A Warm Bed Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 -- Eruditio

(August 18th)

Jeffery turned over in bed, waking to the warm morning sun shining down into his face, and groaning in dissatisfaction, "Mmm...too early..."

He smacked his lips a few times and coughed at the remaining unpleasant taste of male seed, which immediately brought him to life. He sat up harshly and grabbed hold of his head, trying to soothe the pain of a headache, before looking around the room and noticing he was alone.

"Master?" the kitten mewled as loudly as he could manage without further upsetting his aching head.

There was a long silence, save for the groans of the little collared feline, and some faint, indiscernible noises from somewhere else in the house...but even after a few long moments, no one came.

Jeff groaned again with displeasure, too tired, hungry, and weak to want to leave the bed but doing so anyway. He wandered out of the bedroom and slowly crept down the hall, very timid in his every step, as if scared of going somewhere he shouldn't. "Ma-" he coughed again struck by the sharp pain in his temple as he did, and then called out again "Master...?"

Those small discernible sounds grew louder and louder as the young cat made his way into the living room. It was a repetitive thumping, backed by deep, guttural grunts and the light clinking of metal against metal -- perhaps a chain -- from a door off of the living room to a new room that the new pet had yet to see. The door was cracked.

Jeff gulped hard, both to continue to try and wash away the unpleasant taste of morning breath and fox-seed...and out of fear. Noises like that were only heard in scary movies, just moments before the giant freak with the chainsaw or axe came busting through a wall. The cat's natural curiosity, though, over shadowed any rational thought of avoiding the noises. He went to the door, and opened it a bit more to poke his muzzle in, "M-master?"

Behind the door was the basement, and not far from the bottom of its stairs, Scott swung a stiff right hook through his pet's line of vision, his fist colliding hard with a heavy punching bag. He was wearing only a pair of dark lounge pants and thin cloth gloves, and his fur more than a little mussed, both from last night, and, it seemed, the exercise he'd woke for today. The hook that caught his pet's vision, though, was his last, as he extended his arms and hugged the gently swinging bag to stop it from moving, and then turned to look up the stairs, with a panting smiling.

"Hey there! I'm sorry, Kitten: it's barely dawn, and I wasn't expecting you up. I should have already had breakfast made." He began taking off his gloves, "Let me get on that..."

Jeff wasn't sure whether to sigh in relief, of gulp in nervous fear. The imaginary monsters that the fox was housing were all gone, but he wasn't sure what he thought of having a master whose idea of exercise was punching something. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to disturb you."

Scott, still smiling, shook his head, "You aren't disturbing me." He padded up the stairs, two at a time, and put a paw on the boy's shoulder, "How's my new pet doing this morning? You okay?"

The cat smiled weakly up at his master, "Fine, just hungry."

"Are you sure?" Scott scratched his kitten's shoulders as he led him through the open door, "You look kinda rough."

"Well..." Jeff looked away, for some reason too nervous to be honest, "I usually don't wake up this early either."

"Is that all? Not sick? Not hurting or anything? Just tired?" The fox trailed his paw up to his pet's head, playing with his headfur and scratching between his ears as they made their way through the living room.

"That's it, Sir."

Scott smiled down at him, "Okay. But you make sure and tell me if you're ever feeling bad, so I can take care of you." He took his paw off of his pet and opened the door to the kitchen to let him in.

Before Scott could usher the little naked kitten in, though, Jeff paused and timidly spoke up, "A-actually..."


"I, uhm...I have a headache," the cat smiled again, weak and unsure.

"Well why didn't you say so?" genuine concern in his eyes, Scott held the door open wider and waved the cat in. "Go. Go sit down and I'll grab you some aspirin."

Jeff walked in and sat in one of the chairs at the breakfast table, watching his new master hurriedly rifling through his cabinet for the right pill bottle. Aspirin in paw, Scott snatched up a glass as well, taking it to the sink and filling it with water, before returning to his pet with both.

The cat couldn't help but smile at how immediate the fox was to help him, and took the glass from him as his master twisted open the bottle. "Thank you, Sir."

