nights sleep."

Leigh grinned and asked, "Do you need me to get you anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine. Geoffry has taken care of me quite well for the past couple of hours." Nathan replied, refferring to the butler.

Leigh smiled and settled down as they began making a bit of chit chat about each other's family and friends, and Nathan's father who was the owner of a fortune 500 company which explained the wealth until Nathan asked him if he was always treated the way he was earlier today.

Leigh nodded trying not to break down, "It has pretty much been this way since puberty. When boys became boys, and girls became girls. There I was, stuck somewhere in limbo."

Nathan looked up at Leigh carefully studying the pain in his eyes. "I won't even lie and say I know how it feels. That must have been terrible."

Leigh looked back down at him, "It really was. My parents being religious never helped along the journey either." He let out a pained chuckle. "You should have been there the first time I accidentally let it slip that I thought I might like a guy."

"What happened?" Nathan asked, recalling the first time his parents caught him with one.

"While my parents aren't the most religious people, there are a couple of things they wig out about, my father especially. They dragged me halfway to the church before I could finish his name and spent two hours trying to rebuke a demon out of me or something like that. They had a priest, candles, the whole nine yards really. That's why I pushed it away for so long."

"And now it's come back?" Nathan sat up, wanting to sit closer to the fox breaking down in front of him. "I know how that one feels, after I told my dad he sent me off to a boarding school for a semester. Lot of good that did me, sending me to an all boys school." He grinned trying to cheer Leigh up a bit.

The fox laughed a little, "My parents first reaction plus the teasing I already got at school drove me as deep into the closet as they get. I thought maybe if I just ignored it I could force myself to be straight. Obviously that doesn't work, but naivety got the best of me and that is how I am in the situation I am in now."

Leigh barely contained his tears as he recalled up past memories he had pushed aside with those feelings he bottled up years ago. Nathan slid closer to him and took the shaking fox into his arms and let him cry out all those tears he had pent up for the first time in as many years as he could remember.

After a few minutes of being held, Leigh calmed down and returned the wolfs warm embrace letting himself be at ease for the first time in years.

"Thank you." Leigh whimpered as he clung gently to Nathan's rugged mid-section.

"I'm always here for you Leigh, no matter what you need." The wolf replied feeling him relax and continued to hold onto the fox for a few more minutes.

They were now relaxed on the bed as they continued talking for a while as Nathan tried to stay relaxed to ease his cold and Leigh lay across the bed with his head resting on the soft white fur of the wolf he spilled his life too. After another hour of thinking and talking they both fell asleep without realizing it until a crack of thunder in the middle of the night startled Leigh awake. He looked around unsure of where he was and the thunder roaring outside made him whimper, he felt Nathan stir and remembered where he was as the wolf sat up asking what was wrong.

"I'm...uh...I might be scared of thunder." Leigh dropped his ears turning red with embarrassment. "When I was younger I used to love to play in the rain until one day a lightning strike nearly toppled a tree onto me. I still have a singed spot on my fur." Leigh looked over at Nathan expecting ridicule despite knowing the wolf wouldn't do that.

"Come curl up here with me then, I'll make sure you are safe." Nathan smiled and watched Leigh crawl up next to him after sending his mom a text letting him know she was okay.

Leigh spent the next two hours huddled up in Nathan's chest before finally drifting off to sleep after the thunder subsided. Nathan looked down warmly at the vulnerable little fox he held and couldn't help but let his emotions float around in his head. He smiled as he drifted off to sleep now that the shaking Leigh was comfortably asleep himself.

"Sleep tight kits." He whispered slowly closing his eyes letting his thoughts fade away to sleep.

Kitsune Days - Chapter Two

_Kitsune Days is a romance novel focused primarily on the lives of two high school seniors, Leigh and Nathan. For future story reference, in the story, Kitsune are defined as a rare multi tailed fox of pale golden fur color modeled after the zenko...

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