My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 9

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#9 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

And now the long anticipate Chapter 9 of "My Roommate's A Stripper?!" Sorry it took so long, what with taking a month off to attempt NaNo and wall, but hopefully this will be worth the wait.

How are things going between Aiden and Cheryl, and how is Jacob handling the news? And why oh why could Max's boss want to see her? Find out the answer to these questions and more... right now!

Edit: Alright, after fixing some formatting weirdness, I think we're good to go. Enjoy!

Chapter 9: "Room for Advancement"

"Another exciting day at work." Jacob sighed, leaning against the sales counter of Minerva's Muse, a small art supply store in the heart of downtown. It was the middle of a weekday, and things were slow as usual, with not a single customer in the store. Jacob was amazed the place was still open, but thankful since he had yet to find a steady job with his arts degree. And while the pay wasn't too bad, it was a rather boring gig most days.

Jacob sighed again as he sketched in his personal art book. It was a sketch of Aiden of course, but thinking about the fox was only aggravating him today. Just when he had finally built up the courage to try and ask Aiden out, that damn hermaphrodite had to swoop in and take up all his time and attention. Now Aiden's week off had come and gone and his summer job had begun, Jacob barely getting anytime to even talk to him as a friend.

Of course, there was one upside to the start of Aiden's summer job, especially when working at the shop.

Jacob couldn't help but smirk as a familiar truck pulled up in front of the store. He quickly closed his sketch book and grabbed a nearby magazine to pretend to read, watching in the periphery as Aiden hopped out of the truck, retrieved a few boxes, and entered the store. "Afternoon Jacob. I've got some packages for you here. Where do you want me to put them?"

_ 'I'll tell you exactly where you can stick your package.'_ Jacob thought lewdly but resisted the urge to say. Aiden was apparently oblivious to his own innuendo anyway. "Could you just put them down on the floor, over there?" He pointed to a spot against the wall, opposite the counter. "I'll unpack them later."

"Over here?" Aiden turned and bent over, trying to find an open place amongst the other items to put the boxes, and Jacob's eyes almost fell out of his head. Aiden's ass was high in the air now, perfectly framed in the tantalizingly short, brown shorts he was required to wear as part of his uniform. His tail was arched just out of the way, giving Jacob a full view of his tight rear. And if the raccoon used his imagination a bit, he could almost make out the outline of Aiden's balls, pressed tightly against the fabric. It was a perfect view, the was over as quickly as it appeared.

Aiden righted himself and approached the counter. "Alright, I just need the old John Hancock and we'll be set."

"Yeah, of course." Jacob tried to act casual as he signed the electric pad, pressing close to the counter to hide the bulge in his pants. "So, you free after work? I thought maybe we could chill or something."

"Sounds fun, but I've already got plans." Aiden responded as he filled out some info on the pad. "Maybe another time. Well, I gotta get going if I'm to stay on schedule. Talk to you later." And with that he was gone, back in the truck and down the road, leaving Jacob feeling rather defeated.

"So, have you hit that yet?" A voice from behind made Jacob jump nearly out of his fur.

"Alice, don't do that!" Jacob gasped. "You're too sneaky for your own good."

"It runs in the family." The bobcat smirked. "So, please tell me you've gotten some of that tail already."

"He's... just a friend." Jacob muttered, blushing, and clearly depressed by that fact. Normally he would faint ignorance on the subject, butAlicewas rather astute, and had figured out how he truly felt about Aiden some time ago. Plus she was his boss, so he couldn't lie to her or avoid her even if he wanted to.

"That's too bad." She leaned against the counter, staring off out the door and into the distance. "I tell you, I certainly wouldn't mind a slice of that beefcake, myself."

"Alice!" Jacob groaned, slapping a hand over his face. "Please don't talk about Aiden like that."

"Sorry hun, but the guy's a total hottie. You need to pounce on that and fast, before someone else does."

"Too late." He muttered, sitting in a stool with a defeated look. "He's started dating his roommate's friend before I got the chance. And I was really going to ask him out this time, too."

"I've heard that line before."

"No, I really was this time." Jacob stood back up, suddenly revitalized. "Aiden's been toying with the idea of being a bisexual lately, which finally gives me a possible opening. I've obviously got no shot of dating a straight guy, but if he's bi, he's open to the idea. My chances go up drastically."

"You're starting to sound a bit obsessed there, Jacob."Alicewarned, hopping up onto the counter. "You're not going all stalker on me, are you?"

"I'm not obsessed." Jacob tried to defend himself, blushing slightly. "I'm just determined, that's all." He sat back down, trying not to get over excited again. "I know I sometimes get a little intense about this, but I've had a crush on Aiden for years now. I never did anything about it before because I thought he was straight. Going after him would have gotten me nowhere. I tried to just wait it out, tried to ignore my own feeling until they passed, but they never did.

"And now, after all these years, I found out that he's experimenting, and may be a bisexual. It's the opening I've always wanted, but I still can't make a move because he's dating that hermaphrodite bitch." He took a deep breath, wanting to stay calm. "This is starting to get frustrating."

"Of course, if it wasn't for her, he'd still think he was straight, and you'd still be stuck in the friendzone."Alicechuckled with a shrug. "It's sad and ironic, really."

"I know, I know." Jacob sigh, getting up and pacing behind the counter. "What's worse is that she's actually kind of nice. But, she's still a rival. It may be rotten, dirty and underhanded, but I may have to try and steal Aiden away from her."

"Yep, that definitely sounds underhanded. Do you think you could live with yourself, though? Cheating isn't really your style, especially since you know how it feels to be cheated on."

"Yeah, I know, it sucks." Jacob sighed, rubbing his eyes. "This is really frustrating. I need to get some fresh air; clear my head for a bit."

"Don't make too big of a mess out there."Alicejoked, chuckling as Jacob flipped her off on his way towards the back door.

"I'm such a pathetic idiot." He muttered once alone in the back alley. "I should be happy that my friend has discovered something new about himself, and that he's finally moved on from that bitch ex of his. How can I think of stealing him away from someone that actually makes him happy?"

