Happy Anniversary, Melissa!

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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As 2012 comes to a close, I've finally been able to get around to the third story in the "Anniversary" series. This time it's Melissa's turn and it's also the debut of one of my new forms.

Happy Anniversary, Melissa!

NOTE: This is the third and final story in a series which celebrates my 5th year of being on SoFurry.

It was shortly before 2 AM and I was at the backstage entrance to the Mouse Hole strip club where Melissa had been working the evening shift. Since the club closed at 2 AM, it was almost closing time and I had arrived to pick up Melissa, knowing that she usually went out on-stage for the last time about a half-hour before closing. Normally, husbands and boyfriends weren't allowed in the backstage area of the club during business hours. However, since Melissa had been so popular with the clients and had brought in many new customers over the years she's been there, she was considered the "alpha female" of the group and received preferential treatment. This meant that I could come see her backstage during business hours as I knew she would likely be in her dressing room.

As I was escorted backstage, I walked past a few of the other mousettes working the evening shift with Melissa, all of them younger than her (some by 10 years or more). Naturally, they were all pretty and cute in their own rights and they all knew me well since I visited Melissa backstage every now and then. Some of them seemed to take a liking to me and I'm sure that they wanted to have me be their husband...especially with the bouquet of red and white roses I was carrying in one of my hands. However, my focus was on Melissa and while I did have a lifetime pass to the Mouse Hole, I rarely used it to get in to see the other mouse girls.

I made my way towards Melissa's dressing room as I kept the roses in one hand while my two tails were coiled around each other and I began to blush a bit. Today was the anniversary of when Melissa and I first met back when we were kids and while I could've waited for her to come home to give her the present, I wanted to surprise her. When I reached the door to Melissa's dressing room, I knocked on it gently and waited to see if she'd answer.

"Come on in, the door's unlocked", I heard her call out from the other side of the door as I entered and saw her in street clothes as she was getting ready to come home. She wore a black t-shirt with short-cut jean shorts that showed off her body quite nicely. Though Melissa was in her early 30's now, she looked much like she did about 10 years ago and was still very attractive. Melissa was busy running a brush through her long blonde hair as I think she noticed me in the mirror and turned around.

"Honey fox...what brings you here?", she commented excitedly as I gave her the roses and kissed that cute pink nose of hers.

"Happy anniversary, Mel-Mel...I didn't want to wait until you got home to give you this", I told her sweetly as she smiled right before I felt her grab onto me and kiss me deeply. While we kissed, I reached around Melissa, placing my hands on her lower back as she leaned up against me.

"You're still as sweet as you were when you were that little fox boy I fell in love with all those years ago", Melissa commented softly as I blushed and murred, keeping her close to my body.

"Mmm, and you still have that cute look that drew me to you when you were a little girl", I added in response as I held Melissa against my body as I gave her ear a gentle nip for a moment before whispering to her. I knew Melissa had the next evening off, so I wanted to take advantage of her free time while she had it. "Anyway, that's not all I have for you Mel-Mel...there's something else I want to give you, which is another reason why I came to see you here", I whispered to Melissa softly as she looked into my eyes.

"Really, what is it?", she asked curiously as we held each other as I kept my hands down low on her body.

"Well, let's go for a little trip out of the city first and then we can get to that", I mentioned as I wanted to take Melissa somewhere quiet and peaceful for the night. She seemed to be interested as I felt her kiss me again before her arms released me.

"OK...but you'll have to wait until after closing time. Although I'm done going out on stage, I still have to meet with the owners to get my share for the evening", Melissa mentioned as I let her go.

"I'm surprised that you don't own the club yourself...especially after all of the money you've brought into it over these years", I commented to Melissa as she blushed and giggled before she ran off. As I waited for Melissa to return, I decided to wait in her room and watch the small TV that was installed inside, catching up on the latest baseball highlights.

I waited for a few minutes as I watched the TV as my tails were coiled around each other in anticipation. I wanted to have some alone time with her tonight and I was eager to get out of the city and find a nice private spot for us to go to.