"No need," Scott tapped two pills into his paw, and held them out to the boy. "I figure we'll lead with this. But if you need something stronger later, I've got that too, okay?"

Jeff just nodded, surprised at how often his master had already brought a smile to his face, despite the events of the previous night. The fox's eyes on him the whole time, he popped the two pills and washed them down, and only then was Scott content with stepping away

"Let me know if they don't help, okay?"

"I will, Master." Jeff set the glass aside as he watched his master walk off toward the fridge, "Are...are you always awake this early?"

"Usually...yeah," the fox nodded as he the refrigerator door, "I don't often need more than about 5 hours of sleep. So, if I go to bed any earlier than one, I'm usually up before the sun." He leaned over, his nose in the fridge, "Is there anything in particular you'd like?"

Jeffery thought for a moment, not really about what to have, but reflecting on the fact that he was about to have an actual breakfast. "Uhm..." he failed, though, to think of any way to make it spectacular, "Bacon and eggs?"

"Sure thing!" Scott chuckled and went about digging through the fridge, "And here I was worried that I'd have to get out the waffle iron or something. But eggs & bacon is easy..." He stood up from the fridge with the eggs, bacon, and a few other things in his arms.

The cat sat patiently, looking around the kitchen. He realized it was pretty big for one guy, but remembered Scott's answer to the question 'what do you do for a living,' and figured it'd probably be best to ignore it, "Master? Could I ask you a few questions?"

Scott didn't look back at his pet, busy getting pans out and turning on the stove, "Anything you want, boy. Just like I told you last night."

"Am I your first pet? Or, like your first, uhm, non-feral pet?"

"Of your sort? Yes." The fox busied himself with making the cat's breakfast, "I've had short-term pets before, who were basically just boyfriends or playmates who liked the idea of being controlled and used. It was okay, but they almost expected to be treated badly...and I didn't like that aspect. I think someone," he cracked an egg, "can be a pet and still be treated with some kindness."

With the words, 'be treated with some kindness' fresh in mind, Jeff smiled, happy Scott wouldn't be terribly mean, "That's nice to hear. Uhm...also...there was something you kind of avoided answering last night and I'd like to know the answer. If I ever get tired of this, of being your pet, am I allowed to leave?"

"No." Sizzling was heard from the stove.

The cat was suddenly more afraid of his master, and responded pleadingly, "Why not?"

"Because you have nowhere else to go...at least not until you're an adult," Scott clicked on the fan above the stove as he picked up a spatula. "You don't expect me to put you back out on the street, do you? Plus..." he picked up the salt and shook a bit onto what must have been the eggs, "how do I know you wouldn't just immediately go to someone and tell them everything?"

Jeff spoke weakly, looking down at the table, his smile fading completely away, "I guess that already answers my next question..."

"That doesn't mean you can't ask it."

"Well...not long after I ran away from home, I called my mother to let her know I was alright. I told her I'd stay in contact with her..." Jeff looked up at his master, the older fur's back facing him. "I'd still like to talk with her every now and then..." he continued before Scott could say anything, "I won't tell her about you or my situation, or anything else! I'd just wanna' talk to her, so she knows I'm okay, and...so I know she is too..."

"You still have a relationship with her? After your parents' problems ran you away from home?" The fox pulled down a plate quickly, as if something had been on the stove for too long.

"She's still my mother; I miss her sometimes. Not my father, though: he was the problem." Jeff nervously rubbed his arm, "They would fight all the time... and he'd fight with me...and I'd fight with HER when I tried to convince her to leave him. Eventually I got tired of...of getting hurt and being scared. So I left by myself..."

Scott huffed, "Wouldn't know the feeling," but it wasn't clear whether he meant Jeff's reasons for leaving, or his continued feelings for his mother. He sat the plate aside, two eggs already on it, as he picked the spatula back up, "How do you like your bacon? Chewy? Crunchy?"

"Crunchy..." The cat gulped, "So can I talk to her? Maybe like every few weeks or something?"

