Falling Snow ~Page 2~

Story by FlameWolfess on SoFurry

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Well i thought i would end it at somewhat of a cliffhanger just for the heck of it, hope you enjoy!

I'm going to try and upload at least every week or two, here's the next page hope you enjoy, and please comment telling me how it is so i can improve on it and fix any spelling errors i might have made.

"Are you okay?!" Holly asked running over to her side and crouching down. "You didn't answer me" She said as Holly pulled her to her feet. "Yes thats Devin; Boy i thought he was going to kill you or something by the look he gave you!" She exclaimed dramaticly. "Why, has he done that before" She asked sarcasticly.

"Well.. no but he might, you never know!" She said and grabbed Sinopa by the arm dragging her along beside her, she then let go once they were at there next class. "Come on, lets get into class before were late" Holly said cheerfully once again as they walked in.

Most of the days passed by as Sinopa and Holly spent there week togather talking while they were in the halls after and before classes, she had been in her last classes of the day and saw Devin in a few of them though they never talked. "Okay now we gotta split and go to our last classes" Holly said as they left for there last class walking togather. "Good luck in class!" Holly shouted as she ran down the hall to get to her next class.

Sinopa went to the door to her last class and opened the door walking in and looked to the teacher and smiled. "Okay, go sit in the middle seat beside Mr.Locker" She said not looking up from her desk, there was then quiet chatter going about behind Sinopa after the teacher spoke since she was looking down at her papers.

She then turnt around and went to the empty seat that was beside a male black and brown german shepard, she smiled lightly and sat down beside him, he smiled back to her while she was getting her math books from her bag. "Good morning" He said politely. "Morning Greg" She said back to the german shepard.

"Okay class look ahead to the..." By that time Pinopa was sitting straight in her chair and looking ahead to the teacher who was now talking.

While in the middle of listening to the teacher someone tapped her on the soulder, she then turnt around and almost jumped a foot by the large wolf sitting behind her who had startled her by being so close since he was leaning forward in his seat and was only a few inches from her snout when she turnt. "Greetings again"He said with an unknown expression.

"Um.. hi" She said in a quiet voice. "You dropped this in the hallway" He said with a blank expression and held out a silver key one that belonged to her house, her eyes widened lightly as she checked her bag where there was a broken keychain that held the key.

She then turnt and took the key from him putting it into her jacket pocket. "Thanks" She muttered and turnt back around, she did not like him when they first 'met' and didn't like him now, though she didn't know him very well so he could be nice, though remembering the last time she'd talked to him he was snarling at her after she bumped into him.

He sat back in his chair watching the back of the wolfesses head, she was the only other wolf who was in the school so he took more of an interest in her then the others, he had only ever seen another wolf around the school who happen to be her brother.

He pushed his ears forward in a dominant gesture out of habbit to another female who was batting her eyes and trying to look cute, he just rolled his eyes and sat up some to look to the teacher who was telling everyone some thing they had to do with a partner, though he just tuned it out as usual and wrote down what he needed to and sat his pencil on the desk.

"Mr. Locker with Mrs.Candler" The teacher said as she was listing off everyone who was going to be paired for the science project next week. "Mrs. Woodler with Mr. Chain" Sinopa then looked behind her to the wolf who sat behind her, she was going to be paired with him. Devin Chain, she just smiled lightly and turnt back around.

The class then ended and she got up geting her bag and putting her papers in and looked to Devin as he was doing the same. "Seeya" Greg said as he left the room, she got her stuff togather at last and left the classroom; She stopped hearing someone behind her and turnt around to meet face to face with Devin. "Can i help you?" She questioned.

"I have a question" He said casualy. "Okay, ask away." She said crossing her arms across her chest. "Are you coming to my house or am i coming to yours for the school pairing thing?" He questioned with a tilt of his head, she seemed to think for a moment as to how this would work since they had to work on this togather. "You can follow me and my brother to our house as long as you don't have anything else to do" She said with a light smile.

"Nope, i never have anything to do" He said returning the smile with a smirk. "Okay follow me and i'll find my brother" She said turning on her heel and walking down the hall while he walked beside her, most of thestudents in the hallway watching them as if they were waiting for him to rip her head off or something.

She saw her brother down the hall and walked over to him. "Hey, Jake, this is Devin Chain and hes coming back with us since he got paired with me for some class project" She said adressing him with his first and last name, he just nodded to his sister and smiled to Devin with a nod of his head.

Sinopa caught up with Holly and told her what was going on and they went there seperate ways then came up to him and her brother, so him, Jake and Sinopa were leaving the school and heading the way to their house while he just trailed behind both of them and watching the puffs of hot air rising above his head.

He wasn't to happy about being paired with Sinopa though he didn't really have a choice so he just went along with it and tryed to be as nice as he could master, he didn't notice they had made it there till they had stopped and started going up to a large red brick victorian house with skinny long windows linning the walls and a two sided door to the right side.

They walked up as she went and unlocked the door and walked in. "Mum were home and i brought someone from school for a project!" She yelled into the large house. "Okay i'll be down in a minute!" The sweet voice of her mother rang from upstairs.

"Okay just make yourself comfortable" She said to Devin as her brother came in, got an apple and ran out again shutting the door behind him for an unknown reason to her, though she just shrugged it off and went to go sit on the couch, while Devin walked over and sat on the chair across from her.

Her mother came down the stairs with a basket of clothes and sat them on the table. "Hello" She said kindly to Devin. "I'm Glenn, Sinopas mother" She said introducing herself. "Devin Chain" He said back and smiled. "Okay well it's nice to meet you Devin, i have to go to the dry cleaners and do this clothes have fun" She said and picked back up the basket going out the door and into her car leaving for town.

"Okay well lets go up to my room to work on what were going to do" She said with a smile and got up leading him up the stairs and into her room, he just followed behind her glancing around the house.

He saw a few picture frames on the walls and grinned at an interesting looking one that involved the family in weird costumes, he then followed her into her room and looked around at the dark red walls and black and white rug in the middle of her floor along with a closet and dresser, a large mirror and desk in a corner.

She walked over and sat on the bed sitting indian style with her legs inder her. "Well here we are" She said with a smile, he just smiled back and then they began talking about what they were going to do and how this was going to work, who was going to whos house what days and such; thats how most of the day went till he had to leave and go home and left.

She went up to her room while her mother and father were already asleep in bed, she crawled under the covers and fell asleep not long after.

She awoke the next morning to a slight cramp in her arms and legs and got out of bed making her way into her bathroom, she shut the door and looked into the mirror, She sighed and streched and got her brush before starting on her fur.

She went downstairs after dressing and brushing out her fur which took around tweenty minutes just to get it all brushed and clean, she looked to the counter where a note was telling her, her mother and brother went out shopping for some new jeans for him so she was here by herself and her father was away at work.

A few minutes later she heard a door bell ring and went to go get the door, she opened it to see Devin on the other side. "Hey" She greeted. "Hello" He said back with a blank face and stepped inside after she opened the door all the way.

"Do you want anything" She questioned with a smile. "No thank you" He replyed with a slight smile though seeming nervous. "Okay then" She said and sat down on the couch while he followed sitting beside her.

"Can i tell you something?" He asked her with a worried look. "Sure" She said looking at him with a look of curiousity and slight worry at him. "I just killed someone"

Well i just thought i'd end it here for no good reason at all... Well i hope you enjoyed it!