One Week - Chapter 4

Story by Mykell_Wildfire on SoFurry

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#4 of One Week Series

After an incredibly hot and heavy night with the girls, Steven is soon introduced to the final Wildfire sibling and gets dragged along to the nightlife of these anthropomorphic creatures. Steven is well acquainted to dances and clubs, but Alexia and her "friend" are going to introduce him with something a bit more interesting. Featuring Chargirl as a special guest star (

Alexia was the first to awaken. Her whole body ached from last night. The whole thing seemed like a wonderfully lusty dream, she had to keep reminding herself that it really happened. She slowly rose from the bed, the room still full of her scent and the puddle of her juices still coating the floor. A little cleaning and scrubbing might do some good for her sore muscles. As silently as she could, she began cleaning up the remnants of their pleasure while Steven and Lynn slept-in.

The floor was finally clean, but her scent would take a while to finally dissipate. She moved over to the bed, silently admiring her sweet pet and sexy sister as they slept, unconsciously embracing each other. Lynn was already sporting a bit of morning wood between her legs. Alexia chuckled a bit as her sister lazily ground her dragonhood against the sleeping human, in which he returned the favor.

Alexia made her way out the the bedroom. If she stayed and watched any longer, she might get too horny to get anything done and wear herself down. She wasn't much on sleeping through the day, even if it meant passing up some sizzling sex. What she needed right now was a good bath.

The whole home was quite silent. She was used to it by this point. She lived mostly alone, sometimes having family spend time with her. Lynn visited fairly often since the lake was connected to the ocean. Her parents usually came by only once or twice a year. Her brother Mykell never really had a pattern for visiting. He just tended to randomly show up once in a while. Sometimes he would visit several times in the same month, and sometimes she wouldn't see him for a full year. She hadn't seen him in quite a while now. She wished he would swing by again sometime soon.

She made her way down the stairs, thinking to herself, her mind on her family. She was so lost in thought that she bumped into something after she got off the stairs. She was startled at first, but when she looked again to see what it was, her eyes lit up. Standing before her was another anthro-dragon. His scales a blood red color with a dark gray underbelly. Horns and ear-fins very similar to her own, a pair of strong wings and a long tail ending with a spade, and a pair of long whiskers hanging from his snout.

"Hey sis," he said, dropping his bag of things to the floor. Alexia smiled and gave him a big hug and tossed him around in her embrace a bit. She was about four inches taller than him and somewhat stronger, which she exploited a lot when they were younger.

"It's about time you came to visit, Mykell!" She scolded, trying hard to sound angry, but too happy inside to succeed. "So where have you been this time? It's been so long I almost forgot what you looked like."

"Very funny," he retorted. Alexia was always playfully sarcastic with him, which he returned in kind when he could come up with something witty, "Just felt like traveling to various states along the east coast. As surprising as it sounds, I was actually on the lookout for a place to finally settle down. Figured I'd look somewhere close to here."

"You know all you have to do is ask and you could live here. It's not that hard to add space."

"Get some working electricity in here, then we might have a deal."

Both of them laughed. Mykell had taken a great liking to human technology. Especially games, TV, movies, and computers. No one else in the family really had a use for most of it, but no one complained that he did. All in all, it's helped him blend in much better into the human world. Alexia only takes human form and travels among them when she needs to, but Mykell did it for fun.

"Care to hop in with me?" she asked, walking towards the water, intentionally swaying her hips and tail as she walked, teasing him like she usually did.

"No argument here." He said with a smile. He wasted no time stripping down to nothing and following her to the water. Alexia sat in the shallows of the lake, soaking her entire body and hair, splashing some water into her face to wake herself up fully. Mykell sat next to her, making no effort to hide his semi erect shaft. Alexia giggled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Control yourself, little brother." She teased with a smile, "Don't want to wear ourselves out before the day begins. Besides, we have company."

"I'd hardly call Lynn company. She's here all the time, and half the time you two are finding new ways to have fun with each other."

"True," she replied, "last night was especially kinky even for us, but she isn't who I meant."

