Off Guard: Chapter Five

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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Here's chapter 5! And the plot thickens! I am seriously enjoying writing this story so much and I hope you all enjoy reading it!

"That's it! Keep your feet moving now! Don't stand in one place for too long now! Move about! Let your legs do most of the work! Good, good! Just like that!"

Jarik was panting as he dodged another swift strike from the black wolf who he was facing. The older wolf had been his sparring mentor ever since he was old enough to wield a blade.

"Now you've got it! Keep it up! And one and two and one and two-"

"Joffery, we have been at this for almost three hours now! I can't even feel my arms anymore." Jarik panted as he bent over, his paws resting on his knees.

"Well how else do you think you will improve?" The older wolf snorted as he sheathed his practice blade. "Fine, fine. We are done for today, but I will be expecting to see you on the training grounds early tomorrow morning."

Jarik grinned slightly as he bowed to Joffery, which the wolf returned. He sheathed his practice blade and walked over to the outer ring of the sparring ring where Darsden waited. The pure white wolf smiled as he handed Jarik his white cloth shirt that he had held during the training session.

"You were really moving out there." Darsden smiled as he gazed at Jarik. "You really are quite the swordsman."

"Joffery always makes me look like a pup out there in the ring though." Jarik chuckled as he pulled on his shirt. "Never actually bested him in a session before."

"Well he's only getting older. Maybe you will have a chance in a few seasons."

Jarik snorted. "I don't believe that. Have you seen Orren and Ashton today?"

"The two lovers?" Darsden chuckled. "I believe they are down by the river."

"Of course. Orren would always sit on the banks and watch the boats float by." Jarik commented as he started walking on the path that would lead him back to the palace. "What do you want to do today?"

"Anything that you want to do, m' lord." Darsden smiled as he tilted his muzzle.

Jarik smiled back. "Well we could travel to the town and browse the market. Or we can take a walk through the olive grove. Maybe even join Orren and Ashton by the riverside?"

"Or..." Darsden replied as he turned around and pulled Jarik close against his body. "I can take you into the tree line over there and pleasure you."

Jarik smiled and licked his lips as he ran his paws down the wolf's toned and muscular frame.

"Well...I would not object to that now." The black cougar replied.

The two moved forward to kiss but stopped when a young fox ran up to them on the path.

"My apologies, m' lord, for interrupting your afternoon." The young fox said quietly as he bowed his head. "Your brother wishes for you to speak to him in his study right away."

"Ah. Did he say why?" Jarik asked as he moved away from Darsden's muzzle and did his best to look presentable.

"No m' lord. That was all he had told me." The fox replied shyly.

Jarik glanced at Darsden, who only shrugged in reply.

"Well thank you for informing us. I will report to him right away." Jarik said as he nodded at the fox.

The fox bowed and scurried off, leaving them alone again.

"So much for our afternoon." Jarik grumbled as he started walking again.

"Hey come on now." Darsden chuckled as he followed alongside the cougar. "We have the evening to ourselves too. And there is always tomorrow."

"We will probably be busy tomorrow too." Jarik replied as his tail lashed. "He probably just wants me to tell the story again and point out all of my wrongs."

"He just cares for you." Darsden chided.

"Then he should not blame me for this entire mess." Jarik objected. "He still thinks that I am still a young cub who does not know how to take care of himself out in the realm. I am still his younger brother, but I am no longer a youth."

Darsden opened his muzzle to say something, but decided against it and fell silent.

"Besides, what else could I possibly contribute to this civil war? I am a wanted criminal now."

"Well you're safe here now." Darsden replied with a comforting smile.

"I do hope so." Jarik sighed as he fingered the bandage on his face.

The walk back to the palace was quite enjoyable and almost made Jarik forget his bitter mood towards his brother. Unfortunately, it returned when he walked into his brother's study and found the older cougar hunched over several ragged maps and documents.

