Falling Snow ~Page 2~

"i'm glenn, sinopas mother" she said introducing herself. "devin chain" he said back and smiled.

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Identity (A1, B1, C11)

Karla, exhausted, tried to wiggle out from behind sinopa. "no. you're pregnant, goddammit." "stay put," sinopa demanded.

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SHIFT 004: Those Who Fight Monsters

sinopa can't get past those antlers or his scaly hide!" tex backed away from sinopa. the kirin slowly backed into the farthest corner away from the skybox. sinopa took to the skies and dived at him.

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Fox Hunt (Act1, Book2, Chapter17)

She reached for sinopa's hands. sinopa remained quiet and reverent. tamamo, in the possessed body, bowed her head, so that her forehead came to rest against sinopa's own. they chanted softly together in prayer of victory in battle.

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Dropped Toy

sinopa flashed a mischievous grin. the end

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Ham & Eggs Fire (A1, B10, C2)

Without tamamo resetting sinopa's memories since 2023, sinopa has a near-flawless california dialect, now!" "karla, don't patronize her." karla sighed and looked back at sinopa. "okay, what is it i'm forgetting?" sinopa motioned for karla to stand.

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The Spider And The Fly (A1, B1, C12)

"sinopa, i know that the gods are created by intense faith from a significant quantity of human souls - believers. the more human faith placed in the deity protector, the more powerful that god becomes." sinopa swallowed.

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SHIFT 006: Sage Advice

sinopa who was still deaf had no idea the crane had just said. "never mind." the crane sighed. sinopa leaped for her again. this time as soon as sinopa landed near the crane she jumped back away from her.

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To Hell And Back (A1, B10, C15)

Her eyes lowered and she sighed as though already mourning sinopa's future. "you must fight them to leave yomi. else you can never return to the heavens." sinopa frowned. "oh." "now will you reconsider?" silence. sinopa weighed her options.

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Body Hopping (A1, B10, C7)

sinopa sighed. "very well." "why are you freaking out? is there something i should know?" sinopa looked down at the floor. she moved adjacent to karla, facing away from tamamo and conner. sinopa whispered to karla in a quiet voice.

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New Order of the Ages (A1, B1, C10)

sinopa gestured to karla with her left hand to keep the succubus from exploding into action yet. darius tilted his head to see what sinopa would do. with her right hand, sinopa withdrew her katana slowly.

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