He glanced up at what little sky he could see between the buildings. "I'm a horrible friend." When he closed his eyes to clear his mind, all he could see was that perfect view of Aiden's ass in those tight shorts. While he enjoyed the image, it didn't make him feel any better. "I guess I can cheer him on from the sidelines for a bit longer." He resolved, not really happy with the idea.

"But, if she loses him, or does anything to hurt him or drive him way, I'll be there to pick up the pieces. I missed it once, but I'll never miss my chance again." He clenched his fist, shaking it at the sky. "You hear me Cheryl! You better treat him right, or I'll be right there to take him from you!"


"Achoo!" Cheryl sudden sneezed, interrupting an otherwise pleasant lunch. "Damn, that one came from out of nowhere."

"Someone must be talking about you." Max mused. "Hopefully they're saying something nice."

The ladies were enjoying a cup of coffee at an outdoor cafe in the city, taking advantage of the beautiful weather with some lunch together. "That's a nice thought. I bet it's not Aiden, though."

"How are things going between you two?" Max asked, giving her espresso a stir before taking a sip. "Are you guys officially going out, or have you just spent the last week screwing each other?"

"I have no idea." Cheryl sighed, idly staring into her cappuccino. "It kinda feels like we're dating, but..."

"But what?" Max chuckle. "You guys have only been going out for about a week. You can't have hit the doldrums already."

Cheryl shrugged. "Aiden's a great guy, really. And an unbelievable lover. But when we're just on a date, or doing something normal, he's just, well..." Cheryl hesitated, biting her lower lip. "Maxi, he's just so boring."

The skunk laughed in response, caught off guard by the unexpected complaint. "Well, he might not be a party animal, but Cheryl, he's a writer and a teacher. What did you expect?"

"I don't know." Cheryl admitted with a sigh. "It's just, he has this fire inside him that really shows if you get him talking about the right thing. But he almost never shows it. He's like a big, furry lump on the dance floor, even with my moves." She leaned back in her chair, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh, and I think he might be a nerd."

"A what?" Max stared in disbelief. "What do you mean he's a nerd?"

"Do you know what his novel's about?" Cheryl asked, Max shaking her head in the negative. "Well, I've seen bits of it over his shoulder. It's some fantasy, space story. I could barely understand any of it, with talk of hyperspace and aliens and photons or whatever. And by the way, he has a whole bookshelf full of toys and dolls. The guy's a total Trekkie, I swear it, with all kinds of Darth Vader toys and whatnot."

Max was laughing throughout the whole rant. "Wow, I had no idea Aiden was into that kind of stuff. So, what you're basically saying is that he's a hot, passionate yet boring nerd?" The very idea had her laughing until her sides hurt.

"It's not funny!" Cheryl kept insisting, finding no humor in the situation. "I'm starting to think that I've made a mistake."

"You're right, I'm sorry." Max was taking deep breaths to try and stop the giggles. "So, you're already thinking of bailing? It's only been a week."

"No, I'm not giving up just yet." Cheryl admitted, determination in her tone. "Like I've said, there is something about Aiden that I find appealing. I still need time to figure out what it is, and if I can draw it out more often. If I can get him to show his passionate side more regularly, maybe things will work out."

"Well good luck with that." Max chuckled, raising her cup to Cheryl. "Just be careful; you may have some competition."

"What?" Cheryl raised a worried eyebrow. "Someone else is going after my Aiden? Who?"

"Well, I don't know how serious it is, but you know Aiden's friend, Jacob?"

"The gay raccoon, right?"

"Yeah, well I get the feeling he likes Aiden a lot more than the he's letting on. And of course Aiden is too oblivious to notice anything. But I've seen the signs: the stolen glances and subtle gestures. There's definitely something there."

"Why should I worry about that?" Cheryl shrugged. "Aiden's not into guys, so I've got nothing to worry about."

"Except he's into you." Max grinned knowingly. "I've heard the talk; you've got him questioning his sexuality. If he's open to being with a herm, who's to say he wouldn't give another guy a try?"

"Crap, I didn't think of that. I'll have to keep my eye on him and Aiden. Speaking of, I should get going so I can prepare for our date tonight. I'm going to see if a quiet, romantic dinner brings out anything special."

"But you hate that romantic crap. That sounds like something I would enjoy more."

"I know, but Aiden is embarrassing to bring to clubs." She downed the last of her coffee and rose from her seat. "I'll call you tomorrow and tell you all about it."

"If you must." Max sighed with a smirk. "Just remember: if you really want things to work out, you have to let them happen naturally. If you open your heart, love will find a way."

"That's a lovely thought, Maxi, but this isn't a Disney movie. We all have to make our own love." And with that somewhat depressing thought and a hug, Cheryl left Max alone to finish her coffee and think.

"Make our own love, huh?" The skunk mused as she stared off into the distance. "I really hate to admit it, but she might be right."

As she gazed out, lost in thought, Max noticed a young lady looking her way. As their eyes met, the collie suddenly blushed and ducked behind a nearby row of hedges.

"What the hell?" Curiosity getting the best of her, she went and peered over the hedge to find the young collie hugging her legs and muttering nervously. "Excuse me, but can I help you with something?"

"Eek!" The girl jumped back, her eyes going wide, her cheeks turning bright red through her fur. "You - you spoke to me. Does that mean you remember me?"

Max blinked a few times, cocking her head to one side. "Should I?"

The girl was disheartened by that response as she got to her paws. "No, I suppose you wouldn't remember me. It was about a month ago..."

Max furrowed her brow a she tried to remember. "Let me guess: I danced for you, didn't I?" The canine nodded pathetically. "Thought so. I'm sorry I don't remember, but you have to understand, I dance for a lot of people. I can't possibly remember them all."

"But I'm...!" She paused, looking around nervously as her cheeks flushed again. "But I'm the one who licked your... panties."

Max blushed at that one, glancing around to make sure no one had overheard as she remembered that particular night. "Let's not talk too loudly about that, okay? I wasn't even supposed to let you do that in the first place."

"I'm sorry!" The collie bowed her head. "I won't waste anymore of your time. Bye!"

"Hey, wait!" Max managed to stop her before she ran off. "Do you want to have a cup of coffee and talk or something? It'll be my treat."

