Black Project Files Chapter 1 (Sofawolf Press)

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Black project files Chapter 1

By N. Duncan

Edited by Flyboy

1913 Virginia City, MT. Found knocked out at the front door of the Fairweather Inn ,one Mr. Joeseph Luciedos, left his hometown to start a new line of black project missions. A nagra location and date of origin is unknown.

Case profile #8779161-57 Vance, James. Bodie, CA 1914-1915 timeline:

Born on Oct. 31, 1898, Mr. Vance became a reptile monstrosity from X-ray testing. Mr. Vance slowly became animalistic; that was November 13, 1914. In Mid-1915 there was an outbreak of what is now known as the demon virus. The D-virus as it is called, mutated and killed half of the town.

November 22, 1915. James Vance was slated for an illegal hanging. Unfortunately without trial (Bodie, CA is a very small town) ,but Mr. Vance snapped the rope with his tail-grip.

Case file note: A tail-grip is a series of retractable blades at the tip of the xeno's tail that came together or apart systematically and consist of three or more blades.

January 23, 1916 Bodie, CA 7:16am.

In the morning at about 30 minutes before sunrise four men are loading X-ray

testing equipment **onto wagons bound to a testing site at Bannerman's island arsenal in the state of New York for more lab work on the townsfolk that had the same mutation defects as Mr. Vance. They were also hoping for recovery or retirement and/or both from the Demon virus outbreak that has been slowly spreading. At that point it was on the verge of engulfing the rest of California, invading into Oregon, Washington state, and now just entered into Canada and the Alaskan territory.

By the end of WW1 between 1918 and 1919 the D-virus had taken root in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. The New York Times makes this grim statement:

"There is no end in site from this horrific virus and no sign of stopping it from destroying this country and the world. There is no use fighting this unstoppable virus anymore..." -New York Times 1920

We return to Joeseph back in 1916. As he is filling out paperwork at a saloon/restaurant, in slithers Annabel Lee. A mutated woman with a now known DNA mix with a milk**

snake from the D-virus. Joeseph dropped his pen and landed on one of his back blades after rolling off his cowl around the table's middle leg.

For the ones with a large snake tail, the one legged tables are a luxury to have. The very tips of their tails or tail-blades rest on floor to support the surface and the leg itself. Annabel came over just a small estrange of nods lead her to saying "new in town?" with a seductive smile. Joeseph stumbled with the Government papers and film cans while Annabel said, "Would you like to go on a date?" with a smile.

**Joeseph said, " I'll see if I have the time in town between missions. In fact, here's the key to my hotel room and let's see what you will have planned when I get back." Joeseph hands the key to Annabel before heading to his mission.

January 24, 1916 Boon's store 9:15a.m. Joeseph looked around the warehouse.He hears something that sounds like groaning from a far corner ,but it might be the old warehouse settling. He unlatches the holster for his gun anyway.

For a snake dragon half breed he was shaken and mumbled to himself "What happened here?". Joeseph didn't notice the glowing red eyes in the dark rows.**

Joeseph sees James Vance resting in the rafters on couple support beams.Joeseph's red eyes glinted as he looked up at the monster after seeing the half-eaten corpse of a store worker still gripping a two shot shotgun and said, "You know red meat is bad for you, come down so I can see you."

Mr. Vance jumped down to the wooden floor. "We all know you need help, you can..." Mr. Vance threw Joeseph into some shelves. Joeseph counters by shooting Mr. Vance four times in the chest and two in the neck.

It's now 11:20:38a.m. Joeseph was smashed out from the back alley's locked door with Vance forcing Joeseph to the pavement. Joeseph knocked Vance out with his tail-blade.

1:25:13p.m. Two covered trucks with the numbers 213 roll to a stop and out comes another wingless nagra very much like Joeseph named "M". M asks Joeseph where Vance is and Joeseph tells him that Vance is in the back alley. Men with guns proceed into the shop.

January 25, 1916 at the Wheaton and Hallis Hotel. When Joeseph slithered out from the snow bound streets waiting for another blizzard to hit in the next three months, Joeseph was not greeted by the same man-wolf check clerk at the lobby ,but a new man in town. A human about 22 years of age.

It is now 2:13p.m. Annabel checked into Joeseph's room at 1:15p.m., but let's go back to 1:00p.m. A female red ware fox in a skimpy Navaho warrior's outfit gave her a bottle of perfume that was said to be used by Salmacis to corner her lover in Greece.

1:17p.m. She knows that she will have less then an hour so she quickly claws off her cloths and rubs the perfume over her slick, naked snakelike body and turns out the lights by looking at them.

