The sweet Tanuki

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#1 of The Sweet Tanuki

If this material is inappropriate for you, then why on Earth are you here. Please leave. Thank you... Are they gone? Great!

So I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "I wonder if Maya Miyazaki worked on that animated tanuki film." and then this whole story smashed into my head like that time I pissed off (insert relevant celebrity). It revolved around this Tanuki with a super nice personality; you know, that really loving, caring, concerned about you person you always wanted to make your but wont get cause that personality doesn't exist? Well it does now! I've been writing it since the morning because I don't want to loose the momentum on this like the other stories. If there's any issues, let me know, and I'll handle it after this nap. I hope to do 4-6 parts to this if folks like it, but its 3 in the morning, and I really need pancakes, so I'm goin to iHop. I'll meet ya there.

"Dude, are we really gonna do this?" Brian whispered to Conner. He was nervous, and clearly beginning to loose his nerve.

"yeah man. Mr. Akia-"


"Whatever. That old fox always has the coolest stuff in his shop, so whatever he's keeping in the back must be awesome." The rabbit was so gitty with excitement he was bouncing on his toes, but his mouse companion still wasn't as convinced as he was this morning.

"But the sign on it says NO ENTER."

"That's cause its so cool, if anybody else saw it, the rest of the stuff would look like junk. Besides, that's not even correct grammar."

"But why would he-"

"Dude, we're both 10 now. Ya gotta macho up and stop being a wiener. That's for your hotdog." He emphasized by pointing to his crotch. He then pointed and tapped against his skull" Ya gotta start using your brain. Ya gotta be a brainer. Now lets get in there Brainy!"


Whatever." Conner shrugged off the error as they both jogged around the corner out of the alley, and into the weathered store of East Asian Antique Shopper. Chinglish sure was funny at times.

After they entered, the boys found themselves surrounded by a plethora of foreign objects. From scary demon statues to blingin guardian talismans, Priestess staffs they couldn't hold to samurai swords they couldn't touch, Tapestries with awesome bloody battles to scrolls they were trying every other day to learn to read, herbs that soothed their minds to jars filled with things they didn't know, but were sure alive at some point, all took their attention every time they came in. That is until a gray withered fox, dressed in fine robes and sporting a fu manchu, rose above the counter.

"Ah, hello boys. Have you come for more Cream Collon candy?" The two giggled at the name. Mr. Akio was always nice and knowledgeable. Whenever either of them had a question about an item, he was more then glad to explain it to the culture appreciating duo.

"hehe, noooo. We actually wanted to get a pair of those big jade talismans you keep on the high shelf." Connor grinned as both he and Brian clasped their hands in front to look extra bashful.

"Really now? Those are each 35$. Have you boys been saving?" Mr. Akio seemed genuinely impressed, and a little bit prideful at their supposed patients.

"Y-Yes." Brian blushed and swayed a little, being nervous whenever the man took notice of him. While he was afraid to admit it, he had a massive crush on the older male he couldn't explain nor stop himself from feeling, especially with those kind soft blue eyes on him.

"Well then." He announced before arching his back to crack and pop." I'll get right to them."

"Cool. We'll just try some of those Collons Mr. Ikea."

"It's Akio little usagi."

"Right sir."

They giggled again as Mr. Akio walked to the other end of the shop to where he shelved the necklaces, which would take awhile for his aged bones to reach. Meanwhile, the two kids went to the end of the counter that had the funny named candies sitting atop it, as well as the NO ENTER door by the adjacent wall.

Conner slowly reached out, and grabbed the key the fox had hidden under a case of rings, which he just so happen to catch the man sneaking the other week, as Brian kept a eye on the fox's back and fluffy tail he wished he could cuddle against. The rabbit gently unlocked and opened the door, waving his hand for his friend to come through with him.

Once they slid in, and shut the door behind, the boys were bewildered by what they saw. The room had no light in it, except for a lone sky light, whose gaze solely loomed on the only object in there.

"A sake gourd? That's it? Really?" Conner was utterly dumbfounded. There, on a granite pedestal that reached their shoulder's height, rested a caped white gourd coated in slips of paper and writtng. It was interesting, but to dedicate a whole room that had teased the kid's minds for months was a tad underwhelming. "What a waste of space?"

"Maybe it's really precious to him." The nervous mouse chimed, hopping Mr. Akio wouldn't know they were here, and stepping up to the bottle to see if he could read any of the writting. "I think these are sutra scrolls pasted on it."

"You think that's how they keep the spirits in?" Connor wondered, having never understood that fraise adults used. As he looked closely, he vaguely began to make out an inscription plastered on the gourd's front. "Oh snap, it totally does."


The rabbit put his finger against the starting word. " Spirit of mischief. Creature of sex. Male of...wait. Its 'love' something. What's this say?"

