Yomi: Just Another Story

Story by Eronu Redsky on SoFurry

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A/N: Not as good as my recent work, this is from a year ago.

Yomi and Shadow crouched around a campfire, its glow playing off their faces. Shadow combed through his backpack; Yomi coated his arrows with poison mixtures.

"What are you doing over there?" Yomi asked, as if he didn't really care, but he was a tiger and curiosity was not one of his finer traits. He glanced to his human friend out of the corner of his eyes.

"Hey, lookie here!" Shadow pulled out a tan pouch; he opened it up, slowly. Gold coins rested in the hide's innards.

"You sure you didn't steal that?" Yomi said, eyeing him up.

"Na, I grabbed it off one of those soldiers we pasted on the battlefield."

Yomi had thought about searching the bodies there for loot, yet decided against it. Bad luck, could bring down curses or souls torn apart by the last great night. So the whispers in a hundred taverns went. "Put 'em away, Shadow." Yomi shook his head. "I don't want to see the things. Some soul might decide to haunt me, too." Yomi slipped his newly armed arrows into his green-and-blue quiver, "So, you still have that map?"

Shadow paused for a second, a frown on his face. "Don't you have the map?"

Yomi glared at him. "That's not funny, we really need that fucking thing."

Shadow shook his backpack, running his hands through the contents. He sighed. "I don't have it. Honest. Guess we'll have to go on without it."

* * *

"So, Yomi, what do you think this war is over anyways?" Shadow called back to him, taking point ahead on the winding trail.

Yomi didn't answer right away, instead he kept marching along the ice road, breathing in and out little mist clouds, wondering why the human insisted on talking. "As far as I know, it's just groups wanting to prove supremacy over other groups. Why? Want to join em?"

"I say we pass over this one. Too messy." Shadow chuckled, shaking his head. "I'd rather just find a cave for tonight and snuggle with that warm fur of yours."

Yomi thought to himself if Shadow was serious or not. "I guess we could set up a tent under those rocks there."

They emptied the bag of its tan tarp, supports, and stakes. Shadow knelt to pick up a few pieces. Standing with a support, he looked at Yomi, who stood over the objects, head tilted to the side. "Have you never put a godsdamned tent up before?" Yomi shook his head. "Fuck it. Just lemme do it." Yomi smiled at the knowledgeable human. Yomi didn't really care for tents. He was a snow tiger, so what did it matter to him?

After three minutes, Shadow got the tent up. The two huddled inside with their belongings clutched next to them. Even as on-and-off warriors, drifting from battle-to-battle for coins, land, and title Shadow and Yomi knew not to get risky with what they owned. Precious or not. "Um...hey, Yomi, in all seriousness, not to get weird, but would it be alright if I actually did lay against you." The human shook. His cloak had holes and tears in it from the last battle at Hiermen Pass. "It would really save me from twitching so much." He rubbed his hands together.

Surprised, Yomi just looked at him for a couple of seconds. "...I...guess it wouldn't hurt. Besides, if you froze to death I'd be wandering out here by myself for days, and I don't think I'd be having much fun."

A smile grew on Shadows face, making Yomi wonder if he ever had thoughts about him.

The night was a very harsh and cold one. The two lay together inside the tent. Shadow was pressed tightly against Yomi's chest. Yomi was still awake looking at the sleeping human. Yomi couldn't help it, but the physical contact he had with Shadow made him a little aroused. A bulge formed in his pants, and Yomi hoped to the gods that Shadow wouldn't wake. As much as he was aroused there was nothing he could do now...except sleep.

His thoughts drifted and his eyes teetered close.

* * *

Yomi was awakened by what he swore to be laughter. When he came to he noticed his hands were tied behind his back. Snapping fully awake, he looked around him. What the hell was going on here?

Many furs, mixed with humans, clustered around him. He couldn't see the tent anywhere in sight; he seemed to be in a valley of some kind, and although the wind still hissed around him and the ground sat crystal with snow, the trail and mountains appeared far away. A mile, at least. What in the gods name, he thought. What had he done? What had Shadow done?