2:13p.m. Joeseph comes in and turns on the overhanging small, fogged out, thick glass light fixer that did not make much light for some reason and saw the half milk snake/ half human known at Annabel Lee naked in bed.

Joeseph saw her cloths shredded up and discarded on the floor and the blaze burning in the fireplace and asked "What are you doing here?".

Annabel says, "You invited me remember?".

As he sniffed the perfume Joeseph blacked out and found himself naked in bed with Annabel exploring each others slick, snake like bodies. Annabel smiles as she sees his cock popping out of his slit with a full erection.

Joeseph smiles and says, "I forgot for a moment."

Annabel grinned and said, "I have a feeling that it can get bigger." She gently starts to rub his large member with her claws and fingers. Joeseph moans and his cock starts to get bigger.

Annabel apprehensively says "That's better, but I have to tell you something before it."

Joeseph asks, "What is it?"

Annabel answers saying, "I'm 14 and I haven't been with a male like this before."

Joeseph just smiles and says, "It's only my second time, but I am happy to guide you."

Annabel grins and moans as Joeseph gets on top of her and slowly slides his large cock into her wet, dripping pussy. He starts to hump into her slowly and softly. As he gets warmed up he starts to pump his long throbbing cock faster inside her pussy while she moans loudly getting closer to her orgasm with each thrust from Joeseph.

Her tail curls around Joeseph's tail-blade then Annabel and Joeseph start a mating ball. To Annabel and Joeseph this mating ball is not just sex alone, but an instinct that kept themselves warm during the blizzard.

The mating spanned ten days. On the tenth day at 10:24a.m Annabel's yellow and soft green eyes open, she stretches, still laying on top of Joeseph. She looks around the room as the sunlight floods in and she sees the charred remains of there clothes that they threw into the fireplace sometime on day five. Joeseph wakes up and sees Annabel still panting after the sex they had, sweat still beading down there naked scaled bodies.

Joeseph saw two beads of sweat, one just below her snout about on the neck and the other making its way down her right breast.

Joeseph brushed the bead of sweat off her right tit and his hand landed on her nipple. He froze as she smiled when her eyes locked onto his. Joeseph kept his hand on her tit and as she put her hand on top of his Joeseph whispered into her pointed ear, "lay back down."

Joeseph lays her back down with his cock still very hard deep inside her pussy as he thrusts more into her and starts to suckle her breasts. Annabel starts to orgasm as she holds him close while he fucks her and sucks her supple breasts.

As they lay on the hard wood floor and continue there lovemaking she was even more turned on when she saw Joeseph's sharp blades on his body shining in the sunlight. Annabel overlapped her tail around his as Joeseph pumps wildly into her pussy.

Feb. 4, 1916 2:16a.m. After they were done with there 2nd round of mating, Joeseph got some cloths out from a foe-Queen Ann dresser with film cans dropping from it. They later both went their separate ways for the day.

Annabel: "Will you come into see me after you're work at the mill today?"

Joeseph: "Yes, around three sounds good...."

Annabel: "Great, I have something in mind that you might like."

Joeseph: "Put on some clothes and I will see you later today."

She giggles and puts on her new cloths.

They kiss and Joeseph picks up a case with some equipment and a few guns. He proceeds to leave the hotel room and heads to the mill a few miles away while Annabel lays on the bed and rests for the two hours Joeseph will be gone.

Annabel: "That was amazing..."

She smiles as she sees Joeseph slither out the door.

Bodie, CA Feb. 4, 1916 at 8:17am. Joeseph has an assignment to come up to the mill. He is tasked with acquiring earth samples to check if a chemical spill hadn't contaminated the mill.

10:06am After completing his mission he returns to the hotel where Annabel is waiting for him. They proceed to strip naked for another round of lovemaking, but this time is different. She has reverted back to her human form. While in her human form Annabel is a tan, white female with red and blond hair. Annabel is sitting straight up naked on the bed after taking her cloths off playfully in front of Joeseph, teasing him. Joeseph is both nervous and aroused as he has never seen the naked form of a human...Not up close anyway. He only saw unclothed women in paintings from the 1500's and 1600's and a few photos in he had in his trunk.

However now...Now there's a slender, naked woman on his bed. She slowly and seductively opened her legs to show an opening between her legs. It is a slim orifice just inches below her navel. Joeseph ran his claws through her hair and onto her back positioning her to lay on the bed facing him.

Joeseph's penis is long with an inverted reptilian curve so he had to maneuver around a little in order to penetrate the opening. She writhed with pleasure as it entered into her vagina, filling her completely with his girth. "There is something about human flesh that is pleasing to the touch; soft, warm and smooth." Joeseph though to himself. Suddenly when Joeseph's penis dug in a little deeper she screamed. Joeseph was taken aback and asked, "Are you okay?! Do I need to stop?"

