A Warm Bed Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 -- Cevebit

(August 19th)

Scott parked his car in his driveway, turned off the engine, and let out a long breath before opening his door and stepping out. He was, again, in a full suit, and as he closed his driver's side door he opened the back and pulled out a black leather bag.

The fox locked his car with its keyless entry, and turned to look at his house. This was it. This was the moment he'd been dreading since he'd left for work. This was the point at which all of this could so easily blow up in his face. This Monday afternoon was when a largely libido fueled Saturday night decision would either prove disastrous or auspicious.

He'd left a boy he barely knew alone in his home for eight hours today...a boy whom he had, three times in the last two days, forced oral sex upon. Had that boy taken the opportunity in those eight hours to run away? Would Scott now spend months of his life fearful of the police knocking at his door? And if the boy were gone...how many of Scott's things might have gone with him?

He tried to remain optimistic and hopeful, though, that Jeffery was simply waiting inside for the return of his host...his master.

Scott made the short walk to his front door and slipped his the key in, only to find it already unlocked. And with another steadying breath, he gently pushed open the door, "Kitten?"

And two sharp and cheerful words met his ears: "Hi Master!"

Jeffery was there. Not only had he stayed, but he was waiting to great his master at the door.

The cat smiled up at the elder fox, making sure to stay behind the door as to keep his naked body out of sight from the outside world. Moments before, he'd heard the car approach, and quite literally leapt to unlock the door and greet his master's return.

It wasn't a surprise that Scott was home, but it was certainly welcome; the house wasn't huge, but it was far larger and emptier when Jeffery was alone.

Scott, though, despite his best forced optimism, WAS surprised. He smiled and stepped in, careful not to open the door too widely, and his leather bag followed closely behind in his right paw, "Well isn't this a wonderful surprise?"

Jeffery grinned proudly, happy he'd chosen correctly to greet his master, "How was your day, Sir?"

"It was a little stressful. But it always is," the fox closed the door behind him. "Much better now that I've found you waiting so attentively here by the door, for me, though." He reached forward and scratched his pet under the chin.

Jeff purred lightly, noting the large briefcase-like bag in his master paw, "What's that?"

"It's my bag." Scott looked down at it, "Have to carry it in my palm, now, because I got tired of my st..." he cut himself off -- less than discretely -- and looked back up, "I got tired of people calling it a purse when I used the strap." He walked on past his pet, into the living room, "So how'd my kitten do on his own, today?"

"Uhm...fine. It's a little boring without anyone here to keep me company..."

"We'll have to do something about that, then!" Scott, so pleasantly surprised to see his kitten still being here, felt the boy deserved a reward. Maybe he'd like video games? But he kept his muzzle shut for now, to avoid making a promise he might not keep.

The cat followed his master into the living room, thinking about asking something, but nervous about upsetting the currently happy fox by being insistently nosy. However, as was often the case, his curiosity got the better of him, "I can ask you anything... right Master?"

"Of course you can." Scott sat his bag on the couch, tossed his jacket over the top of it, and walked over to his liquor cabinet by the entrance to the kitchen. None of its contents had been touched; the surprises continued. "Like I said before: the question is whether or not I'll answer you."

Jeff sat on the couch and watched his master get himself a drink, "Well...you never really answered me before when I asked what you did for a living, and I'd really like to know. I mean...it's gotta' be something good, since you wear suits, have a pretty nice house, and stuff like that."

The fox finished pouring himself a small glass of Grappa, and put the bottle away with a laugh, "If it looks like I'm doing well, that's probably just because I'M the only person I have to support...not because my job pays all that well." He took a sip, "But do you remember why I told you I couldn't answer that question?" He reached into the bottom of the liquor cabinet and pulled out a small lockbox, "When you asked...I explained why I didn't want to say. Do you remember?"

Jeff sunk back into the couch, realizing it wasn't too good of an idea to ask, "Yeah, I was just...I...okay. Never mind. I'm sorry, Master..."

Scott walked over to the couch, sitting the scotch down on the end table closest to the boy, and then walking on past, "Don't be sorry about that, Kitten. I want you to feel comfortable with talking to me and asking me things. Just because I don't answer, doesn't mean you did anything wrong to ask." He walked to the phone on another small table on the other side of the room, and sat the lockbox beside it. Opening it with a key on his keychain, he fished out a couple of cords, hooking one of them into the back of the phone and into the wall. A precaution he'd taken that morning as he wasn't sure, yet, that Jeff wouldn't call somebody he shouldn't, "It's just a very sensitive job. I could be in a lot of trouble if my sexuality...or you, especially...were to become public knowledge."

The cat thought for a moment, and then asked, half-jokingly, "Do you work with the Army?"

Scott chuckled and smiled at his pet, "Does this look like an army uniform?" He walked over to the couch and sat down beside his cat, his footpaws rising up and onto the coffee table.

Jeff smiled up at his master, not feeling nervous anymore with pursuing the conversation further, "Well...no, Sir. But that was the only thing I could think of where you might get in trouble for being gay..."