"Sit." The older cougar motioned towards a chair on the other side of his desk. "Darsden, you may stay if you wish."

Jarik sat down in the chair while Darsden closed the door to the study and also sat down in the chair beside Jarik.

"This is an absolute disaster." Jaren growled as he rummaged through the papers aggressively. "Every soldier loyal to Lord Maren is out searching for you. There have been several attacks reported on my men. I've lost three carriages of supplies in the past four days. "

Jarik swallowed as his claws dug into the fine wood of the chair.

"So you're blaming me for all of this?" He asked angrily.

"No, I am not blaming you, although you are at some fault." Jaren replied as he closed his eyes. "If we do not figure out something soon though, we will be looking at an army knocking on our front gates within a few months."

"So what do you suggest we do? I could always just turn myself in." Jarik scoffed as he folded his arms.

"Could you please try to act like an adult for this conversation?" Jaren asked with a depreciating glare. "I'm trying to help you."

"You're treating me like a child!" Jarik shouted as his tail lashed against the chair.

"And you are certainly acting like one." Jaren growled back as his claws dug into the wood of the desk. "I suggest you change that attitude of yours if you do not want to find yourself locked in your quarters."

Jarik remained silent as he glowered at his brother. Darsden shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"I should leave you two alone." The white wolf said quietly as he went to stand up.

"No, stay." Jarik growled slightly.

Darsden's ears folded back but he kept quiet and sat back down in the chair.

"Listen, I know that you want to help with what is going on." Jaren said, his voice softer. "But you are in great danger and I need you to stay here in the city. I cannot afford you getting captured again."

"So what can I do? Read over some boring documents? Maybe count out your gold coins? Or maybe even shine your blade and-"

"Enough!" Jaren shouted angrily.

Jarik fell silent again.

"What I do want you to do is go speak to an old friend of yours. The fox still works at the same place so you should have no trouble finding him."

Jarik huffed as he rolled his eyes. "I really have to go there? Rydan probably doesn't even remember me."

"Of course he remembers you. How could he not with all of the visits you made to him?"

Jarik felt his face grow hot as Darsden looked at him with a puzzled look.

"As I was saying, Rydan interacts with several clients a night. I am sure the fox has some kind of information for us."

Jarik swallowed as he stood up. "When do you want me to go see him?"

"Now, if you are able to." Jaren replied as he sat down in his own chair. "If you leave within the hour, you should make it back here by supper."

Jarik only nodded in reply as he turned around and headed towards the door.

"M' lord." Darsden said as he stood up and bowed to Jaren.

Jaren nodded as he returned to his papers. "Please keep an eye on Jarik."

"Of course m' lord." Darsden replied.

The white wolf exited the study, nodded to the guards who stood outside the room, and ran to catch up with Jarik.

"So who exactly are we meeting?" Darsden asked despite the cougar's bitter disposition.

"An old friend." Jarik muttered as they exited the palace.

"And where does he work?"

"Down at the brothel." Jarik sighed as he kept on staring straight ahead.

"Ah. So I am guessing you-"

"Yes, I have visited him a numerous amount of times years ago, but I guarantee you that nothing is going on between us." Jarik interrupted reassuringly.

"Oh. Well I was not concerned about that or anything. I was just surprised that a handsome lord like you would even visit a brothel." Darsden replied with a smirk.

"The Golden Lion is the cleanest and most prominent brothel in the entire realm. Of course I would have to check it out." Jarik smiled. "And do not even tell me that you have never heard of it."

"I have." Darsden shrugged. "Just never had the time or money to actually check it out."

"Well I will treat you then." Jarik chuckled.

"Why would I want to sleep with a prostitute when I have you?" Darsden replied as his tail brushed against Jarik's.

Jarik's unpleasant mood lifted as he conversed with the wolf through the city. The two made a few stops at some of the market stands and grabbed a quick bite to eat at one of Jarik's favorite taverns. It was late afternoon by the time they reached the brothel. The Golden Lion's exterior had changed since the last time Jarik visited. The brothel used to have only consisted of one floor, but now a second floor had been added.