"Well with this it means-"Brian began to explain as he tapped the characters. Though a little to hard since the container seemed to be tip-OH SHIT!


"...A type of love in hunger. Oh god, I broke it!" The boys looked to each other with mouths agape, and then both to the shattered bottle covered floor, as well as a vast amount of white liquid that the gourd had evidently held. Then, like the kids they were, began to sob and hold onto the other, knowing the anger and trouble they would be in with they're soon to be lost friend of the owner.

What they didn't notice, being to blinded by their tears, was the white liquid collecting into the center of itself and rising to form into something more solid and lively.

"Aww, what's rough cuties? Did you hurt yourselves?" asked a concerned voice. The boys stopped crying, and with some hesitance, turned and had their eyes almost bulge out at the sight of a naked male fur they could not off handedly recognize crouching before them with a worried face. It wasn't quite a raccoon or badger, though it had the markings. Nor was it a fox or dog, though it had the muzzle, ears, fluff and similar tail. But its color was what made the bare man's species apparent.

"A-are you a-a tanuki?" the mouse stuttered out, still a bit frightened and now also confused.

"Why yes I am. That's so smart of you to notice." The tanuki smiled with glee, having a joyful air that radiated around him. "My name is Dia. What might be yours if you don't mind me asking."

"Br-Brian." He said as he and his friend let go of their hold.


"Well it's a pleasure of mine to meet you two. I hope I didn't scare you."

"No*snort*its fine." The rabbit wiped his eyes to see better. Finally relaxing enough, thanks partly to Dai's calm warm demeanor, the boys took in the full sight of the man. They got a bit curious however, because despite the lore and depictions the creature, this tanuki's body was lanky if not starving from lack of nutrition, and his sack was hardly larger then average. After realizing they had been staring at another man's groin, they looked up to his face feeling embarrassed, but Dai simply smirked and winked at them like it was no trouble." But if you're a tanuki, how come you're so thin? And how come your...your-"

"My what sweetie?" Dai looked just as curious as them, only somehow more innocent with his hands on his knees and wide gaze that could envelop the world, just from wanting to know what troubled him.

"Your sack is so small." Brian finished, looking apologetically for his bluntness.

Dai giggled the same childlike giggle they possessed, and nodded his head." Yes, well it does stretch when I need it to. As for me being skinny thought, I haven't really eaten in a few... hundred years I believe."

"A few hundred years." The boys said in unison, shocked that anyone could live so long on an empty stomach.

"Oh my yes, I do suppose that's quite a while to you little guys. Speaking of which, do you know who broke open my vessel?"

"Your what?"

"Haha, Sorry. My gourd there." The tanuki directed towards the shards of bottle, now empty of any liquid.

The boys got nervous again, finding he'd be the one they'd upset if they admitted the truth. But they weren't liars, and they didn't want to start while meeting with a possible nice new, and mythical, friend. While it had actually only been Brian who'd broken it, Conner knew it was his fault alone they were there to begin with. The rabbit saw how scared his friend was, and couldn't leave him solely blameful. "We did. We're sorry for ruining it."

"You did? Awww, is that why you're so worried? You poor things are to wonderful." Dai felt so joyous, and yet surprisingly so sad for them. He got down on his knees, his groin on full display, and reached to hug the boys to his scrawny bare chest, nuzzling his face between them." I'm glad you broke it. I've been stuck in that cramped thing forever. Only someone so great could get me out, and I'm so happy it was you two handsome heroes."

"Really?" the boys said in unison again.

"You mean it Mr. Day" Conner was so relieved and thankful for their luck. Not only were they not in trouble, but were being congratulated for their actions. He wondered if this creature had been what the gourd sealed, and why Mr. Akio had him here, but he quickly chalked it up to old people being old people and how they did a lot of things that didn't make sense; why anyone watched Full House for 8 seasons still escaped him. With the weight lifted off him, he hugged the tanuki right back with Brian.

"Its Dai silly, and yes, I mean it. In fact, you boys actually get a treasure for your heroics." Dai looked down at them with excitement of this fact and gave them a light squeeze from his hug.

"We do?" They stood back, wondering what this magical being could have.

"Mmhmm, but I've had to keep it in a very secret place." He said with some sternness, and placed a hand on each of their shoulders." Now I don't want to scare you, and this may seem weird, but I think you boys can handle this task. Okay?" he finish calmly stating, that kind sweet smile never wavering away.