"Well...first of all, they changed that law." The fox raised his arm and put it across his pet's shoulders, "But...you really want to know, don't you?"

Jeff leaned against his master's side, "I do..."

Scott smiled at his pet leaning against him, and rubbed the boy's arm softly with his paw, "Remembering my 'Master's touch' rule...or just making yourself comfortable?"

The cat mewled and giggled innocently, "A little of both, Master. After eight hours without anyone else here... it's a nice change to have you home again."

"Well," Scott smiled at that and kissed his kitten on the head, "I guess you're not going anywhere...and I think you've done a pretty good job of proving yourself worth Master's trust. But I still have to ask: do promise me you won't tell anyone what my job is, once you know?"

"I promise, Sir..."

The fox let go of his pet and motioned to his bag sitting under his jacket just to other side of the boy, "See for yourself."

Jeff immediately dragged the bag from under the coat and placed it in his lap, opening it with a child-like enthusiasm. And inside, he found folders filled with papers, and books labeled 'Teacher's Edition.' He smiled, and looked back up at his master, "You're a teacher?"

Scott nodded, "High school. I teach Sophomore English, and I have a creative writing class." He smiled wryly, "See why it's not that great of an idea for my bosses and students to find out I have a fifteen-year-old pet?"

"Well, Master...I'm not exactly fifteen." The cat looked up, concerned, "In...uhm..." he thought briefly, "...about five months I will be."

Scott blinked, "Oh...I just assumed you were. I mentioned something about it in town, and you didn't argue." He shook his head with a laugh, "Though, that doesn't exactly make it better, now does it?" He smiled and ruffled the boy's headfur.

"No it doesn't." Jeff smiled impishly, comfortable enough, for the first time, to actually consider joking with his master. "And you're sure you want me to call you 'Sir' or 'Master' and not..." he scanned the papers in his paw, "Mr. Hammond?"

"Okay! That's enough snooping for you." The fox snatched the papers and bag back away from his kitten and set them aside.

"Aww..." Jeff's wicked grin didn't disappear, "You mean you DON'T want to pretend that I'm one of your students?"

Scott just smiled back, "And what makes you think that I don't make them call me 'Sir,' too?"

"Not 'Master,' though?"

"I doubt I'd get away with that one."

The cat smiled and shifted back up close to his master, leaning against the fox's side, this time, without even being prompted. Quietly sinking into the elder fur's grasp -- as Scott wrapped him up in his arm again -- he mused over the fact that his master was a teacher and wondered what he must be like at work. He probably ruled with an iron fist.

"Wait," he suddenly broke the silence. "You're a teacher?"

"Uhm..." Scott looked puzzled, "Didn't we just cover that?"

"Oh. No. Sorry, Sir. What I meant was..." Jeff thought for a moment, "Isn't it like...the eighteenth?"

"Nineteenth." The fox corrected him.

"Right. So then where were you today?"

Scott stretched out his answer in confusion, "School?"

"But isn't it a little early? Like...doesn't the fall semester not start until later?"

"Oh!" Scott chuckled, "No. You're right: it's next week. But I have to be in before then so I can get things ready. There's meetings and lesson plans and all that stuff I have to do."

"Oh! Okay then. Thank you for explaining, Sir."

"Any time."

With a smile, the cat relaxed back into the silence: his thoughts again on Scott as a teacher. Though now they were preoccupied with wondering if the fox had ever 'enjoyed the company' of any of his students like this. And soon enough, he was picturing all manner of species of boys his own age tucked away under his master's desk, during class...

Scott nuzzled the top of the boy's head, rousing him from his thoughts as he laid against him, "Y'know...I was thinking of introducing you to some of your other duties, as a pet..." he slipped his arm back around his kitten, "but I think that may have to wait. Why would I want to deprive myself of having a cute, naked, fourteen-year-old kitty cuddling me?"

Jeffery was surprised at how he smiled just from being called cute, "Thank you, Master..." He nuzzled against the elder fur for a moment before venturing a better response, "But what other duties, Sir?

"Well...not everything a pet does is sexual. Like this, for instance." The fox scratched the back of his pet's head, "You cuddling with me and nuzzling me and everything -- which, for the record, you're doing a great job of -- shows master affection and keeps him company. It keeps me happy without it having to be anything sexual."

"Well that's what pets usually do with their masters, don't they? They usually cuddle up with them just to be there, right?"

"You mean the non-anthro kind?"


"That's true." Scott smiled again, "Still, though...I'm impressed with how great of a job you're doing." He leaned his head down closer to his pet's, "But...how would you like to show Master even more affection?"

"Uhm..." Jeff thought for a moment, and then nervously placed a paw on the fox thigh, giving it a light squeeze, hoping that that was what he'd meant, "Like this?"