Alexia spent the next half hour telling Mykell about Steven, her human 'pet'. As well as the fun things her, Lynn and Steven have done. Including describing every juicy detail of the previous night's 'Magic Enhanced' fun. Mykell couldn't help but be turned on, and it showed as his pinkish cock peaked up from the water surface. Both of them spent some time laughing together, reminiscing on the past, and talking about possible ideas of Mykell's move-in.

Not long into their conversation, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Lynn and Steven had finally woken up and decided to get themselves clean as well, Lynn especially after taking an interesting swim inside Alexia's nethers. Lynn bolted to the water as soon as she saw Mykell, jumping in and giving him a hug. She was always happy to see her older brother after he's been gone for a while. It's been too long since they've spent any time together, especially intimate time.

Steven walked to the water slowly, eying the unfamiliar male dragon. Judging by his look and how well the girls knew him, he must have been the brother they spoke of before. He slowly slipped into the water with the rest of them. The temperature not too cold, but cool enough to give him a waking jolt.

"So this must be Steven," Mykell said as he looked towards him with a grin, "I hear my sisters are taking good care of you, among other things."

Steven blushed a little bit, looking at Alexia and Lynn, who shared their brother's smile. Lynn and Alexia slipped to either side of him, holding him close to one another, unabashedly pressing their breasts to either side of his face. Mykell let out a hearty laugh at how the girls were teasing him and to how utterly embarrassed he looked.

"Still the shy human," Lynn giggled, "I think it's adorable."

Alexia nodded in agreement, running her claw through his hair, petting him softly. Lynn slid through the water to Mykell and eagerly cuddled up to him. He returned the affection, playfully groping at her chest, making her chuckle and squirm. Steven watched attentively and couldn't help but ask what has been on his mind for two days.

"So," he said, pausing and trying to figure a way to put his thoughts to words, "you're all related, and you all have sex with each other?"

Mykell looked at him with a puzzled expression, but Alexia and Lynn just laughed.

"We do to varying degrees," Alexia said, "We have fun when we're able to. Lynn and I do fairly often because she's around more than anyone. Probably the ones who we don't spend as much intimate time with is our parents."

Steven's eyes went wide. He was beginning to accept the idea that the siblings messed around with each other, but the parents too?

"You sleep with your mother and father?" He asked.

"Very rarely," Mykell replied, "Only happens once or twice a year when all of us are able to get together. Our mother, Lathia, tends to travel a lot in the ocean. Like Lynn, she's a sea-dragon. Our dad has a bit more eastern-dragon blood in him along with being mostly Irish. He's where I get my whiskers from."

"And your love of human booze," Lynn piped in, giving her brother a wet lick under his chin, which started a small water wrestling match. Alexia chuckled at the two of them and pulled Steven close to her.

"But aren't you worried about getting pregnant?" He asked Alexia.

"Well, it doesn't really work." Mykell answered, "For whatever reason, our physical biology prevents immediate family from reproducing. It's a little complicated, but you'll just have to settle for the answer of 'it's not possible'."

"How about grabbing us some towels, dear," She said. Steven nodded and ran over to the wall where they were stored, "When you two are done, dry yourselves off and lets head upstairs."

Lynn and Mykell nodded and then continued their little wrestling match for a few more minutes before Mykell dashed out of the water.

"Quitter!" Lynn teased and chased after him. After a few more minutes of play fighting, everyone had gotten themselves dried and made their way upstairs. Lynn, Alexia, and Mykell took the opportunity to put on some clothes. Lynn wore her normal outfit, as provocative as ever. Steven threw on one of the extra sets of shirts and jeans he had brought with him. Alexia wore surprisingly normal attire. A long-sleeve white shirt, a small coat and a pair of denim jeans. Though he did catch a glimps of her wearing something more sultry underneath, an interesting and sexy thong made just for her draconic form and a tight fitting corset.

"Everyone ready?" She asked. Mykell and Lynn nodded, though Steven looked a bit confused.

"Where are we going?" Steven asked.

"Anytime Myke comes by," Lynn said, grabbing a few extra things in a small handbag, "We treat ourselves to a night out."

"A night out? Where? This place is practically deserted."

