
Story by DrakeMOhkami on SoFurry

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I mainly intended for this story to introduce the abilities of my character, and help create a slight feel for the world he lives in. I've never written anything about muscle growth or anything of that nature before, so after consulting a few different people and reading some stories, I'm sure I did a terrible job with it; something to work on in the future.

It was an unusually large set of windowless metal doors for the area, easily dwarfing those of nearby buildings; cut marks in the frame and the overall 'fresh from the showroom' look was evidence they were a new addition. Why anyone would want to build or add anything new to this area was a mystery to the tall horse now glancing around what would easily be mistaken for an alley, if it weren't for the fact that the entire city were built as such.

"Stop and knock three times when you see the double doors. Right. This smells way too much like a setup. I'm going to get tied up and raped and who knows what else. Last time I take advice from people outside the gym, no matter how big they are."

He turned in a huff, his long, twitching tail showing his irritation, swaying back and forth behind plush rump, tucked tightly into a pair of bluejeans. A few steps granted him more than enough time to think, and turn around yet again.

"Alright, I've got my phone, I know I can hit the panic button before anyone can knock me out, at least, so maybe..."

Pacing back to the door and raising an arm, squeezing his cell phone tight in his off hand, he gently knocked on the door. Once, Twice, and a Third. He stood back, as if expecting them to part, like a scene from a movie, but to his relief, if slightly more irritatingly, they did nothing at all. He stood and stared for a moment, placing his phone back into his pocket. He huffed again in frustration, turning to charge off, but a faint noise caught his attention; a noise from behind the door. It sounded like someone faintly cursing and slamming something, hard.

One of the doors slid open; who would've thought they'd slide, though the street was so narrow that it would be impossible to fully open them otherwise. Peering inside, a wide hallway is all that could be seen, faintly lit by a dim golden light in a nearby room. The most prominent thing, however, was the small white and teal rabbit, blinking dazedly up at the horse.

"I, er, sorry, the guy just said to knock three times, so... did, did I come at a bad time?" The horse tried to only look the much smaller rabbit in the eyes as he spoke, but it was hard not to look over his entire form, if not for the simple fact that he was nude, then certainly because he looked so out of place; his soft, plush yet slender form and colors a stark contrast to the harsh edges of the stone, metal, and wires strewn about the area.

"No, no, if it's a time of day folk like you can travel here without problem, then it's a good time. Come in, come in." The rabbit motioned, glancing up and down the street, then back to his visitor, looking him up and down, obviously eager to get him inside, which somewhat unsettled the horse. Still, he had almost two feet on the cottontail, so he was certainly not going to be raped here, a thought that in a small way disappointed him. He strode into the hallway, the sound of the door sliding shut behind him, and soft padding as the rabbit made his way down the hall.

"Take off your shoes there, then come on in. I'll start setting things up."

Looking around him, the guest was surprised once again at just how oddly large this hallway was compared to everything else in the area; nearly the full width of the street he had just come off of.

"Shouldn't we, you know, get acquainted first?" He inquired, sliding off his shoes and following after the host.

"Not important. What is important is that you take those off and... you didn't bring anymore with you, did you?"

"Well, my name's Gallen, anyway, and what do you mean take those off, and bring more? You mean my shoes?"

"No, no, er, Drake, and I mean the clothes, Gal."

Gal. That's what everyone calls him, and it fit. He hated how well it fit. He was slender, with naturally wide and thick hips; he was a horse, after all. Weeks and months he spent at the gym trying to fill out the rest of his figure to a more masculine build, but for all his efforts -

"What do you mean take off my clothes!?" he practically shouted as the words sunk in.

"Ok, you're pretty, very cute and all with the long black hair and big ass, and honestly you didn't seem like you'd traded your wits for looks when I let you in. Do you need me to give you a hand?"

"No, that's not... I'm not getting naked so your perverted ass can watch me work out in the buff!"

"Work out...?" Drake couldn't help but giggle as he spoke "Do you see any equipment around here?"

Gallen looked around the room. It was large, once again looking larger than it should have needed to be, as was the hall, yet, it was all empty. Tatami mats lined the floors, a small mound of pillows to the side, a lone cabinet in the corner, sconces on the walls emitting a warm golden glow, and a set of doors on the far wall were all that could be seen.

"Behind those, right? Storage closets?"

"A bathroom and my apartment. Good try though."

"Then I came to the wrong place. He told me that you could make me -"

"He was right. I can, and I will, for a fee, but only once you get those off."

"No. W-Why the hell do I need to be nude for this!?" Gal's temper was quickly getting the best of him. His normally gray and white face beginning to flush red, more from embarrassment then anger. Despite his feminine figure, he was still bigger and stronger than this little pervert, and he wasn't about to be taken advantage of.

