ThriceCalderon+Cenny ($)

Story by skyehawk124 on SoFurry

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#1 of stories

for thricecalderon and cenny

You've heard the saying 'War never changes' right? Everyone has, but not many people have lived it. This started a while back, the conflict between the furs and the humans. It's an all out war, with me as the middleman, trying to keep balance on both sides, not taking any allies. My name is Thrice, Thrice Calderon. A 20 year old male wolf with blue-gray fur and wings, and i'm a mercenary. Figure it's the best way to make up for all my mistakes.

My current offer was from a human, some warehouse on the outskirts of a port that I was told to go to. I always keep some protection on me, life as a mercenary causes you to need it at all times. It makes the jobs go a lot smoother with them anyways. I'm supposed to kill a fur this time, a husky from the description offered to me. They didn't say much but the offer was a great one, yet once I got there, ready to enter the area, I felt as if I'd regret going through with the offer. The inside of the warehouse was dusty and smelled like rotten wood and like something had died in this place already. As I walk inside I noticed that the husky was in a chair, strapped down with ropes, and gagged, with about a dozen humans around him. Someone tapped me on the shoulder motioning to a gun, snapping me out of whatever feeling I had experienced after looking at the red husky. The man kept poking me with the gun, visually annoyed that I wasn't taking it from his hands and using it to kill the target.

"You gonna kill it or do I have ta do it myself?" he asks in a tone that made my thoughts on him being annoyed confirmed. I took one last look at the husky, who had rusty red fur, and white chestfur, legs, muzzle. He had purple eyes, that even to the coldest of people, would always bring warmth to whoever gazed into them, they dragged you in with a feeling of 'love-at-first-sight'. So I turn to the man handing me the gun, the annoyed man with the gun that is, and told him with the coldest, emotionless tone I could muster; "No."

As I expected the humans didn't enjoy that, and drew their firearms and blades ranging from small carving knives meant for wood, to machetties the size of an arm. Before I could pull the two machine-pistols out of my trenchcoat, which was about the only thing I was wearing, the man I had said 'no' to thrust his knife into my abdomen, just under my ribs. And once I pulled my guns out he was my first kill, the bullet going cleanly through his skull. I don't feel anything as I kill everyone in the warehouse. Everyone except for the Husky. With the last of my strength I untie him and pull the gag out of his muzzle. The gag is a bandanna that looks like he kept it with him everywhere he went.

"Go as far away as you can." I say softly before collapsing onto the floor unconscious.

I wake up who knows how long after the indecent. Wasn't an unpleasant sight though, after all there he was, washing me off and replacing the bandages around my chest. I'm naked through the entire thing, must have been so that I could be washed. With rising panic, something else started rising as the husky rubbed above my half-massed member.

"Can...Can you not rub me there" a deep blush appearing on my face. I look around noticing i'm no longer in a warehouse but in a regular house instead. something from the subberbs, that's where everyone went to leave the fighting.

"I wanted to thank you for yesterday" he says, a slight smirk on his face. I start to get harder, until I was throbbing and look away to the side. I gasp as he licks the tip slowly and lightly, almost teasingly. "Do you like it?" he asks with a seductive voice.

I could only nod as he the put the tip into his muzzle, and suckles on it light enough to feel pleasure, but not hard enough to milk it. I start rubbing the back of his head before pusing it down slowly until he was sucking the entire thing. Humping slowly I felt him suckle with more pressure, trying to milk me of everything, I realized then that he really did want to repay me. Just as I almost came I told him to stop.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asks with an almost worried look.

"No, you were amazing," I say pushign him down and pushing the tip of my cock into his ass "but I'd like to help you out too."

I push my length into him and start stroking him off while he get used to my legth. When he started leaking pre-cum I start humping, going slowly at first but finding myself going inside and out of him quickly. I never let my paw leave his member as he leaks more and more pre onto it, until with a large moan he sends spurts of cum onto my paw and both of our chests. After he starts cumming I forced my knot into him, filling him with my seed with a low groan. I start licking up the cum from my paw smiling, snuggling with Cenny.

This is the start of something grand.

A/N; this was done as my first commission, even if it was more of a trade