The boys nodded with eagerness, and Dai sate back." Okay then." He then took a deep breath, stretched his spine, and laid his back onto the floor before bringing his knees up and reaching his hands down around his black furry rear, and dipped into his anus. His fingers felt around the soft confines before he grabbed ahold of the ring and pulled it apart to open his hole wider and wider in front of them until it was a gapping pink cavern of musk, muscle, and fluids. "Mmmm, it's been so long since I've done this. Now I've been keeping it deep within myself you see, but since I can't reach far enough, it takes a brave man to get it back."

The boys weren't to scared, as one would normally be by such an impossible act, but in fact amazed and shocked that he preformed it to such a degree with ease. He had after all warned them, and since tanukis were known to have elastic sacks, it seemed logical to them that other parts of their bodies would as well. But to actually go into another's hole, an area usually kept privet from even mentioning, was something that bothered them.

"You want us to go in your butt?" Brian asked timidly. While there wasn't much light where they sat, he could see a few inches in of the slick dripping hole that somehow looked wider then Dai's hips, and it was more dark and sticky then he liked places.

"Dude, don't you see?" Conner nudged his friend's shoulder, almost excited over this situation." That's why Mr. Akio has him in here. He's put all that cool stuff I told you he had in the one place no one would look. It's like a life sized version of that frog on the log song."

"hehe, I just love how smart you both are, and thanks for not being to frightened."

"It's all good Mr. Dai. We've heard crazier things in your cultures tales, so this is pretty alright. We were worried you'd hurt yourself more then anything." The Tanuki's tail, laying out in front of his hole, and getting very soaked from his flowing anal juices, wagged at the open-mindedness and concern they showed.

"That's so sweet of you hun. I'm actually quite used to this. It might be far in there, but I'll be sure to keep a tight hold." He emphasized by tugging his ring a few times, which caused his balls to bob and half hard shaft to sway into view.

"Thanks Mr. Dai. Come on Brian." Conner motioned over as he began sticking his head and paws in. The surface was wet and squishy, but had a warmth to it that was strangely as cozy as the man it was part of. His mouse friend was still uncertain though.

"I don't know if we'll both fit in there. Shouldn't you take off your shirt or something so it doesn't get wet?" Conner sighed and got back out to show his already matted down head fur and partically soggy red T-shirt.

"Dude, we're getting treasure. People expect us to get a little dirty with this kind of thing. And we can totally fit, we'll just be elbow to elbow. Right Mr. Dai?"

"Of course dear. I don't mind. It's alright if you don't want to though Brian." Dai peered over to his side to reassure the bashful mouse.

Brian thought it over for a bit, fiddling with tail as he did. Dai had been very kind to them, so there wasn't any fear. The stretch pucker, unusual as it was to take in, was strangely expected considering its owner. And he could always buy a new shirt with whatever was in there. "okay." He smiled back to Dai, who was rather happy of his choice, and Brian got on his hands and knees as he began going in. Pressing up against Conner, and smooshing their sides against the slick walls, which appeared to be making Dai groan as they shuffled about.

"Are you okay?"

"Ooooh oh yes. I'm perfectly fine. Just a strange feeling having you brave boys in there." Dai called out, not wanting to bother the two, but couldn't believe the sensations he had long since experienced coursing through him. He could feel every action they made; every prod of their searching hands in the dark, every sinking of their legs in his folds, and every smooth caress of their matting down fur and cloths that only got slicker the further they ventured in.

Looking up at his belly, he could even see the tops of their heads and backs pushing out through his fluffy black furred flesh, and hear distinct squishing noises of his juices as they moved deeper into his depths. To say he was quivering with pleasure would be an understatement, as his had to keep taking deep breaths to calm himself from the excitement, though his throbbing solid 11-inch hard on was out of his control.

The two were nearing waist deep inside the soft warm bowels, and their entire fur and upper halfs were clinging to their young bodies, utterly drenched with fluid to where they were dripping as much as the inner folds were oozing. It felt rather silly as the juices of the walls were starting to rub into their faces now, but it at least didn't smell of anything bad. While they couldn't see anything, the tunnel was definitely narrowing to an end, cause they were starting to get cramped. "It must be at the very back. Most treasures are kept at the ends of these hard to move spots." Conner surmised, realizing they must be close, because he could already hear the Tanuki's heart, and it was beating like he was on a rollercoaster.

"But I can barely move."

"Well then try wiggling yourself in." They both began twisting their bodies around and forward, and it seemed to be working a little, though Dai they weren't sure was alright with the motion as he started to make a lot of moaning sounds. They began to wonder if Dai was okay, or if they were distending him to much, as his breathing was on the verge of hyperventilation. But all thoughts came to a stop as the boys realized they're hips were stuck around that elastic rim." Mr. Dai, I think we're stuck. Do you think you could stretch wider or something?" they called out.