"There's a small club about an hour away from here," Mykell said, "It's mostly a human club, but many species frequent it in human form during the day. The majority of humans don't really go until late at night. Until then, only people like us are there along with a few humans we're able to trust. We go there to make connections, hang out, have good conversations and such. You know, socialize."

"Lynn and I go usually once every few months," Alexia added, "and a little more often when Mykell is around. From what I hear, both of them have some love interests that they're going to meet up with again."

"Love interests?" Steven asked, even more confused.

"Well," Lynn continued, "Most of us use this place as a way to make possible relationship connections. I myself have been flirting around with a very lovely shark who I found out was a transgender like myself. And Mykell has been playing lovey with this cute tiger boy."

Steven was starting to understand. A club where these anthro creatures can retreat to and be among their own without always having to hide. He was certainly intrigued by the idea, and a little excited to see the place. However, he had a question nagging in the back of his mind that he had to get out.

"What about you, Mistress?" he asked Alexia. Mykell snorted a bit at how he addressed her. Probably apart of his older sister's conditions of his stay. Either way, he found it quite funny. Alexia, however, began to blush. She wasn't exactly sure how to answer the question. She thought for a moment to pick her words carefully.

"I do have someone I have my eyes on," she said. Her mind racing to analyze her words as she spoke them, trying not to say anything incriminating, "But..."

"He hasn't fully caught on to her having a thing for him!" Lynn interrupted. Alexia glared harshly at her younger sister, but refrained from saying anything. Steven was a bit surprised. Alexia had always come off as being really forward with her intentions. Though he had only known her for a few days, that much of her personality he could say with assurance. This seemed rather strange for her, but he decided to drop the subject for the time being.

After a few minutes, all of them had grabbed anything they were bringing, and made their way out. They made it to the opening of the tunnel and stopped. Steven looked at them a bit puzzled as they closed their eyes and went silent. After a moment, a light began to envelop their bodies that grew brighter and brighter before vanishing in a flash. Steven was caught off guard at the sight. All three of them had assumed a human form.

Their human forms were somewhat generic, but Steven though that's exactly the point. Their clothes seemed to also shrink down to match their new forms. Mykell was about five foot seven, average build with medium length black hair. Alexia took the form of a stunning human woman, about five foot nine, beautiful hair and eyes and a slime yet curvy body. Lynn's form was rather surprising. She took a very feminine form, but still resembling a male. Her large and busty chest became quite flat, many of her curvy form was missing, and her hair had become significantly shorter, only coming down to the sides of her head. Steven figured her human form resembled her true gender a little more than her real self.

"I thought you said this place was mostly populated by people like you," Steven asked as all of them made their way through the tunnel, "Why the change?"

"It's not for the club," Mykell replied, pointing just outside of the opening to the tunnel, "It's kinda difficult to fit in a car in our real forms. And when you have tits as big as those two, it's damn near impossible."

"Another joke like that and I may just forget to use lube again when I get my claws on you tonight." Lynn added, a wide grin on her face. Even her voice resembled more like a man trying to sound like a woman. Mykell winced a bit and unconsciously rubbed his butt. Must have been a bit of a painful experience.

The car was nothing impressive. A gray late 80's Oldsmobile Delta Eighty-Eight. Mykell seemed rather fond of it. All of them hopped in, Lynn taking the front seat and the Steven and Alexia sitting in the back. After a few minutes of Mykell fighting with the transmission, the got on their way and started heading west.

The ride was interesting to say the least. Lynn kept teasing Mykell while he was driving by rubbing his crotch constantly. Driving with a hard-on was both difficult and painful. Alexia was rather silent, just watching out the window at the passing scenery, not really focusing on anything. It seemed like she was lost in thought. What it is she was thinking about was anyone's guess. Steven was thinking about what Lynn said earlier, about how Alexia had her eyes on someone but wouldn't say who.

"Mistress?" he asked hesitantly, "When Lynn said you had your eyes on someone..."

"That's nothing you need to concern yourself with right now," she replied instantly. It was obvious that she wasn't willing to talk about it even now, "When the time comes, I'll indulge you. Until then, you just stay close to me and do what I say. After all, you ARE still my pet."