He looked around for his fellow traveling soldier, but he too had vanished.

The laughing and bustle of the crowd around him ceased as if every voice grew silent at once. He followed the angle of their gaze south, to a mouth in the rock and dirt of the valley. A carriage emerged from it, following a trail. It came to a halt not ten feet away from him. The crowd parted, still mute. A driver in rich blue and white climbed down from the front, and approached the side door. He gripped the handle and swung it open.

A pair of snow furred legs appeared, sleek and shapely from the hint he got�so, so teasing, enough for the idea of a night with Shadow to pale�before a dainty pair of feet touched the ground and a fine silk dress, all silver and trimmed gold, slid back down to hide those awe-inspiring pieces of fur. A fair hand reached out, white, and the driver clasped it, helping out his passenger.

The crowd murmured, trying to keep as low as possible.

From the darkness of the carriage, the face of a vixen formed: thin muzzle, painted black in contrast to the rest of her virgin colored body; jade eyes set off by amber pupils; hair, a gold shade, flowing down to her back, smoother looking than her dress.

The crowd bowed and went to one knee.

"Where the fuck is Shadow?" Yomi wondered to himself, trying to draw his eyes from those legs and the rest of the vixen they led up to.

"And who may you be, tiger?" A soft voice spoke that warmed his heart.

He glanced up at the vixen, and his attention locked completely to her as she approached. Her hips, clearly round and nice, with an ass to back them up, swayed as she stalked up to him. Her dress, almost a ball gown, might be conservative in the style of most noble's daughters, but the way it was cut didn't live up to their standards: the hem didn't reach her feet, but her knees, and from the space just below the waist on up it clung to her body with every river-like curve and each inch of her ample breasts.

He found he couldn't answer her. Despite his years of land-walking and all the wars he fought in, he had never seen a noble's daughter (who else could she be?), or a whore or peasant for that matter, with a body shaped like this that could move and move so well. His eyes hung on her every step.

She spoke, again, and when she did her voice was very affirmative. "Who are you, tiger, to trespass on my lands?" Before Yomi could answer, a panther punched him hard in the stomach, stealing his breath out of him. He hobbled on his legs, but managed to stand, gaining his breath back soon. He hadn't expected that one. "I...was only traveling back home, I didn't know these lands belonged to anyone. You have my apologizes, m'lady." She smiled, face melting with warm kindness. Then she frowned and slapped Yomi hard across the face, dropping him straight to the ice. She had a surprising amount of strength, for a female.

Yomi hobbled back to his knees, but didn't dare try to stand.


Shadow looked on from behind a patch of trees. He saw the panther's strike and the vixen's slap. "Shit, they may kill him...I guess its time to get a little dirty." He drew his straight sword from its dark sheath. He rummaged through a side pocket on Yomi's quiver and pulled out a smoke explosive, a good find of theirs from the South. He wound his hand up, waited, and tossed it forward. Hurling the fist-sized containers towards the crowd.

He heard them crash, break open. He heard shouts and coughing, and saw the black clouds billow up.

Shadow jumped from behind the trees, charging towards Yomi. Noting the vixen and panther gagging from the smoke, he ran up to them, sending a kick to the vixen's stomach that knocked her back. He spun, following the kick, bringing his sword around to meet the panther. Fur and skin tear, blood bursts from his throat. A clean move.

He ran to Yomi and cut him loose. "Come on! Hurry, your gear is on top the hill!"

Yomi pulled himself to his feet and raced alongside Shadow.

Raced until he felt a sharp pain that dropped him immediately.

He gasped.

Glancing back, he saw an arrow punctured clear through his ankle. "Fuck! Da-damnit, just go Shadow, we'll meet up again."

Shadow ignored his words, dashing to help his friend. A broad volley of arrows thudded into the ice and snow, sending up bits and pieces. Blocking his path to Yomi. "Shit, shit, shit!" He knew what he had to do. "Yomi...take care of yourself. Listen, Yomi, listen: they won't kill you, they could've have done it before. I'm going to follow them, so don't worry. Hold on." Yomi smiled slightly at his words. "Fine. Just go. Before you get hit."

