I'm Just A Laundress Ch.1

Story by SweetKitten on SoFurry

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#1 of I'm Just A Laundress

Hello this is my first furry story, this is a simple short story that involves a bit of romance and of course yiff eventually. I might use these two charas for more stories but for now gonna see how well this one goes on its own :D. Please enjoy and POSITIVE feedback is welcomed!

This is a little story about a tabby cat named Taylor Miers who owns an laundry mat who is constantly teased by this one particular playboy of a wolf named Justin Lambridge. The tabby of course is attracted to the wolf but has too much pride to admit it not to mention how embarrassing and strange the laundry of the person you like can really get making things even more awkward for the feline. Lets see if Justin can use his charm to reel in this little kitty cat ;3.

It was a hot summer day, a day no one would even want to look at a laundry mat during the daylight. Taylor was folding towels for a customer while listening to Disturbed from his iHome.

The usual music bored him to tears so being alone gave him a chance to listen to his favorite band, his head lightly nodding to the drum beat, his tail following the lead guitaring. The feline was so into the music he almost didn't hear the bell ring, using the mini remote he changed the music to the boring kind only to hear,

"Wait! I like that song!"

Looking up his green hues met with a crystal blue set, they were attached to the face of a tall black wolf, one he knew all too well.

"Hello kitten...here to drop off my weekly batch." The wolf said placing the purple basket on the counter with skulls all over it that was obviously drawn with a sharpie on it.

You see this wolf was a constant regular and a tease here to this usually boring mat, his name was Justin Lambridge and all this kitten knew was that he was drop dead gorgeous, openly gay, and a total flirt, all of which the wolf knew and wasn't afraid to remind you nor let you know which pissed the tabby off but at the same time had him attracted to the mutt.

Taylor nodded reaching out gripping the backer only for his paws to be gripped his eyes looking from the black paws only to see Justin practically nose to nose with him causing the feline to jump back from him startled.

"Aww no 'I miss you hunny' kiss for me?"

The wolf pouted putting on his best puppy pout he could muster to soon be brushed off easily by the tabby.

"Please Mr. Lam-"

"Ah ah! Its just Justin kitten..." The male gave a wolfish smirk to the boy chuckling.

"Mr.Lambridge. Please reframe from such behavior..." The male spoke more sternly, or tried to, with the wolf seeing it had no effect on him obviously. "After all this is a business not a bar." The tabby took the backer turning around to place it on the floor.

Looking over the other the wolf gave a low whistle not about to help himself. Today was Justin's lucky day seeing Taylor was wearing a nice pair of short shorts that made the curves of his ass look even more defined and sexier, oh how the canine want to ravish those taunt buttocks with his large paws, his tail wagging behind him in pure anxiety and excitement counting the seconds he had to oogle the small feline.

Taylor could feel eyes on him but did his best to ignore it, his tail flicked once finished with marking the basket the turned around to softly smile to the him as best he could.

"Your order will be finished by this evening...just return this ticket."

Taylor spoke having done this hundreds of times giving the wolf a blue number ticket. Looking at the ticket Justin's paw slowly wrapped around his paw around Taylor's own holding onto it, the flirty playboy look gone to be replaced with a sincere look of something the cat couldn't put his finger on.

"I'll be here."

His other paw raised brushing against Taylor's cheek brushing a bit of hair behind the feline's ears. The wolf was so close Taylor didn't know how long they stood there like that but the warm paw was taken from him soon than he liked, Justin was at the door smiling to the younger male.

"I'll be back this evening kitten."

The ring of the bell sounded and he was gone.

Taylor stood there for at least ten minutes rubbing the cheek that was touched. With a mental scold Taylor woke from his stupor and got to work blasting 'Nightmare' by Avenged Sevenfold from his iHome.