Dai was practically in a daze from the boys wiggling and rocking his insides, and wished he could touch his painfully aroused member, but he felt that would be rude of him. When the boys cried out for help he almost missed their pleas under his heavy panting. "Oh *gasp* sorry *gasp* of course. Hang on; I definitely know something that might help. I'm going to need my arms though, so it'll get tense for a minute."

The skinny tanuki removed his arms from his now hugely expanded pucker, which then immediately closed tightly on the young boys perky butts, cute tails, and underdeveloped groins. He placed his arms to his sides to help him get up to stand, and gave himself a silent praise for his rump's firm grip on the kids. He thought of how humorous a sight he must be with four adorable legs and tiny fuzzy feet sticking out his back, dangling in the air much like his leaking dick and needy balls. The boys were jostled some, and felt a bit dizzy from the change in angle, but thankfully hadn't been hurt.

"Ooooooohhh wow, that's quite a shift. Okay boys, here comes some fun help for you." Dai gleefully said, as if he were going to take them on a theme park ride, and smiled as he leaned back. Suddenly he took his legs out from under him, holding them to his chest as he landed on his over stuffed ass. The action sucking in the boys' forms so fast they bounced against his stomach enough to push out his gut a few inches before settling down as oddly shaped bulges.

"Uuuuh, lord that was so amazing." He felt so joyful and full now." And it's all thanks to you beautiful boys. I am so grateful to you. Your absolutely the best treasure for me to have." He said sitting back to caress over his swelled soft furred belly and child shaped curves that hollered, pushed, and struggled to get out, which wasn't possible now that he had shut his rim tighter then a safe, but it felt unimaginably pleasurable. "Awww, you can't get through my belly button sweety. That's to cute that you thought of that."

Dai hoped he would be able to chat with the boys, but the churning of his stomach had already muffled their voices. He must have been hungrier than he thought. So he shrugged his shoulders and laid back a minute to enjoy his gut at play. He rubbed and gazed fondly at the gurgling belly as the insides worked to relax the boys from their shouts and needless exertion, soon after losing any shape until Dai looked to be petting his own personal dome. He missed having this doughy fat belly hill he could sink his hands into, it felt so rough being so light, empty, and alone. When things quieted he stood up again, a lot wobblier of course with his fat swinging middle. He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes as he began to concentrate the mass.

He allowed some of it to flow into his whole physique, so as to not look as scrawny, but rather lithe and feminine in figure. The rest he decided to put the two on the area they had most helped him from as a way of honoring them. His black bottom and light brown topped rump began to expand outward, becoming more and more weighted and luxurious by the second till it started to fold over the top of his thighs. It also became harder to concentrate however as he thought about how this weight was of those darling boys, that what he gained onto himself was their sweet bodies, and them that he was pushing outward to make his plumping ass as beautiful as them.

Once all the mass was used, Dai gasped in relief over finishing his work, and without delay went to fondling and squeezing his cheeks. They were so engorged now that they each were a bit larger then the kids heads must have been. They were so plump he could actually knead into them like thick dough, his cock was just pouring pre out at this feeling. He left one hand to roam between his crack, swirling around the naughty pucker before fingering the wet silky hole for a minute until he simply shoved his fist in, while his other finally went to his preing cock for its much deserved patients. As he stroked up and down the lengthy meat, he let his mind wonder on the boys; how nice and caring they were to him and each other, how sexy their small young bodies were, how great it felt to have them crawling up his slippery tunnel, how much he'd love to have had made love to them for hours if he weren't so hungry, how soft and marvelous it'll be having their malleable forms cushioning him like bean bags whenever he sits, and how he couldn't wait to add another friend to them to make it even more voluptuous.

Those last couple thoughts finally brought him over the edge as he let himself fall onto his plush butt. Bouncing and sinking in a little like he was on a balloon while he arched back to let his thick cock spray it's hundred years of pent up seed over his body. His orgasm rocketed out of him like water through a tight hose, cascading back onto him so much and thick he decided it'd be good to sway the shaft from side to side to give himself a few fresh coats. It unfortunately lasted only a minute or two, his nuts could only dense so much spooge at this limited stage. After it died down he gave a contented sigh, finding the radiating warmth and aroma soothing to the senses, giggling as he massaged the cum all across and into his now white creamed fur. "I think we're gonna be the best of friends." He said rubbing and pinching his cheeks, gazing down at them to smiled his sweet smile as if he were talking to them." But I think one of you said Akio was here, so it's probably best to leave."

Dai hopped up and looked to the skylight, his butt wiggling from the motion. Stepping away a few paces before he ran and jumped onto the pedestal, and leaped straight up through the glass into a bright, and sexually, exciting world.

Right as the last of glass shards hit the floor, an old fox opened the door to the room with two fairly nice jade talismans in hand." Boys, are you in h-GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Whoa, what's his problem? Oh yeah.