"Do you wish for me to wait outside?" Darsden asked as Jarik walked towards the entrance.

"Oh stop being so modest and come inside." Jarik snorted.

"Yes m' lord." Darsden replied.

Jarik pushed the velvet curtain away that served as the door and walked into the building cautiously. The smell of heavily scented oils mixed with several different types of musk hit his nose. The smell was intoxicating but not overly irritating. Jarik noticed Darsden's nose wrinkle slightly as he walked into the lobby. A few benches served as the waiting area, where a brown bear and a black wolf sat patiently. Jarik walked up to the desk where a male white snow leopard stood with a warm smile.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Is this really Lord Jarik standing in front of me?" The leopard purred.

"It is me." Jarik smiled. "You have not aged a bit since the last time I saw you Sabal."

The snow leopard chuckled.

"You have changed quite a bit Lord Jarik. For the better though." He replied as he eyed Jarik's body. "I am guessing that you are here to see Rydan?"

"Yes, but not for pleasure." Jarik lowered his voice. "I do wish to speak to him though."

"Ah. Well I am sure he will most certainly be thrilled to see you again. Unfortunately he is with another client at the moment but I will notify you as soon as he is done."

"Thank you Sabal." Jarik replied.

"Now how about your friend here?" Sabal said as he turned his gaze to Darsden. "My, my. You are quite the handsome thing here. You would not happen to be looking for a job here?"

"What? No! I-I am with Jarik." Darsden stammered.

"Really now? You certainly do know how to choose them." Sabal purred as he gazed at Darsden's figure. "Are you sure wolf? With a body like that, you could be pulling in several gold coins a day."

Darsden coughed before he replied. "I-I am really not interested. I am just here to accompany Jarik."

Sabal shrugged as he sauntered out from behind the desk. The leopard only sported a silk waistcloth that wrapped around his toned hips.

"Well if you ever change your mind, come speak to me." Sabal chuckled.

"How have you been lately?" Jarik asked as he changed the subject for Darsden's sake.

"The same unfortunately. Still trying to keep this business up and running." Sabal sighed.

"Business is slow?"

"Just a little." Sabal replied quickly. "This damn war though has really caused a decrease in some of our usual clients. Not enough though to really hurt our income though."

Sabal paused as a young male wolf walked out from the backroom and brushed past Jarik with a slight nod. He paused at Sabal and dropped two silver coins into the leopard's open paw, and then left the brothel.

"Well it looks like Rydan is free to talk to now. I will come back and notify you when he is all cleaned up and ready to see you. Is there a specific place you would like to talk to him? Somewhere private I suppose?"

"His quarters will be just fine." Jarik replied. "I will not be long."

"Wonderful. I will be back soon. Please, make yourself at home." The leopard smiled as he disappeared behind the silk veil that led to the many client rooms.

Jarik turned to face Darsden, who still looked uncomfortable.

"I will go talk to Rydan alone. You can just wait for me out here." Jarik commented.

"I think that would be best." Darsden replied as he shifted his feet. "You two probably have a lot of catching up to do anyways."

Jarik shot the wolf a funny look.

"Are you implying something?" Jarik asked.

"What? No! Not at all!" Darsden replied quickly as his eyes went wide. "I am sorry, that probably sounded wrong. I really mean that you two have a lot to discuss and I do not want to be there to intrude."

"Well you are more than welcome to meet Rydan." Jarik replied. "You would not be intruding on us at all."

"No, I will be fine out here. Besides, I have your friend Sabal here to talk too." Darsden replied with a teasing grin.

"He is quite the character." Jarik chuckled.

There was a rustle as Sabal returned to the room.

"Rydan is ready to see you now, Lord Jarik. Room number five." Sabal said with a grin. "Please take your time."

