SWAT Kats: Take A Chance On Me Ch. 12

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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Take A Chance On Me

Chapter 12: New Strands Of Life Emerge

Nail stayed back with Jake at the hospital, Jake wanted to get his check-up on his stomach like he wanted to, and since they were already in a hospital it might as well be a good time to do it. He was taken into the examination room by one of the nurses while Nail stayed in the waiting room, he bought himself a can of milk from the vending machine and took a seat on the small blue chair, after taking a sip of the brisk chilled liquid drink he placed it on the coffee table next to him. Nail placed his hands on his knees and threw his head back onto the wall behind him softly, he looked through the window in the room to see nurses and kats alike walking about doing their own thing, either working or visiting someone who was in the hospital. Ian had gone under the knife about and hour after Chance and the others had left to go home, the procedure would be a long one but Dr. Chu was positive everything would run smoothly. A nurse came into the room in black scrubs holding a tan colored folder with a few papers inside, she looked at Nail making sure his name was correct as she approached.

"Mr. Nail, we have the paperwork ready for Ian Ferlong. They need to be given to the immediate family as soon as you can" She smiled as she handed the folder to Nail, he stood up and took it, opening up to browse through quickly. The nurse turned around to leave before Nail spoke up.

"Excuse me Nurse...Ballard, there's a problem here" Nail said looking at her name tag as she turned around, staring at nail with lovely teal colored eyes to match her tanned fur.

"What would that be?" She questioned as she stood in front of the taller kat with a puzzled look, she made sure all the paperwork was right and organized before handing it out.

"I don't see your phone number on any of these sheets" Nail winked, Nurse Ballard blushed for a moment before taking the folder smiling as she took out her pen and began to write. She handed the document back to Nail as she turned around to the door again giggling to herself; she closed the door as she made her way out and back down the hallway. Nail looked down at the front folder to find her name and phone number, he smiled to himself as he sat back down and actually went through the papers, actually reading what they were. Meanwhile in the examination room, Jake was putting on his shirt as the doctor came in with his own folder and sat down on the little stool near his desk as he began to write. Jake shifted uncomfortably in his spot waiting for the doctor to say something, anything, even ask if he had a good day or not would have sufficed.

~ 2 Hours Later ~

"Well Mr. Ferlong" The doctor broke the silence as he reached into his pocket and took out three medicine bottle full of pills and placed them on the desk, making sure they were the right ones. "You body will go through some changes in the next couple of month, these pills will help with the pain and transformation you'll be making. Since male kats give birth differently they will also go through different stages of physical and emotional phases. Such effects are depression, increased testosterone, some slight aggression at time but nothing too severe. Your appetite will increase along with you sleeping, so don't try to over work yourself and stay off your feet for a while during months 5-8" The doctor stood up walking over to Jake handing him the bottles, he looked down at the containers to read their names and see what color they were as the doctor put his hand on his shoulder. "Congrats, you kittens are still healthy and growing. There's nothing to worry about, but please refrain from anything like...falling off a building or saving the world, something like that" He smiled as he placed his pen cap onto his pen and left the room, Jake smiled as he stood up from the table and began to walk out, putting the containers in his pocket and placing a hand on his stomach. He reached the door and left the room walking down the hall to the nearest pay phone so he could call Chance and see ho things were back at the house, he passed the intensive care until and spotted Ian lying on one of the beds, IV tubes running down to his left arm. Jake went to the door and opened it slowly to see a nurse writing some notes down on her notebook, she looked at Jake and smiled slightly as she began to pack up her things and leave.

"He's just resting for now, visiting hours are almost over so please be quick" She said as she left the room, Jake rushed over to Ian seeing the sleeping giant rest, his eyes started to flutter as they opened up to the dim lit room, he was able to make out Jake staring down at him.

"Ian...how are you feeling?"

"Tired and sore kiddo....... are you ok? Is that boy ok? Are you hurr..." Ian paused as he took in a deep breath hissing at the pain he felt in his side, Jake rubbed his hand on Ian's chest rubbing it as he smoothly talked to his Brother-In-Law.

"Ian don't worry, we're fine thanks to you. Thank you for protecting us, your the bravest person I've seen since Chance..........we thought we weren't going to see you alive when we tell everyone Chance is going to be a father" Jake smiled as a tear fell from his eye, Ian struggled to lift his hand as he placed it on Jake's belly, he weakly smiled at the tom.

