The Wolves In Me -Part 2-

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wolves In Me

The second piece of "The Wolves In Me" I definitely thought I'd have the story over by part 3, but it looks like there may be another two parts!

Please, make it stop. I wanted to speak, but there wasn't enough room for words between my whimpers and the cock lodged in my throat. Just as he did every other night since my nightmares had started, Evan took his usual place behind me, mercilessly slamming his body into my ass as he held my hips mockingly and gave them a pat.

I'm sorry, Evan. I had done nothing to deserve this, Evan had assured me once before. After all, it wasn't my fault I was born a human.

"Argh!" Evan sank his claws into my hips as he inflated, I could only scream out in pain, giving the werewolf at my front the chance to explode into my mouth with a ferocious roar. I took the only moment I'd get to cough and take a deep breath before the next werewolf in line snatched up my head by my hair and forced his cock into my mouth. He sighed lustfully as my warm, wet, tongue made contact with his salty, fleshy, and throbbing cock, but I couldn't feel the same way.

Evan pulled back despite his knot's massive size, tugging my body back and ripping a cough from my throat and a tear from one of my eyes. As the countless other werewolves stood by and stroked their cocks, waiting for the moment my sore ass would be open for taking once more, Evan leaned over me with one of his hands on my hip, the other hand groping my chest.

"I told you that I'd make sure you'd never be alone again, didn't I?" Evan whispered, giving me a slow, warm lick behind one of my ears as he snaked his giant, furry hand down my front and around my cock. My entire being shivered out of fear and unease. "I'll make sure we keep you nice and safe too..."

Evan slowly started to stroke my cock and I cried out, whimpering past the cock in my mouth.

Only a day after the first time I had been taken by the furry force, I had been relocated to a different part of the cave, some place deeper and darker than before. I was moved far away from the main hall, where I traded glances with most every werewolf that lived in the giant cave, to a place where I never saw any werewolves aside from the group that continually raped me night after night.

Ever since the first time, they fucked me day in and day out, I got sleep when they allowed it, I got food when Evan didn't eat it after "getting a good workout with my ass." Evan had effectively made my life a living hell, and I still didn't know why.

With a loud roar and a huff Evan yanked his knot out of my ass and released my cock. Moments later I was tackled onto my side by two werewolves, who clawed and fought each other until I had a dick lodged deep into my ass. I couldn't help but cry out from the sheer force, but I could only guess that my whimper made it that much more satisfying for him.

Even though I had a werewolf in my mouth, I had almost forgotten how long he had been there, finding myself caught off guard by an untimely cock to the throat and several thick, heavy loads, leaving me coughing and out of breath. With the only moment I figured I'd get to speak, I cried out.

"S-Stop!" I spewed a load of white goop onto the ground. "N-no more!"

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer; they had been on top of me for so long and so many days in a row. All I wanted was for it to stop.

"Please! No more!"

Despite my desperate pleads, another werewolf from the wall approached me and grabbed my chin without a word. For a moment, he looked concerned, almost sorry, but his throbbing cock was obviously more important than I was.

Just as the werewolf thrust his cock into my mouth, another voice called out. It was one that I had heard before, but didn't recognize.

"So, this is where all my suitors have run off to..."

The werewolf in my mouth gasped and jumped back at the sound of the voice, making it back to the wall and giving me a chance to look over toward the only way into my prison. I couldn't see anything, but the other werewolves apparently could. Their cock-stroking stopped, their eyes became wide and fearful, they froze up with quiet anxiety. I could only wait with them.

After a few long, tense moments, a pair of glowing white eyes with pitch-black rings shined down on me like headlights. At the same time, the new figure's body was illuminated by the red eyes of every werewolf in the cave.

"P-Princess!?" The werewolf called from behind me with a gruff voice, slowly pulling his member out of my rear and letting me fall to the ground into a large puddle of wolf goo.

As I grunted and slowly raised my head from the cum-caked floors, I found myself staring down at a pair of off-white, furry feet. Before I could manage to look up, the werewolf squatted down, giving me a clear view of a patch of lush-looking well-groomed fur between her legs beside a fresh cut of red meat that made my mouth water. Eventually, I managed to break my trance from a possible first meal of the day to look up into the werewolf's eye, trading her glances.

There wasn't a single doubt in my mind, the clan's princess, Amira, was staring directly into my soul through my eyes. I had only seen her twice before, and I had never spoken to her, but I had heard a lot about her. As the clan's princess, the werewolf who would make her his mate would become the clan's next alpha. She was every wolf's desire...and she was staring down at me, forcing my stomach to churn with fear.