Shadow burrowed through the trees, working away so that he seemed to disappear.

The arctic vixen strode up to Yomi. Smiling, she planted a foot on his bleeding ankle. He gasped, rapidly, clenching his teeth as she pressed down harder. "You bitch!" She only laughed at his screaming, and bent down to grasp the arrow. Very slowly, a centimeter at a time, she wedged the arrow out. A cry escaped Yomi's throat. He'd been injured before, plenty of times, but pain like this you never got over and never hid.

The vixen spoke to him, then, her smooth and rippling voice hardening. "Your friend certainly did a number on my bodyguard back there, its just too bad he left you behind to pay for it." She glanced to a red wolf, nodding to him. He walked up and hit the already stunned Yomi across the head with the handle of Yomi's own sword.

Yomi dropped into a darkness.

* * *

Light bled into a black void. Darkness crawled from his eyes, and the world appeared to him again. Yomi, head throbbing, stared around him, wherever he was, confused. A cloth strapped to his head blocked his sight, and judging by the pain in his head, he wouldn't be able to see well anyways.

"Oh, is kitty awake?" Yomi recognized the voice of the snow fox. The blindfold drifted away, freeing his eyes to see...to see the vixen standing in front of him, holding the cloth. She turned and tossed it on...a bed. He was in a bedroom, one of a noble from the hint of the silks draping the bed, clean mahogany panel walls, tapestries flowing to the ground, and silver and gold objects sitting around as if curiousities rather than precious items.

Yomi reached out his hands to grab her, hit her, take her by the neck; soon, he realized he knelt on his legs, chained to the wall by leg, neck, and arm. He wanted her hurt for what he'd done, ruining his life, but he also wanted to take her, ride her and lay next to her as he did with Shadow. Except he didn't give into that sort of thought line: rape never had an excuse, no matter what she had done.

The air in the chamber felt chill against his naked body. "What...where am I?"

The vixen slapped him on the cheek, ringing his ears. "You will never speak to me unless I tell you to. Your friend killed my bodyguard and, since we caught you, you must pay me back.

"What do you mean?"

Again, the vixen slapped him. Under his fur, Yomi's cheek grew red. His head pounded with each pump of blood his heart made. "I wasn't finished speaking, kitty. You will pay me back by becoming my new bodyguard.

"The fuck makes you think I'd ever do that?"

The vixen raised her hand again to make Yomi flinch, but he did not budge, staring at her fiercely in the eyes. She withdrew her hand, smiling. "You are tougher than Ryn was."

She walked to a cabinet set high in the wall across from him, back turned. Yomi's gaze followed her as best as his clouded eyes could, unable to ignore her beauty: a very short dress (he doubted her father, or any one else, would approve a female wearing such clothes) clung to every inch of her body, its deep black silk contrasting with her fur, and a bushy tail falling out of a slit in the back. She got onto her tiptoes to reach something on the cabinet's top shelf, well above her 5'7".

As she stood on her tiptoes, Yomi found himself treated to the fact that she wore no undergarments, revealing her heart-shaped ass and the rear of her slit. Yomi grew so aroused it started to show, and he couldn't help but grin...until he saw pull down a ball gag. His mouth went straight. "This will stop your obsessive back mouthing." She stepped towards him, movements that of a dancer. Yomi shook his head, no, get it away. But the vixen grabbed his muzzle, turning it to face her shining eyes and smiling mouth. He tried to jerk his head away, sharp and quick, yet she held him still, her grip firm. "Very bad of you, kitty. You'll need extra punishment, it seems." She jammed the ball in the end of his muzzle, forcing his mouth open with ease, and strapped it around his head. She let his head drop, stepping back to take a look at her new toy. "It seems someone enjoyed watching me." Yomi turned away, the flesh under his fur bright red. "I wouldn't expect anything less from a male in my presence."