She blushed again. "Well, I suppose I have time for one cup of coffee. Thank you." Unable to stop smiling, she made her way over to Max's table, taking the seat Cheryl had only recently left. "I can't believe I even found you again, never mind I get to have coffee with you."

"Oh there's no need to make a fuss over me, hun." Max chuckled, waving over a waiter. "I'm not anything all that special... um, I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"Amy." The girl blushed smiling meekly.

"Well, it's good to see you again Amy. But please, try to think of me as just another person, and not some famous star or anything like that, because I'm not."

Amy started to say something, but quickly closed her muzzle, shifting uncomfortably as the waiter approached. "Is there anything else you need, Ma'am?"

All eyes fell on Amy, who meekly shrunk in her seat. "I-I dunno... coffee?"

"Let's just start her off with a macchiato." Max offered, throwing the flustered collie a wink as the waiter left to put in the order. "Don't worry, it's not too strong here. It's a good place to start if you're not a big coffee drinker."

"I usually just get coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. It's pretty good and not expensive." She blushed, trying to hide behind her hair. While she was glad for conversation, everything she said made her feel like an idiot. Oh why couldn't she be more suave and dignified, like the beautiful skunk sitting across from her? She noticed Max was just watching her, waiting for her to say something, though the poor girl had no idea what to say. "Well, um, what are you drinking?"

"This is just an espresso. It's a bit stronger and darker, so I wasn't sure if you would like it. Want to try some?"

She held her cup up to the collie, who hesitated, blushing heavily. 'She already drank from this.' Amy couldn't help but think as she slowly took the cup. 'I can't believe she would share her drink with me so soon, or even at all.' She took a sip, wincing at the strong taste. "It's kinda bitter."

"Don't worry, the macchiato will be much sweeter." Max smiled, taking the cup back as the waiter arrived with Amy's drink.

Amy smiled back as she took the cup fro the waiter and gave it a taste. "Yeah, it's pretty good." She muttered, though in truth she would have been happy drinking mud so long as it was with the goddess that sat across from her. She couldn't take her eyes off Max, looking into those sparkling green eyes, that warm smile with her soft looking lips. And of course those large breasts, barely contained in her exceptionally low cut top. How she wanted to just put her muzzle right between those soft, warm breasts and be held there forever.

Amy quickly glanced back up to see Max smiling at her, and instantly began to panic. 'Oh no! She caught me staring!' She was worried the skunk would call her out on it. But instead, Max casually brought a hand up, running her fingers along the edge of her shirt, pulling even more attention to her cleavage.

Amy watched, eyes wide, as Max quickly glanced around. Certain no one else was watching, she calmly pulled her shirt and bra aside, flashing a full breast for the collie. "So, why were you hiding from me earlier?" Max asked as she ran her fingers under her exposed breasts, keeping a lookout to make sure no one else saw.

"I was just nervous." Amy answered, unable to keep from staring at the black furred mammary, the golden jewelry glinting in the sun as it hung loosely from the skunks dark nipple. "I've wanted to talk to you again, ever since that night. But when I actually saw you, I... I just panicked."

"You're not afraid of me, are you?" Max picked up her cup and went back to drinking, acting like she didn't even know her boob was hanging out for all to see. She was loving the undivided attention she was getting from the girl. Not to mention the excitement of public nudity. She could only hope that no one else would notice. No one that would complain anyway. "Why do I make you so nervous?"

Amy looked up at that question, then quickly looked away, blushing heavily once more. She shifted in her seat, trying to find the right words to answer with. "Well, that truth is, what I did to you that night, was the first time I'd ever done anything like that. Actually, it's still the only time I've ever done that." She looked back at Max, looking straight into her eyes. "You were my first taste, and I still remember it, very fondly. This may sounds weird, and I can't believe I'm going to say this but, I think I kinda have a small crush on you, Max."

Max sat up, surprised by the confession. Now it was her turn to blush as she twirled a lock of her white hair between her fingers. "Wow, I'm flattered, Honey. I mean, I've had customers say things like that to me before. But none of them have ever really meant it. Not like you." She smiled warmly at the nervous collie. "So, now that it's out there, what do you plan to do about it?" She knew what Amy would likely want deep down, but didn't want to pressure the poor girl into doing anything she wasn't read for. "Where do you want to go from here?"

Amy shrunk in her seat, trying to build up the courage to say anything after that confession, when the waiter came over, leaning towards Max while trying not to make eye contact. "Excuse me, Miss, but your shirt seems to have... slipped."

"What? Oh! Oh goodness." Max had completely forgotten about her little display. She quickly pulled her shirt closed, feinting ignorance. "I'm so sorry. It is so hard to keep these girls contained sometimes."

After the unnerved waiter walked away, Max let out a giggle. "Oops! Almost forgot about that." Both girls had a laugh over the ordeal. And despite the embarrassment, it was the perfect tension breaker.

"I should probably go." Amy sighed as the laughter subsided. "Thank you for the coffee, and for listening." Before she left, she pulled a pen and scrap of paper from her purse. "Here's my phone number. If... if you want to... hang out again sometime, you can give me a call. I would like to see you some more."

"Of course." Max smiled as she took the number. "And you'll be hearing from me soon, I promise."

Amy bowed, blushing yet again. She couldn't get away fast enough, unable to believe that any of that had actually happened.

Max watched her dart off with a smile, watching the collie's tail wag happily as she left. "I told you, Cheryl." Max mused aloud, turning her attention to the hastily written digits. "Sure, sometimes you have to look for love. But sometimes, if you keep your mind open, it will find you, no matter where you are." She couldn't stop smiling as she dealt with the check and made to leave. One thing was certain; today was going to be a good day, Max could feel it.

Amy paused to take a breath a few blocks away from the dinner, hiding behind a corner. "I can't believe I just did that." She nervously glanced around the corner, though the cafe was nowhere in sight. "Oh my god, why the hell did I give her my phone number? What do I do if she calls me?"

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "It's okay Amy, don't over think it. She'll probably never call anyway... though I hope she does. Oh man, the girls are never going to believe this."

She smiled to herself as she started walking again, not wanting to be late to her meeting with said friends. "Man, I can't believe she flashed me. That was so cool."