Amira stood up and glared at the room of werewolves. She stopped for a moment to glare even more intensely at Evan before looking to the werewolf behind me with a frown.

"By all means..." Amira stood up and used one of her hips as a rest for her free hand. "Don't let me stop your fun...keep going."

I reached forward and relieved my ass of werewolf cock before Amira took a step to the side, freezing me in place.


I slowly looked behind me and for the first time I could see a werewolf showing regret, presumably for what he would do, but I didn't want to risk another pounding. At the very moment I scooped together the remains of my will to live and my strength, the werewolf behind me grabbed my hips tight and pulled me backward.

"N-No! Not again!" I cried out. I had barely moved, but I had convinced myself that I was close to my freedom, at least for the night. "Don't do this! Please!"

From the corner of my eye, I barely caught a glimpse of the werewolf clenching his teeth and closing his eyes, afterward he prodded my throbbing hole.

"Sorry about this, Eric."

My eyes instantly widened, it was hard to believe that he had apologized, but somehow, it was even harder to believe that he was going to fuck me still.

"No! No! Don't!" I screamed, reaching out and clawing at the ground, splashing a puddle of white into my own face as I struggled, but to no avail. "Let me go! Please! I don't wa-"

Every breath in my entire had being left me with a sudden thrust, even so, I managed an ear-splitting scream. My entire body fell limp, but of course, it didn't stop the werewolf from fucking me in front of his princess and most of his clan, it only seemed to make him harder.

I screamed out again, my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest, my fingers and toes curled on their own with each thrust, my sore throat tightened. The werewolf above me grabbed one of my hips and pinned one of my arms to the ground, afterward, he started to slam me against the solid stone floors with his broad, furry body. Each thrust was infinitely deeper than the last, it almost felt like he was fucking my heart.

Without a word, I laid on the warm, sticky cave floor as the werewolf behind me inflated, nearing his massive release. There was never anything I could do to stop such a fucking, and this time was no different. The wolf came with a loud howl and I clenched my teeth with his final push as he inflated, leaving us connected, and stealing my breath away, but the worst was yet to come. I too came, crying out loud and clenching my teeth, immediately hating myself afterward. If I was stronger...

The werewolf panted and huffed hard as he released my hip and lowered his body down to mine, pressing his furry chest to my back, filling my body with the beat of his heart. "Sorry...Eric."

Usually, I managed to hold back my tears, but not this time. I took a silent breath and quietly whimpered under the werewolf, the princess, and a majority of the werewolves of the clan. Tears rolled down my cheeks and barely cut two lines through the spunk on my face. Watching them splash against the white below me, I couldn't help but look up with a slight growl.

"I hate you, Evan!" I raised my head from the ground and looked up to Evan, the only werewolf looking down at me with a smirk. "You think you're better because you're not a human anymore, but you're not!"

Evan's smirk faded away, a hateful glare took its place.

"Turning into a werewolf didn't make you better, it made you worse!" I roared out, tears still streaming down my face with all eyes on me. There was so much more I wanted to say, but I couldn't say or do anything more than cry and whimper.

"I...I hate you so much..."

One-by-one, the werewolves looked from me to Evan, none of them spoke, but they all frowned. Evan looked from one side to another, but I could tell that he cared more about my insult than the stares of his new friends.

I turned away and closed my eyes, at the first sign of Evan moving toward me. I had always told myself that I didn't care what they did to me, but I was actually serious. Anything would have been better than being forcefully tormented day after day.

"Why you-" Evan growled, the sound of his steps closed in on me. "Filthy, puny-"


I closed my eyes tighter for a moment before slowly opening them to find Amira standing in front of me, her back facing me. I didn't know exactly what was happening, but it looked like she was standing up for me.

"I should have known that our little "prisoner" wasn't having as much fun as the rest of you." Amira's voice was loud and gracious, but harsh enough to instill fear in every werewolf I could see. Evan took a slight step back with a growl despite clearly being a head taller than her, the werewolves far behind him trembled, the werewolf on top of me slightly whimpered, giving his slowly deflating knot a quick tug along with my body.

Amira turned to her side, showing the entire cave hellacious glowing eyes and clenched teeth, bearing her long canines. "I see, proving yourselves worthy of a mate of my status was just too hard for you all, wasn't it?" She continued, giving no one a chance to interject. "Of course it was, that's why you'd all rather attack and fuck a mere human boy until he cries. Pitiful! Disgusting! Worthless...!"

As I looked around, I couldn't help but notice each werewolf looked down to me with apologetic, regretful expressions aside from Evan, who continued to bear his own teeth.