"Thank you Sabal. Darsden will be staying here until I return. Promise me you will not try to stow him away or anything?" Jarik replied with a grin.

"Mmm no promises." The leopard purred as he eyed the white wolf from the corner of his eyes.

Darsden averted his gaze and shifted uncomfortably.

Jarik chuckled again as he drew back the silk curtain and walked back into the hallway. The smell of scented oils and musk was even stronger back here. The combination of so many scents began to give him a slight headache. His ears perked up to the muffled moans and yelps of pleasure as he passed by the closed doors that lined the hallway. He finally came to a wooden door with the number five carved into a wooden piece above the doorframe. He raised his paw and knocked twice.

"Come in." A soothing voice replied from behind the door.

Jarik cautiously opened the door and poked his head inside. The room was furnished with just simple furniture. A bed for two and a wooden table was the only furniture that filled the room, besides a nightstand and a wardrobe. Jarik walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked towards the bed and met the eyes of Rydan who was sitting on the edge of it in a seductive pose.

"The return of Lord Jarik." The white fox hummed as he stood up delicately.

The white fox only wore a silk waistcloth, much like the one that Sabal wore, except this one was much tighter and more revealing. Jarik tried to avert his gaze from Rydan's toned body as the white fox sauntered up to him.

"You disappear for several years with no letters or anything, and then you appear out of the blue on a fine day like this." Rydan whispered as he ran a paw up Jarik's side. "And not taking care of your beautiful body either. Shame on you." The fox whispered as his soft fingers gingerly brushed the bandage on Jarik's face.

"I...I have been busy." Jarik stammered as he tried not to shiver against the fox's touch.

"Busy indeed." Rydan replied with a grin as he pushed Jarik up against the door, his slim body pressed against the cougar's muscular frame. "I have heard that you are a thief and a murderer now?"

Jarik's eyes went wide with surprise. "You heard about that?"

Rydan chuckled as he slipped a paw up Jarik's cloth shirt and kneaded the muscles underneath his black fur. "Of course I have. I meet up to fifteen clients a day."

"Ah yes. I forgot how recognized you are here." Jarik muttered as he shifted his body away from the fox's touch.

"One of the best." Rydan replied with a wink as he backed away from Jarik and sat back down on the bed. "So if you are not here for sex, than why are you here?"

Jarik coughed as he soothed his clothes and tried to hide the stirring erection in his trousers. "My brother sent me here. He suggested that you might have some information for him."

"Information? What did he send in return?" Rydan asked with a smug grin.

Jarik shifted his feet. "I...uh...nothing."

"Nothing? Well I suppose we can make a deal." Rydan replied as he stood up again and pressed his paw against Jarik's crotch.

"Rydan! I-" Jarik gasped, but stopped when the fox held a finger against his muzzle.

"Quiet now. You do not want Sabal to know that you are receiving a free session." Rydan whispered as he rubbed his paw harder against Jarik's growing erection.

Jarik gasped slightly but managed to grab the fox's wrist and push his paw away. "Rydan...I cannot do this." Jarik replied softly but sternly.

Rydan blinked as his ears twitched. "Why?"

"There is...someone else. A wolf who had rescued me."

Rydan's eyes went wide as he smiled. "You are with someone?"

Jarik nodded.

"Jarik, that is wonderful! I am so happy for you!" The fox genuinely shouted as he gave Jarik a hug. "Will I get to meet him?"

Jarik pulled away from the hug as he gave Rydan a small smile. "If you want to. He is just out in the lobby waiting for me."

"Wonderful! Let me change into something more appropriate." Rydan replied as he walked over to the chest and opened it.

"You want to meet him now? Do you not have any more clients today?" Jarik asked.

"Tonight is my night off dear." Rydan purred as he slipped on a pair of black leather trousers and a royal red tunic with a silver trim. Expensive garments, no doubt about that.

"Oh. Well would you like to join us for dinner tonight? That way you and Jaren can discuss things." Jarik suggested.

