Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 11

Story by AngewomonsLover on SoFurry

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Do I even have to say it?

Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 11

Avalyn growled, her leg still bleeding a little bit as she reached Balgaar's base. She flew in through the opening in the roof, coming down and landing in the middle of Balgaar's throne room.

"Well, Avalyn? Where is the whelp?" the large dragon asked, looking down at the white-scaled dragoness.

"I..." she started, looking up at Balgaar for a second. "I couldn't capture him..."

"You... YOU WHAT?!" The dragon roared, his voice practically shaking the whole castle. "How could you not capture such a small dragon? Is it really that hard?!"

"He seemed to be resilient to my mind control... his will is... too strong..." she answered, cringing in fear.

"Silence! That is three failures, now, from three dragons..." he growled, remembering that Blue and Red were both out. "You know the punishment for failure, Avalyn."

"What?! Punishment?" Avalyn blinked, looking up at Balgaar. "You didn't say- Ggaaack!!"

"Do not question me." He growled, holding his claw out, using telekinesis to hold Avalyn by her neck. "I do as I damn please, so if I want you to be punished, then you shall be punished!" He added, bringing her over, and dropping her down in front of his throne, feeling his pouch stir slightly. "Ggghh... Balgaar... How can you do this to me? I've been loyal to you all along, and you just blame all the failures on me?" Avalyn shot back, rubbing her neck.

"Like I said before, Avalyn, I do as I damn please. You failed to complete a simple mission, and now you have to pay the price. Now get up and suck me, bitch." he commanded, his large dragonhood starting to erect out of his pouch.

Not wanting to get grabbed by the neck again, the dragoness complied, standing up on her hind legs, her front legs on Balgaar's knees, and started to lap at his growing shaft, causing the dragon to let out a soft murr.

"That's it....mmrrr..." The large dragon murred happily, his shaft soon hitting it's huge full length of just over four feet long, eight inches thick. "Now bend over, Avalyn...show me that ass of yours."

Avalyn growled, but complied with him, turning around and getting on all fours again, reluctantly lifting her tail up, and showing him her naughty bits, which had become visible with her slight arousal.

"That's a good girl..." Balgaar grinned wide, standing up from his throne, and placing his two huge claws on Avalyn's waist, his member positioned at her ass. "Please... don't..." She begged, looking back at him, a sad look on her face.

"Begging and sad faces isn't going to make me stop." The dragon growled, pushing the large head of his shaft against the dragoness' ass, forcing it inside with some resistance. "Oooh damn! You've got one tight ass, Avalyn!" he grinned, starting to feed his cock into her ass.

"A-AAHHHH!!!!" she screamed out in pain as her tailhole was penetrated, having never had anything in there before, and now having a huge-cocked dragon as her first. "TAKE IT OUT!!! PLEASE BALGAAR!"

"Ggrr! Your pleas only turn me on even more!" Balgaar retorted, forcing more of his length inside, at least 3/4 of it inside, before pulling out, and ramming back inside again, another scream coming from the dragoness, her tailhole bleeding from being taken so hard.

In the prison, Ember was shaking violently in fear, hearing the painful screams coming from the main throne room. "Spyro...where are you..." she whispered to herself, closing her eyes, trying to imagine that this wasn't happening. "Hey, babe. Don't be scared." The same teenage voice from before said softly, turning out to be the young dragon that had "visited" Ember a lot. "I'll give you something so you can get distracted..."

"NO! You get away from me!!" Ember tried to back up, forgetting she was chained to the floor.

"Come on, sexy. I'm sure you could use a nice fucking to relieve all that tension you have built up." He teased, walking into her cell, gently stroking her back with his claw.

"No! Get the hell away from me..." Ember growled, glaring up at the shadow.

"C'mon...you can just stop with that, already. You know that no matter what you say, I can still do whatever I want with you." He replied, getting behind her, and lifting her waist up. "Or to you..."

"I said...get the fuck away from me!!" Ember growled, but let out a gasp as she suddenly felt a tongue along her outer pussy lips, licking up and down, and over her love nub. "A-aahh... stop it..."

"Mmmm... that a girl... see? A little bit of fun, and you're niiiice and relaxed..." He grinned, continuing to lick over her pussy lips, flicking his tongue on her clit each time, his large boner pulsating below his waist. "Ooohh..." Ember couldn't help but moan, her paws scratching at the floor as she tried to get away, but couldn't.