"Get out! All of you!" The silvery-pelted princess swung one of her fists. "Not a single one of you is to return here, or I swear on your graves, I'll make you regret it!"

Not a single moment later, every werewolf who had entered the cave made his way out until I was left alone in the room with Evan and Amira. Even the werewolf that had spent the last several minutes in my rear had popped his member out and left without a word.

Eventually, Evan huffed and took a step back, looking down to me between Amira's legs. "This isn't over, human."

With that, Evan left me alone with Amira and I returned my head to the floor, clenching my teeth and closing my eyes, the tears were coming again. I didn't know what I had done to deserve such a fate, I just wanted it to be over...


It was a long time ago, but Amira was easily the most memorable werewolf I had seen, even though we had only traded glances twice. The first time I saw her was when Evan and I were brought back to the werewolves' home. She scowled at the sight before her, a trembling pair of humans and a pair of dead humans. She didn't say a word though. The second time we traded glances was after Evan had been transformed, on a night when I was alone, she silently crept to my front and opened her eyes, seeming to appear out of the darkness itself. Just as before, she didn't say a word, she only looked down to my pitiful figure, taking quiet note of my appearance.

For a moment I didn't know what was about to happen, but before I could say a word, she revealed a thick cut of meat in her claws. I didn't know what she'd do, whether she'd eat it in front of me, jabbing at my hunger like the others, or make me beg for it. Suddenly...


I imagined that my eyes widened, hearing her voice and watching her present such a fine slab of meat to me, but I remembered being too scared to speak, and too tired to move. After a few moments of watching me stare longingly at the bloody, marbled red meat, Amira made her way to my side and personally handed it to me. With food so close, I couldn't help but take it and devour it and Amira closely watched with an emotionless stare. After I had eaten, Amira left without another word.

Once more, Amira was standing before me, a hunk of meat in her claws, a merely interested expression in her eyes. Usually, seeing food of any kind made my mouth water, seeing as I didn't often eat more than a single meal or two a day, but it was different this time. I wasn't just hungry, I was in pain and wanted to be alone.

"Hm. I don't know whether I should hate you for taking all of my suitors away and stopping my flow of luxurious gifts...or whether I should hate you because the males here would rather fuck you than me."

Amira spoke graciously with a joking tone entwined in her voice, but I didn't say a word, I didn't move an inch.

After a while Amira knelt down in front of me and dangled the thick, red cut in front of me, filling my nose with the scent of fresh meat, but not enough to overpower the musk of sweaty cocks or the abundant scent of the sticky spunk I hadn't moved from.

"Here, take it."

I wanted to take the meat, even if it was only to let her know that I appreciated her kindness, but I continued to stay silent and still, holding back the urge to cry again. It wasn't bad enough that I didn't have any family or friends anymore, but my ex-best friend had torn my clothing. I didn't even have clothes on my back.

"I..." It wasn't much of a start, but I barely managed to start speaking a response before tears welled up in my eyes once more. Before I could actually speak or cry, Amira stopped me with a ferocious growl.

"Do you want to die!?" Amira snarled again, quickly sending a shock of fear through each and every bone in my body as I looked up from the floor, my eyes meeting hers. "If not, then you're going to take this, and you're going to eat it, understand!?"

Suddenly my insides wrung themselves, my teeth chattered, my spine felt like it was going to tear out of my back, tears started to leave my eyes. I was always a little intimidated and scared of the werewolves around me, but I had never seen or felt anything so intense. For the first time since being captured, I was actually scared for my very life.

I didn't want to admit it, but living was important, I really didn't want to die. Without a word, I took the steak from Amira and desperately tore into it. The taste of such marbled meat usually managed to stand out to me, but not this time, all I could taste was my own fear and weakness.

Piece-by-piece I choked down the meat until tears streamed down my face and I choked. After everything that had happened, I just didn't want die.

As I panted hard, trying to keep down the meal on top of everything I had been forced to drink earlier, Amira only looked to me with a strange shred of pity in her eyes. She looked to my figure, then deep into my eyes with a slight frown.

"You shouldn't have eaten so fast, you're going to make yourself throw up." Amira stood up with a slight huff before turning away, swiping her tail softly across my face to clear away my tears.

After Amira wiped away my tears, I mimicked her action, wiping my eyes with a bare arm covered in white before looking up to find her standing near the entrance to my room.

"Prepare yourself." Amira spun around, showing me a single glowing eye as she looked off into the darkness of the cave. "I'm going to make sure what happened tonight NEVER happens again."

With that, Amira turned away and closed her eyes, disappearing into the pitch-blackness of the cave. I wasn't sure what Amira was planning, but I couldn't help but feel that I'd be playing a big part...