"That's my brother, always going at it without any rest" Ian smiled as he huffed some air to laugh, Jake smiled patting on his chest some more.

"Your mother will be happy to know your going to be ok" Jake said as he stood up cleaning his face, Ian was really tired, his eyes batted a lot before slowly falling. He felt like he and Chance did when they were drugged, weak and helpless, but they always had one another's back..... the whole family did.

"Chance thought.... he was right not to trust that tiger.......he always had a bad feeling that came from him......and he was...right" Ian panted as his hand fell from Jake's stomach and back onto the bed, Jake grabbed the cup of water from the desk next to Ian and brought the straw to his mouth. Ian let the cool water rush down his mouth and relieve the dryness with the comfort of cool water. The heart monitor beeped at a normal pace when Ian finished drinking, the door opened up behind Jake as Nail came into the room and stood behind the smaller tom placing his hand on Ian's shoulder.

"Man, I'm so glad you made it. Rita would have had our asses" He smiled as he looked down on his hurt friend, Ian nodded slowly as his eyes started to drop on their own, Ian tried his best to keep them open but his body was winning the fight. Jake and Nail knew his medications were kicking in so they said their final goodbyes before leaving the room and headed out the hospital to the parking lot to Nails car. Nail opened up the passenger door as helped Jake get inside his Mazda before closing it, then venturing to the drivers side and got in himself. The car started as Jake buckled himself in, the car ride was smooth and quick on the road. "So Jake, what are you going to name your kitten??" Nail asked as he made a turn on the dirt road they took to get to the hospital before, now heading back to Rita's house. It was going on 8pm when they left the hospital; most of the guests should have left by now with their filled stomachs and evening of memories and jokes to ease them to sleep tonight. Jake just stared out the window thinking about today's events, if Ian hadn't been there to help them Cliff would have gotten to them for sure, Cliff wasn't one to carry around a weapon though, he never did before when they were going out. Jake noticed they had arrived back at the house, most if not all the cars from the other guests have gone already, the only ones left were from the siblings, Chance and Jake's truck, Daisey's car and then Nail and Earls own personal vehicles in the driveway. Both Jake and Nail got out at the same time, Jake remembered he needed to take his medications as soon as he could so he wouldn't be in so much pain when his body would adjust to the infant inside of him. They walked up the small steps and reached the door, Nail held the door open for Jake, smiling he went inside to see the gang in the living room either pacing the floor or sitting down. They all looked at the two and rushed over to them asking numerous questions about Ian's health status, Rita just sat on the couch with a tissue in her hand. Her eyes were puffy red and tear stains on her fur were noticable by the look, she had to be strong in front of the other guests but when they all left Chance and Jackie broke it down to their mother, who cried for her hurt son on the spot. Nail went over to Rita and gave her the good news so everyone could hear, they all cheered with one another and gave hugs in joy, Rita hugged onto Nail's arm as she sobbed into his fur. Chance gave a sigh of relief, as he looked around the room, his brother Adam was sitting on the reclining chair with Daisey sitting at the arm patting Adam on the shoulder, he turned to her and held her hand smiling back. Jake made his way through the other kats and gave his mate a hug, basking in the warm embrace, Nail handed the folder to Rita as she scanned through the papers with all the information on the surgery

"Jake" Chance whispered as he sniffed the air, he felt Jake's arms wrap around his body tight crossing at his shoulder blades. He looked down to see his mate nuzzling his chest and purring, his tail swinging slowly from left to right on the ground, Chance pulled Jake off a bit and looked into his eyes. "So beautiful" He said, Jake took Chance's hand and lead them upstairs away from the others, they didn't seem to notice that they went missing. Jake lead them down the hall and into the room he was dragged into earlier when Ian was fighting Cliff, Chance was the first one to enter as Jake followed close behind shutting the door behind him, locking it as well. Still the two toms could hear the chatting coming from downstairs from the family, Chance turned to see Jake leaning against the door.