"Not quite..." Scott moved the paw away, "Thank you for the thought." He turned and tilted his pet's head to look him in the eye, "But what I meant was this..." he touched his nose to the boy's and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Taken by surprise, the cat hesitated for a moment before deciding to kiss back, still slightly uncomfortable about kissing another male. Unlike the night before, though, Scott showed no signs of disapproval with his pet's hesitation, too pleased with his performance overall. Instead, he just very gently tilted his head, his paw gently rubbing the boy's arm in the hope of relaxing him, as he cautiously slipped out his tongue to touch his kitten's lips.

Jeff mewled slightly, and did his best to follow by example. Closing his eyes, he accepted his master's tongue to tease at his lips and leaned up into the fox's muzzle, shamelessly letting himself sink into this new intimate feeling with another male. What tiny bit of dissension remained washed away -- perhaps too easily -- at the simple thought that they were alone, and he was accountable to no one, should he actually enjoy this.

The fox probed, still gently but more intently, with his tongue, trying to slip it between his pet's lips, as Jeff purred in defenseless abandon. He felt like as though this was proof Scott wasn't a bad guy, that he could be gentle and loving. It was comforting, and he accepted it; he let his muzzle open just what little was needed to let his master's tongue inside, and held his own tongue to hang back and give his master some room.

Scott traced the tip of his tongue along the inside of his pet's lips, and along his teeth, though he was a bit disappointed not to find the teenager's tongue too. Gently, he slipped his tongue back out and, lightly suckling on his kitten's bottom lip, pulled away with a smile.

The cat opened his eyes dreamily, before blushed heavily when he saw master smiling only inches from his face...a smile which he couldn't help but return.

"You almost seemed to enjoy that!" Scott rubbed the back of his pet's head with his paw, "Though...I think I'll need to give you a few lessons on participation." He chuckled and gave the boy a quick peck on the lips again.

"Well, I'm not that used to kissing...like, at all, Master," Jeff shrugged with an embarrassed grin. "But, after a while, once I start learning the ropes, I'll do better."

"You did fine. Just next time, don't let Master's tongue be so lonely, okay?"

Jeff just smiled more, surprised by the amount of forgiveness for his continued mistakes, "Yes, Sir."

"Oh!" The fox seemed shocked momentarily, "Didn't you ask about your other duties?"

Jeff thought for a moment and then nodded a few times, "I did."

"Well..." Scott cleared his throat and began, "I don't want you to think you're like a slave here or anything. I won't ever make you wash my clothes. You'll never have to clean a mess you didn't make, unless you're just helping me out while I clean. And I will always be the one to cook for us. Really, for the most part -- outside of when it's time to play -- you'll basically just get to sit around and relax."

"Those sound like some great duties, Master."

Scott chuckled, "You watch it. Calling me 'Master' after being a smartass, doesn't magically negate the fact that you were smartass," he poked the boy on the nose. "And you DO have other duties. I wouldn't have brought this up if you didn't. Like...for instance..." He looked at his feet on the coffee table, "Master's had a long day -- and it'll be even worse next week when he's dealing with high-school students. It would be nice to have someone to slip off his socks & shoes for him."

The cat looked at his master's feet, and nodded, "I can do that, Sir." He leaned forward, slipped off the couch and knelt on the floor so his master's feet were in front of him. Without wasting any time, he unlaced one shoe, removed it, and then did the same for the other. Once both shoes were off, he hooked his fingers into the legs of his master's socks, and tugged them off as well, "There ya' go!" He placed the fox's shoes underneath the coffee table with his socks draped over them, and then moved to sit back up onto the couch where he was before.

Scott smiled at his kitten, "Good boy. Master may also ask for foot rubs, or backrubs..." he paused, "...neither of which are sexual. I'm not into foot play, like some people; I just enjoy a foot rub from time to time." He smiled, "Also, though this one is a bit more sexual, I like the idea of being completely undressed by someone else when I decide to get out of my clothes. Not just my shoes."

"Of course, Master."

"Other than that...and little things here and there I may be forgetting...I guess the general rule of thumb would just be to show Master affection. Make sure he's comfortable, happy, and to keep him company." The fox scratched his chin, "I guess that's really it, except for when I decide to actually..." he smirked, "make you mine."

Jeff looked up confused at his master, "I thought this," he momentarily toyed with his collar, "made me yours."

Scott chuckled, "Oh, no. It does. I just thought you'd rather me say something like that than to say," he paused and clicked his tongue, "when I fuck you."

"Oh..." the cat looked away, still scared of that idea. "But that won't be for a long time right?"

"You think time will make it any easier on you?" Scott slipped his arm around the boy and pulled him close, again. "Your first time will always be -- and feel like -- your first time...no matter when it happens."

"Yeah, I know. I just, like...in my mind, I don't think I'm ready..." Jeff looked up at the elder fur, hoping for some sympathy, "You know what I mean?"

"And you really think that's gonna' change?"

Jeff looked away, defeated by the fact that he knew his master was right, "No...I guess not."

"So...what if I said I wanted to do it..." the fox's sentence broke in a long pause, "right now?"