Alexia looked at him with a smile. Steven was sure she had plans for him later. He wasn't sure what exactly. As odd as it sounded, he was actually looking forward to it. He actually found himself somewhat enjoying being dominated by her. Something told him she was aware of that as well, at least by now.

The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful, save for the hilarity in the front seat of Lynn teasing Mykell and him trying to fend her off. Steven and Alexia couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing. The time passed by pretty quickly when they pulled into a small town. It was quaint and quiet, only a few people roaming the streets. After passing a few streets, they finally came to a stop in front of an unassuming brick building.

"All right," Mykell said, adjusting himself so as not to go walking around with a tent in his crotch, "we're here. All bums out."

"This is the place?" Steven asked, looking over the area and the building, "There's really a club in there? How could anyone find it?"

"That's the point silly," Lynn said, lightly slapping his butt and giggling, "It's a well kept secret. Well kept from those who don't need to know about it. And those that do have their ways of finding it."

Steven walked up to the front door and gave it a good pull only to find it not just locked, but virtually sealed shut. Upon inspecting the sides, he noticed pieces of wood nailed to the door then nailed to the frame. It wasn't going to budge without a ram of some sort.

Meanwhile, the dragons were trying hard to not laugh at his efforts. After a couple of minutes, Alexia spared him further embarrassment and pulled him away towards an alley on the left of the building. The four of them strolled down the alleyway towards a pair of concrete stairs that went down into the ground about 8 feet with a door going into the basement of the structure.

Mykell banged on the door several times and stood back. The door had a slit about head level which slid open.

"Here with the family," Mykell said, "plus a newcomer."

"Race?" the voice inquired.

"Human," Mykell replied, "but there's no need to worry. He's with us, and we can attest to his trustworthiness."

There was a moment of silence from behind the door before the small hatch closed. The sound of a heavy lock unlatching echoed from behind the deceptively heavy door before it slowly swung open. Everyone started to file in, Steven following behind the rest. The guy behind the door was pretty bulked up like a typical bouncer one would find at a night club. He was a human it seemed, but as Alexia and the rest were able to assume a human form, the bouncer probably was as well. He eyed him rather cautiously. It was obvious that this place didn't see many humans.

The immediate room inside the door was a bit of a staging area with just a chair and another door on the opposite wall. It was something of a staging area for the bouncer. The next door opened up into a slightly larger room with a desk on the back wall and another door off to the left of it. Seated at the desk was a woman of average build, dark hair and a pair of secretary-like black glasses. She glanced over the group casually but eyed Steven suspiciously.

"Who's your friend, Mykell?" She asked, her eyes never leaving Steven. Her gaze was almost piercing. Steven quickly had a feeling that he was going to get this a lot in this place.

"It's alright, Kay," he responded casually, "he's with us. Or more specifically, he's with my big sister. Even more specifically, he belongs to her."

Everyone had a chuckle from that. Steven just looked away and scratched his head, a bit embarrassed. Kay stood up and went to the door, unlocking it and motioning everyone to pass through. As soon as the door opened, the music began to fill the room. Deep bass, electronic sounds, a rhythmic drum beat, all the sounds of some club techno music.

As they filed in, the dragons assumed their natural form, fitting in with the rest of the people inside. There were anthropomorphic creatures of many different races all over the club. Some that Steven immediately recognized and some of races he had no idea even existed. At a glance, it seemed he was the only actual human in the establishment.

The setup was a typical club one would find in a big city. There was a large dance floor with a stage with a DJ on it, playing music and jamming away in front of everyone. There was an impressive bar off to the side of the large room with plenty of people drinking and chatting away. On the opposite side of the room was a sort of social area with what seemed like private rooms behind it. Seemed like the private rooms were quite popular.

The group began to split up. Mykell made his way to the bar and sat with this male tiger. They embraced excitedly, kissed, and proceeded to order some drinks. Lynn ran towards the dance floor and jumped into the arms with quite stunning shark-girl. After some passionate kissing, they started to dance wildly together. Steven was so busy just taking in the sights that he was caught off guard when Alexia attached a collar and leash to his neck.