"Depending on how good you are..." Scott kept moving around his pet's bacon with the spatula, "But if so, it'll never more than three feet from me. The leash will make sure of that if you give me reason to use it."

Jeff sighed out of relief, "Thank you Master..." and completely ignored the threat of a leash.

"You're welcome, boy." The fox put his paws on his hips and popped his back, "And I'm sorry I can't let you leave anytime soon. After a few years, when you're 18...I can only hope that you'll appreciate what I've done for you enough that you won't go to the cops. And maybe even enough to let me help you get on your feet." He picked his pet's bacon up with the spatula and laid it on the plate too. "Even as an adult," he turned around, a smile on his face as he walked to the boy, sitting the plate on the table, "I'd like to do my best to keep you off the street." He leaned in and kissed his kitten on the forehead, "Enjoy."

Jeff, again, smiled that unexpected smile, looked down at his food, "Well so far, I don't regret deciding to be your pet, Sir..."

"What changed your mind?" Scott scratched his pet between the ears, "Last night you didn't have an answer."

"Well, since then I've slept in a real bed," the cat chuckled. "And now there's the food and the aspirin and-"

"Oh!" Scott cut him off. "How's your head? Any better?"

"A little bit. I'm sure the food'll help too." Jeff poked at his bacon with his fork, as he got back to what he was saying, "But mainly...it's that you said I'll be able to talk to my mother. I really miss her." He looked back up, "...and, besides...what I did last night: it wasn't so bad."

The fox sat down in another of the chairs at the kitchen table, alongside his pet, "Really? You're not dreading it happening again? You seemed pretty shook up last night."

"Looking back on it: I was just overreacting. I mean...so what if it tasted bad? Is that such a horrible thing? I get to sleep in a bed here. I get real food. I get..." Jeff was going to say something about how friendly and kind his master was being, in general, but something made him think better of it. "I get to not be alone, like I was when I was on the street. But the last time I had any of those things...I had to be afraid of getting beaten. I...I had to watch it happen to my mom." He shook his head and smiled up at his master, "Having all of this...it's worth a bad taste in my mouth, now and then. And...just because I did that doesn't mean I'm gay...even if...you know..."

"Even if you enjoyed parts of it?" Scott tapped his fingers on the table and smirked, "Even if you came?"

The cat blushed, remembering that he did cum, "Well no, I was going to say, even if YOU'RE gay...Master."

"And I am." Scott tapped the edge of his pet's plate, "You should eat."

"Yeah... sorry..." Jeff cut up some of his egg and ate it joyfully with a piece of bacon.

"I have a question for YOU now: one you avoided answering last night while your..." the fox feigned a cough, "...mouth was so full." He repositioned himself in his chair, "How exactly does a straight cat, born without a knot...know how to play with one?"

Through a mouth full of food, Jeff barely managed to answer, "...Porn."

Scott laughed, caught off guard by the simple answer, "Well, wasn't that anticlimactic? Not even an 'I experimented once' story!"

The cat giggled, a childish laugh, betraying his age, "Sorry...I've just never questioned my sexuality."

"Good." Scott put his paw on the kitten's knee, "And you're sure you're comfortable with this, now?"

Jeff ate some more eggs before answering, taking some time to think and formulate an accurate answer. But somehow, he didn't even notice the paw on his knee, "With some things, yes. Like I said...it's worth it." He looked up at his master, "Sorry I wasn't...'better' last night."

"It's understandable. It was your first night. Besides...we haven't gone over every little nuance of the rules yet, anyway." The fox smirked again, "Which is why you weren't punished last night."

Jeff licked his lips, "Uhm, other than refusing to...s-swallow...what rules did I break?"

"Well, a lot of them were small things: things that I couldn't, in good conscience, be upset about...but things you'll have to work on, nonetheless. Like THIS for instance..." Scott looked at his paw, on the boy's knee.

The cat, only now even registered its presence there, and he blushed, surprised that he was so comfortable that he hadn't even noticed it, "What about it?"

