
Story by soni on SoFurry

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I started this a long time ago and never finished until now...


by soni

Hitsuji always wore 4 complete layers. Starting with, from most outward to most inward, a kimono (pants included), button up vest & ankle pants, long sleeve v neck shirt & nee high pants, and finally, tank top & boxers. Hitsuji wore all this clothing because he was shy. However had nothing to be shy about. He was muscular, fit and Oh so sexy. He was a 26 year old, male furry (feline), who was bisexual. Actually, he really did not care who he had sex with.

There were rumors about Hitsuji's past. The rumors go, Hitsuji was taken from his family at a young age, and became the slave of a gay pedophile. They say Hitsuji cared so deeply for this man, (who's name changes form story to story) he sucked his dick without question. When Hitsuji turned 18, the man left him for another child. Hitsuji pleated for his master to say with him. His master saw this as an insult, he said Hitsuji was old enough to take care of himself, and if he didn't he was cowardly, and would have to be killed. Hitsuji kept himself alive by sucking his master's dick and letting him fuck him until Hitsuji was so badly injured he had to go to the hospital. The rumors also say Hitsuji's master left a large scar on Hitsuji's back.

Hitsuji spent the next 3 years of his life 'discovering himself.' (witch means making love to anyone and everyone who came by) At the end of his journey he took the virginity of a young 15 year old girl (also a feline). So ashamed of his actions he went to the girl's parents, and said he would be the girl's guard. Making sure no one would take her again until she was 18 and she wanted it. He promised never to lay a hand on her in a sexual way again.

Even though Hitsuji kept his promise, the girl, Katie, became a slut as soon as she became 18. Fucking every man who came her way. Her parents didn't blame Hitsuji, they had grown quite fond of him. They said just make sure she is never harmed. Hitsuji still had his urges, watching the girl fuck over and over, making sure she was not hurt. But he never masturbated in-front of her. Katie once asked Hitsuji if she could see his scar, he said he'd never expose himself to a young lady such as her.

One day, Hitsuji got the nerve to ask Katie's parents if he could take her on a date. Being so kind and forgiving, they said if she says yes. When Hitsuji asked Katie out she burst into laughter. It took her awhile to realize he wasn't joking. She said yes, but in her mind she was dreading the event.

Hitsuji and Katie had ordered their food, Hitsuji's treat, and they had also ordered fancy wine. Hitsuji had just got his food when he thought he'd try that wine. He reached for it, and it was empty.

"Katie...?" he said a bit nerves.

"Yeah, (hic)" she answered, but Hitsuji knew the answer by her drunken voice.

"... Katie, why did you drink all the wine?" he asked very politely.

"I-don-know," she then took a drink from a flask.

"Katie? Do you have beer too?" he was shocked at this behavior, Katie only drank when she was dreading something. After a few minutes of thinking Hitsuji made the connection. "K-katie? Are you drinking because, because you don't want to be here?"

"duh," she answered, "but it ain't just that, I gotta get though tonight too. (hic)"

"What?" he was confused.

"Well, I can't be sober while I sex you up! (hic)" she shouted. A few people looked over.

"If you didn't want to come why did you?" he asked.

"Well, I owes ya. (hic) for all the times you, (hic) protected me," she took another drink.

"You, you only came because you felt you owed me? And-and you're drinking because you can't stand the thought of

having sex with me?" Hitsuji was destroyed inside. He thought for a moment. He asked for the check and drove Katie home.

"Here it comes, ... (hic)" Katie, in her drunken state unable to understand Hitsuji didn't want her while she was drunk, began to strip once she got inside the apartment she and Hitsuji shared.

"No Katie," he said flatly.

"Why da hell not? (hic)" she grunted.

He stared at her blankly.

"Go to bed Katie," he said.

Once Hitsuji finally got Katie into bed, he took a long shower, and masturbated his sadness away. For the night anyway... In the morning he got up and set out Katie's breakfast as usual. He gave herUgh favorite sugary cereal. Katie crawled out of her room slowly, she had a hangover.