Jeff didn't answer...thinking for a long while and debating in his mind whether or not he should go with his gut instinct or go along like the pet he'd accepted to be. Yesterday, after all, Master used one of his fingers and it didn't feel too bad -- not as bad as he expected anyway -- so would it really be so terrible to actually have sex? While he was thinking about the situation, though, his sheath, unknown to him, began to swell from the reminder of his master's fingering the day before.

Scott watched the cat's sheath swell, but could tell how uncomfortable he was. Assuming the boy was confused by all this, he decided to say nothing about his kitten's sheath, "Boy?"

"I don't know Master. The straight part of me wants to say no, but it's one of the things I agreed to do, isn't it?"

"Well...how do you know I'm not actually asking you, right now? It seems to me: you need to come up with an answer."

"From what I know of you master, you aren't one to beat around the bush." The cat looked up at the older fox, "If you ask me something, chances are something very similar is about to happen."


"I don't know. I just figured that you were telling me that you wanted to..."

"And assuming I am?"

"Like I said: I'd have to go along with it...but you know I really don't want to."

Scott silently ran his fingers through his pet's headfur, his other paw lighting onto the boy's thigh as he kissed him softly on the head.

Jeff suddenly realized his slight arousal, but did nothing to hide it, knowing that was against the rules, "I...uhm..."

"You...?" The fox was still gently playing with his pet's hair, and began to rub the boy's thigh.

"I mean...does this mean w-we're gonna' to do it? M-master...?"

"Master said he wouldn't hurt you, right?"

Jeff gulped hard and nodded quickly, but didn't say a word.

"Then relax and trust him." Scott scratched his pet's inner thigh and nuzzled at his ear, "I don't want you to be afraid. Just relax, and be a good boy. Show master that you trust him..."

The cat spoke hesitantly, trusting the fox, and that he knew what he was doing, but still afraid of the pain since he knew his master wasn't exactly small, "I trust do you, but...doesn't it hurt the first time?"

"Is that trusting me?" Scott leaned away, "I haven't even said I'm going to do it, yet. But I have said that I won't hurt you, right?"

Jeff replied sheepishly, "I'm just scared, Master."

"Mas..." the fox paused and looked his pet in the eye, deciding not to call himself 'Master' for the moment, "Listen, Jeffery. I don't want you to be scared. I may expect certain things from you that you won't like...but I really am trying to make them as easy on you as I can." He held his arms out, "Please...show me you believe that I'll be good to you. I don't like feeling like you don't trust me."

Jeff bit his bottom lip, figuring it would be better to trust him than to disobey his master and risk getting punished, "I trust you..." He leaned over into the elder fox's arms, nuzzling against his chesty.

Scott touched his nose to the top of the boy's head and kissed him there, "Don't worry. You'll be fine." He let go of the kitten just a bit, "You want to loosen my tie for me, boy?"

"Uhm...okay." The cat turned slightly and began toying with his master's tie. "I mean, yes Sir." Eventually, he figured out how to untie: with his paw holding the knot, he simply pulled it back, forth, and down, very happy that it seemed to work just like it did in the movies.

"Cute..." Scott chuckled. "First time messing with a tie?" He leaned his head down a bit to let his kitten know he could pull it off.

"Uhm..." Jeff blushed while, with both paws holding the tie, he lifted it up and away from his master, causing the collar of the fox's shirt to stick up against his neck, "Yeah, it is."

"Well we can't have that." The fox smiled and motioned at the coffee table, so the cat would know that he could toss the tie there, "I'll have to teach you how to tie one. It's a skill any male needs." He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, and looked down to continue on to the next, "Plenty of females, too."

Jeff looked forward again toward the coffee table as he threw the tie there, "Why do I need to learn how to tie one though?"

"Well...when you're done here, and when I help you get your GED, and then put you through into college...what happens if your job wants you wearing one?" Scott looked up and smiled, his shirt now unbuttoned three down.

The cat nodded at the fox's comment about eventually having to wear a tie, but was too preoccupied watching him undressing himself. Something his master said earlier echoed in his mind, "Do you want me to do that for you, Master?" He motioned with his muzzle to the remaining buttons on the shirt.

Scott smiled and leaned back, his arms across the back of the couch, "Go right ahead..."

Jeff slowly began undoing the remaining buttons on his master's shirt, smiling up at him from time to time, as he had a feeling that Scott liked it when he did. Once the majority of the buttons were done, he began to pull his master's tucked-in shirt out of his tightened slacks to get to the remaining button. After they were all done, he opened the front of the shirt, lightly petting the fox's flat, soft, white furred abs.

The fox smiled and put his arm back around the boy, pulling the cat's head gently against his now exposed chest. He then slid his paw down Jeff's side, until it was lightly rubbing through the fur on his pet's stomach, just like Jeff had been doing for him, "Relaxed, yet?"

Jeff giggled and nuzzled against his master's chest, "I am." He tilted his head up and smiled again at the older fox.

Scott smiled back, and poked his nose against the teenager's forehead, "I'm glad."

"It's...it's nice." The cat kept smiling, beginning to trust both his master's skill with what he was planning, and his earnestness to be gentle, "Surprising...but nice."