Finally, after several minutes, Melissa came back as I felt her wrap her arms around me from behind and felt her nuzzle rub against mine. "OK, Honey fox...we can go now", she told me softly as I murred softly before turning around and picking her up in my arms, carrying her out of the club as I went over to the car. Once we were there, I let her get into the seat next to mine before I got into the car and drove away from the club and out of the city, heading towards the mountains.

I drove for about 2 hours out of the city, getting away from the city lights and passing several small towns along the way as I went through the mountains and reached the foothills on the other side of the mountain chain. From there, I went down a lesser traveled road from the main highway until I reached a dirt road, taking it as I was now in an area that saw little in the way of traffic, especially at this time of the morning. Finally, I had come across a spot amongst the hills where I felt Melissa and I could be alone and parked the car off to the side of the road as I got out and went over to get Melissa.

As soon as she stepped out of the car, I took her hand and walked with her towards a lone tree standing in the middle of the valley. There, I sat down underneath the tree as Melissa sat down on top of me as I felt her kiss each of my cheeks. "I've been thinking about you all day long, honey fox", Melissa told me softly as I soon began to feel her crotch pressing up against my own, causing my foxhood to unsheath inside my pants.

"Well, it would seem that someone is in a frisky mood tonight", I commented as Melissa blushed slightly and touched her nose up against my own.

"Why not, I love it when we play together", she mentioned sweetly as I felt both of her hands move down my body and grab hold of my hips as she kissed my lips. "Mmm...come on honey fox, let's get naked right here and now and I'll help warm you up", Melissa suggested as I felt my shaft beginning to pulsate inside my pants as I began to blush. That was when I remembered the other gift I had in mind for Melissa.

"Actually, before we get to that...there's something else I'd like to give you", I told Melissa as I reached into my back pocket for a minute and pulled out a small jewelry box. Melissa was still sitting in my lap, on top of the bulge that was growing in my pants as she looked at the box and promptly opened it. "I know that you haven't had your ears pierced, but I wanted to get you something that I hadn't gotten for you yet", I mentioned to Melissa as she looked in the box as I saw her eyes stare at the gift.

What I had gotten Melissa was a pair of fire diamond earrings that gave off a sky blue glow in the darkness. "I guess I'm gonna have to get them pierced now", Melissa commented as she closed the box and placed it down on the ground beside us before she kissed me again on my lips. "They're really pretty...thank you", she commented as I murred softly to her as I felt her hands return to my hips and began to feel her rubbing her crotch against the bulge in my pants. "Mmm...anyway, I'd really like to get naked with you now...I've been waiting all day to get you all alone and now I have you right where I want you", Melissa added as I looked at her and licked her nose as my hands gave her butt cheeks a playful squeeze.

"If that's what you want, then that's what you'll get", I mentioned playfully to Melissa before I watched her climb off my lap for a minute as I stood up while both of us took off our clothes. Then, as soon as we were both naked, I sat back down by the tree and watched as Melissa came up to me. By this time, my foxhood was about halfway out of its sheath and continuing to lengthen for Melissa as I watched her climb back onto my lap and place her warm vaginal lips against it.

As Melissa sat down on my naked shaft, I began to feel her juices trickle down the length of it as she had her hands on my shoulders while I felt her begin to rub against me. This made my foxhood pulsate strongly as it kept coming out for her, beginning to drip with precum from the tip as I looked at her naked body and began to feel horny for her. I felt very fortunate to be able to get to see and feel what Melissa had to offer for free as opposed to all of the guys who came into the Mouse Hole.

While she continued to slowly rub against my shaft, my eyes soon focused on her breasts. They had grown to "DD-cup" ever since Melissa and I started breeding on a more regular basis as they producing her milk on a regular basis. Every once in a while, I'd get to taste some of what our kids got from their mother and I always enjoyed the flavor of her milk. As Melissa was continuing to move, my eyes soon focused on her nipples, seeing how pink and puffy they were a small droplets of her milk started to drip from them, making me murr as I licked my chops excitedly.