"Ugh, you have fun last night?" she asked sarcastically. She had little memory of the night before and thought she had

made love to him. He stared for a moment.

"We didn't have sex last night, Katie," he said.

"What why not? I mean that's what you wanted when you asked me out, right?" she was confused.

"Katie, I wanted to romance you, to have a wonderful evening, and end it with wonderful sex. But you thought I was so disgusting you had to drink to stand me!" he yelled. Hitsuji had never yelled at her before.

"H-Hitsuji, I just, just thought you wanted sex, like all the other guys that I..." Katie saw that he was only getting madder.

"Well, I'm not a pervert like those other guys, Katie, I love you! I want to be your partner! Not some guy you have sex with because you owe him!" Hitsuji was crying now.

"Listen, H-Hitsuji, I like you, but, I, well the only reason I got myself drunk is because I never saw you naked, since you never showed me since that one night I figure your, well, ugly" Katie wasn't helping. Hitsuji was still crying but he turned away so she wouldn't see.

"I, I never showed you so you'd think of me as a gentleman, but I guess you only like perverts who take their dick out in public!" Katie tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but he pushed her away. She heard him say something, but could not understand what it was.

"What Hitsuji?" She asked. He looked at her his tears had made his fur under his eyes damp. He turned away again.

"Katie, ... I, I..." Hitsuji tried but could not finish, he just couldn't say it. Katie opened her mouth to speak but Hitsuji had found the strength to speak. "Katie, the stories about my past, they, they're true." Katie stared at him, in the back of her head she had always known they where true, but to hear him say it, it was so strange. "And, I, well..."

"Hitsuji, what was it like?" she asked. He put his head in his hands, regretting mentioning it. She again tried to touch him but he still pushed her away.

"When he first told me, that he was going to leave me, I, I just," Hitsuji shook his head. "He was all I had, all I knew, I, I couldn't live without him..." Katie didn't understand, this man raped him, on a regular basis. And yet he was acting as if he was his partner. "I Katie I loved him, he was my world, my, my, ..."

"Lover?" Katie didn't understand it, but knew that's what he was going to say. He looked at her, and nodded. Katie put her arms around him, and this time Hitsuji didn't stop her. "Hitsuji, I, I could be your lover, I, I..." He put his hands to her face, and drew her into a kiss. It was his first in so long. As his tongue slowly entered her mouth, she lead his hand to her breast. He rubbed her breast and pushed his hand under her shirt. Katie's hands drifted down to Hitsuji's kimono pants. Surprised to find another layer of clothing that wasn't boxers she broke the kiss and focused on his pants. Trying to get at his dick, she pulled at his pants until he finally helped her. She finally saw his erect dick, it was bigger then she had thought. She licked at its head, she ran her tongue up and down his dick.

"uhhnnhh," he mumbled, She was surprised he was so sensitive, she hadn't even started sucking it yet. "Katie, uhh... let's, let's go to the bedroom..." Hitsuji stood up and Katie followed him into his bedroom. Hitsuji took off his kimono, and began to unbutton his vest. Katie pulled down his pants and boxers. It took Hitsuji longer to take off his shirt and tank top then it took Katie to pull his pants down, so she started sucking his dick. He sat down on the bed as she sucked him. She was fingering herself, her pants down. She stopped to take off her shirt, and got on the bed. She spread her legs out wide. Hitsuji rubbed his dick against her pussy. He slowly entered her, moaning, it had been so long. He pumped her, fucking her hard. Her pussy wasn't as tight as it was the first time, most likely because of all the fucking she did, but he didn't care. "uhnh, I, I'm close..."

"Cum inside... uhn..." she moaned. Hitsuji did as she said, releasing his cum deep inside her. They looked at each other, and smiled. Hitsuji had finally found a new lover...

Davie’s Journal

This is my first story, I never uh, well it's embarrassing, but i've never actually had sex. So this story is based completely on stories i've read before. So if you think my story is stupid, well thats your opinion. Just keep in mind I'm just trying...

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