"What is?"

"I dunno. I was just expecting you to be...a lot meaner, a lot more forceful."

"Well, I gave you reason to expect that, didn't I? Back in the alley?" Scott smiled wryly, "And have I really not lived up to those expectations? I wasn't exactly gentle last night."

"You could have been worse." Jeff looked up at his master with a soft, appreciative grin, "Thank you, Master."

"No need."

"Sure there is, Sir. You could have..." Jeff paused, and gulped. Despite his gratitude, the next words out of his muzzle still made him uncomfortable, "...'made me yours' a lot sooner than this."

"True. And I still haven't even said that I'm doing it tonight, now have I?" the fox winked, and then poked his kitten playfully on the nose, "but what say you get back to what you were just doing?"

"Yes Sir." Jeff reached towards the fox's waist and carefully undid his belt. After it was unclasped, he attempted to pull it away, but with his master sitting on it, it required a bit of muscle to tug it free of its belt loops.

Scott moved his hips a little to help the boy be able to slip it out of its loops, and smiled once it was removed, "You didn't have to work so hard: my belt could have stayed on. You only have to unbuckle it to get my pants off..." He chuckled, "I understand not being used to a tie, but I'm sure you've worn a belt before!"

The cat blushed lightly through his continued smile, "Yeah. Sorry, Master. I wasn't thinking."

Scott smiled back, "No need to be sorry. You can go through all the trouble over me you want! I was just trying to make things easier on you."

Jeff moved along, placing the belt on the floor, and turned to his master's waist again, grabbing a hold of the button there. Not nearly as nervous as the first time, but still a little uneasily, he unbuttoned and unzipped Scott's pants, then looked up questioningly at the elder fur.

"Go on..." the fox scratched behind his pet's ear.

Jeffery purred at his master's encouraging petting while looking back down at the fox's crotch. Taking in a shaky breath, he exhaled deeply before hooking the front of Scott's boxers with his paws and pulling them down over the older fur's sheath and balls. "Okay..." he reassured and steadied himself, taking in another deep breath as he placed a paw nervously on Scott's sheath.

Scott murred lightly as his sheath twitched in the boy's paw, "All this nervousness is adorable." He swelled in the light grasp, "Lick at it a little, Kitten."

The cat replied sheepishly, "Yes, Sir." He leaned forward, hesitating only when he caught a strong whiff of his master's vulpine musk, but continued anyway, until his muzzle was less than an inch from the sheath's tip. He slid his paw away and to Scott's thigh, licked his lips, and closed his eyes, before finally obeying to his master...aware and grateful that the fox was letting him go at his own pace today. With a strong, broad lick, he slid his tongue from the bottom of the vulpine's sheath to the top, where he stopped and kissed the opening before gently licking around its edge.

Scott murred, almost growling as he bit his lip, "That's it: nice and gentle." He moved his hips a bit and once again scratched at the boy's ear, as his tip very slowly began to slip from his sheath to meet the friendly feline tongue.

Jeff smiled and blushed rosily at his master's compliments, not hesitating for a moment to repeat the same motion, except this time, licking at the emerging tip. Purring deeply, he began to massage Scott's cock through its sheath, all the while with his tongue gently encircling the salty, pointed tip.

The fox petted the back of Jeffery's head lightly and moved his other paw to the boy's shoulders, "Lean back up, Kitten."

Jeffery sat up on the couch, opening his eyes to look at his master submissively, "Did I do something wrong, Sir?"

"Nono!" Scott shook his head quickly and smiled, "Not at all." He patted the cat on the head lightly and stood up, turning to face the boy as his pants began to fall. He let his shirt fall off of his shoulders and onto the floor behind him as well, and within seconds, only his pants around his ankles, and his boxers bunched under his nuts left him more clothed than his pet, "Little more help, Boy?"

The cat moved over and with both paws clasped around the boxers' waistband, tugged them down to meet the pants around the fox's ankles.

Scott smiled down at his pet, who'd had to lean rather close to do that, "Y'know...while you're there..."

Jeff looked up and smiled at his master, not saying a word. He sat on the edge of the couch and held onto Scott's hips with a paw, the other extending forward and cupping master's low hanging sack. He massaged it gently, rolling the fox's balls back and forth. After a few moments of the sensuous teasing, he leaned forward and took just the exposed top into his lips, pressing down hard as he attempted to push his sheath back and force his shaft out.

The fox smiled wide, murring near-uncontrollably as he lightly stroked the side of his cat's muzzle, "That's it...tease it out, kiddo." He bit his lip again as his cock slipped farther and farther out, slipping more and more into the young suckling muzzle in front of him.

Jeff accepted his master's already leaking cock into his mouth, sucking lightly and using his tongue to coax the remaining length and fledgling knot free. He moved his paw off of the fox's hip and instead took a firm hold on the growing knot, squeezing it and turning his paw around it. He purred innocently when that caused master to give out a loud moan of pleasure.