For most of the rest of the day, Max's prediction turned out to be right. It was a beautiful summer's day, the weather was perfect, and she even got a good deal on some new, cute pants. Plus, Aiden had been kind enough to throw together a quick yet delicious dinner for her before heading out on his date with Cheryl. Work was going well, too. Her shift started right off with some attractive high rollers who weren't shy with the tips, followed by a fun loving couple who considered a live strip show to be foreplay well paid for.

"That's quite the haul there, Maxi." The head bartender commented as Max handed over the cash for counting and safe keeping.

"Yeah, it looks like all the big spenders are out tonight, Gwen." She glanced around the crowded club, still rocking her hips to the music. "I feel on a roll today. How long till I'm up again?"

"Actually, Mistress Vanessa called down a couple minutes ago. She wants to see you in her office, now."

Max froze as her good vibes were quickly replaced by fear and panic. "The Mistress wants to see me? Why?"

"No idea. I was just told to send you up as soon as you were done with your last customer."

The skunk hesitated for a moment, no longer in her good mood., "Should I change first, or...?"

"I wouldn't keep her waiting much longer." Gwen advised. "Besides, maybe she'll go easy on you if you're sexy for her."

Max only nodded in response, and with a deep breath she made her way towards the back of the club. The long hallway, nestled between the performer's dressing rooms, lead to an ornate reception area. A pair of arching stairs curved up around the receptionist's desk, where Mistress Vanessa's professional assistant, a flamboyant meerkat Max knew as Ray, was busy on the phone, leaving the poor girl to wait nervously at the desk.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked her as he hung up the phone.

"Oh, um, Mistress Vanessa asked to see me?"

She shifted nervously on her paws as Ray typed something into his computer. "Maxine Douglas?" When Max nodded, the meerkat pointed towards the stairs. "Just head on up and go through the double doors. I'll tell her you're on your way." Max felt a lump form in her throat as she padded her way up the stairs. She heard the intercom click behind her as she slowly made her way up. "Maxine Douglas is here to see you, Mistress. I already sent her up."

_ 'Why didn't I ask him why she wants to see me?'_ Max berated herself as she reached the top of the stairs. A set of double doors loomed ominously before her, while a full sized portrait of Mistress Vanessa hung on the opposite wall. Max had only met the fennec fox once, a brief introduction on her first day of work. She paused outside the door, many fears swirling about in her head. 'What if I'm being reprimanded, or even fired? But, I haven't done anything wrong, so that can't be it. Unless, I did let that girl, Amy, lick me that time. But that was like a month ago. Someone would have said something by now. So, what did I do?' She nervously twirled a lock of hair between the fingers of one hand while she placed the other on the brass door handle. 'Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.' Mustering all her courage, she slowly opened the door.

The office was larger than she expected, nearly as large as her apartment. A cozy sitting area was set up to her right, with comfortable leather furniture and a full stocked mini bar. The whole area was decorated with what appeared to be ancient Egyptian pottery and artwork. Dark purple curtains blocked her view of whaterver was on the left side of the office.

Mistress Vanessa sat behind a huge, ornate desk at the opposite end of the room, in front of the wall of one-way mirrors that offered a full view of the club below. Max was surprised to see D.J. Double X leaning against the front of the desk, casually talking with the Mistress. The fennecs both turned as Max slowly approached, and she couldn't help but notice a slight resemblance in the two woman. "You wanted to see me, Mistress?" Max managed to squeak out. She suddenly felt like a kid in the principal's office.

"We'll have to talk more later, Marcy." Vanessa directed at the D.J., not directly responding to Max. "I have some business to take care of."

"Go easy on her, Cuz. She's a good kid." As Marcy walked past, she put a hand on Max's shoulder. "Good luck, hun." And then she left Max there alone with Mistress Vanessa.

The older fennec stood and came around the desk, her tight business suit accentuating her womanly curves as she circled Max, studying the young skunk's body, contained in a blue corset with matching panties and leggings. She came to a stop in front of Max, the gold Eye of Ra mark under her left eye glinting in the dim light of the office. Max shrank under her stare, and she could hear the beating of her own heart in the silence of the room.

"You've been favoring blue lately." Vanessa finally spoke, causing Max to jump slightly. "It's a good color for you. Please, sit. Would you care for a drink?"

Max complied, sitting in a chair in front of the large desk as the Mistress went to the mini bar. "Thank you, but I really shouldn't."

"Oh, it's alright." Vanessa assured her as she poured herself a bourbon. "Drinking's normally not allowed on the job, but I'll make an exception tonight."

"No, I mean, because I'm underaged." Max corrected meekly. "I'm still only twenty."

"Honesty. That's a good quality to have." Vanessa noted as she dropped a few ice cubes in her glass. "I like that in a person." With an even stride, she returned to her seat behind the desk and locked eyes with Max. "Let's get down to business now, shall we?" She held up a manila folder with "Douglas, M." marked on the tab. "Do you know what this is?"

"My employment file?" Max guessed, not sure if she wanted to be correct or not, given the bulk of the contents.

"Close." Vanessa took a sip of bourbon as she opened the folder. "To be more accurate, it's like a performance review, with notes and comments from my own observations and those of others, as well as from surveys and questionnaires we've had done by randomly selected customers. I've looked through all of them, then issued scores based on total performance." She locked Max in her gaze once more. "You, my dear, are the highest ranked female table dancer we have. Well done."

"Really?" Max let out a sigh of relief as the weight was suddenly lifted from her shoulders. "Oh god, and I thought you were going to fire me."

"Fire you? Why would I fire one of my most popular and most requested performers?" Vanessa put on a pair of glasses and flipped through a few of the reviews. "Plenty of comments on how attractive you are, no surprises there. Your breasts are always particularly noted. But I see these kinds of reviews for everyone. What I really want to focus on is all the positive reviews on your personality." All business, she began reciting off some of the better reviews for Max. "Great listener, beautiful voice, calming personality, loved just talking with her, enjoyed her company as much as her performance, will come back just for conversation." The glasses came off again as the fennec looked back up. "You've become quite the little starlet, my dear."

"Wow, I had no idea people thought that about me." Max could feel her cheeks burning from the compliments. "I, I don't know what to say, Mistress."

