The Demon's Corruption

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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Finally, the sequel to The Demon's Amulet.

The Demon in the amulet has put his plans into action.

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think of it. ^^

P.S. I want to thank everyone who came to my stream and kept me company as I wrote most of this story.

Nicole blinked as she heard a deep voice reply to her calls, "Come in." She hesitantly set her hand on the doorknob, as she turned the doorknob she felt an odd presence in the air.

The girl glanced around nervously as she walked into the room, "Hey Shaun are you alright?" Nicole heard nothing but an odd panting noise; she felt the hairs on her arms raise.

"S... Shaun did you bring a dog in here? I know that you've always wanted one but the dorm advisors are really strict on the no pets rule..." Nicole jumped as she heard the door shut behind her, she turned around and gasped in terror as she saw a monster standing in the doorway.

"W... what are you, and where is Shaun?!" The monster's eyes glowed a menacing blood red color; it said nothing as it stood there. Nicole noticed something hanging around its neck, "Hey is that the amulet from the museum?!"

The monster took a slow step towards her and Nicole immediately took a step back, as she stumbled backwards she tripped over a pair of Shaun's dirty underwear. "Oof!" Nicole grunted as she landed on the floor, "Dang it Shaun... you really need to clean your room..."

The monster in front of her let out an odd grunt that she swore sounded like one that came from someone being insulted, Nicole remembered that it was in the room with her and she pulled herself back. "G... get away, I... I have a weapon..." The girl griped around her quickly looking for a weapon and smiled as she felt her hand grip something solid.

Nicole whipped out her weapon in front of her, "Try me now monster!" Both the monster and she both looked at the item held in her hand incredulously; Nicole had grabbed an action figure of one of Shaun's favorite comic book heroes.

"I... th... damn it Shaun..." Nicole muttered in irritation, the monster started to laugh uncontrollably. Nicole realized that this was her chance to get away, she quickly jumped up and ran around the monster and nearly reached the door when she felt something wrap around her foot.

"Sorry Nicole, but you're not getting out that way." Nicole froze as she heard her name muttered, "How do you know my name?" She asked the monster, the monster dragged her back in front of her with its tail. "That's obvious; I'm your best friend Nicole."

Nicole's eyes widened in horror, "What are you saying? T... that you're Shaun?" The monster's ears twitched as if something annoyed it, "Yes, I'm your friend Nicole. But my name is Crandish, not whatever you call me."

Nicole struggled against the monster's tail, "No... you can't be Shaun... what happened to you?" The monster sighed, "I would explain to you but my... master wants me to change you now." She gaped in horror, "What do you mean master?! Shaun what's happened to you?"

He smiled sadly, "Sorry Nicole." The human's eyes widened in terror as she felt a spike pierce her leg from the tail, after a moment something was injected into her leg. As the liquid was injected into her leg she felt a presence in her head, "Ah... here's my first slave, Nicole is it?"

She looked around trying to find the source of the voice but quickly realized that it was in her head, "Who are you? Are you the one that changed Shaun into a monster?" The voice chuckled malevolently, "Don't you worry about that Nicole, soon you won't remember anything about Shaun."

Nicole's eyebrows drew in close, "What do you mean?" The voice once more chuckled, I only need one minion with a mind, and that's Crandish. "All of the rest will be my mindless slaves, thralls to my power." Nicole tried to say something but found a power seemingly holding her jaws shut, "You don't need to speak anymore, just let all of those pesky memories of yours leak away..."

As if the voice had turned a faucet in her mind all of the girl's memories started to rush out of her head, as Nicole tried to clench onto her memories they slipped through her mental hands like water through a strainer. Even her memories of Shaun were leaving her, tears filled her eyes as the pour of memories started to slow down as her memories grew less and less.

She could no longer remember her own name; she barely even had a sense of self. The only person she could remember was a boy leaning his head against a window, as he slowly turned his head towards her the face was blank.

A moment later the memory faded away and the girl as Nicole was gone.


Crandish frowned in sadness as a dark liquid enveloped the girl's body, his master had told him that once the cocoon started to form that the girl known as Nicole would be completely gone. "It's time for you to move on Crandish, the girl is finished. Let us go start to corrupt the rest of your class." Crandish was about to argue when he remembered the terms of his enslavement, if he disagreed with anything that his master said that he would completely corrupt him with demon energy.