Scott let out a low grunt after the moan, and licked his lips reflexively, "Harder, Boy." He ran his fingers through the kitten's head-fur and gripped it lightly, not enough to hurt, but enough to get a hold on him

Still bobbing up and down on half of his master's cock, licking all around it, and sucking gently on its head, the cat squeezed hard on his master's knot again, just like he asked. He opened his eyes and looked up at the fox, smiling inwardly when his master's face, scrunched up in pleasure, murred deeply in approval. Still massaging Scott's nuts, he squeezed them questioningly too, hoping Master liked that as well.

Scott did like it, but the problem was that he might like it too much. He growled softly and let go of the boy's hair, careful not to pull it. "Ok, Boy. That's good. Stop," he could barely manage to speak through holding his breath.

Still purring, Jeffery pulled back, a string of precum and saliva breaking the bond between his muzzle and his master's cock a second after pulling away. He moved his off of the fox's knot, but with the other, still toyed with his the older fur's heavy sack, "Was I doing good, Master?"

"Very!" The fox pushed the young cat's shoulders hard, knocking him back onto the couch, at first startling the boy, until he spoke, "I think someone needs a reward!" He showed his teeth and smiled wide, dropping to his knees in front of his kitten and quickly spreading the young fur's legs.

Jeff's eyes went wide, upon realizing what master was after, "I...uhm...Master, I don't-"

"Shhh..." Scott leaned in and licked along his pet's nuts and up to his still slightly swollen sheath, "You want your reward don't you?"

The cat tried to think of any good reason to reject Master's blowjob, but couldn't think of anything, "Master...I'm YOUR pet. I'm supposed to please you."

"What did I tell you yesterday?" Scott answered for his pet since he told the boy as much the day before, "Master's gay..." he licked again, "this DOES please him." He nuzzled against and under the boy's nuts, taking in the soft, gentle scent and shuddering as he licked there, his nose buried against his cat's fur. Slowly, he pulled away to lick and nipped at Jeff's nuts, before moving back to the swollen sheath.

Jeff moaned innocently, and as his master began licking and nuzzling against him, any resistance simply disappeared from his mind. He purred deeply while leaning back fully for Master to take advantage of his young body.

The fox ran his paws up and down Jeff's thighs, not wanting to move away from the warmest buried spots of his kitten's groin and their soft pubescent scent, but doing so anyway, and taking the end of Jeff's bulging sheath into his lips, to try and coax the boy's cock out into the open.

Jeff squirmed lower onto his back so he could wrap his legs around his master's shoulders and hold his head gently to his loins, purring and moaning at the fox's attention to his quickly filling sheath.

Scott snaked the tip of his tongue into the end of his kitten's sheath and was greeted by the hard, and bit still spongy, pointed tip of his pet's cock as it finally slid free and across his tongue, into the fox's waiting muzzle.

The cat hesitantly placed his paws on the back of his master's head, purring deeply. He wanted to push the older fox down, to have him start sucking, but felt more than a little awkward trying to be even slightly dominant. So, instead, he just lied there, moaning blissfully, purring in pleasure, and letting master go at his own pace.

Scott licked along the length of his pet's cock, from where it began out of the sheath, along its small barbs, and finally across its tip, taking in the drop of precum forming there, before opening his muzzle wide and letting the feline cock slide across his tongue and into his open muzzle as deeply as it could probe

Jeff gasped and instinctively thrust upward while pushing his master's head downward, lust overshadowing his previous concerns, "Oh, Master...!" With his eyes tightly shut, he purred deeply, very amateurishly thrusting up to meet the fox's muzzle every time he went down.

The fox wondered for a moment if he should punish his pet for being so forceful, for thrusting against him like that, but decided not to. The least he could do for the boy is let him enjoy this...especially with what he was getting ready to do. He relaxed and let his pet hump against him, but tried to slow the motions down, consciously trying to make sure the boy didn't cum.

Jeffery continued whimpering and shaking nervously, never expecting to ever be fucking his master's muzzle like this. After a few more thrusts and hard sucks from master's muzzle, he very dreamily spoke up to master, "K-keep...going...I'm getting...c-close, Master..." He mewled loudly after finishing his sentence, giving the fox a generous squirt of pre, while thrusting even more forcefully.

Scott used the greater strength he had to push upward, breaking his cat's grip on his head, and slowly licking up the boy's length, a string of precum and saliva breaking between his muzzle and the young feline's cock much like had happened with his own moments earlier. "Calm down, Kitten..." he gently blew on his pet's twitching cock as he lowered his muzzle to the teenager's nuts again, nuzzling there and taking in the now much stronger scent.

The cat whimpered again, very innocently purring at his master's nuzzling but not purring as loudly as before, "But, Master..."

"Shhh..." Scott nuzzled more and licked at his pet's nuts, loving the taste of the light sweat there in his fur as he lifted them up with his tongue and buried his nose behind them once again, breathing deep an licking firmly through the fur there.

