Hidden Heritage - Prologue

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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Nanuua is a young Native American wolf who is following the paw prints of his Grandfather Nuanna learning the magical ways of shamanism, one winter however changes the course of his life forever, when out on his journey of self discovery, he rescues another wolf just like himself from freezing to death to falling into a frozen river. The wolf tells him that he is in is dept but Nanuua does not know how the other wolf could repay him, or does he? For years Nanuua always found the men of his tribe attractive, but this wolf wasn't from his tribe, but from a rivaling tribe in which his own tribe disliked and always fought against. Startled and afraid Nanuua finds himself falling helplessly in love with the wolf, will their relationship last forever? Or will it be torn apart because of revelry? Find out in Hidden Heritage the first furry novel by Nanuua The Husky


It was something that I was unaware of at the time. Something that I thought would actually never happen, me a wolf fall in love with someone of my own gender...is that wrong? So many questions swarm my mind, I can't think straight. I sit by the river, watching small schools of fish swim through the crystal clear waters of the Mahona River.

Tears were staining my eyes, was I really crying? Dawn slowly broke above the skies, turning the clouds into a painted canvas of pinks, purples and dark blues. My heart was racing now, for I knew what the break of dawn meant to me, and to him. My people, the people of my tribe were the only ones I had thought I would love....

However today I was making a decision that could destroy my hidden heritage ...to break the vow of my people, and become an outcast. I had to find a way of saving him, before his sentence...

I find myself rushing through the trees of the forest, my paws kick up lose dirt as my claws dig into the earth bruising it with puncture wounds from the tips of my claws. My tongue hangs out a bit as I pant, my eyes were set on one course, and that was to my camp which was a few miles from the river. I knew I had to hurry, I just had to...or otherwise I would lose him forever...