A smile touched her muzzle. "As my new bodyguard, you will be my pet. In other words, I own you, body and mind." Yomi frowned, looking at her. The vixen's smile dropped. "I thought you enjoyed my company. What is wrong, do you hate chains? Hate having no freedom?" She walked up to the tiger, letting her pelvis rest right in front of his nose so that they almost touched. "Are you distressed?" She rested a soft paw on his head. "I believe you'll enjoy being mine." She lifted one of her long legs, letting her fur show up to the ass, a rounded and perfect white thigh resting next to Yomi's head. Her scent flooded his nostrils, the scent of pure, fresh lavender. So sweet, he wished he could bury his cock in her up to the hilt, watch her squirm under his powerful thrusts. With her raised leg, the vixen reached around and stepped on the circular red mark of his ankle wound. Yomi tried to yell, but his voice dropped short, muffled by the gag. She pressed down harder down on his ankle, the wound blushing red with blood. He jerked about, mad and in pain, forcing his head against her skirt by accident. "Come to me for your protection, pet. In time, you will love me. You will want to die for me."

Tears started swelled in the defeated tiger's eyes as he gnashed his teeth together. Rocking back and forth. "Now, let's see if you still need the gag. Remember this, if nothing else: from now on you are to call me Mistress Rue, whenever I allow you to speak." She slipped the gag off and tossed it aside. "Is that clear, kitty?"

Yomi, the idea of pain and survival flashing through his mind for the first time in a decade, could only comply. "Yes...Mistress Rue."

"Good kitty, maybe you'll see how nice I can be. For now, you need to be discipline for your loose tongue." She walked back to the closet to pull down another item. This time, Yomi didn't feel any comfort from seeing her back side, only an anticipation and dread. What would she use to hurt him now? "This is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy, too, in a way." She winked, hands going to the top of her back to grasp its ties. She unwound them, and the dress, what little of it there was, slowly slid off her, starting at the shoulders. She stepped out of it, planting her hands on her rounded hips. Yomi stared in an awe that transcended all other emotions he felt: his eyes turned over her sharp face and fine hair, down along pert, white breasts topped by nipples, along a trim stomach that flowed into those perfect thighs and the V of her sex, all of it capped off by a pair of toned legs that stretched on and on. Overall, she had as close to perfect body as any fur could hope for: beautiful depsite of the haughty look on her face, curved and lean so that she held slight muscle on her that didn't betray her grace yet left her in better shape than most females dreamed of, and possessing of a poise of grace (air, lightness) in the way she stood.

His thoughts were broken by Mistress Rue's next words: "Don't get your hopes up, slave. I'm not going to pleasure you. And you won't even get to lick me out or touch me." She grinned, and Yomi watched her bring out a very long and thick, but fake, phallus. She strapped the thing, crafted out of some sort of coated wood, around her waist.

She started towards Yomi. "N-no, please don't...Mistress Rue, please, I apologize!"

The vixen just smiled. "You really must learn to watch that mouth of yours. Now silence, my pet. You will take this into your mouth and pleasure it as if...as if it were that human you were with." Before Yomi could object the vixen shoved the artificial cock into the tigers muzzle, clamping down on his jaws with her hands. He tried to gasp, wretching. He refused to move after that, refused to bow to her wishes. Where he just sits completely still not moving. "Pleasure it, slave!" she hissed. Yomi still refused to move. "Fine, pet. Have it your way." She pulled the cock out and backhanded him, causing the storm in his head to start up again. "I tried to take it easy on you." The vixen strode over to her desk and pulled a lever. A call switch: Yomi had seen one on display in a merchant's place way back in Ceretian City, and recalled from the price tag that only the wealthiest could afford the cogs, fused metals, and bell that made up the device.

Not a second passed from Mistress Rue's call than two huskies walked in and changed Yomi's position on the wall, their powerful grips not allowing him to kick out, to bite at them, to fight. Once they finished, they bowed to the mistress and stalked back out. Ghosts of people.

Yomi now found himself standing up, rigid and straight, with his arms pointed out to his sides and his legs chained to the wall. Each leg was spread so that they stood slightly father out than his shoulders.