"You want to keep your master happy. That's the role of a pet. It's what affords you a warm bed, extended cable, and free food...and it's also what affords you SPECIAL rewards like calling your mother." Scott cleared his throat and moved swiftly along to his lesson. "This," he squeezed his pet's knee, "is physical contact. Now what about this tells you that it's not sexual?"

Jeff swallowed hard, "Uhm...nothing...?"

"Exactly! For all you know, I could have put my paw here with the intention of moving it somewhere far more enjoyable for myself...and, judging from last night, for you as well. So...how should you react?"

"Uhm..." Jeff put his fork down on the plate and reached down to pet his master's paw, "Is there something you...have on your mind, Sir?"

"And that would be a fine reaction indeed! But since I may have no sexual intentions at all, you could also be more subtle...like..." the fox applied pressure to the inside of his kitten's knee, "...simply spreading them apart for me, like you're telling me I have complete access if that IS what I'm after."

Jeff did just what his master suggested and looked him in the eyes, "And if it IS what you're after, Master...?"

Scott slid his paw up the kid's inner thigh and cupped his balls gently, "Then I'll make it clear very quickly..."

The cat's eyes fluttered closed and he began purring loudly, as his paw petted up and down the fox's forearm, "But Master...you said I'm here to please you."

"I'm gay, Kitten. Doing this DOES please me." Scott moved his paw away, "But not yet..."

"Not yet...?"

"We should probably wait for your head to stop hurting first. And we have to finish our little lesson, too..."

"My head's feeling a lot better, actually." The second the words left his mouth, Jeff wondered why they had. He could have lied. His 'aching head' could have held Scott at bay. Why didn't he? And why didn't it bother him more that he hadn't?

The fox smiled, "And are you finished eating?"

"Yes, Master. It was very good, thank you."

"Okay...stand up for me."

Jeff stood, pushed his chair in and stood expectantly.

"So, to continue our lesson..." Scott stood up as well, "What if I were to do something...like this...?" He circled behind his pet and put his paw around him and on his hip.

Though he hesitated, the cat nervously lifted his tail and looked up at the fox behind him, "Yes, Master?"

"Hmmm..." Scott smiled a wide and surprised grin, "I would have been perfectly happy with you simply leaning into me on this one. I wasn't expecting the jittery tail lift until this..." he ran his paw along his cat's ass, upward to his tail base. "But you're picking things up so quick...maybe we don't need this lesson."

Jeff gulped and shakily answered, "I don't...think we do..."

The fox smiled and shook his head, "Relax. So long as you can keep up what happened last night, there's no need to rush into...THAT...just yet. I told you I'm taking it easy on you, remember?" He lowered his pet's tail on his own...

...and Jeff let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay...so you understand the subtleties. Master's touch..." Scott touched his pet's hip again, like at first, "...needs to be reacted upon."

The cat leaned back against the larger, older fox, lightly rubbing the back of his head against his master's chest, "Like this?"

"Good boy." Scott trailed his finger to the cat's tail base, loving the feel of him even if he wasn't going to top the boy anytime soon, "Now on to other rules." He rubbed gently on the cat's tail base, "You've done very, very well to never call me Scott, and I wanted to tell you that I appreciated it." As he spoke, his fingers left the cat's tail base and gently lit upon his hole.

Jeff flinched away from his master's finger, "You're welcome, Master..."

"Uh-uh. No flinching...no recoiling. It shows you don't trust your master..." The fox slipped an arm around his pet to hold him still, and continued lightly exploring the flesh around his tailhole, "I said I won't hurt you...right?"

Jeff held still, very aware of that rule now, "Yes. I'm sorry Master; I didn't do it on purpose."

"I know, I'm not mad. You're still very new to this. Now...back to what I was saying..." Scott applied only the smallest bit of pressure to his pet's hole, not enough to push in, but just to see if the young cat might enjoy the feeling.

In his master's arms, the cat bit his bottom lip to hold back what would have been a very audible whimper and closed his eyes tight, certain he was about to be fingered for the first time.