"And guess what, my little fuck toy... I've got a surprise for you." He smirked, pulling out a small pill, and popping it into his maw. No sooner than he had swallowed it, his balls started to increase in size, and quickly produce seed, filling up his two growing testicles as he pressed them against Ember's backside. "Feel that? They're getting bigger..."

The dragoness gasped, feeling the now softball-sized balls against her ass, her eyes widening in fear. "N-no...don't!"

"Mmmrr... Now to take that tight pussy of yours!" The dragon grinned, standing up on his hind legs, his front legs grasping Ember's ass, moving his hips forward, and sliding his shaft into the dragoness' sex, causing her to moan even louder.

"Oooohhh!!! S-stop!! Please!" she pleaded, leaning on the ground, but her body said otherwise, her warm, damp walls clenching around the dragon's shaft.

"I don't think you want me to...I can feel you getting tighter around me." He grinned, easily sliding in all of his shaft, leaning over Ember, and licking at her neck. "Just admit it...you want me...you love it when I fuck you hard." he whispered into her ear, giving a hard thrust into her. "N-Nnoooo! I don't like it at all!" She answered, her body still saying the opposite, her puss getting wetter from the thrust, her arousal and lust growing.

"Hrr... If you say so, babe." He chuckled, standing back up again, and starting to thrust in and out of her, softly growling and murring in pleasure. "Your puss is so damn tight... mmmrr..."

"Ooohh... sssttopp..." The dragoness moaned, closing her eyes, trying her best to not enjoy it, but it was hard not to, as the young dragon was so big and it now pleased her to no end.

He continued to fuck her, gradually increasing the speed and power of his thrusts, feeling his orgasm creeping up quickly. "Mmmmrr! Oh yeah...you're the best dragoness I've ever fucked!" he grinned, giving a soft chuckle. "Even if you are the only dragoness I've ever fucked!"

Ember continued to moan in bliss, her puss clenched tightly around the dragon's cock as her orgasm crept up on her as well. "Aaahh....m-more...W-wait! No! Pull it out!!" She gasped, hardly believing she had just said that. The dragon smirked, knowing he was right about her. "Hrrr... So you DO like being screwed!" He teased, starting to thrust faster into her, his big shaft pounding deep into the dragoness' sex. "Ooohhh fuck yess!" he growled, pulling out of her just as he came, one of his claws grabbing his cock and starting to jerk it madly as he spurted his load all over Ember's body, grunting and groaning in pleasure.

The dragoness panted as she felt the large globs of seed splatter all over her body for over half a minute, leaving her almost completely covered in the dragon's warm seed. "Aaahh... p-please... let me cum, at least..."

"Since you were...a good girl...and you admitted that...you love being fucked..." The dragon panted heavily as he lowered down to Ember's puss, starting to lick over it again, teasing her clit with one finger. His balls had returned back to normal size now, as the pill only lasted for one orgasm.

"Aahh...ahhnn...OOH YESS!!!" She let out a blissful moan, climaxing over the dragon's snout, her juices practically exploding out all over his face, and into his mouth. "Good girl..." He licked around his mouth, then wiped his face of the splotches of female juices, licking his paw off. "I'll be back later, my little fuck toy. Be good until then, okay?" He gave her ass a smack, making her jump a little, before leaving the cell, and the prison area.

As he left, Balgaar was finishing up with Avalyn, growling loudly as he came into her ass for the second time, over-filling her with his dragon seed. "Maybe this will teach you a lesson, Avalyn." he growled, grasping her neck with his own claw as he pulled out, then threw her across the room.

"Gghhrr..." she had hit the floor hard, and was covered in cuts and scratches from Balgaar's claws, as she had tried to get away from him many times. "Yes... my lord..." she reluctantly said, barely holding herself up with her front legs, feeling a lot of extra weight on her from Balgaar's seed, so much of the thick liquid that her belly was swollen out greatly.

"H-Holy shit..." the young dragon gasped quietly, seeing Avalyn just as she got thrown. He was right behind the door to Balgaar's throne room, peeking in with the door cracked open. "Is that... going to happen to me?" He cringed at the thought, taking a step back. "Now, Remove yourself from my sight" the dragon growled, sitting back down on his throne, resting his arms on the armrests. "Unless you want to feel what pain REALLY is."