"What's this all about?" He exclaimed.

"You're my pet," she stated, "so you might as well look the part. "

Steven didn't have time to protest or even look confused before Alexia pulled him towards the bar. She took a seat and pulled Steven onto the chair next to her. The bartender, a gray wolf, gave Steven a suspicious look as he served Alexia a drink.

"So," Steven said idly glancing around, "Who are we waiting for? Mykell and Lynn met up with someone. Are you meeting somebody too?"

"Maybe," She replied with a grin, "Or maybe I just want to parade my pet around like a trophy."

Alexia gave a hearty chuckle. Steven responded with a cautious laugh, not really sure if she was being sarcastic or perfectly honest.

Steven decided to observe the club a bit more from the bar. He still found it fascinating that all these creatures not only exist, but have their own hangout spot. Even more interesting is how a place as lively as this goes completely unnoticed by humans. Now that he thought of it, he didn't see a single other human in the whole place. As much as he loved clubs and the underground scene, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

"Bringing pets to the club, Alexia?" Came a feminine voice. Steven glanced to his left. Next to him was another dragon. Her body was a tropical color, orange body with an ocean blue underbelly, auburn hair, a blue and orange tail with some white rings mixed in. Her body was somewhat heafty and her chest was quite voluptuous, apparent even through her baggy black t-shirt. She was still noticeably larger than him, but a bit shorter than Alexia. She wore a pair of large black raver pants that he was familiar with, complete with chains. She reached up with a white clawed finger and rubbed him under his chin.

"It's a bit of a long story," Alexia replied with a smile, "but to keep a long story short, let's say I caught a human in my home and decided to hold onto him for a while."

"Human, huh?" The tropical dragon said with a grin, "He is quite cute. Gonna properly introduce us?"

"This is my pet Steven," she said, running her claw slowly down his back, making him shiver, "Pet, this is Char, a good friend of mine."

"Umm," Steven stuttered, still taking everything in, "pleasure to meet you, Char."

"Yes it is," Char replied in a rather sultry tone, "care for a drink?"

"Just water for me, thanks."

Char let out a giggle as she sipped at her own drink. Alexia pulled herself up to a chair, giving Steven a tug on his collar to do the same. He climbed up onto the chair between Alexia and Char. He squirmed a bit in his seat, still trying to adjust to the situation.

"So Alexia," Char said with a smile, "All of you come here just to socialize or looking for something a bit more fun?"

"I think we've gotten a good deal of fun in the last few days," Alexia chuckled, giving Steven a knowing wink. His face blushed a bit. Thinking back to those few days, while not being what he expected, he'd be lying if he didn't enjoy it a little bit, "But some more fun couldn't hurt."

"Well then," Char said with a grin, "how about we head to the private rooms? I have one already waiting."

Alexia nodded as her and Char stood up. She tugged on Stevens collar once more and the three of them made their way across the floor to the private rooms. On this side, there was a hallway with doors on both sides. As they made their way through the hall, Steven couldn't help but notice the the sounds coming from the rooms. It was pretty obvious what they were used mostly for, with everything from moans to lust-filled screams emanating from the doors. He had a good idea what awaited him as they approached a door near the end of the hall, and there wasn't a single complaint in his mind.

Char unlocked the door and pushed it open, standing aside to let Alexia and Steven in first. The room was of a considerable size. About as big as a fancy hotel, complete with a absolutely massive bed. Even for Alexia and her siblings size, the bed looked like it could fit at least five or six people on it and it stood four feet off the ground. The walls were colored a light red with a deep purple carpet covering the floor. About five feet next to the bed was an equally large jacuzzi big enough to pass as a very small swimming pool.

The door closed behind Steven and he was snapped out of his awestruck state as char approached him from behind. She rested her rainbow-sleeved claws on his shoulders and pulled him slightly toward her, nestling his head comfortably between her large and amazingly soft breasts. Alexia turned around and grinned.

"Not wasting any time," She said, "are you?"