"You haven't called me Scott, and I even had to stop you from calling me master or sir TOO much last night. And I appreciate that a lot."

"Thank you, Sir." In any other situation, Jeff would have wondered what point his master was trying to make, and what rule he was getting to. But the constant, firm pressure on his hole had him more than a little distracted.

"But you could be doing a little better." Scott lessened the pressure for an instant, only to push again, slowly beginning to pulse and massage the boy's warm, reflexively tensed hole, "Like I told you, last night, you don't have to say it every time you open your muzzle, but there are certain times I expect it. Like when I ask you to do something for me. A request or order followed by an 'Okay' isn't the same as a 'Yes Sir,' or a 'Yes Master.' There were quite a few times last night you missed that. You think you can you try a little harder for me?"

"Yes Sir..." Jeff's voice shook as he nodded.

"Now...those are things that Master will never be mad at you for messing up on. They're just little things you can do to make him happy, and to be rewarded for being a good pet." The fox applied no extra pressure, still simply massaging the virgin tail hole to show his kitten that it wasn't so bad, "But there are other rules you CAN be punished for..."

Jeff stayed still, feeling a slight tingle in his sheath as his master continued playing with his hole, "What are those, Master?"

"You know some already: like don't try to leave and don't try to tell anyone about this, but there are others." Scott put his muzzle on his pet's shoulder as he rubbed just a little more firmly, in wider circles around the cat's ring, "No clothes in the house, ever. I'd like to see my pet in all his glory. If you're cold, you can have a blanket -- maybe one you'll be sharing with me -- but no clothes. Unless of course...there's something I'd like to see you wear, that is."

The cat's eyes relaxed, half-lidded in pleasure. He breathed more heavily and leaned back against his master's chest more, enjoying being toyed with back there. He moaned very quietly, trying to concentrate but having difficulty. And in his mind, he cursed himself, but not for liking it. He cursed himself for honestly not caring that he did.

"Second: never lie to Master. if I ask you a question, I want the truth. Always. Even if you think it's something I don't want to hear." Scott snaked his other fingers between his kitten's legs, gently massaging behind the boy's nuts, "Understand, boy?"

Jeff's purring grew, "Yes Master." His sheath began to bulge outward the tip of his dick meeting the cold, air conditioned air.

"Third...and this is one you broke repeatedly last night. Never tell Master no...and NEVER-" the fox pressed his thumb hard against his pet's hole, spreading it and threatening to finally push the thumb in, "fight back when Master wants something!" He held his cat with the arm around his chest and pushed more, but still not actually pushing the digit inside.

Surprising them both, Jeff only purred louder, "Yes Master."

"Master can be very, very nice, and make you feel very good...but that could be Master's dick there right now too." Scott licked his pet's neck, "I will never ask you to do something that will hurt you, just to see you hurt...and I will never ask you to do anything that wouldn't be expected of a pet. You remember that, and I won't have to punish you." He pressed his thumb harder, "Because as good as I can make you feel...I can definitely make you regret breaking my rules." Slowly, the vulpine's thumb began to spread his pet's hole, just barely burrowing its way inside.

The cat continued purring, completely ignoring the screaming thought 'YOU ARE STRAIGHT!' flying through in his head...and just letting himself focusing on how good it actually felt. All the while, he simply spewed out the same, now nearly robotic phrase, "Yes Master..."

Scott pushed his thumb in with the softest of pops as the cat's ring closed around his joint, "You're a very good boy...a very, very good boy, and you'll do fine here." He licked his kitten's neck again and lowered his other paw to the boy's crotch, rubbing his package for a moment before stroking the young feline's cock completely free of its sheath.

Jeff began breathing heavier, never, at any time, thinking a moment like this would be so pleasurable. He answered his master in a dreamy tone, "Oh...yes Sir...yes..."

The fox, wasting no time, pawed at his pet as fast as he could move his paw along the boy's slick feline cock, and began pumping his thumb into the kitten's hole. He felt him shudder and twitch in his grasp from both sides, and he lifted his muzzle to his pet's ear, nipping it lightly.

