I Never Eat Anything With A Face (Naughty Version)

Story by Diogenes Shandor- Bio Major and Cynic on SoFurry

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Mallory's eyes fluttered open. He ached all over, it hurt to breathe, all of the mouse's extremities screamed with pain, and when he tried to get up... no, that wasn't going to happen, his legs were broken, so was his right arm.

Abruptly everything came back to him; a cat had ambushed him out of nowhere while he was scurrying home from getting food. He was now in a kitchen of some sort - a kitchen containing several things which greatly disturbed him, including but not limited to mouse bones and an abundance of knives - presumably the cat had dragged him here, although for the moment she was nowhere in sight. Wherever she was now, she would probably be back very soon to finish him off; he had to take this chance to escape while he still could. Mustering up his remaining strength, and trying to ignore the pain, he began to slowly drag himself towards the door with his one good arm. Unfortunately for him however, he did not manage to get very far.

"Ah, I see you're awake," A young feline woman with light bluish grey fur and a white spot on her left eye approached him. Mallory redoubled his pace but the cat nonetheless quickly closed the distance between them at a walking pace. She snatched his left wrist, pulled it up above him, and twisted it around until the bones in his arm broke with a snap. Mallory cried out in pain and began to sob"

"Mrr, don't cry" purred the cat.

As the mouse continued to sob, the cat struck him forcefully in the face with the back of her hand, "I said 'DON'T CRY'!!!"

Holding down the mouse's head with her left hand, she dug the fingers of her other in between his left eye and his skull, working her way under it and then tearing out the orb. She popped the eye in her mouth and began tearing out Mallory's right eye as she chewed on it.

"Mmm... There, no more eyes to cry with..." the cat purred after swallowing Mallory's left eye, she then popped his right eye into her mouth and began chewing it noisily

Tears still flowed from Mallory's tear ducts, but they were indistinguishable within the sea of blood that was pooling in his empty eye sockets.

While Mallory was still trying to regain his bearings from being blinded a heavy blow struck him in the incisors, dislodging the large teeth from their place in his mouth. Almost reflexively his tongue went up to feel if there was anything left of his teeth, and then a new pain; The catgirl had stuck her hand in his mouth and was tearing through the underside of his tongue with her claws. With Mallory's tongue now hanging loose, the catgirl grabbed it and tore it forcibly out of his mouth.

The cat was no longer content to use her bare claws. She let go of the stricken mouse for a moment and came back with a knife. She cut a slit into the back of Mallory's head down to the skull. She dug her fingers under the skin and muscle and began pulling it up. Mallory squeaked incohently with pain as the cat gradually peeled the flesh away from his skull. Halfway through she used her knife again to sever Mallory's outer ears from their ear canals so they could be pulled free with everything else. Slowly, deliberately, she reached the point where she had skinned his entire skull; Taking the knife again she cut the sack of skin and muscle loose and tossed it aside, then leaned in close to Mallory's mutilated head

"Mmm, no more nasty face..." the cat purred into the stump of his right ear, "no more face"

She then began licking Mallory's bare skull, rasping playfully at the bone until, gradually, he bled to death and it was time to tear open his chest and feast.

After gorging herself on Mallory's remains the cat smiled to herself as an naughty idea popped into her head

"What's that mousey?" said the cat, "you want to pleasure the mighty huntress? Go ahead..."

She took up Mallory's discarded face and tongue. She held the face to her groin then, Reaching in through the neck hole, she pushed the tongue through the mouth and into her pussy. With a series of flicks of the wrist she sent the tongue lightly up and down, up and down over her clitoris. Growing more aggressive as her pleasure increased She ground the severed tongue against her clit with the palm of her hand, and began aggssively fingering herself with her other hand.

"Mrr yeah, that's it, rwwl oh yeah, Yeah! Rrrrrowl!!!"

She came hard around her left hand's digits, then tossed the mouse's face and tongue aside as she paused for a minute to catch her breath. She did not pause for long however, with the insatiability of a true cat she continued her imaginary conversation with the dead mouse.

"Oh? You say you have to have me now? Then take me!"

She pulled back Mallory's sheath and examined his cock; it was very stubby in shape, and its surface was rough although not even close to the texture what the typical tomcat was packing. She severed the penis beneath the base with her knife, then laid back with her legs spread and jammed the organ into her vagina as far as she could, gripping it at the very back with both hands and working it furiously in and out of her pussy as fast as she could.

"rrr..." she moaned, savoring the novelty of the relative smoothness of Mallory's penis and working herself into a frenzy.

"Oh! I think I'm gonna... RRRROWWL!!!" She screamed as she climaxed around Mallory's severed cock.

She caught her breath then stuck a leg in the air, and brought her head to her crotch. She retrieved Mallory's cock in her teeth, spat it to one side and licked herself for several minutes before stopping to gather Mallory's remains into her refrigerator, and then heading out to find an actual tomact or two.