Melissa must have noticed this as I saw her lean closer to me, pushing her nipples against my face as I felt her tail coil around my foxhood, gripping it tightly. "Need some re-fueling?", she commented playfully as I looked at her perky pink nipples and gave each one a slow lick as I felt the sweet taste of her milk touch my tongue, which caused my knot to come out of my sheath. "Go ahead sweetheart, have some of my milk if you want it", she added as I let out a playful murr before attaching to one of her nipples, gently suckling on it as I felt that tail of hers rhythmically squeeze my shaft.

Warm and creamy mousette milk soon started to fill my mouth and throat as I felt it gush freely from her nipple while I sucked on it. Melissa always produced large quantities of her milk and had more than enough to share some with me, especially at this time when she didn't have any kids that she was nursing on a regular basis. The taste was sweet and creamy, much like ice cream but without being cold. It also had other effects on my body as I felt my foxhood become thicker as she held it with her tail and my balls become heavier. Melissa's milk also acted as a sexual stimulant, causing me to become more potent for her as I felt it hit my stomach and begin to bring its added nourishment into my reproductive parts. Though it wasn't as strong as the stimulating effect that raposa milk had on me, it was still strong enough to make my foxhood turn a deep red and my balls to grow to nearly twice their normal size as I suckled from Melissa's nipples for several minutes.

By the time I was done milking Melissa, I had a belly full of her sweet milk as my erection became very strong and precum spurted upward from the tip while Melissa's tail was holding it. I could tell she could feel my arousal as she would squeeze me with her tail each time my shaft pulsated while my precum spurted several inches upward every few moments. As I had been milking her, the sky was beginning to brighten up on the eastern horizon, indicating that the new day would be dawning soon as I felt Melissa touch her pink nose up against mine. "There...how do you feel now?", she asked softly as her hands went to my cheeks as I looked into her blue eyes.

"Horny...really, really horny", I answered her honestly as the combination of her nudity and the milk I just took in made me want to have sex with her as I grabbed at her cute mouse butt a little more.

Melissa smiled as she kissed me on my lips while I felt her hands move from my cheeks down towards my chest where I felt her circle her fingertips around both of my nipples. "Well then...we should do something about that, shouldn't we?", she told me sweetly right before I watched Melissa's fur change to a pearly white and her angel wings come out. I also noticed that Melissa had her sky blue aura present, which normally meant that she was in the mood to have reproductive sex.

"Mel-Mel, I didn't know you wanted to have more kids tonight", I told her with surprise as I wasn't prepared to breed with Melissa in her hyper-fertile angelic form. However, she placed one of her fingers on my nose as the other kept circling one of my nipples.

"Relax honey fox...I'm not fertile tonight. It may look like I am, but I found a way to control it in this form. It turns out that those pink kaorin berries that Donna* gave me are strong enough to keep my reproductive desires in check...even in my angelic form", Melissa answered as I felt her kiss my nose after she moved her finger from it. "Anyway, I just want to play with you right now...we'll have plenty of other chances to breed later on, I just want to send you to heaven", she added with a giggle as I looked at her some more, saw how pretty she was in her angelic form as a spurt of precum launched nearly a foot straight up while my entire foxhood pulsated.

As Melissa's tail released its grip on me, I stood up as Melissa and I remained face-to-face as she clutched her arms tightly around my body as I felt the warmth of her vaginal lips touch the tip of my shaft. "Stick it inside me sweetheart...then hold onto me tight", she told me softly as I let my tip touch against her vaginal opening until it slipped inside, pushing it in until just my knot was outside her. At the same time, my hands gripped Melissa's hips as I closed my eyes and began to thrust upward into her warm and tight vagina.

I felt Melissa holding me tightly as a cool breeze started to brush against my body as I felt my feet leaving the ground. I opened my eyes for a moment and saw that Melissa and I were several feet in the air (and still going up) as I moved my hands up to her back, clutched her tightly and let out a soft whimper.