Char smiled back and glanced down at Steven, giving her tropical colored lips a slow lick while her claws began to wander around his chest, "And delay an experience like this?" She asked, "I have a hard enough time keeping my claws off you, and then you come in with this adorable boy. You're lucky I didn't just drag you both in here as soon as I saw you."

Alexia chuckled and moved towards the two of them. Her arms wrapped around Chars waist and pulled her in. Both of the dragons giggled as the small human was temporarily lost in a sea of scaly breasts before she crouched down to Stevens level. Her claw went to his chin and rubbed it gently.

"In case you're curious," she explained, "you've just been brought into Chars and my little monthly ritual of fun. She likes humans almost as much as I do. Think you can bring as much pleasure to her as you can with me, pet?"

Steven steadied himself, already given up on fighting the arousal building in his pants, "I'll do my best," he replied.

"Excellent," Alexia said. Alexia took a chair from nearby and placed it at the foot of the gargantuan bed and sat down. Char moved to the edge of the bed in front of Alexia. She glanced back with a sensual grin and began to slowly strip her clothes off. Her shirt and bra came off first, giving Steven a very close glimpse at the wonderfully plump and curvy dragoness. The raver pants easilly fell to the floor and were kicked away next, revealing her equally curvy thighs and rump with a pair of pink panties that seemed to only barely cover her most intimate areas. All that she left on were the rainbow sleeves and legwarmers.

She turned to face Steven and sat down. Her legs spread out just a bit and her tail hanging off the bed below, her nether lips swollen in anticipation and showing through her panties. She looked at him with a familiar hungry expression as her eyes wandered over his body.

"You're turn sweety," she said in a very sultry and sexy tone.

Steven wasted little time in disrobing. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. Next came his sneakers and pants. He struggled a tad with his undergarments, trying to work around his already raging hard-on. Soon enough, he was nude from head to toe. Char growled and purred the whole time he was undressing, eating him up with her eyes. Her legs spread a bit wider as she pointed a clawed finger and motioned him to her.

"Come to mama my boy," she cooed.

Char leaned back as Steven approached, spreading her legs out wider. He looked between you curvy legs and knew exactly what she wanted. He walked to the edge of the bed and began to slowly massage her inner legs. Char rumbled deeply at his caresses, squirming slightly in place. Her tail swayed slowly and happily, rubbing against his legs and occasionally curling around his waist. His hands moved further up her inner thighs, moving out to her incredible hips, before coming back and brushing her swollen pussy through her panties.

Her tail gripped his leg tight as she gasped sharply. Her eyes met his and stared for a moment, making Steven nod knowingly. He gripped her panties from either side and pulled them down, sliding them down her legs and exposing her moist slit. Steven tossed them into the rest of the clothes pile as Chars tail curled around his waist and pulled him in. She spread her legs out even wider and leaned back as her tail guided him closer. Steven reached down and gripped his painful erection and began to slowly stroke. His nose was flooded by the sweet scent of the tropical dragon. Soon he was barely an inch from her moist sex when he ran his tongue up the length of her pussy.

Char moaned loudly and her tail gave one more final pull, burying the human boys head into her nethers. Steven proceeded to lap and suckle at Chars sensitive flesh, marveling at the sweet taste, darting his tongue as far as he could into her depths. His hands caressing at her legs and inner thighs, reaching his hands as far as he could fit them under her and squeezing at the soft butt. Her moans grew louder, making his efforts even more vigorous. Char squirmed writhed in ecstasy, her claws rubbing and squeezing her sizable tits and pinching at her nipples, enhancing the feeling.

All the while, Alexia was hardly sitting idly. She had already stripped herself nude and was tending to her own arousal. One claw rubbing at her breast and another stroking at her pussy. Alexia was quite a voyeur, getting almost as much pleasure in watching as she did participating. Many times in the past years when her siblings decided to engage in some incestuous antics, she would watch Lynn and Mykell go at it together before joining into the fray herself. She lightly chuckled at herself over just how sexual her family and her company was, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

"What an amazing tongue you have babe," Char exclaimed through her moans, "But I think it's time for something a bit different."