No, he thought to himself, no. She won't do this! She's too much of a lady, to high, to bring herself down to this. She's scaring you, Yomi, she's a big bluff. "Poor, poor kitty. Too bad you simply didn't want to use that tongue of yours for something other than blabbing." He heard her toeclaws click on the tiles of marble. No. A bluff. A hand grabbed him by the shoulder, and twisted his face around: Mistress Rue. She leaned up, brushing her breasts against the muscular square of his back, eliciting sparks in his muscles, putting new tension there. He saw her face ease in towards his, and felt the light touch as she kissed him on the lips. It lasted only a second.

Yomi breathed in and let out a sigh, content...yet knowing what would come next. He couldn't let her do it. Wouldn't. But how could he stop her with the weight of the chains dragging him down, keeping him in one place? He wouldn't. No, no. I can't...but I don't have a choice. But I won't let her get away with this. He breathed in deep, trying to prepare himself. She doesn't own me yet. Never will. Shadow, I'll see you soon. I promise.

The vixen got to her knees, looking up at the tiger. "No, pet. No pleasure for you." I can't let her win. She put a finger in her mouth, sucked on it, and reached past Yomi's cock and balls to find his tail hole. Finding it, she pushed at the entrance, teasing. "You're a virgin, at least there. Interesting, pet."

Yomi began to shake. "You can't...please don't, mistress." Keep fighting.

"You are a persistent one, aren't you? And mouthy." She rose and picked up the gag she had tossed aside. "Time to keep you quiet. Hope you enjoy it." The gag soon rested in his mouth again. He tried to bite her when she put it in, snarling, but Mistress Rue held back before shoving it forward, forcing it deep into his mouth before she tied it. "It's time for me to own you, pet." The vixen shoved her strap-on past Yomi's tiger hood, finding the tail hole again. Slowly, she pushed in with the thick cock. Yomi's chest heaved, and he tried to gasp, the pain welling up already. Tears appeared in his eyes. "It's okay, pet, it'll be all over soon." She smiled as she rocked back and slammed the cock in hard. It filled his tail hole. Laughing at the gasps that seized in his throat, the mistress began to work her hips, working the cock around in circles before making sharp plunges in deeper. "Let this be a lesson to you, pet. Do what I say next time, or you will be punished more than you can bare."

Gods, make it stop. It...it hurts so much. Yomi let out a yelp that made it pass the gag.

The vixen let out a happy yip. "Oh, pet, you like this�don't you?" She was looking at Yomi's pulsing cock as it grew fatter and longer by shear sensation. "I'm glad that you like this, you'll be getting so, so much more." Don't let her break you.

She thrusted forward, letting the cock seep into him a full three-fourths of its length. She doubted he could take more than that.

Yomi's own cock stood fully erect now, painfully shoved up so that the tip reached his stomach from being pressed to the wall. Mistress Rue picked up speed, in and out, out and in, ramming the fake cock in with all the force her powerful legs could muster. Yomi gasped with each one, feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure, his cock pulsing and large. He realized he was actually going to cum from this.

A couple of more thrusts from his mistress got him there. "That's right, pet, release yourself." Yomi's load sprayed out, thick, cumming over himself and the wall. Gobs of his seed covered his pelvis, stomach, and the wall, dripping in turn to the floor.

"How disgusting of you, slave. You ruined the paint and the marble, and made a mess of yourself like a cub. I can't have that mess on my stuff all day!" The tiger, obviously too worn out to stand any more, felt the bonds drop and cool air touch them. He fell to his knees. "Clean up your mess, pet, or we will repeat our session." Don't...but I have to. Yomi lowered his head to the ground and began to run his tongue along the floor. "And you will clean this cock, as well, when you're done. You should have just said yes, pet. Nothing you can say will ever change what I want, and there's nothing you can do about that."

Without hesitation, he began to lick and suck the cock off. "Now that's a good kitty." She rubbed his head and, once he finished, tied him back to his original position on the floor. He nodded off, muscles on fire and tired from the long, painful day.

Before darkness, his thoughts returned to Shadow.