"Sweetie, relax...I won't let anything happen to you. My wings are strong enough to support us both", Melissa calmly told me as I felt her start to nuzzle into my chest fur as her arms held me tightly. "Just relax and do what you'd do to me if we were on the ground", she added softly as I tried to follow her advice and resumed my upward thrusting.

I felt Melissa holding me tightly as she used her wings to keep us afloat above the ground as I moved through her, feeling the walls of her vagina grabbing my shaft even tighter than her arms were holding me, massaging my length as I moved as I soon focused on how good she felt to me and closed my eyes again. Her wet and warm vagina always felt good to me and despite all of the kids that she's given birth to over the years, her folds were just as tight around me as they were when Melissa and I took each other's virginity.

The inside of her vagina felt a lot like that of a vixen, being hot and surprisingly strong around me as I moved through her while my hands held onto her body tightly. I began to pant a bit as the warmth was working throughout my body and I felt my shaft throb and thicken inside Melissa while her juices ran down its length and trickled out of her. Meanwhile, I continued to feel Melissa leaning into my body, resting her head against my chest while she made sure I stayed in her arms while my knot hit up against her vaginal lips repeatedly. "Mmm...you know sweetie, if you put your knot inside me, you won't have to worry about me letting you go", she commented to me as I felt her give one of my nipples a very soft and careful nip as she knew they were sensitive.

My shaft pulsated strongly when she did that and it also thickened within her vagina as I felt the heat of her body increase along with our rubbing and the soft buzz of her electric charge begin to work down my foxhood and into my balls, beginning to arouse them. "But, we just started having sex Mel-Mel...shouldn't we warm up a bit first?", I asked her curiously as she looked up at me as I kept moving.

"Honey fox...you know that my favorite part of having sex with you is when I feel you stuck inside me, filling me up with your cream. Besides, I know you love being stuck to me when we have sex", Melissa answered softly as she returned to laying her head against my chest. "Listen to what your body wants sweetheart and follow your desires", she added as I kept holding her tight while thrusting upward at a moderate pace, feeling her walls spasm tighter around my shaft.

The more I felt Melissa hold my shaft, the more I wanted to move faster inside her and I decided to pick up the pace after a few moments, beginning to let my knot push into her a little bit with each upward thrust as the juices started to soak it. As I expected, the instant her hot juices touched my knot, I felt it pulsate as it began growing as my ears perked up and I began to pant excitedly. Melissa kept holding onto me as I heard her moan happily, moving her hands down to my butt as she gave it a hard squeeze as my own arms remained around Melissa's waist.

"Mmm...yes...that's more like it", she commented happily as her walls kept spasming around my length, gripping it tighter while the knot became larger and the rest of my fox cock swelled within her canal. I felt my balls churning strongly as this was happening as every part of my body tingled from her electric charge...or so it would seem, I couldn't tell for sure at that moment since I had my eyes closed while I felt Melissa on my shaft and thought about her while we had sex.

One thing I did notice though was the fact that my balls seemed to become even bigger and heavier than they already were as I humped Melissa, loaded with lots of cum for my honey mousette as her vagina was massaging my length, bringing me closer to climax. In the meantime, I kept moving within her, pushing my knot through her opening each time I moved in or out as it slowly became larger and more difficult to move as the tightness of her canal was hugging it more firmly as it grew. I knew that I would have to push it in to stay soon if I wanted to get the full experience, but I was also determined to keep it from happening for as long as possible.

However, the feeling of Melissa's tight folds were too much for me. I felt them massaging my shaft from all sides as she squeezed hard on it and felt my knot become stuck briefly every time I moved inward. Furthermore, I felt the tingling of her electric charge stimulate my body even more as I could feel my shaft going deeper into Melissa as it lengthened inside her and a third tail sprout from my backside. I thought Melissa was causing me to change into my three-tailed demon fire fox form as I knew that I became longer and bigger in that form than I did in my normal form.