Her tail gave a strong pull on Steven and hoisted him from between her legs to laying on her her belly and breasts. He sat himself up on her lower chest from the sudden toss and met Chars eyes. She purred deeply and played with her breasts, squeezing and rubbing them. She took his hands by the wrists and pulled them to her huge and soft mounds. Steven wasted no time in following her lead. He caressed and squeezed the very soft flesh, brushing his thumbs against her very stiff nipples.

"Mmmm," she purred, "That's it sweety. You like playing with my tits, don't you?"

"Oh God yes," Steven replied. While she wasn't quite as large as Alexia or Lynn, her mounds were significantly softer and squishier. His cock was throbbing painfully again. He glanced down himself, then at Chars chest. Without a second thought, he shifted himself up and pressed his cock between your soft globes and started squeezing them together, rocking his hips at the same time. Char was thoroughly turned on by this. She let him thrust between her tits several times before leaning her head down and pressing her snout between the walls of flesh. Her tongue snaked from her maw, between her squeezed breasts and flicked against the humans rock hard member.

Steven moaned in great pleasure, his cock sandwiched between Chars soft breasts and tended to by her warm and moist tongue. They went on for a few minutes before Chars head went back quickly and a loud moan escaped her maw. Steven looked behind him and found that Alexia had decided to join them by burying her snout and tongue into Chars pussy. Her tongue reaching far into her depths. Alexia took Chars tail into her claw and began to tease the tip of it between her legs, the twitching and rumbling making it an ideal toy, before firmly inserting the tail tip into her cunny. Steven turned back with a slight smile before going back to giving Chars breasts the attention they deserved.

Alexia eventually stood up and crawled to the other side of the bed. She laid down with her legs spread wide open. Char needed no other incentive. She picked Steven from her and crawled on all fours to Alexia. Without hesitation, she pressed her snout to her now dripping pussy and began to eagerly eat her out. Alexia begain to growl and moan, her claws holding on to Chars horns as she ground her lower body into Chars masterful maw and tongue. Without thinking, Alexias tail slipped under Char. The spade on the tip pointed up between her colorful thighs and rose. The tip of Alexias tail teased at Chars pussy for several moments before plunging inside, making Char almost scream. Steven watched as the two beautify dragon girls engaged in their lesbian escapades, idly stroking his member. Without warning, however, Chars tail grabbed him once more and pulled him to his feet and behind her. His hands went to her hips for support as he looked down. Chars tail raised up as high as it could go, exposing Alexia's tail pistoning in and out of her pussy, and her tailhole. Steven paused for a moment. He reached his finger to her pucker and began to slowly rub it, making Char sway her butt and tail.

Steven decided to go a step further. He backed up a bit and leaned down, placing his hands upon her soft rump. He spread them apart as much as he could and leaned his head towards her open cheeks. He hesitated a bit but steeled himself and pressed his tongue to her tailhole. Char moaned very loudly, which made Alexia moan even louder still. She clearly liked the feeling, and Steven was more than happy to indulge her. He began to slowly lap at Chars pucker, pushing his tongue past her anal ring now and then, making her lower half writhe and her claws to dig into the bed.

After rimming the tropical dragoness for several minutes, Steven stood up. He still had her rump spread wide with his hands and decided to take the final step. He lined up his cock with her slick tailhole and slowly pushed forward. He pucker accepted his member eagerly as it slid in and gripped tightly. Steven moaned and let his head swing back a bit. Anal sex had always seemed interesting, but he had never tried it before. Chars ass was amazingly tight despite how much bigger she is to him, but it didn't matter anymore. He took hold of her plumb hips and began to plow her rear in a steady but hard rhythm.

Each thrust from Steven pressed Chars snout harder and deeper into Alexias cunny. All three of them were moaning so loud the the occupants in the surrounding rooms could hear. Their lusty threesome went on for almost a half-hour. Alexia already knew Steven had exceptional stamina, but Char was thoroughly surprised. Even so, the trio could feel their orgasms building up and it wasn't long until the pressure between them exploded.