"Al-alright, just calm down, we'll do it your way. Just sit by the pillows there. By them, not on them. Your giant ass would ruin my pile."

"Look who's talking, flufftail..." Gal muttered quietly to himself, noting with a small amount of envy how disproportionally large the rabbit's rump was to the rest of him. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to bury himself balls deep in between those big fluffy cheeks as he sat on the floor at the base of the pile of pillows while Drake climbed on top of them.

"Face away from me please. Look over at the cabinet or something. The first time here most people get nervous, or scared. Just focus on something away from me, relax, and know that you are perfectly safe. Also, don't touch me unless I touch you. No matter what. Ignore me. I'm just-"

"I get it, I get it, let's do this."

Gal sat and stared off into the distance, even as a soft hissing sound arose from behind him, and pillows shifted about, causing him to sit up straight.

"Lean back against the pillows, please." Drake scolded.

He lay back, rather comfortably against the pile. He looked around the room, somewhat bored, on the edge of falling asleep even, trying to find something interesting to look at. Just as he was about to nod off, he noticed something new; a purple light. Gazing about, he could faintly see a purple glow gradually filling the room. A warm hand slid down the back of his neck, under the collar of his shirt, and finally came to rest on his shoulder, softly kneading him, which for some reason didn't bother him one bit at the moment.

It felt good, being massaged, even if it was from a perverted rabbit whom he just met. Another hand came down and began massaging the other side. He tried to shift himself to grant more access, but his shirt wouldn't release any slack; he must have tucked it too far into his pants. Still, the warm digits kneaded and rubbed, working their way way around, caressing every fiber they could reach. Taking deep breaths, allowing let his head loll back as he closed his eyes, the vibrant purple glow refused to disappear from his sight.

Every inhale he could feel his uncomfortable shirt being tugged loose, an effect amplified by the fact that a pair of hands were stuffed beneath it, rubbing his chest, filling his pecs with warmth as the they went. This room was so warm now, like that glow itself was emanating heat. His clothes were sticking to him, no matter how much he shifted, they never released for long. Minutes passed, and his clothes seemed to have loosened up in some areas, under and between his pecs, parts of his abs, all while growing vastly tighter, even grinding painfully against others.

He opened his eyes at the sound of a creak and pop. Peering down, he thought for a moment a trick had been played. The rabbit had stuffed pillows into his shirt, and was holding them in place. Somehow, though, he could still feel the soft, warm hands on his chest. Another pop from the other side elicited a closer look at the source. He lifted his arm, a sound like tearing paper echoing through the room as his sleeve creaked and burst into shreds. Dazedly trying to figure out what happened, he stared at his arm in awe.

Surely it wasn't his. He flexed and posed in front of the mirror after his shower this morning. His arm was thin and wiry, with hardly any muscle on it at all. This one before him though, this arm that moved about at his command, with a bulging bicep and deep crevices, showing every twitch of muscle fiber, at least a foot and a half around, there was no way it was his, and yet, who else could it belong to? He brought his other arm up for comparison, the sleeve bursting as before. It was bigger. He put them side by side, perplexed; they were the same size, but every time he blinked, they were larger than the moment before.

Deeper. His breaths sounded deeper, more powerful, if a tad strained. Every time his chest rose, his shirt creaked, the seams doing their best to contain him, though little by little the threads snapped and popped around his thickening chest and core. Each exhale, his body barely seemed to deflate at all, opting instead to continuously fill the space. He wanted to gasp for air, but was worried what might happen, as though he might inhale so hard he'd brake his own ribs. Short, powerful breaths were all he allowed himself, and coupled with the continually growing heat and noise from his straining clothing made him all the more uncomfortable.

It all felt silly, laying perfectly still, such a large beast imprisoned by sheets of cotton and polyester. A seam on the inside of his pants snapped, followed by another, which he took as a signal to just get it over with. He inhaled as fast as he could, and flexed every fiber of his being. He grinned as he felt every scrap of cloth strain and shred. He relaxed, leaning back again, flexing his arms, easily seen to be another half foot thicker, and his chest, so bulky that it began to block his view of his lower body. He pulled the tattered remains of cloth from his now bulky body, tossing them aside, and gazing down at his enlarged form.

Starting from his chest, he ran his hands down his entire body, letting his fingers test and caress every last inch. He had to be sure it was real, that everything he saw before him was indeed him. Toned six pack, tight obliques, and further down, his thick thighs had maintained their proportion, both now nearly as thick as his core, and appearing as though carved from the same stone as the very building he was in. He couldn't help but to let his hands wander, closing his eyes once again, beginning to pant, now relishing the heat, and the odd purple glow.