"Chance" Jake smiled as he went over to his lover and planted a kiss on his lips, standing on his toes to reach his face as he placed his hands on Chance's chest. The burly kat held his hands on Jake's waist and brought him closer to his body, his hisses became more lustful and demanding as he explored ever inch of Jake's mouth with his tongue. Its been so long since he's touched Jake any way, both of them were still recovering and longing for one another's company. Chance lifted Jake up in the air when he reached down and grabbed his inner legs, the light cat wrapped his arms around Chance's neck as his body was pushed against the wall, he continued to make out with his lover grinding into his crouch with his as Chance's body held Jake in place. Jake surrendered his body to his lover and his hormones shot through the roof with lust for him, he needed Chance to be inside his very essence and complete him once again. Chance's thrusts got more powerful on Jake as he maneuvered his right hand underneath Jake's shorts creeping up his boxers until it found the treasure it sought. Jake gasped breaking their kiss, Chance continued to massage Jake's member getting it stiff and erect, he made a trail of kissed along his neck nipping at the fur a little bit feeling Jake's body shiver in delight.

"Yes Chance..... please" Jake begged arching his back in delight, Chance placed his mate on his feet and pulled down his shorts swiftly hitting the ground, Jake lifted his feet on each hole to be rid of his piece of clothing. Chance turned Jake around having his bottom face Chance's body, Chance fell to his knees as he came close to Jake's entrance and began to lather it with his moist tongue. He dug deep in his hole to lather his mate up, his wounds healed from Chance's last violent assault, but now they both needed one another for their needs, their greeds and desires. Chance stood up slowly, his now throbbing erection at full length and girth ready to enter his mate, come leaked slowly from the slit of his head, it shinned as the small trail of his love juice trickled down his shaft. Holding his hands on Jake's sides, Chance entered his mate slowly and with expert knowledge of his mate's hold, tight and slick from his saliva from his foreplay earlier.

"Jake, it been so long *grunts* ............I want you so badly, uhhhhh........KATS ALIVE!!!!!!" Chance screamed biting into Jake's neck trying to muffle the sound, he reached around and stroked Jake's member as he pumped himself deeper and faster. Jake placed his hands on the wall holding their place as Chance pounded; he was sore in his bottom since it had been such a long time after Chance raped him. About a month and a half without mating drove them mad with lust, they wanted one another but needed to heal emotionally and physically. Jake moaned as he felt his toes and fingers curl where they were, his own pants and moans covered by Chance's breathing and grunts as he rammed over and over inside his mate. Chance moved his left hand to Jakes mouth, inserting a finger inside the warm wetness of his lovers saliva, so slippery and wet as he played with his tongue, Jake bit down slightly on his fingers and sucked smoothly. The yellow tabby felt a shiver of pleasure up his spine as he inserted himself fully inside of Jake, howling softly as his hip bucked against Jake's and leaning his head back in the air. Jake gasped as he came on Chance's hand and projected his seed off the wall, the friction created by Chance's thrusts and stroke of his hand drove Jake off the edge as he mentally melted into the sensation. The large kat leaned his head on the back on Jake's neck as he huffed his air like it was a narcotic, slowly he slip Jake back down to the floor removing his member from Jake's entrance, the smaller tom had trouble standing when his feet touched the hardwood, but thanks to Chance's hands on his thighs he balanced himself. Jake turned around and gave his mate a hug and nuzzled his fur.

"Chance *pant, pant* you gotta be more gentle next time, you might hurt your kittens" Jake said catching his breath, he could feel his mate's hand caress his backside and spine slowly as he purrs vibrated throughout his body and onto Jake's.

"I would never hurt you or our babies Jake. I promise that until the day I die" Chance replied, he looked down on Jake and planted a kiss on his lips before getting dressed again to head downstairs, Jake did the same pulling his pants back up and buttoning the fabric up. They smiled at one another as they left the room and ventured on downstairs, it was like the others didn't notice they had left, they were still chatting and now having some coffee. Jake made his way through Nail and Jackie to plant a seat next to Rita on the couch, the jingle of his pills in the bottles reminded him he needed to be taking them A.S.A.P. He took one of them out and popped it open, a small blue jell like capsule flew out onto his open palm as he cupped it to his mouth and let his saliva and tongue help it along down his throat. Rita looked at the bottle for a moment.

"What's that for Jake?" Rita asked placing he cup back on the table in front of her, she had stopped crying for her son a while ago but her fur still looked wet with tear streaks stained on her face. She twitched her nose as she took the bottle from his hand softly to read the name of the medication; she had never seen anything like it before as she adjusted her reading glasses.