"Yes master..." Crandish muttered miserably as he walked towards the front door, as he walked out the front door he felt steam rise off of his skin as the cold of the night clashed with his new hot demon skin.

The demon in the amulet could feel his minion still trying to fight his commands; a devious thought came into his mind. Without Crandish noticing he slightly dug into his servant's mind and started to perverse the lower demon's mind.

He instilled a sense of enjoyment that would connect with corrupting humans, Crandish blinked slowly as his master pulled out of his head, "Crandish are you just going to stand there are shall we go corrupt the other students?" His master's voice echoed in his head, for some odd reason the idea excited the demon.

"Um.... Yes master..." Crandish said perplexed at the thought, he looked over the college doors and thought over who he was going to do first. After a moment he picked a random door, as he walked towards it a strange smile appeared on his face. The dog demon's corruption had been started by his master.


Tandon studied his notebook intently as he got ready for the next day's test, he had planned on studying all night unhindered but his next door neighbor didn't seem to know the meaning of silence.

As the college student studied hard he heard a knock on the door, he grimaced at the noise. "Dammit... just go away I'm doing my homework..." He muttered in irritation, after a moment the knocking started up once more.

Tandon grit his teeth together, "Why can't they just leave me alone?!" He hissed to himself as he walked up to the door, "Who is it?!" Before realizing that a demon was standing in front of him he was shoved back half way across his room, Crandish quickly locked the door behind him.

Tandon looked up at the monster in horror, "What are you?!" Crandish's muzzle turned up in a grin, "I'm Crandish, and I'm a demon. Not only am I a demon, but I'm the demon that's going to change you."

Tandon's eyes grew wider in terror as the demon grew nearer and nearer until Crandish reached out with his finger and poked the human on the forehead, the demon's claw easily pierced the skin and injected a dark substance into the human.

Tandon found that his muscles had locked up as the monster had pierced his forehead; it was if a paralyzing agent was on the edge of his claw. "Ah it looks like Crandish is learning... piercing you in the forehead has given me direct control..." Tandon tried to say something but his jaw was locked, "Crandish's claws carry a special toxin that paralyzes anything that they cut into; it's quite handy so you won't be talking for a while."

Tandon tried to struggle but suddenly a fog clouded his mind, "I shall be taking away your memories now slave, good-bye Tandon Johnson." As the memories leaked out Tandon noticed a stream of white energy slowly leaking out of his mouth, "That's your soul Tandon, I feel it's about time for Crandish to have his first taste." Once again Tandon heard the voice but it was hard for him to concentrate as the last of his memories poured out, the last thing he saw before a black cocoon formed around him was the demon grabbing his soul.


Crandish blinked in pain as he pierced the human's forehead, his mind was trying to rebel against the programing that his master had put into his head. As he did so the demon within the amulet realized what was going on and started to drain the soul out of the human and pushed it towards the dog like demon, a heavenly smell flowed into Crandish's nose and he blinked as he saw the soul. It slowly flowed into his hand in the form of a small ball, "What is this?..."

His master's voice flowed into his head, "It's food for you, eat it my minion." Crandish looked at the white ball suspiciously before bringing it to his lips, as it passed through them into his mouth and down his throat the demon part of his suddenly started to grow. The act of consuming a human soul corrupted Crandish even more, the demon waited for his minion's reaction. Crandish was frozen in pure ecstasy, the flavor of the soul was far more than he could handle.

"What do you think my minion?" As Crandish opened his eyes they glowed a violent red color and across his body the corruption expanded even further, "It tastes delicious my master." The amulet glowed brightly in satisfaction, "Do you want more my minion?" Crandish nodded excitedly, "Oh yes master!" The dog demon quickly left the room all the while losing more and more of what made him human, Crandish's master gloated. Soon his minion would become completely corrupt and loyal to him, now it was only a matter of time...


Back in Shaun's old room the cocoon was about to hatch when a white light filled the room, a heavenly figure draped in white robes slowly stepped across the room and set her hand gently on the corrupt cocoon. The cocoon shattered and Nicole fell out bathed in a white light, as her eyes slowly opened and she sat up she looked up at the figure standing before her. She blinked as her memories were fixed, "W... what happened... who or what are you?"

The figure smiled gently and held her hand towards Nicole, "I'm an angel, and I'm here to help you with your demon problem.