writing exercise

1. The place we begin in is a place like no other you have seen, although it is extremely similar. There ARE birds and trees and other assorted wildlife, but there is something else. something much more sinister hiding deep inside. You, my young...

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The cure and the wolf (chapter 2)

CP 2: friends o' mine There are few people you can consider actual friends when you go through school. That much is a given, but when you're altered in any way it's worse. Most people have about twenty friends (if they're lucky enough) but I only had...

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The cure and the wolf (chapter 1)

A/N; the story was written for my class, i had a writing assignment and i chose to write this, story may continue at a later date * * * CP. 1: The cure, the curse, and the wolf Well I guess I should start with my hometown of Sunnyside in a galaxy...

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Humanized (trade...sorta)

Before you read, I really don't like how this ended up, and I kinda feel bad that I actually said this was writing and that this was my half of a trade...OH WELL, FUCK THE SYSTEM! * * * I suppose where I'm about to start is as good as any. It was a...

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ThriceCalderon+Cenny ($)

You've heard the saying 'War never changes' right? Everyone has, but not many people have lived it. This started a while back, the conflict between the furs and the humans. It's an all out war, with me as the middleman, trying to keep balance on both...

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School Dayz (oneshot)

School dayz Once again I have to get on the bus and be tormented by those...those bullies! Only one was especially bad, his name was Blade, he's a black colt and has one hell of a punch. There's a rumor going around that he's sleeping with the math...

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