"Sounds lovely. Only if you promise that you and I will have some time alone to catch up." Rydan replied with a wink.

Jarik nodded with a slight grin.

He followed the fox out of the room and down the hall to the lobby. He brushed past the curtain to find Darsden still standing in the exact same position as he was, still looking just as uncomfortable too.

"So just taking a gamble here, I am guessing that you are quite passionate in bed? Or are you the more aggressive and dominating type?" Sabal asked with a curious smile. "Which one is it?"

Darsden's eyes shot over to Jarik, signaling for help.

"Stop torturing the poor wolf." Jarik chuckled as he walked by the leopard.

"Just asking some friendly questions." Sabal purred as he gave a wink towards Darsden.

Darsden just laughed nervously in reply and twitched his ears.

"I am heading out for the night." Rydan mentioned as he waved to Sabal. "I will be back here tomorrow morning."

"Very well dear. Have fun and be safe." Sabal replied.

The three exited the brothel, where Darsden finally seemed to relax once they had started walking through the city. Jarik glanced towards the setting sun. Dinner was probably being served right now. His stomach grumbled just at the thought of food.

"So this is your wolf?" Rydan asked as he licked his lips and grinned. "He really is quite handsome."

Darsden's face shifted back into a sense of awkwardness. Rydan chuckled softly. "Do not worry wolf. I am not like Sabal."

"Sometimes." Jarik scoffed. "Rydan, this is Darsden. Darsden, this is my friend Rydan."

The two nodded in greeting.

"Nice to meet you Rydan." Darsden smiled.

"Pleasure is mine." Rydan replied. "Jarik told me that you rescued him?"

Darsden rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I guess you can say that."

"Stop being so modest." Jarik snorted. "I would not be here right now if you had not shown up."

"Mmm your own prince in shining armor. You will have to tell me the story tonight." Rydan commented.

The three exchanged small talk as they made their way through the city and finally passed through the main gates of the palace. The sun had completely set by the time they entered the palace and walked into the dining room where Jaren waited. Orren and Ashton were also seated at the table.

"Where have you guys been?" Ashton asked as his eyes lit up when they approached the table.

"Yes, we are quite starving here." Orren replied as he glowered at his empty plate.

Ashton elbowed the gray wolf in his ribs as Jaren stood up from his seat.

"I see that you have brought us a visitor." The older cougar commented dryly as he eyed Rydan. "I do hope that you have cleansed yourself before coming to the dinner table."

"Jaren!" Jarik shouted, horrified.

"No it is quite fine for him to be cautious." Rydan commented politely as he bowed to Jaren. "I am completely clean, m' lord, which means I am ready to pleasure you tonight."

Jaren grinned slightly and snorted. "I see that your cynical disposition has not changed."

"Still the same, m' lord."

Jaren sat back down in his chair and motioned towards the empty chairs. Jarik sat down into the chair closest to his brother, while Darsden sat next to him and Rydan sat next to Darsden. The servants filed out into the room with plates piled high with roasted fowl, boiled potatoes, and steaming vegetables. Once the food was set down and everyone had their plate filled, did Jaren begin to speak.

"I believe that I do not need to tell you all how bad of a situation we are all in." The older cougar addressed to everyone as he took a sip of red wine. "Anyone who is loyal to Lord Maren is out searching the entire realm for Jarik and Orren. They have been labeled traitors and have quite the bounty on their heads."

"How much?" Ashton piped up through a mouthful of vegetables.

"Five-hundred gold coins." Jaren replied.

Rydan whistled.

"As long as you two do not leave the city, you will be safe. However, they must know that you two are hiding here and I will not be surprised if Lord Mason is forming an army right this very moment to bring down our city walls." Jaren chewed thoughtfully on a potato. "I need to know what the tricky bastard is planning."

"Do we have any available spies?" Jarik suggested as he stabbed a piece of fowl and shoved it into his muzzle.