Annabel only laughed when he asked that. She smiled and said "No... Uhn...Keep going. That scream was just me telling you how great feels!" She started to pet Joeseph on the snout affectionately to show her appreciation as Joeseph continued to thrust into her with renewed vigor. He pumped into her wildly as he felt his orgasm approaching. All of a sudden his cock tensed and his body went rigid as his seed exploded deep into her pussy. She screamed in ecstasy as her body convulsed in an intense orgasm.

Annabel was panting as she tried to keep up with his long, hard thrusts from his chiseled, muscular dragon body while they both rode out there orgasms. Joeseph then collapses on top of her as they both bask in the afterglow of sex. She sighs with content when Joeseph holds her human form closer to his scaly body in a loving embrace.

Annabel feels safe with the dragon government agent holding her in his arms with his throbbing cock deep inside her pussy.

September 13, 1916. Annabel later told Joeseph that she was part of the Government's breeding program. One minute he's naked in bed with Annabel kissing him after several months of wild loving sex and the next he wakes up on a train leading to gods knows where. He tries to figure out where he is by looking out the window, but he only sees moss covered trees, a few small shacks and swamp land.

September 28, 1918- 2 years later. At the gates of an abandoned German outpost with frozen trucks and loose wires still sparking, Joeseph looks around the courtyard. He is looking for any guns or something that can be used as a weapon. He gets lucky and finds an Ithaca 37 shotgun. He proceeds into the outpost and is greeted by a thousand bullets going at him with such force that it's impossible not to get winded. He rolls to the side, hiding behind a garbage bin and throws a grenade at the Maxim MG08 but tries not to kill the German soldiers.

9:07pm. Joeseph managed to get the Germans to surrender when he heard a thumping on the roof. He followed the sound through a narrow hallway lit by "purple lights" and into an operating room before he saw something smash through the fogged out skylight, land on top of the operating table and run off into the darkness.

Joeseph told the German POWs to wait in hallway. When he slowly slithered into the main hall he saw a steel cart squeakily roll in from that operating room. He knows something is going to pop out somewhere so he heads into an office with bars on the windows and as soon as he locked the door he was thrown back as something tried to claw its way in through the glass/barbwire that surrounded the office's frame. Joeseph shot the lock off and got out.

Joeseph saw the monster's dark red eyes glaring at him though the barbwire bolted on the now failing wood frames. Just before slamming the heavy steel door and pushing a steel desk in the door's way big dents appeared on the thick steel door. He knew that it wouldn't hold on any longer so Joeseph ran from the offices to the operating room, his tail sliding on broken glass as he searches through a doctor's desk.

Title: No man's land

November 10, 1918 in the front courtyard at 7:20pm. A medic found one of the missing members of search party #182. Joeseph and Vance were half way across the bridge when two of the recently dead came towards them. Joeseph shot one of the crazies 8 times and impaled it with his tail-blade. With six inches of his spikes coming out from the back and snapping the spine. Vance covered Joeseph shooting a the other one 11 times.

Search party member #1 ran towards Joeseph and Vance and gave them an old large iron key, but before he can say anything a male manbat swooped in and took him. Joeseph fired three shots at it before giving Vance and Applegate their orders. "Vance, you take the lower areas, Applegate, you come with me!"

Inside the main hall of the mansion was a grand staircase, two bolted doors to the ballroom and an iron plate on the floor. Joeseph used the key for the ballroom and gave Applegate his next order, "This where we split up. We will cover more ground that way."

Ballroom 7:24pm. Joeseph saw a lone crazy walking aimlessly. He paused for a moment and then cut it's head clean off with one sweep of both blades on the tip of his tail. Then he noticed someone hunched over on the 2nd level of the ballroom.

It is hard to know if the man is still alive so Joeseph yelled out "Sir...Sir are you okay?"

The man that would later be identified as Dr. Johnson; lab employee #157 yelled out "Besides being exposed to diphosgene 36 hours ago I'm fine..." he groaned.

Joeseph called out once more, "Do you know about Dr. Stagron?"

Dr. Johnson yelled out "yes"

Joeseph climbed up on a marble pillar, yelling out "Don't be afraid, I'm here to help." as the dark marble crumbled under his clawed hands to reach the 2nd level.

The lower tunnels 8:40pm. After two weeks the mustard gas is now but a glowing greenish fog covering the stone floor.

Outside in the front courtyard: Joeseph comes out from the large dark wood front door helping Dr. Johnson with his footing and is met with the now medic Pvt. Heff Molder that just reported in.

Joeseph gave his order, "Molder, take care of this guy in the truck."