And that was all the boy could handle. Jeff moaned out loud, with a sudden and quick orgasm, cumming hard into his master's paw and onto his stomach and chest, as he clenched tightly down around the fox's thumb. And like that...just as soon as it had begun, it was over; the poor virgin kitten could only take so much.

Scott murred at the feeling of his pet's orgasm against his body and slowed his pumping fist, squeezing out the last few drops onto his paw. And then, without a word, he lifted that paw to the kitten's muzzle, testing to see if the boy would be as quick to react to master's silent commands when not being 'tended to' himself.

And the cat hesitated only slightly, before obediently licking Scott's paw clean, swallowing as quickly as he could. Still dazed from his orgasm and from the fact that the thumb hadn't been all that bad, he simply hung his mouth open, in silent and calming breaths.

"You're getting the hang of things..." Scott slowly removed his thumb as his fingers moved busily out of side behind the boy. "Such a good kitten, cleaning off Master's paw. You did me proud...kept me from having to remind you of your lessons..." suddenly, his already hard cock, just freed from his lounge pants, was lying against his pet's crack, "Kept me from having to put this where my thumb was."

Jeff gulped, missing the feel of his master's thumb, but afraid of having it replaced the vulpine's prodding rod, "I'm glad I made you happy, Sir."

"Now," the fox completely let go of the boy, and stepped back, his tip leaving a streak of pre on the kitten's fur as it slid down and away from his ass, "How about you show me just how good of a boy you can be for your master?"

Jeff turned, eyes shifting to his master's cock, and began to kneel. Once all the way down, he looked up at the fox before shakily placing his paw on the vulpine's sticky shaft. Only once the older fur grinned down at him, did he take the cock-tip into his mouth and begin to suckle, as his paw stroked its length...but his eyes never left Scott's face, watching to make sure that this was indeed what he wanted.

Scott reached down and rubbed the back of his pet's head. "I knew you'd understand. Such a smart kitty." He scratched softly, "Now, show Master just how much you appreciated that meal and all the attention he just gave you..."

The cat halted his paw's stroking and slid his fingers around the fox's knot, squeezing it gently as he sucked more and more of the hard vulpine dick into his muzzle. He closed his eyes and began purring, hoping that its vibrations would feel good for the older fur, and, as he did, he twisted his head around the shaft, back and forth in a corkscrew fashion, certain, despite his lack of experience, that it would please his master.

Scott almost growled as he gripped the back of his pet's head, "That's it, Boy. That's such a good boy. Keep it up. We're gonna' give you a nice, big taste today, aren't we?" He resisted the urge to push his kitten farther down and fuck his face like he'd done the night before...wanting to let him go at his own pace since he had been so good this morning.

Jeff let Scott's cock slip out of his muzzle, and then licked all the way down his length...momentarily moving his paw so he could get a good lick of his master's knot. And then he continued downward to his balls, assuming correctly that the fox had pulled them out because he wanted attention paid to them as well. He took the left into his mouth, gently caressing it before he snaked the right in with his tongue as well...and as he rolled them and teased them, he busied his paw, again, with stroking the fox's shaft.

The fox smiled, expecting his pet to perform as well as he could, but not expecting him to go so much farther, like this. As he rattled off phrase after encouraging phrase, "Oh God, Kitten. That's it. Just like you enjoy it...like you love the taste...like you want me in your muzzle. Such a good boy: more than I could ever ask for," he scratched his kitten behind the ear, moaning aloud at the all attention he was giving him.

Jeff licked over his master's sack as a whole, like he was double checking to make sure he hadn't missed cleaning part of it. And then, immediately, he brought his head up again to suck on the fox's cock tip, letting it sink slowly back into his mouth until it touched the back of his throat. There, he stuck his tongue out further than the reach of his muzzle and licked at Scott's knot, only barely...only teasingly...grazing it.

Scott couldn't help but start humping against his pet, being teased and attended to so well that he already found himself begging for release, "Come on, Boy...I need this. Make Master cum..."

