OT - Chocobe

Omega Tech Records Experiment: #0146: Chocobe The first team was suited up and ready to go. The four sat in the wide open room, not sure what to really expect. Aside from the large door they entered through, there was only one other entrance; a...

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Push Play

He stumbled a bit as he ran inside, slamming the door behind him and kicking his shoes off along the way. His bag rolled haggardly down the stair case, its contents spilling out as it went, but it didn't matter; his ephemeral world was grasped tight...

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Applying solder with precision comparable to a brain surgeon, and just as experienced, he sat back to inspect his work from afar. Long, feline tail swaying in anticipation, he flicked closed up the makeshift case, and, crossing his fingers, flicked...

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It was an unusually large set of windowless metal doors for the area, easily dwarfing those of nearby buildings; cut marks in the frame and the overall 'fresh from the showroom' look was evidence they were a new addition. Why anyone would want to build...

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