"I think being speechless will suffice." The Mistress smirked, putting the folder aside. "Now, unless I'm mistaken, you've been bucking for a chance to work the V.I.P. rooms, yes?" Max's eyes lit up at the very mention of the idea, but Mistress Vanessa's expression made her nervous again. "While I do believe you would excel at the task, I'm afraid there aren't any openings in that position right now."

"I- I understand..."

"However, a new position may be opening up that I think you might find interesting." Max perked back up again, curious, as Vanessa calmly took a sip and pulled out some more paperwork. "It's more of an experiment right now, but if it pans out, the position may become a permanent one. With your help, I'm confident it will be a success. No promises though, you understand."

Max just nodded, though she had no idea what her boss was talking about. "So, what's the job then?"

"Have you had a look at our website?" Vanessa responded, turning her computer monitor towards the skunk.

"Yeah, I took a look once. I wanted to see my bio, out of curiosity."

"Well, we're planning on added a new feature: live webcam shows. To start, we're going to have some of our more personable performers, like you, try this out to see how viable it is. But with any luck it will expand into a permanent feature." She threw Max a sly smile. "I'd like for you to be one of the first girls to use this feature. What do you say?"

"I don't get it." Max admitted, tilting her head to one side. "So, are we putting computers on the tables? They might get in the way."

"No, no Honey. This would be a separate gig, with additional pay of course. You will be stripping in front of a webcam in the comfort of your own home, when not working here. You do have a computer, right?"

"I have a laptop." Max shrugged, still not quite getting it. "So, who am I stripping for? Are people going to be watching me from their homes or something?"

"That's right." The fennec opening up a sample chat screen to better explain to the technologically illiterate skunk. "You'll appear live on your webcam, and other people, after signing in and agreeing to pay, will be able to see and hear you on their computers in real time. Now, you won't be able to see or hear them, but they'll send you typed messages in this chat window here. It's that simple, really."

"And you said I'll get paid for this?" Max was already considering the job. She would probably do it for free, if it meant anyone, anywhere could watch her strip. But if they were going to offer to pay her, she certainly wasn't going to say no.

"Of course. This will be handled on a kind of pay-per-view style system. When you're at home and feel like having a little fun, you'll sign into the site and start a chat. When customers see you're available, they'll pay to join in. For now, the session will last for only half an hour each, and you'll be paid two hundred and fifty dollars for each session." Max visibly slumped at the number, losing a little but of interest, but Vanessa just smirked. "Those are only the introductory rates while we test this out. If it goes well, we'll allow for longer sessions, and pay you more for each."

"Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt." Max conceded, her eyes sparkling at the thought of hundreds of people from all over the world watching her strip naked. "It sounds like fun, and I do have a lot of free alone time at home. Alright, I'll do it."

"Excellent!" Mistress Vanessa pulled out a small stack of papers and handed them across the desk. "This is the contract for the position. Take it home and read it over. If you like what you see, sign it and bring it back to me. If you have any concerns, we can discuss them and hopefully renegotiate." A smirk crossed her face as Max quickly flipped through the contract. "You may also notice that the restrictions aren't quite as strict as opposed to your live dancing contract."

"What do you mean?" Max raised an eyebrow, not sure if she liked where this was going.

"Well, since this is going to be a live feed, instead of an in-person performance, there is a lot more you can legally get away with. For example, full nudity is allowed... and encouraged."

"Really?" Max's eyes went wide as she began flipping hastily through the contract. "I guess that makes sense, since no one can touch us. But, won't that count as porn or something?"

"Probably, but my lawyers tell me that everything has been taken care of." Vanessa assured her. You can pretty much do whatever you like, or are asked to do, so long as it's generally legal and you're comfortable with it. Oh, and as long as you're by yourself."

"By myself?" Max pouted a little. "You mean I can't have some fun with a friend? Because my best friend is a real perv, and while she doesn't want to strip full time, she has asked about the opportunity to try it out."

The Mistress was already shaking her head. "She would have to sign a contract as well, which would require us to actually hire her on. This isn't some strip for cash, amateur porn deal here, hun. We're keeping it professional."

"Well, what if it was with another employee who already filled out a contract? I bet a show with myself and Blaze would be a big hit."

Vanessa thought about it for a moment. "Perhaps, though I would have to double check with the lawyers. And I'm not so sure thatRoy, the flaming mustang, would really be able to put on a convincing show with you, or any woman really."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that." Max grinned, squishing her breasts together. "Not to brag, but these girls can get any man off."

"Quite a few women too, I bet." Mistress Vanessa quipped with a hungry smirk. Her eyes looked Max over from head to toe, taking in every curve and detail. The skunk looked positively irresistible in those stockings and garters, her breasts barely contained in the corset. Vanessa instinctively locked her lips as she gazed upon her star performer. "Well, now that the business is out of the way, how about we move on to more pleasurable matters?" She stood and walked back around the desk, leaning against the front of it, right in front of Max. "You know, I've been watching you perform from up here, and personally, I've very impressed."

"Well, t-thank you, Mistress." After all the compliments and what could only be considered a promotion, Max had been feeling much more at ease. But now, as she saw the look in her boss's eyes, her nervousness was returning. She had seen that look in the eyes of many of her customers before, that look of hunger, longing and desire. Normally the skunk craved that look, feeding off of it for her own hidden desires. But Mistress Vanessa was her boss. Was it alright for a boss to look at an employee that way? And did she care?

"You know, I think it's very important for an employer to get to know her star employees very closely, very personally." Vanessa's sultry, womanly voice sent a shiver down Max's spine, removing some of the doubts she felt. "Perhaps we should get more comfortable and get to know each other better." With a coy smirk she grabbed a remote off her desk and clicked a button in one swift motion. The sound of an electric motor pulled Max's attention to her left, where the purple curtain was being pulled aside. She gasped as a large, circular bed, covered in matching purple sheets, was revealed. The Mistress took the contract from the stunned skunk's hands and placed it back on the desk, then leaned over the younger woman, leaning on the chair's arms, her muzzle mere inches away from Max's. "So, what do you say, Honey? How about we get better acquainted?"

Max swallowed hard, torn about what to do. "Um, Mistress, I think this might count as sexual harassment."