Char let out as much of a roar as she could with her snout buried in Alexia as her climax slammed her hard. Her pussy gripped her tail firmly as her tailhole squeezed at Stevens member. Alexia screamed in absolute ecstasy, her orgasm letting loose a torrent of femcum, which Char was more than willing to drink up. Steven followed suit soon after as his body tensed and he slammed his hips into Chars rump one more time before shooting his load into her ass. Several long spurts of cum flooded into her rear before he withdrew his softening cock and slumped back on the bed.

Char pulled herself back and raised herself up to Alexia and planted a deep passionate kiss onto her muzzle. They both embraced for a moment making out before noticing their human companion laying on his back trying to recover. The both playfully leaned over him, Char even climbing on top of him and rubbing his spent member against her slick pussy and giggling.

"Mmmm," Char cooed, "You are pretty lucky to get one with so much stamina. Still needs a bit of work on the follow through."

Alexia chuckled and began to rub Stevens head, "Don't worry," she said softly, "He'll be quite man when I'm done with him. Now come on pet. Let's get cleaned up."

Steven struggled to his wobbly feet to see Char filling the jacuzzi with water. The dragons soon hopped in and settled down to relax. It took him a moment to find an area that was shallow enough for him to sit with his head above the steamy water, but soon Steven was able to lean back and mellow down. His muscles were sore, but the nice hot water was making short work of the pain. His head was leaned back and eyes closed as began to relax himself.

The three of them spent a good half hour in the water before coming out and drying off. Steven was visibly exhausted, feeling that sitting down for longer than a minute would lead to him passing out. Sure enough, he jumped up on the edge of the bed and promptly fell asleep. Char walked to his sleeping form and gently caressed his head. She looked back at Alexia, who was getting her clothes back on.

"So how long do you plan on keeping him?" Char asked quietly, not wanting to wake Steven. The human certainly earned his sleep tonight.

"...Forever." Alexia plainly replied.

"How are you going to manage that? He probably has some family somewhere. I doubt they'd not notice he's gone a vanished. What possessed you to take him in anyway?"

Alexia paused for a moment. She thought back to when she first encountered Steven. She thought about the box he was holding, and what its contents meant to her, and what they might mean to him. She knew what she was trying to do from the beginning, but also understood that the risk was very high.

"A hunch and a hope," She said as she kneeled over her sleeping pet and gave him a soft kiss upon his forhead, "And I have three more days to see if my hope will be realized."

With that, the two dragons kissed once more. Char was meeting someone else later on and decided to stay. Alexia carried Steven to a padded bench near the entrance. She laid him down, smiling at just how peaceful he looked, and went to retrieve her brother and sister. Mykell was fairly drunk, but not falling over himself so. Lynn looked positively glowing over her night with her shark-girl friend, insisting everyone meet her sometime soon. The three of them, Steven within Alexias arms again, exited the club and returned to their vehicle to begin the trip home.

With Steven loaded in comfortably, the dragons donned their human forms and started to drive. Alexia took the wheel with Mykell in the passenger seat. Lynn decided to test how dead to the world Steven was sleeping on him. Needless to say, Lynn soon joined him in the realm of sleep. No words were spoken for almost half the trip before Mykell decided to break the silence.

"So you gonna do it?" He blurted out.

"Do what?" Alexia replied, subconsciously know what he was referring to.

"You know, those things in that box you've been keeping since you were 15. You gonna go for it with him?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Come on, sis. I may be drunk, but not blind. I'm surprised he hasn't caught on to you yet."

"I'd like to keep it that way, thank you. At least until the week is over."

"You know, normally people date by going to a movie or out to lunch. You have gotta be the first person I've heard who makes someone a sex slave for a week to find out if you're right for someone."

Alexia glared at Mykell, who was grinning like an idiot before leaning over and passing out against the window. She wanted to smack him, but couldn't bring herself to. In a way, part of what he said was true. She was attracted to Steven at first sight, but didn't want to risk losing an opportunity. Perhaps it was selfishness in a way. She didn't want to let him go, and taking him in like this was the only way she could get him to stay. In a way, he's not trying to prove himself that she can trust him. She's trying to prove herself to him that she's worth staying with. As she said to Char, it's nothing but a hope and a hunch, but one she has been silently praying works in her favor.