Jeff whimpered loudly, but trying to remain as quiet as possible after the 'Shhh.' Still though, he begged for master to finish him off by squirming lightly and mewling like a kitten in heat. The fox, though, simply raised his paw and softly and gently stroked the begging kitty's stomach...while his muzzle nudged and nuzzled lower, looking for his pet's still-virgin tail hole with his muzzle and his tongue.

Very shakily, mostly out of nervousness, Jeffery momentarily broke his short silence, "Master...please...?" He mewled, begging for it like a good pet, and trying his best not to sound demanding.

Scott, though, simply ignored him. And soon enough he finally found his pet's hole and licked against it roughly, pushing his tongue stiffly against the warm ring of flesh as he wrapped his paw around the young cock, squeezing hard, but not stroking.

The cat mewled once again, dribbling out another stream of pre onto his stomach. It had felt good before when Scott fingered him, but feeling his master's tongue licking there was beyond compare.

Scott licked harder and more forcefully, imagining his cock there against the hot flesh of his kitten's pucker instead of his tongue, and began to lose himself, his tip dripping pre nearly constantly onto the floor as he began jacking his pet off as hard and fast as he could.

Jeffery began purring deeply, every now and then giving out a yelp when master's tongue almost penetrated but didn't. He wrapped a paw around his master's, jacking off with him and hoping to cum very soon. With his other paw, he tried to reach between his legs and pet the elder fur's head, but couldn't reach, and instead just took to petting the top of the fox's muzzle as encouragingly as possible, "Ungh! Master, I'm close...!"

That caught the fox's attention and he let go yet again. It wasn't that he was trying to deny his pet an orgasm, or even teasing him. He hoped, actually, that if his kitten was worked up enough, the topping wouldn't be a problem. But letting him cum would ruin all of that.

Satisfied at his attempts to rile the boy up, and at how wet and slick he'd made the hole his nose remained buried in, he decided it was time to move along. Finally pulling his muzzle away, he began climbing up onto the couch with the cat. He slipped in between his pet's legs, and held the boy's knees until his kitten's thighs were around his waist and their muzzles met.

"It's time..." Scott's cock tip brushed lightly against Jeffery's ass.

The cat looked his master right in the eyes. He afraid of what was going to happen, but the fox's repeated promises not to hurt him were still fresh in mind. Breathing heavily, he placed both his paws on master's forearms, holding onto them for dear life, "Master...?"

"Yes?" Scott moved his hips until his tip slid in the cat's crack, and began to shift it about, searching for to find the warm flesh of his pet's hole, still wet from his rimming.

Jeffery teared up immediately, flinching from his master's cock brushing against him, "Please...I-I...I don't want to hurt."

"Shhh...it's okay..." the fox brushed his pet's head-fur lightly with his paw, looking him in the eyes as comfortingly as he could. "Master really wants this...but he promises he won't hurt you to get it. Now, please...just think of how good master was making you feel: his finger yesterday, his muzzle and tongue just now." As he spoke, his tip finally found and poked against the boy's hole very gently, "Just relax."

Jeff gulped hard, realizing that, no matter what, it was going to happen...and just submitted as best as possible, his eyes never leaving his master's, "I'll...do my best, Sir."

Scott growled very low, and began pushing in. His tapered tip spread the cat's hole, but not yet even as wide as his thumb had the day before, and he was careful to stop before his tip pushed in all the way to the shaft, "S-see...?" His voice was strained as he held himself back from going farther, "Not that bad...like my thumb, right? You okay?"

Liking it so far, the cat mewled, and through half-lidded eyes responded to master's question. "I'm...okay..." He continued breathing heavily, skeptical about whether or not this was actually happening.

Scott pushed farther. He went as slow as he could, but all-too-soon, his cock had tapered into the full girth of his shaft, which slid in a bit more freely and quickly, as it was all the same size from there on. He stopped again, though, with no more than a half inch of his shaft buried inside.

Whimpering again, this time out of the pain of being stretched so wide, Jeff nervously spoke up, "Master...it hurts..." Squirming, hoping somehow to make it feel better, he unintentionally squeezed down hard on the elder fur's cock.

Struggling not to push in farther, the fox opened his eyes and looked at the boy, "How bad?" With nothing to keep it from slipping in more, his length inched in a bit farther without him really meaning to. And at the feeling of the tight warmth, he could only whimper as he push even more past that, unable to control himself, "A-are you okay?"

With every bit of extra length, the pain grew worse and worse, "It burns Master. Please stop..." Not expecting his master to listen, Jeffery cried softly, half from the pain, and half from the fear of it getting only worse from there.

Scott leaned in close, putting his head against the side of his kitten's, "Shhh...relax. Please relax...okay?" It was everything he could do to keep himself from forcing himself entirely into his pet. He was still inches from the beginning of the knot, and he wanted nothing more than to feel himself buried balls deep in the kitten...but, for now, he didn't move. "You have...to c-calm down or it'll only hurt more..." he petted the side of Jeff's head, "Deep breaths...okay?"