Avalyn growled in discomfort again, but spread her wings, beating them hard, having to work harder to lift herself off the ground, but eventually began to fly, exiting through the ceiling door again, and flying off towards the mountains.

At the Professor's Volcano Lab...

"I'm glad you showed up here, Spyro. I've just invented something that will help with your transformation, which I have denominated as Beast Mode." The professor explained, standing behind a small stool with a white curtain over it.

"My transformation? I see... Well, what is it, then?" Spyro asked curiously, sitting down with Sparx hovering overhead.

"Ta-dah!!" He stepped aside and pulled the curtain off, revealing a small bracelet, colored gold, with a red gem on the front.

"A bracelet? Well, I don't blame ya. At least you have a sense of style." Sparx observed, his hand on his chin. "How does it work?" Hunter asked, curious as to how a little bracelet was supposed to help Spyro's transformation.

Turning to Spyro, the mole started to explain: "This little bracelet will inject a concentrated dose of nanites that will stimulate your mutated cells; it will allow you to control your beastized form in case you need it. But it's still in its experimental stages! Don't abuse your new power, Spyro, or else who knows what might happen!"

"He got me at bracelet." Sparx scratched his head in confusion.

"Uhh, and how do I use it?" the dragon asked, also confused as to how he was supposed to work the gadget.

"The doses of the nanites are released by concentrating your will-power into the device, since it will be attached to your neck, it will be manipulating things from your spine, and in that way the connection to your primal brain center and your pituitary will be synchronized."

"Yeah, well, you know, that sounded grosser than it was supposed to. What's piratary? Is that even a word?" Sparx asked, looking around at everyone, wanting an answer. "Well, why don't you try it out now, Spyro?" The professor suggested, attaching the bracelet to Spyro's neck.

"If you say so." Spyro nodded before looking back up again. He focused his energy, his body glowing again as he began to transform into his Beast form, the bracelet growing bigger with his body as he did. Once he finished, he was full beast, but found that he still had control over his body. Sparx though, shrieked and hid behind Hunter's leg.

He tried to speak, but found that he couldn't, even if he moved his mouth. He could only grunt, or growl, or anything other sound he could make, but couldn't speak.

"Is he gone?" Sparx asked, cowering behind Hunter's foot, covering his eyes and shaking like a leaf.

"Not gone, but at least he's not going nuts." the cheetah replied, looking up at the large dragon.

"Well, I see it's successful. Very good, very good..." The professor hopped onto his computer chair, typing away at the keyboard, the gem on Spyro's bracelet glowing softly as the mole worked. "I've also put in there a wireless tracer so I can receive data about your body's adrenaline levels, along with nanite levels." Spyro nodded, having a seat, looking over his huge, strong body, amazed at the power of the orb he had swallowed just a few days ago.

"Well, that's good to hear." Sparx looked around Hunter's leg, and up at the transformed dragon, cringing a little bit. "He still scares me..."

"Yes, everything seems normal, according to my calculations. But I must warn you again, Spyro." The mole turned around in his chair, looking back up at Spyro. "Do not overuse the bracelet. It's still in its beta form, and could become unstable if too much energy is forced into it."

"Oh yeah, I got that the first time, old man. Can we just turn him back before anything bad happens?" Sparx asked, looking over at the professor.

"Oh! Yes, I forgot. To change back into your normal self, make sure you've drained all of your energy... then just relax, you will eventually exhaust the program and it will cancel the morphing."

Spyro nodded, closing his eyes. He thought about something relaxing as per request, and simply calmed down, trying to ignore the constant heat his body was producing along with the overwhelming power that surged and coursed through his veins. He was, in time, able to revert his form back to normal, and there he stood, shaking and coughing. "Uughh! That was weird... but thanks anyways, professor. Now I'll have an extra weapon to fight with, even if I can't make witty remarks while I'm fighting." "It certainly will give you advantages sometimes, but you still have to control your rage, because that will cause the bracelet to overflow with energy." The professor warned again, wagging his finger.

"I'm glad you would help me with this" the purple dragon smiled, his wings accommodating as he prepared to leave, "But honestly, I just... want to head home and rest..."