Within a matter of moments, the tip of my shaft became narrow enough to pass into Melissa's cervix as it kept lengthening and split into two separate tips (another trait of my demon fire fox form). When I felt how deep I was inside her, I put my knot in her to stay, letting it swell inside her as she closed her eyes and clamped down hard on it as I felt her hands grip my butt very tightly. "Yes honey fox...shoot it all over the inside of my womb!", she called out excitedly as I could sense that she knew I was in the lower part of her uterus now as each tip started to aim in the direction of her fallopian tubes.

"It's a good thing she took her kaorin berries", I thought to myself, knowing that Melissa would definitely become pregnant from my seed if I came into her under normal circumstances. However, that didn't stop my intense sex drive from wanting to fill her up with my seed. Her walls were surrounding my knot, clamping down on it hard as it became locked inside her canal and I felt a spark of her electric charge run down my length as she spasmed inward, reaching all the way down to my balls as the jolt was enough to set them off.

I let out a high-pitched and excited howl as I held Melissa tight, feeling my seed rushing from my balls until it blasted out of both tips deep in Melissa's uterus just as the first rays of the new morning sunlight were above the horizon. As I came into Melissa, I felt something strange happen on my back, right about where my shoulder blades were. It felt as if I had instantly grown two new appendages back there, one on each side of my body as I noticed that Melissa was snuggled tight against me, basking in the glow of having me cum directly into her uterus as I filled her up well.

After a few moments, Melissa looked up at me and had her mouth open wide when she saw what I looked like. "What...is there something stuck between my teeth or something?", I asked as Melissa looked into my eyes and placed both of her hands on my face. "Wait...why did you do that for? I don't want to fall towards the ground!", I told her nervously as my shaft was continuing to erupt inside her as Melissa smiled and caressed my cheeks.

"Honey fox...let go of my body...trust me", she answered as I nervously did as she suggested and felt those new appendages of mine moving up and down as I watched Melissa's wings moving as we were several hundred feet in the air. I looked over to one side of my body and noticed that I had grown feathered wings like Melissa had...only a bit larger than hers, and my color scheme had changed, as the part of my fur that was normally orange had changed to golden yellow and the part of my fur that was normally grayish-black was now the same shade of white Melissa's fur was.

"I have an angel fox form now?!!", I responded in surprise as I didn't understand what was happening, but was quickly reminded that I was having sex with Melissa at the moment as she spasmed tightly around my length and more cum spewed out of both my tips.

"Sweetie...just concentrate on me for now. I'll explain what happened to you when we're done", she answered softly as I decided to take her word for it and simply focused on enjoying the sexual bond between us. Both tips of my foxhood released large amounts of my seed into Melissa, filling her womb quite rapidly as I soon felt her belly beginning to bulge from the volume, much to the delight of both of us. "Mmm...I love my honey fox...my sweet, fertile honey fox", she answered sweetly as I felt her carefully nip at one of my nipples again as my ears twitched slightly and I felt my seed flow into her a little faster.

Our mid-air embrace lasted for several minutes as I could feel Melissa spasming and pulling on my shaft as I filled her up even more. Her belly continued to grow larger as more of my seed filled her uterus, leaving her look as if she were heavily pregnant by the time I had finished my climax. "It's times like this where I wish I hadn't taken those kaorin berries before we had sex", Melissa commented as her maternal instinct wanted to make her release eggs for my sperm to fertilize but the ingredients in the kaorin berries blocked the hormonal release that would cause her to ovulate. Instead, she'd have to settle for the warm, sticky feeling of my fox cum inside her as we slowly made our way back towards the ground as my climax had ended.

As soon as we were back on the ground, I was able to pull out of Melissa as my tips had merged back into one and my shaft had returned to its normal fox shape while maintaining it's enhanced length and larger knot. Almost all of my cum remained inside Melissa as her cervix had closed tightly to keep what I had done inside her womb as I saw her look at me with those sparkling blue eyes of hers. "Mmm...this was definitely worth the wait", she answered gleefully as she softly rubbed her cumbelly, knowing that there could've been more inside her if she hadn't planned on taking the kaorin berries earlier.