"Oh well, ummmm, Chance and I are going to have a kitten and that's gonna help me develop my body for the birth" Jake didn't realize he was talking a little louder than normal conversation tone, he turned back to catch a stare from Chance when he noticed the other family members and friends looking at him with wide eyes, the at Chance who was clueless on what to say. Daisey walked over to her brother and placed her palm on his stomach, causing Jake to smile at the touch.

"Big brother, are you.....you?"

"Pregnant? Yes Daisey I am" Jake smiled as he patted her hand that rubbed his stomach, he couldn't stop smiling at what he just said to her. Rita smiled and hugged her Son-In-Law tightly against her body. Nail went over to Chance's side and patted his friend on the back smiling like a clown would, Adam slowly got up form his spot and joined the two.

"Congrats Chance" Adam said as he went to give his brother a hug, he was weak from the medication that was given to him earlier, but he was excited to hear the good news.

"What's the matter? Can't keep "The Monster" in your pants enough?" Nail laughed punching his friend in the shoulder, Chance just smiled and blushed at them both. Earl was talking to Jake about the possibilities of a male tom getting knocked up, so Rita had to literally give a lecture on how it all goes down. Daisey removed her hand form Jake's stomach and hugged her sibling, she let go and stood up to pat his head and smooth out his hair.

"You're so lucky Jake, I cant wait to see mom and dad's reactions towards this news"

"Hahah, well I'm sure they'll be shocked, that's for certain" Jake purred as her fingers ran through his hair softly scratching the scalp in between his ears, her nails reached spots he couldn't get to before. Chance looked at his lover, his ears lowed as his sister worked her magic on him, his eyes closed as a smile crept upon his face, he looked absolutely adorable in Chance's eyes as he always did when they were together. Sooner than they all expected morning came upon the group, the clock struck on the 2nd hour as they heard its chimes run across the house, the siblings were familiar with their old grandfather clock that sat in the living room ever since they were kittens themselves. Earl stretched his arms above his head as he yawned, forgetting to cover his mouth.

"We should head off then, we'll be sure to visit Ian as much as possible Rita" He started to stand straight as he looked at Nail who nodded back at the kat, he grabbed his car keys from his pocket and twirled it around his index finger a couple of times before catching the set of keys with his palm. Jake gave a final hug to Rita before getting help from Daisey to stand; the medication was starting to kick in some helping his body relax for sleep. Chance went to his lovers side as Jake gave one of those cute kat yawns, his fur stuck out as his mouth opened wide to show his shiny white teeth, his tongue curling in its spot. Rita stood up and kissed Chance on the cheek as they all started to walk out of their cars, Daisey followed behind until she felt a hand grab her wrist, Adam stood behind her and looked down at the white furred shekat smiling.

"So....uh Daisey.....would you like to catch a movie sometime, or maybe grab some coffee?" The golden colored kat blushed having his other hand in his pocket fumbling with some change, he was feeling the gash on his eye pulsating from the pain now but smiled as he looked into her lovely amber eyes, just like Jake's. Daisey smiled as she turned to face the tall and muscular kat taking out a shred of paper and pen from her small purse, writing her number down placing a little heart above the "i" in her name. She handed it to Adam and ventured out of the house to realize she was the last one there besides Jackie and Anna, she bid them farewell as she got inside her car and left towards her parents house.

~ Back At The Garage ~

Chance laid in his bed wearing only his black boxer-briefs, it was a hot morning as he kicked off his sheets, the mist outside rose from the ground of the junkyard as the dark skies became lighter like aqua blue, the sun was about to rise from the ground illuminating the earth once again. He could hear the door of his room open up as the burly tom turned his head to see the love of his life walking in slowly in his nighttime outfit, Chance leaned to his side facing Jake as the chocolate colored tom walked towards the bed and getting in with Chance. He planted a kiss on his lips that seemed to last a lifetime in their minds, eventually the kiss broke as Jake leaned on his own side facing Chance, both their tails locking together in the air, Chance wrapped his large arm over Jake's waist bringing him closer to his body, purring at the heat produced from his lover. Both kats drifted to sleep together, the sun rose lighting up the room clearly as their alarm clock rang loud. Usually around 8am they get up to prepare for work with their breakfast and personal cleaning techniques, but today was a day of rest for them both, outside of the house and posed on the garage was a sign written crudely and without patience.

"Closed Today"