Vanessa blinked once, a knowing smirk spreading across her muzzle. "This has nothing to do with the job offer, Honey. You'll get that either way. And you certainly won't be punished for refusing." She leaned in closer, lowering her voice to a hot, whispered breath. "Furthermore, this only counts as harassment if it's unwanted. And considering all the free flashes and grabs you allow your customers, I think you want it bad." Max blushed at the truthful analysis, her breath becoming heavy as she felt the heat coming off the other woman. "If I'm wrong, feel free to stop me anytime."

The fennec leaned in closer, and Max gave in completely as their lips met. She moaned as Vanessa's tongue worked it's way unhindered into her mouth, working it's way deep. Their tongues writhed together for some time, forcing a bit of mixed saliva to drool down Max's chin. She continued to moan and whimper through the aggressive kiss, gripping the arms of the chair tightly as her boss pressed on. If the skunk had been able to think straight, she would have considered it the most intense kiss she had ever had. But her mind was too lost in the passion to even think about that, simply able to react to Vanessa advance.

Suddenly, the Mistress pulled away, a trail of saliva stretching between their lips. Max was left panting, recovering from the deep kiss, as Mistress Vanessa took her by the hand and helped her to her paws. "Come on, Honey. Let's go get comfortable."

"Yes Mistress." Max stuttered, unable and unwilling to resist any longer. She allowed herself to be lead to the bed, her heart racing in anticipation of what was about to come.

"On the bed, dear. Get comfy." The Mistress ordered, and Max obeyed without hesitation. She crawled onto the large bed, pausing a moment to admire the softness of the sheets. "Egyptian cotton." Vanessa explained with a smirk. "Now, lie on your back and close your eyes."

"Why do I have to close my eyes?" Max asked with a wavering voice, complying nonetheless.

"Trust me dear, you'll enjoy this." Max heard the rustling of fabric as Vanessa removed her suit. She decided to take a quick peek, stealing a glance of her boss in her black bra and thong as she retrieved something from a nearby nightstand. Not wanting to get caught, she quickly shut her eyes as Vanessa stood upright.

Her heart skipped a beat as she felt the weight of the Mistress getting on the bed, and let out a soft gasp as a strip of smooth fabric was placed over her eyes and tied around her head. "Not too tight, is it?" Vanessa asked in a sultry voice, tracing a finger across Max's cheek and eliciting a soft moan from the skunk. "And if things get too uncomfortable, don't hesitate to speak up. I want this to be a pleasurable experience for both of us."

"Okay, and it's fine so far, Mistress." Max's voice wavered as she felt her boss's fingers gently glide through the fur on her neck and chest. She couldn't even remember the last time anyone had been so torturously gentle with her. And the fact that she couldn't see only seemed to be heightening her sensitivity.

"I'm glad. Now lift your hands above your head, and try to stay relaxed." As she gave the command, she gently guided Max's arms up, keeping her wrists together. The skunk swallowed nervously as Vanessa tied a silk scarf tightly yet comfortably around her wrists, then the other end to the bedframe. "You look pretty good against purple, my dear." The Mistress purred, her fingers tracing Max's arms.

Max squirmed a bit at the tickling, tugging a bit at the binds on her arms. "Mistress, I... I've never done anything like this before. Do I have to be tied down?"

"Just relax, Honey." Vanessa cooed, gently blowing on the girl's neck. "This is more about trust than anything else. You do trust me, right?"

"Yes, Mistress." A shiver coursed through her body, all the way to the tip of her tail. While she did trust her Mistress, a part of her hated that she couldn't touch her back, couldn't even see her lover. Of course, another part of her was incredible excited and aroused by it all. She whimpered and squirmed as the Mistress continued to run her fingers through the fur on her sensitive neck.

Vanessa smirked, giving Max a soft kiss on the lips, then trailing a line of those kisses along the underside of her jaw and down her chest to her cleavage. "Hmm... you know, there's a particular reason I like this style of corset." She traced her fingers along the top edge of the corset, then quickly pulled off the removable top, freeing Max's breasts from their captivity. "Easy access."

Max let out a surprised gasp as Vanessa suddenly grabbed her breasts and gave them a squeeze. "They're very firm for their size. I must admit I am impressed. You must take very good care of your body."

"Thank you, Mistress." Max gasped as her tits were repeatedly squeezed and fondled. She felt her Mistress's fingers roll over her breasts, rubbing them gently before giving her nipples a pinch and causing her to squeal.

"Such pretty trinkets, too." Vanessa admired the charm from one of Max's nipple rings. "You must have very strong nipples to handle these. I wonder just how strong." She gave the chain a tug, and Max winced and gasped, experiencing a mix of pleasure and slight pain. "Very strong, I see."

"Now that I think about it, I've been thinking that you need a new stage name." Vanessa murmured as she continued to fondle Max's supple breasts. "Your current one is really nothing more than a variation of your name. Let's see if we can't come up with something better." She sat up and looked over the skunk's writhing, desperate form. She couldn't help but smile at how pent up she had gotten the younger woman, her body openly begging for release. But that would have to wait just a bit longer. She was having too much fun to finish now. She studied her black fur, save for two white spots, one in the center of her chest and the other between her belly button and the top of her panties. "How about... Domino?"

"Domino?" Max whispered the name, as if trying it on. She could imagine where her Mistress had come up with it, and she had never really cared of Maxi D anyway. "I think I could live with that, Mistress."

"I think it suits you well," Mistress Vanessa placed her fingers in the white fur on her chest and slowly dragged them down through her cleavage. "Starting tomorrow, you will be known here as Domino, and all your billing will be redone to show off your new persona. I think it will go over well." Her fingers continued their way down over her corset and slowed, pausing at the spot on her abdomen. She smirked, feeling the skunk's body quiver beneath her touch. The girl probably wasn't even listening to her anymore, her mind focusing on the anticipation of what was to come. "I guess you've waited long enough."

Gently, her hand traveled lower, venturing into Max's panties. The skunk gasped loudly as Vanessa's fingers caressed the folds of her moist labia. "Someone's been enjoying this." She teased, placing her other hand on Max's breast and giving it a squeeze. Max continued to whimper and moan as Vanessa teased her folds and clit, leaning over to suckle on a nipple.