While Melissa was enjoying what I gave her, I remembered back to what happened as we were in the air as I remained in my new angel fox form. "Melissa, I don't mean to interrupt your happiness, but I'm still curious about how this happened to me. How was I able to change into a three-tailed angel fox?", I asked curiously as Melissa came towards me and placed her arms around my body, snuggling into my chest fur again.

"Because I wanted to give you an anniversary present that would last a lifetime. You see sweetheart, I had always hoped that you and I could have sex at the break of dawn together while I'm in my angelic form. Because only during sex in my angelic form at the first light of day is when I can pass on the angelic powers to you", Melissa explained as I was still a bit confused.

"What about Sapphire, you gave hir your abilities and you didn't need to have sex with hir at the beginning of the day to do it", I asked as I knew Sapphire also inherited this from Melissa.

"Honey, you seem to forget that I didn't pass them on to hir...shi copied them from me. When I had sex with hir the first time when I was in my angelic form, Sapphire took on the powers on hir own, without my help. Besides, considering the amount of anger I know you have at times, I wasn't even sure if this would affect you or not. Even as we speak, it's entirely possible that you haven't inherited all of my abilities. Only time will tell if you'll be able to transform into your angelic form willingly, or if you'll need to be stimulated first to do it", Melissa continued as I seemed to understand.

"It takes a lot of happiness to transform into angelic form and you know that I'm a lot more cheerful overall than you are, so if you act calm and think happy thoughts, you might be able to transform easier in the future", she continued as my body returned to its normal fox form as I had calmed down after sex as Melissa gave me plenty to think about.

In the meantime however, I took Melissa into my arms and nipped at one of her ears very softly as she changed back to her normal form while the belly bulge from my cream remained. As I was holding Melissa, I felt one of her hands go down towards my crotch and caress my sheath lightly, causing the tip of my cock to come back out. "Want to do it again, honey fox...this time in your favorite position?", she asked as I let go of her ear and looked down at her, seeing how full her belly was.

"Are you sure you've got room for more, Mel-Mel?", I asked curiously as she kept touching me down around my shaft and made me develop a new erection.

"Sure I do...you know how much I love feeling your cum deep inside me. I want to feel some more...and I want us to be stuck together the same way we were when we first did it some 15 years ago", Melissa mentioned as I felt my foxhood come back out completely as I let out an excited murr.

"Well then, you know what to do sweetie...get on your hands and knees for me and lift that sexy butt of yours nice and high", I commented playfully as Melissa giggled briefly before she let go and did as I suggested. Within a matter of moments, I was back inside Melissa, having sex with her foxy-style as my shaft enjoyed the feeling of her tight passage against it.

Once Melissa and I were tied together as I slowly inseminated her some more, I wrapped my two tails around her body lightly as we were firmly stuck to each other for an extended period of time. I would look back to her as she looked back to me, feeling much the same way about being stuck to each other as we did when we were younger. "I always feel happy whenever I'm stuck on you", I told her sweetly as she blushed a little and blew me a kiss as I knew she liked when I tied her as much as I liked turning the tie with her.

Once we were finished having sex the second time, my balls felt drained as my sex drive was satisfied, needing a bit of time to refuel as I picked up Melissa in my arms and carried her back towards the car. Her belly was still full of my cum as I saw her reach down and touch it while I was carrying her. "You filled me up quite nicely, honey fox", she commented softly as I looked down to her and gave her a kiss.

"That's because I love being inside you so much...not to mention the fact that I love being with you", I told her sweetly as Melissa and I soon engaged in a deeper kiss with our tongues in each other's mouths while I murred sweetly into Melissa's.

The End

*: This is the name I've given Dr. Cure from Drawn to Life. (By the way, you'll be hearing about her a lot more coming up soon once I move "Meeting Mari" here from FA)