Jaren shook his head. "Unfortunately no. None are close enough to Jerhall and I cannot risk having any of them move from where they are now."

"So send me then." Jarik replied.

"Absolutely not. There is no possible way you can pass the gates of Jerhall without being recognized immediately."

"There are hundreds of black cougars in the city. And it is not like as if I have never scaled the walls of the city before. There is even a sewage passage that you can easily crouch through to get into the city." Jarik argued.

"I realize that you know the city better than anyone around here." Jaren sighed. "But I cannot afford you getting captured again."

"You do not seem to have many options left!" Jarik protested. "What good am I if I just sit here in the palace? You have a problem, and I am the one who can solve it!"

Jaren stared at his plate in deep thought.

"I know you are worried about me, but you really do not have anyone else who knows the city like me or Orren does."

"I will sleep on it tonight, and I will let you know my decision tomorrow." Jaren finally replied as he dabbed at his muzzle with a napkin.


"Do not try and argue with me." Jaren warned as he gave Jarik a stern stare.

Jarik returned to his meal but found that he was not so hungry anymore.

"May I be excused?" Jarik muttered as he stood up from the table.

Jaren stared at him for a long time, before finally giving him a nod. Jarik turned away from the table and stomped out of the dining room. Darsden watched Jarik leave with concern.

"I...should go check on him." The white wolf sighed as he set his utensils down and stood up from the table. "If...I have permission to do so, m lord."

"I think you would be the best one to go talk to him." Jaren sighed as he took another sip of wine.

Darsden nodded as he padded quietly out of the dining room and began searching the palace for the troubled cougar. He hurried up the steps to Jarik's quarters and quietly pushed the door open. He sniffed and caught Jarik's scent. He noticed that the doors to his balcony were open and he stepped outside into the cool night air. Jarik was leaning against the balcony railing, just staring off into the distance.

"Mind if I join you?" Darsden asked quietly.

"Not at all." Jarik sighed.

The white wolf walked up behind the cougar and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist. Jarik sighed contentedly as he melted into the wolf's warm embrace.

"You do know that your brother is only doing what he thinks is best for you." Darsden said as he rested his muzzle on Jarik's shoulder.

"My brother is being foolish." Jarik replied bitterly. "He needs to stop worrying about me so much."

"Brothers are meant to look after each other." Darsden said as he licked the cougar's neck. "My older brother would never let me go anywhere without him."

"Yes, but the difference is he let you go out on your own once you grew older. I am almost as old as you and my brother still treats me like a youth. He even sent you to keep an eye on me when I became a spy!"

Darsden hugged the cougar tighter as he sighed, his breath hot against Jarik's neck.

"Could you please just try to talk to him without storming away? I really hate to see you two fight. He saved your life, you know."

Jarik sighed. "I do not know..."

"For me?"

Jarik smiled slightly.

"Very well. Just for you though." He purred.

The two remained standing together as they looked out over the city and into the distance. Jarik could just make out the shadowy outlines of the Jarath Mountains in the distance. The White River looked like a sparkling silver snake in the moonlight.

"It's beautiful." Darsden whispered as he kissed Jarik on the neck.

"It really is." Jarik replied as he placed his paw onto Darsden's. "I'm glad I get to share it with you."

"You are absolutely wonderful, you know that?" Darsden whispered as he moved his muzzle closer to Jarik's.

Jarik moved his head up and met Darsden in a passionate kiss. Jarik closed his eyes and melted into the heat between him and his lover as he prodded the wolf's muzzle open with his tongue. He savored the wolf's taste as he dominantly explored Darsden's muzzle with his tongue. The world melted away as he inhaled deeply. The wolf's musky scent, the cool night air...and...

Jarik opened his eyes and pulled away from the kiss. He sniffed the air again.

"Is something wrong?" Darsden asked.

Jarik sniffed the air again. "Do you...smell smoke?"