So relaxed, he now felt a tingling sensation all over, one he could feel from the beginning, but only now noticed. He felt it from the tip of his firm nipples, to the bottom of every crevice between his engorged muscles. It was a potent sensation, an enigma, so faint his mind could hardly grasp it, yet so potent he could swear he were drowning in it. A twitch of his massive haunches, a flex of his arm or chest; every motion made the feeling dance and ripple over his skin, penetrate through him, fill him, make him swell. It was a feeling he craved, more than air, than becoming larger. Whatever this was, he needed more.

Broad arms raising up and crossing his chest, muscles so large now his hands barely passed one another, he tightened his form. A gentle vibration began to shake the room, every fiber of the equestrian's being straining as hard as it could. Veins on his chest and arms pulsed, gritting his teeth and groaning, the sensation starting to burn inside him. He planted his feet on the ground and pushed, straining his great thighs, further fueling the fire. It was though an earthquake were shaking the building, Gal's straining muscles fiercely quaking, burning, ready to give at any moment.

Slamming his fists into the floor and gasping in shock, the sensation within him came to a climax. Horse jizz hosed down his chest and face, load after load spattering over his body, giving his now aching form a beautifully glossy coating. He lay with his head on the pile of pillows, staring up at the ceiling as the purple light faded, unsure if he would be able to maintain consciousness, or if, perhaps, it had all just been a dream to begin with.

"Now it's permanent," called the rabbit from atop the pillows.

"Wha... what's perm..."

Softly padding around his guest, the rabbit giggled and took him by the hand, raising it up and pointing to the arm attached to it.

"This. This is permanent. I hope it's what you were aiming for, because it'll take a good long while of neglect to cut this size down."

Pushing himself off the floor, Gal attempted to look himself over once more, but could only manage to see just below his navel and lower, his chin stopped by his shelf-like chest.

"I'm... I'm huge! This isn't... I can't be! How did I get so- you! What did you do to me!?"

"Defense mechanism."

"Defense? What do you mean defense!? How does making someone into a hulking beast work as a defense!?"

At this, the rabbit couldn't help but to laugh again. He placed a hand on Gal's thigh, and the sensation began to spread through the horse's body once more. A moment later Drake pulled back, not wanting to fully influence the titan before him.

"That's how. So long as I'm touching you, desire will be all that fills your mind, and as long as something fills m...mine, I naturally push the excess into you in a physical manner."

"... can you translate that?"

"You traded brains for brawn as well now? So long as I'm touching you, your mind and body are my blow-up dolls, and I can fill you however I want."

The thought of being a blowup doll made the great horse shiver, and feel a bit dirtier than being covered in his own seed was making him. Still, something didn't fit.

"Why muscle though? Wouldn't that make the situation more dangerous?"

"Not if I don't stop."

Gal's ears twitched at the remark. What did he mean if he didn't stop? How large can someone's muscles possibly get? More importantly, what would that feel like...

"Here's the invoice," Drake said, snapping Gal out of his train of thought and shoving a paper and a towel into his hands, "Obviously the bathroom is now too small for you to use to get cleaned up, and you're dripping all over my floor, so wrap yourself in the towel and be on your way."

"Wait, but I can't just-"

"Have you seen yourself? Er, right, no mirror. Trust me though, nobody in their right mind would dare get in your way. Now shoo. Uhm. Also thank you, come back anytime you need another boost."

Somewhat afraid to stay and argue, he tied the towel around his waist and made his way back down the hall. Grabbing his shoes that would obviously no longer fit, he headed through the doors, this time surprised they were large enough to allow him through. Looking up and down the street, he took a deep breath, catching a glimpse of his massive chest rising and falling in the window of a nearby shop, and confidently strode down the narrow passage.

"That was quite the show, wasn't it? I'm getting better at using this nifty little trick, and you picked a nice mark; that package looked like it could have pumped out that large of a load even without my help. Shame about the figure though; could've started a harem if we'd left that alone."

Drake glanced up at the cabinet in the corner as he cleaned the floor, the reflection of a small camera lens glinting in the faint light.

"What's with the knock three times thing, though? Is that supposed to be some kind of code? Also, you are going to send me a copy of the video, right? I want to-"

Staring off down the hall, he listened intently.

One. Two. Three.

"Damnit! Give me some time to actually clean this place up here!"

Drake tossed the mop into the bathroom and slammed the door, sprinting off down the hall. Sliding the door open, he winced at the bright light of the outside world. Once his eyes adjusted, he noticed a spotted feline wearing nothing but spandex running shorts standing before him, blushing as he peered down.

"Did... I catch you at a bad time? The guy just said to knock three times and -"

"No, no, if it's a time of day folk like you can travel here without problem, then it's a good time. Come in, come in."