"Mistress, if you keep that up. I'll... I'll c-cum..."

"Not yet." Vanessa ordered without slowing her pace. "You're not allowed to cum until I say so, understand?"

"Y-yes Mistress." The skunk whimpered, trying her best to hold off the inevitable explosion.

"Good girl." Vanessa smirked, removing her hand from Max's panties and examining her now slick fingers. "Such a mess already. And such a strong smell."

She held her fingers right up to Max's muzzle, filling the girl's nose with her own musky scent. It sent a shiver down her spine as she instinctively leaned forward, trying to get a taste. Vanessa allowed it with a grin, plunging her fingers in her mouth. Max intently began licking her own sweet juices off her boss's hand, savoring the experience.

"That's enough now." The Mistress teased, pulling her fingers free after just a few seconds. "Now, let's get these off before you stain them." She pulled the blue panties down, and sure enough a thin trail of fluid stretched between the garment and Max's pussy. "Oh well, too late for that." She smirked, examining the small stain. "Maybe, if you're a good girl, I'll let you keep them."

"Thank you, Mistress." Was all the embarrassed Max could think to say. Her legs were already spread in anticipation, ready for anything her boss would throw her way next.

Vanessa already knew what she wanted. The strong musk coming from between the skunks legs was proving intoxicating, and it had been quite some time since she had last eaten out. Without a word she slid up between the skunks legs, taking a moment to admire the plump, slick lips. "So well maintained. You really do take good care of yourself. It's a shame you have to keep these beautiful lips hidden." She inhaled deeply of the skunk's scent, then moved in close, letting her tongue dart out to explore the velvety folds of skin and taste of her delicious juices.

"Oh, Mistress!" Max gasped out as that long tongue worked it's way over her pussy. She squirmed in the bed as waves of pleasure passed through her body. Vanessa took the end of the charm hanging from her clit in her mouth and slowly sucked it in until Max's sensitive, swollen nub was between her vulpine lips. She pressed her muzzle in deep as she suckled the clit, causing Max to cry out in ecstasy. "Mistress! Oh god! I can't anymore! P-please, can I c-cum?"

Vanessa smirked, getting an added thrill from the begging skunk, and from the control she now held over her. "I suppose you've held out for long enough. Yes, you may cum." Wanting to make it a good one, she dove back in, sucking the clit deep in her mouth and flicking her tongue over the sensitive flesh.

Max's entire body tensed up as she moaned and whimpered. It was more than she had expected, and the intensity was driving her to the edge faster than she could prepare for. Clenching her teeth, her hips suddenly bucked into Vanessa's muzzle as an orgasm rocked her body. The Mistress was suddenly sprayed with a geyser of pussy juice as Max screamed and finally came, squirting with full, uncontrollable force.

Vanessa pulled back in surprise, inadvertently tugging on Max's jewelry and causing the skunk to spasm and unleash another stream into the fennec's face and chest. Her body continued to flinch on the bed as her orgasm continued, a small puddle forming on the sheets beneath her supple ass.

Once the shock had passed, Vanessa couldn't help but smirk, licking her lips as she looked over Max's helpless, quivering body. "I had no idea you were a squirter." She crawled over the younger girl, letting the juices drip from her face and along Max's body, who flinched slightly at each drop. "You didn't warm me. That wasn't very nice." She suddenly slapped Max's pussy firmly, juices splattering everywhere. Max let out a yelp as Vanessa slapped her delicate lips again and again. "I never said you could get me all wet."

"I'm sorry!" Max gasped with each slap, never strong enough to really hurt, but just enough to sting slightly, keeping her on the edge of pleasure and pain. It helped that she was still a little numb from her orgasm. "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry Mistr-AH!"

Max suddenly yelped as Vanessa tugged on her clit ring, a jolt coursing through her body. Vanessa gave in then, letting Max collapse on the bed to recover, panting heavily and whimpering slightly. "I'm s-sorry, Mistress."

Vanessa smiled, cradling the skunk's head gently in her hands. "Marcy was right. You really are a good kid." She leaned in and gave Max a soft, gentle yet passionate kiss. Their soft lips pressed tightly together as Max tried to return the gesture, wishing her arms were free so she could wrap them around her aggressive lover's body.

Vanessa Sat up, unhooking her bra and tossing it aside. "You really do have a beautiful body, my dear." She mused, once again tracing her fingers through Max's fur. "It's no wonder you're so popular. But they're right; it really is your sweet personality that sets you apart from the rest."

"Thank you... Mistress." Max gasped, finding it hard to breath as the fennec continued to tease her. ":Mistress... Vanessa. Please, I don't think I can take much more of this."

"Alright, I think you've been through enough." Vanessa smiled softly, pulling her thong off and kneeling between Max's legs. "Truthfully, I'm finding it hard to resist, too." She lifted one of Max's legs then intertwined their legs together. She pushed in close, their pussies less than an inch apart. Max could feel the heat coming from the Mistress's loins, and it made her ache for that touch.

Vanessa was aching for it too, feeling the heat building between them. She wanted to dive right in, but a quick thought crossed her mind., She reached down and unhooked the charm from Max's clit piercing, tossing it aside. With a hungry smirk, she finally pressed in, their moist lips finally kissing as the girls gasped in unison. She held Max's leg high, resting it against her shoulder as she pressed and grinded their pussies together, their juices mixing across their slick skin and matting into their fur.

Max could only moan with pleasure as the Mistress's soft, hot pussy flesh mingled into her own already sensitive crotch. She did her best to thrust back against the fennec, their clits rubbing against one another and sending sparks of pleasure through their bodies.

Vanessa continued to grin through her grunting and panting. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you've done this before." She slowly ran her tongue up Max's leg and along her paw. "Just how experiences are you?"

"I've experimented a little, Mistress." Max whimpered, strangely embarrassed to admit that to her boss.

"I guess my sweet little Domino isn't as pure as I thought." She leaned over, bending Max's leg up and grinding tightly against her pussy as she brought her face up close to the skunk's. "I'm glad to hear it." She suddenly pressed her muzzle against Max's, taking the girl in a deep kiss as she resumed fucking her. Max tried to cry out in ecstasy, but the fox's tongue was acting like a gag, buried deep in her own mouth. She held on tightly to her bonds as Vanessa finally went all out, thrusting and grinding into Max's pussy with an almost feral desire.