With one paw, the cat reached up and rolled his master's sack gently, hammocking and massaging his balls...and with his other paw, he squeezed the vulpine's knot, harder this time, and petted the edge of his sheath, hoping that it was just as sensitive an area with foxes as it was with cats. And all the while he was pulling away and sliding down, bobbing his head off and onto his master's cock like a corkscrew again, suckling and pulsing his tongue.

Scott humped in time with his pet's bobbing, resisting the urge to go faster, but not worrying if he was going too deep. He couldn't believe the attention he was getting from someone who, just last night, had barely wanted to be touched. "I'm so close, Boy...so close. Bring me over the edge, Kitten...come on."

With the paw he was using to massage Scott's nuts, Jeff hesitantly let them go and ventured further back, burrowing then into the fox's lounge pants. After a few brief seconds, he pushed his middle finger into his master's tail-hole, hoping that that would do it for him.

And it did.

The fox yipped and grabbed his pet's head, forcing his cock farther in and growling as his orgasm hit him violently, "GOD!" He gripped the boy's hair and came hard into his muzzle, most of it shooting straight into the cat's throat, but some filling his mouth as well.

Jeff attempted to pull away, the instinctive fear of being choked being FAR too overwhelming. Scott, though, gripped the back of his pet's head tighter, his cock leaving the back of the cat's throat, but going no farther, and the rest of his load filled the boy's mouth just as it would have anyway.

The cat whimpered lightly, the urge to continue pulling away still fresh in his mind, but Master's threat of 'punishment' a few minutes prior held him at bay more, even, than the vulpine's paws. And so he knelt there and swallowed down as much of the older fur's cum as he could, trying desperately to avoid coughing on the great and pungent volume.

Spent, Scott gently pulled himself out, dragging his tip along the cat's tongue to deposit the last drops of his seed, and gently rubbed the side of his pet's neck with one of the paws that had so recently been holding him still. He let out a long, breathy sigh, but said nothing.

The boy's eyes still closed, still displeased with the taste of cum, Jeff swallowed it down, coughing loudly when its thick and gooey feel tickled his throat. "Ugh...shit..." he turned away from his master's hips and covered his mouth, still coughing and trying to get the strange feeling out of his throat.

The fox stared down at the coughing kitten with a relaxed but blank expression, his breaths slowly humming back to normal as he waited silently for the boy to recover.

Jeff swallowed hard and looked up at his master innocently, "Ugh..." He let his tongue hang out a little, exhausted after such a thorough blowjob and the fit of coughing that followed.

Scott just continued his blank expression, though, kneeling down in front of the boy as the paw that had never left the cat's head slowly gripped his headfur again. The grip was light, but tight enough to keep the boy from pulling away...and there was nothing clear in Scott's face, but whatever his expression was, it didn't seem happy.


"You pulled away...again." The fox tilted his head slightly, his nose very near to his pet's.

Jeff frowned and folded his ears back, now getting very afraid again, "I'm sorry Sir! It's just...just that deep throating is new to me...and...I thought I was going to choke...and I..." He trailed off, knowing the fox wouldn't see any of that that as an excuse.

"Relax, Kitten. I'm not gonna' hurt you," Scott raised an eyebrow. "You'll do better next time, right? So there's no reason to punish you. All I really wanted was an apology, anyway." He let go of the boy's headfur, the threatening grip replaced by a gentle pet.

The cat nodded quickly, "I'll do better, Master! I promise!"

"Good." Scott nuzzled against his pet's nose lightly and kissed him again, softer than his kisses from the night before.

Jeff purred lightly, but was hesitant to kiss back...and the fox let out the softest of growls at that hesitation. Jeff obeyed the unspoken command immediately: stopped purring, opened his mouth, and let his tongue softly enter the older fur's muzzle. He was still unsure, still iffy about kissing another male, but he knew better than to fight.

Scott slid his tongue along his pet's only once, suckling lightly on his bottom lip before he pulled away, and then cupped his pet's muzzle in his paw, "You're threatening to be punished more often than you realize."