Darsden tilted his muzzle up into the air and inhaled deeply. "I...I do smell smoke."

A servant suddenly burst through the balcony doors, causing the two to jump.

"M' lord! There's a fire in the servant's wing of the palace!" The young leopard shouted.

"Fire? How?" Jarik demanded.

"I-I don't know m' lord!"

Jaren suddenly appeared in the doorway, along with several guards. He had his sword belted to his side and at the ready.

"Jarik! Stay here!" The older cougar demanded.

"Let me come with you!" Jarik shouted back as his brother started to leave.

"Not now! I will send a guard for you once I've determined that it's safe enough! For now, just stay put!" Jaren demanded.

Jarik huffed in frustration as his brother and the guards rushed out of the room. The smoke was heavy in the air now and was starting to sting Jarik's eyes.

"Can you believe him?" Jarik asked furiously as he stomped back into his room and slammed the balcony doors shut.

Darsden winced as the doors slammed shut loudly. "This is what I'm talking about dear. He just really cares about you."

"It's just a fire! It's not like as if an army is attacking the palace!" Jarik shouted angrily as he sat down on his bed. "When he returns, I'm going to really tell him-"

Jarik went silent as the balcony doors suddenly creaked open. A raccoon dressed in all black slipped into the room, but froze when he sighted Darsden and Jarik. Jarik stood up cautiously as the intruder continued to stand frozen in place.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Jarik asked as he kept his distance.

The raccoon remained silent. Jarik sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. The harsh smell of oil and smoke was heavy in the air. His eyes widened as he suddenly pieced together what was happening.

" started the fire?" Jarik asked the raccoon.

No answer.

"Answer me!" Jarik demanded.

"You weren't supposed to be here." The intruder finally whispered.

"What? What do you mean I wasn't supposed to be here?" Jarik asked.

"They said you weren't going to be here."

Before Jarik could reply, the raccoon suddenly brandished a crude dagger and leaped at Jarik. Jarik stumbled back and managed to catch the raccoon's wrists and drive the dagger away from his body. His attacker was quick though and gave a swift kick to Jarik's stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Darsden went to grab the raccoon but he slipped out of the wolf's reach and leaped at him instead. Darsden was not so lucky at blocking the attack and he yelped in pain as the cold steel cut into his upper arm. His lover's cry suddenly lit a fire in Jarik's eyes, and he snarled as he leaped at his attacker and tackled him to the floor. His paws found the raccoon's wrist and he twisted it until he heard the snap of bone. The dagger clattered to the floor. Before the raccoon could even cry out, Jarik had taken the dagger in his own paw and raised the blade high over his head.

"Jarik! Stop!" Darsden shouted at him.

He then felt a pair of strong paws pull him off of his assailant. He stared at the raccoon as he writhed in pain on the floor. His paw clutched the dagger tightly but he did not raise it.

"Jarik...I..." Was all Darsden could say as four guards rushed into the room, along with Jaren.

"Jarik? What the...what the hell have you done?" Jaren asked in shock as he stared at the bloody scene.

"Me? You should be asking him!" Jarik panted as he pointed towards the raccoon on the floor.

Jaren's eyes shifted to the writhing and moaning figure on the floor.

"Guards! Seize him immediately! I want him put in a cell with four guards watching it!" Jaren barked.

Jarik watched as the four guards pushed themselves into the room and roughly brought the raccoon to his feet. He was quickly dragged out of the room, leaving just Jarik, Darsden, Jaren, and two other guards in the room. Jaren gave Jarik a long and hard stare as he figured out what to say.

"You should tend to Darsden's wound and clean yourself up as well. Once you're done, I would like to speak with you in my quarters." Jaren finally spoke.

"I...yes brother." Jarik sighed. "What exactly is there to talk about though?"

His brother looked back over his shoulder as he began to leave the room.

"It seems that I may need your help sooner than I had anticipated." Jaren said as he walked away. "It seems that we have enemies living among us, brother."