"Yeah, had a tough day with the trap thing and trying to save the world, I just want some healthy lunch with no ketchup, and my cozy bed!" Sparx exclaimed, Hunter shaking his head.

"I feel a bit bad about not being able to do a thing back there. Hope next time I'll be able to shoot an arrow or two" the feline added, rubbing his leg a bit, "Okay then. I'm off to rest, too. Spyro, what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"I don't know, I wish you guys could tell me."

"It is true, we got no leads as to where Ember is really held in" the Professor said. Spyro sighed and let his head hang in disappointment, his wings dropped too. Something alerted the whelpling though, as all of a sudden the biggest screen of the lab turned on and revealed a familiar face. "S.O.Z! MY DAY!" the creature in the screen said, "Geesh, does this thing even work?" the screen rattled as the figure hit the other side of the recorder. "Okay, there we are."

"Huh?" everybody turned to see the recording, blinking their eyes respectively and in confusion. There was one big sofa with a single-seat and what seemed to be Agent 9, wearing an old Judge's wig and some sort of old-fashioned green clothes, sitting on its cushion in a very dignified manner.

"Ah, am I glad my friends are able to receive my images, and of course I hope the best of digital sound!" the monkey said, laughing in a senior-esque way.

"Agent 9?" everybody said in unison, blinking at the same time as before. The monkey smirked and waved a hand, before getting knocked off by another figure, which stood at the sofa angrily. "Agent 9?!" everybody repeated.

"Two Agent 9s?" Hunter asked, scratching his head.

"Wow, doesn't that make it Agents 18 or something?" Sparx mentioned.

"You know," Spyro turned his head back, flat-staring Sparx, "You should work with those bad puns." Sparx shrugged, his arms in the open "Sorry, couldn't resist."

"Guys, problem" Agent 9 quickly started talking "This big, scary, old, mean, blue, ugly dragon came and like, tried to screw the whole lab upside down and really pissed me off, trying stealing my bananas and when I got really mad he ran away leaving me with forty, YES, FORTY live clones running around! Oh yeah, and he kinda stole something from the Prof's warehouse, thought you'd like to know!"

"Blue!" Spyro said loudly, standing up walking towards the screen, "You know where he went off to?!"

"Dunno buddy, but you know, he really wanted that thing, he coulda stolen the bananas but I'm glad he didn't. You know how much of a deal I got here with all the Rhynocs wanting them too? And even more now I got to deal with these crazy chimps, DON'T TOUCH THAT! UKI!" he shrieked and jumped away, knocking the camera off, showing him strangling another Agent 9 next to a big red button below an Emergency label. "YOU KNOW I'D REALLY APPRECIATE HELP HERE!" he said, trying to hold off all of the rampant clones. The video suddenly got cut. "Well talking about multiple personality issues."

"Sparx I think it's serious. Think of how bad it is to have one hyper, laser-shooting monkey, and having 40 more of him to deal with."

The insect sighed, lying on his back on the air "Well, Spyro, what should we do? I think the ape got some info we could use."

"No other choice" Spyro said, "We got to head to Forgotten Worlds, Midnight Mountain and to the Island Lab!" he turned to everyone, nodding confidently.

"Sounds like some tourist show, ever watched Discovery?" the insect joked.

"Hmm, my pupil seems to have gotten himself in quite a fix!" the mole added, but looked at Spyro, "Would you go and make sure he's alright? I think I can open a quick-link portal to Midnight Mountain from here. It will just take half hour..."

"Well, compared to three hours of walk to the burrows... I think we'll wait." Spyro said, nodding to the Professor, who didn't need to say anything else and went to work hastily.

Hunter turned to Spyro and waved, "I'll see you later then! Gonna go sharpen some more arrows to pass time." "Not coming with us?" Spyro asked.

Hunter hesitated, scratching his ear a bit "Yeah, well, don't like Islands a lot. Would love to go if it wasn't a water-filled place but... well, you know how it is!"

"Oh c'mon," Sparx teased, "Don't be a pu," he got his jaw slammed-shut by Spyro, who shook his head only.

"Don't worry pal, go rest. If something's up we'll call you!" the dragon said, nodding again as Hunter went. The dragon felt himself tired, but he would wait patiently, he didn't have any better leads than this one!

To be continued...