The cat suddenly felt weak and very fragile, but didn't pull away from his master's paw. "I-I'm sorry, Sir..."

Scott smiled finally, "...but you're getting better constantly!" He rubbed his kitten's muzzle gently, "Like what you just did for me." He wiped away the smallest bit of cum that had dribbled from the corner of his pet's muzzle, but didn't try to make the cat lick it off this time.

"Thank you for being so lenient with me, Master."

The fox touched his nose to his kitten's, "There you go again: showing even more improvement. You'll do fine here." He leaned back, "I WOULD like to know what just happened, though."

Jeff just blinked, "What do you mean, Master?"

"Last night you would barely touch me...but just now, you were going at that like you were a pro! Like you LOVED what you were doing. Why the change?"

"Well, Sir...it's a skill right? And it's not that hard to be good if I try hard enough. I was just seeing if I COULD be. If I'm going to have to do it a lot, I might as well do it right...right, Master?"

Scott laughed aloud, "Well...that cold, calculated, little answer explains why it was good, Kitten. But it doesn't explain why you're getting so much more comfortable with it."

"As long as it keeps you from putting your dick somewhere else...I'm happy." The cat smiled guiltily.

"You know it'll happen eventually, right?"

Jeff gulped, "Y-yes. Yes Sir..."

Scott leaned closer to his pet, his nose nearly against the side of the boy's muzzle, and his breath heavy his neck, "And I'm looking VERY forward to it."

Jeff remembered back to when his master used his thumb, and considered the difference in size between it and the fox's cock, which was MUCH larger. He said nothing in response, mind occupied only with thoughts of how bad it could actually be...

"After all...You enjoyed my thumb so much..." the fox gripped his kitten's ass and moved even closer, nipping at the boy's lower lip, "...maybe even tonight."

"Uh...I..." Jeff stuttered like an idiot, trying to formulate some response, any response. Last night's fear of being raped, plus the fact that he still wasn't gay, though, were keeping him from really saying much of anything. His new master's thumb was good, but actual sex? That was still too much.

"Or not!" Scott smiled wide and hopped up quick, his balls and near-completely re-sheathed dick still hanging from the hole in the front of his lounge pants. With a smirk, he nudged his pet with his footpaw, perhaps showing that he was only kidding...but there was no real way to tell. "I think, right now, though -- before our day gets underway -- we should get cleaned up. We're both a bit messy...you more so than me."

The cat blushed and flashed an unsure smile at his master's...joke? "Yes, Master..." he looked up at the fox, "Together right?"

"Good boy!" Scott peeled away his lounge pants, "...you're learning so fast." He threw the pants over his shoulder and smiled down at his pet...opening his arms wide as if calling the boy to him.

Jeff smiled softly, and stood, "Uhm..." He put a paw on his master's shoulder, using it as a brace to jump up into the fox's arms.

"Oop!" The fox caught him a little uneasily -- not having been sure if his kitten would actually do it -- and then smiled before touching his nose to his pet's, "Good boy! Keep this up, and I'ma' have to buy you some treats!"

Jeff could only blush through a proud but embarrassed smile, as he was carried from the kitchen.


There we go! A Warm Bed continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as Scott Phil Anthro Pist as Jeffery Anderson *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at http://phil-anthro-pist.sofurry.com/

Also a special thanks to Boomerthemagnificant for proofreading this for me and catching a few typos ^_^


Jeff seems to be getting a little more comfy doesn't he? Some kindness on Scott's part, a few promises, and, at least for the moment, not making him raise tail...and Jeffery is acclimating quite nicely. Still nervous...still unsure...but definitely starting to enjoy the benefits more than he's scared of the price.

Will Jeff's trust be rewarded? Is he right to be so comfortable with the fox? Or will Scott betray that trusts?

And what of Jeff? He's getting used to this so fast...maybe he's not quite as straight as he thinks?

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]gmail.com

See you for the next 12 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...for all 15 chapters of The Masters! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!