"Please Mistress!." Max eventually managed to get out when Vanessa broke the kiss. "Please untie me! I want to hold you close."

"That's adorable." Mistress Vanessa purred, adjusting their legs to take Max in the missionary position. "But no, I think not. I just can't enjoy myself fully if my lover isn't tied down. But, I suppose we can take this off." She deftly removed the blindfold with one hand, Max blinking in the sudden light. "Those eyes are really too pretty to hide anyway." She kissed Max again as she thrust, rubbing her dripping pussy tightly against Max's exposed flesh. Their breasts were pressed together as well, their nipples rubbing against each other's and heightening the experience.

"Oh god!" Max cried out, her body tensing from the pleasure. "Mistress, I'm gonna cum again!"

"Me too!" Vanessa moaned, the feeling rising in her body as she picked up speed. "Let's cum together, Honey. And don't you dare cum before me."

Luckily, Max didn't have to wait long. Her screaming and whimpering was exactly what Vanessa liked to hear. Her total control over the young skunk pushing her over the edge. With one great thrust, the fennec let out a primal growl, cumming with all her might. And Max was right there with her, bucking her hips under the Mistress as her juices squirted into her partner's labia and sprayed in all directions.

The height of ecstasy seemed to last for several minutes before Vanessa finally crashed atop the exhausted skunk. Max was barely aware of it, her body still recovering from the intense orgasm. She was only just aware of the gently kisses on her neck, and of the scarf being removed from her wrists. Her body shivered from the gentle touch, and Max felt strangely satisfied.

"From now on, you're going to be one of my special girls." Vanessa whispered, a smug grin on her muzzle. "And I'm going to make sure you're well taken care of around here, okay?"

"Yes Mistress." Max shivered again, still not aware enough to fathom the meaning. She could barely even move, her body twitching involuntarily on the bed. She didn't even care at this point, so long as she could stay in her Mistress's warm embrace for a while longer, she was happy.

Suddenly the intercom clicked, Ray's voice interrupting the private moment. "Apologies, Mistress, but Mr. Schleck was insistent on seeing you. He's on his way up now."

"Dammit." Vanessa muttered, quickly climbing out of the bed and wrapping herself in a robe. "That man needs to learn some self control."

She was halfway to her desk when the doors swung open and a tall, lean, smug looking weasel strolled into the room. His long coat needlessly billowed out behind him as he walked, his unusually wide brimmed fedora cocked slightly to one side. "Evening, Mistress. I see we're doing well tonight."

He turned his gaze towards Max: a lewd, perverse look in his eyes that sent a shiver up her spine. For once, she wished she had her clothes on while a man stared at her. She curled up and wrapped her tail around her body to attempt to cover herself up. She had seen Mr. Walter Schleck, and that look before. No one was sure what he did around the club, just that he was recently hired, that he liked to hang around the entrance to the girl's dressing room, and that he made all of the female employees feel very uncomfortable.

Vanessa knew all this too, and with a click of a button she mercifully closed the purple curtain, giving Max at least some privacy as she recovered and regained the use of her legs. "Alright Walter, what is so important that you had to come storming into my office without an appointment?"

"Sorry, Mistress Vanessa. Had I know you were in that sort of meeting, I would have come back later." He took a deep breath, probably picking up the smell of sex in the room. "Or perhaps sooner."

"Just get to the point." Vanessa sternly retorted.

"Right, on to business." Max heard a drink being poured, the sounds of ice clinking in a glass as she assumed Schleck was helping himself to a glass of booze. "Our new advertising strategy is coming along better than expected. I've already got a photo shoot in the works for later this month. We'll be finalizing a date once the models are selected." There was a pause, and Max quietly adjusted to try and hear better. "I think four models will be enough: Two male, two female, one each from the stage and the tables. That should give us enough variety to appeal to most new potential customers. All you need to do is pick which one's you want to use."

"I already have a couple of people in mind." Max could almost feel Vanessa's gaze through the curtain, and it made her feel warm inside. Did this Mistress really think so highly of her?

"Yeah, that is a real prime, grade A choice cut of meat you got there." Schleck added in lewdly, and Max curled back up at the sound of his raspy voice, pulling the soft covers up to her neck to try and hide from his gaze even more. "Wouldn't mind a go at that one myself." There was an uncomfortably long pause which made Max feel very nervous. "Do you think I could take a shot at her right now?"

"Certainly not!" Vanessa immediately responded, and Max quietly let out a sigh of relief, though she was still quite skeeved he had asked in the first place. "Mr. Schleck, I cannot stop you from pursuing other women on your own time, and if any of my girls allows you, so be it. But I will not have you taking any girls on my bed. Especially when they've shown little interest in partaking in such activities with you. Now, if we are done conducting business, I will have to ask you to leave. I still have other matters to attend to."

"Yeah, sure sure." Schleck responded, clearly distracted by something. "I'll bring the modeling contracts by tomorrow for you to look at. Enjoy yourself, toots." Max heard him down his drink and drop the glass hard on the desk before heading out.

"Bastard." Vanessa muttered as soon as the door was closed. "I never should have hired him." She padded her way across the office and ducked through the curtains, crawling onto the bed to lay up against Max. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Honey."

"I don't like him." Max muttered, leaning into Vanessa's arms as the fennec gently pet her hair. "He gives me the creeps."

"Me too, Honey. But unfortunately, he's very good at his job. That man has gotten us advertising I would normally only dream about."

"He's our advertising?" Max thought a moment, daring to ask. "What do you need models for?"

Vanessa smiled a she gently traced her fingers along Max's ear. "Let's not talk business for now. You just rest up here, then go home when you're ready. I'll give you the rest of the night off, with pay. I think you've earned it."

"Okay, Mistress." Max snuggled close into her boss, her lover, not wanting to argue. As much as she would have liked to spend the whole night here, she didn't want to press her luck. For now she was content to just lay in the warm arms of another person, forget about all her doubts and fears, and feel safe and wanted for as long as she could.