The cat listened to his master and shakily took in long, deep breaths. It helped a little, but not much...his tail hole still burning and unknown to the both of them, bright red from being once being so tight, and now being stretched so unexpectedly wide.

"Master's gonna' do this very slow. So just keep breathing...okay?" Still petting the side of the boy's head, Scott spoke as softly as he could.

Shakily, full of pain and the fear of how much more this could hurt, Jeffery softly responded, "O-okay...M-master..."

Slowly, the fox began pulling back, remembering from his own first time, that having it removed too quickly can hurt almost worse than putting it in. He went as slowly as he could manage, but when his tapered tip was the only thing left, the pressure from the cat's ring forced it out immediately as it closed up and clenched tight.

With tear filled eyes, Jeff looked up to his master again, hoping it was over, but having the sickening feeling it was only beginning, "Y-you're done? I...I thought you wanted to...to..." He tried to ignore the still thumping pain in his read, not wanting to let that get in the way of doing his job...of pleasing his master.

"I want it...I want it a lot..." Scott's tip still lightly touched his pet's hole, "I wanna' thrust back inside of you right now, and I wanna' hold you here while I make you mine." He let out long, strained breaths, just talking about it making him almost do it.

The pain still very fresh, the thought of master continuing only made the cat's tail hole sting more as it clenched tightly, afraid of being penetrated again. The boy, though, just lied there quietly, dreading the possibilities, but letting Master do as he will.

"But you've been too good..." Scott swallowed hard and panted, "too good of a pet, and too good in every other way...for me to hurt you like this." He nuzzled the side of Jeffery's head, his tip finally inching away from the boy's hole, "I can't watch you cry."

Jeffery only teared up more so, though for a decidedly different reason: thankful that his master changed his mind for now and in absolute glee as to why, "I...I don't know what to say."

"Nothing," the fox looked down at his kitten's cock, still hard, but subsiding, and began sliding himself down the boy's body. "Thank you for letting me try, Kitten..." he licked along the boy's tip.

Jeffery gasped when Master's attentions there return, but the now growing devotion to the FOX's happiness overwhelmed his own need for release. "Master...I'm sorry..." he sniffled, "...let me make it up to you."

"What do you mean? Make it up to me, how? You have nothing to be sorry for, Kitten." Scott looked up with a smile, his tongue teasing along his pet's barbs and already standing him back at attention.

The cat spoke softly, half hoping his master would accept, so he could stop feeling guilty, "Let me suck you first...?"

"No," Scott looked him in the eye more firmly than he had all day, to let his kitten know that it wasn't up for discussion. "I have more to make up for to you, than you do to me," he licked again, "And you offering is more than enough to show what a good boy you are. Now, just relax." He sucked his kitten's dick into his muzzle quickly, hoping to finally give the boy that orgasm he was depriving him of for so long.

Jeffery did as he was told and relaxed, sitting still and letting his master do the work this time. He purred again, very loudly, while holding onto the fox's ears, "Mmm...Master..."

The fox went to work suckling and bobbing his head, his paw fondling the kitten's balls and rubbing behind them, but being very careful to stay far away from the boy's hole. And on every upward motion, he twisted his head, playing with the underdeveloped barbs with his tongue.

Jeffery mewled loudly and thrust up out of habit, giving into his master's more skilled muzzle and almost immediately spraying his entire small load into the older fur's mouth.

Scott sucked it down without question, letting go of the boy's nuts and gently rubbing his inner thigh as he rode out the orgasm, twitching and spurting into his master's mouth. Gently, the fox pulled his head off and looked up at his kitten with a smile, "Good boy..."

Purring between his heaving breaths, the cat's eyes remained lazily closed, but he did manage a response, "You're...proud I came, Master?"

Scott chuckled and moved up the length of his pet's body, gently cradling him against his chest before he rolled onto his back on the couch, "You know what I'm proud of..." He paused for a moment with a sigh, "I'm sorry I hurt you, Kitten. We can wait," he nuzzled the top of Jeff's head, "I don't want you hurt."

Jeffery, lying atop the fox, nuzzled against his master's chest and underneath his muzzle, "Thank you, Sir. You don't know how much that means to me..." Lying sleepily and purring against the elder fur, the thumping burn beneath his tail seemed a distant memory...as the thought washed over him, that he actually felt loved...for the first time in a very long time.


There we go! A Warm Bed continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as Scott Hammond Phil Anthro Pist as Jeffery Anderson *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at http://phil-anthro-pist.sofurry.com/

Did we trick you? I bet you thought Scott was just gonna' go for it, right? When he was telling him to breathe deep to make it hurt less, it sounded like he was trying to be gentle but still planning to finish the deed, yeah?

Not quite what happened, though, huh?

And now Jeff seems even happier with the situation, and Scott's more caring side is showing itself more and more. Will the fox be able to keep restraining his baser instincts? When will the breeding finally come? And where will their relationship go from here?

Tune in next time to find out!

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]gmail.com

See you for the next 11 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...for all 15 chapters of The Masters! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!