
Story by dontaskandiwonttell on SoFurry

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Whoa hey, I finally decided to upload stuff on Sofurry. What's it been, 3 years? Dunno why I never got around to it. Anyway, I'm gonna post all my stories chronologically, so here's my very first story ever. Feel free to fave, comment, etc., I'm always happy to get feedback. Feel free to follow me on Furaffinity.com, I go by Iguessineedanaccount over there.


Also, cover art by taishi-umi over on deviantart, link here http://taishi-umi.deviantart.com/art/Rampardos-1-178804302

I totally didn't get permission to use it, but again, I have no ill intentions or any profit-based goals, so I hope this can be overlooked. KTHANKS

How long it seems since I first met you. You were just a little Cranidos back then; always bold and adventurous, never backing down from a challenge. The world was your oyster, and you took it head on. I remember once, about a month after I found you, you broke the bathroom door down just for fun. There I was, nothing but a towel on, in the middle of brushing my teeth, mortified at the thought what my parents would do...but you just stood there with your big toothy grin and thought, "Man, that was a good one!" Sure, you haven't always been perfect, but I love you just the way you are.

And look where you are now! You've grown up so fast...I swear, you're almost as tall as me! And boy did you mature quickly. I guess the world's a little clearer nowadays, what with everything we've been through.

It's hard for me to fall asleep with you sleeping nearby. It's funny, really: I feel safest with you around, so sleep should come easy. I just can't get you off my mind. As I lie on my side, looking at you curled up just outside the tent, I can't help but think: what if?

...What if I love you as more than a friend? What if I acted on those feelings? What if you hated me for it? What if we could never be the same again?

I let out a groan of exasperation and cover my head with a pillow. I shouldn't even be thinking about this. It's better kept to myself. I know you care about me, but I would never want to make you uncomfortable. And I don't think that would be avoidable if-

A soft nudge on my hand makes me jump a bit before I realize it's you. I must have woken you up when I groaned. I swear, you're almost too perceptive. Or maybe you just know me too well. I remove the pillow from my face to find you leaning over me with a face full of concern. If only you knew what I was concerned about.

"Go back to sleep, boy."

I roll over on my side and close my eyes, waiting for your footsteps...of course, they never come. I open an eye to peek at you, and I'm met with a warm, wet lick. Still there, as caring as ever. I sit up; you're crouched next to me, only inches away. As I look at you in the bright light of the moon, gazing at me with your ever-curious eyes, the thoughts start to return to me. I try my best to ignore them:

"I'm fine boy. Really."

But you won't have it.

"...I...I've just got a lot on my mind. I don't wanna talk about it."

You tilt your head in that inquiring way. In the moonlight, your eyes glow a deep shade of red, and I have to look at the ground in front of me before I get lost in them.

You sit down next to me. Even with the sleeping bag, I feel vulnerable in nothing but a shirt and boxers. You nudge up next to me, trying to make me feel comfortable. I decide I need to stand up and walk a bit, if only to keep myself occupied. I can't stand to look back and see your eyes bearing the ever-curious but slightly hurt expression I know they'll have.

I get to the top of a hill and stop. If I can't run from my problems, there's no way I can walk away from them. After all, you're faster than me. I sit down in the grass, knees curled up to my chest, waiting for you to catch up. I notice too late that the evening dew has already fallen, making my boxers considerably less comfortable. Not that they were comfortable to start with.


I have no answer. What could I say that could explain this all to you? I'm tired, I'm not thinking straight...You nudge my shoulder affectionately, asking me to go on. I just want to forget. I close my eyes; I want to lie down and fall asleep, avoid your questioning stare. But the grass is wet, and you're right there, unwilling to let me be.

I do the only thing that makes sense to me. I lean over, resting my head on your shoulder. I feel you tense up just a little, a bit confused, then release the tension as you understand the gesture. You nuzzle my head a bit with your horn, content to sit there with me as long as it takes. You've always been so affectionate, so caring of me. You would sit there until you died if I asked it of you...

I can't contain myself. I can picture your eyes going wide as I grip you, holding you tightly to me as I lean back. As we fall to the ground, I want to say so much, but all that comes out is,

"Thank you."

You gently wrap your arms as far around me as you can and hug me back, the two of us laying there in the freshly dewed grass. I lose myself in the embrace; it's so nice to be able to hold you like this. All the thoughts come rushing back to me, and I close my eyes, enjoying the moment.

You shift uncomfortably. I wonder what's bothering you before it becomes painfully clear to me: I got a bit too carried away. My boxers are uncomfortably tight with the new bulge in them. I look at you, staring at my boxers, curious as always. You look back at me, searching for an answer. I gaze back into your eyes, at a loss for words, hoping somehow that you understand my concerns, my what ifs, my fears, my desires. And, perceptive as always, you do. Your eyes shine with understanding. You hesitate for a second, deciding what to do. And then you bend down.

I feel your beak rest against my mouth, then slowly open to reveal your tongue. You use it to spread my lips as I raise my head to meet you. As our tongues meet, they entwine, and your body pushes against mine. Your beak pokes lightly at my cheek as your tongue explores the other. At the back of mind, I wonder: where did you learn to do this?

You break the kiss, and I follow your head as you pull it away from my own. You look down at me, the moonlight reflecting off of your crimson eyes. I know them all too well, but they never cease to amaze me. However, my attention is averted when I feel a warm prodding at my gut. I glance down, and find that your eyes are not the only part of you that is red. Your member hangs over my tented boxers, a brilliant ruby against your stone grey stomach. I look up at your face again, and as I gaze into your eyes, I find the same answer I find every time: you love me.

I push you off of me for a second and rest my weight on my back, sliding my boxers off. I lean forward and sit up on the wet grass to take my shirt off and find that you're already curiously sniffing my erection. I see your nose venture just below my sack before I feel your cool beak pressing underneath it, deeply inhaling my scent. My member throbs, and you return your gaze to the head, which now has a bead of precum forming at the top. You gingerly extend your tongue and lick at it. I shiver with pleasure, and a drop or two dribbles down the underside of my cock. You watch it curiously, then proceed to place your tongue against the base and lick up all seven inches. I place my hand on your domed head, but you don't notice, too intrigued by the flavor of my precum. As you lick the head of my cock again, I close my eyes and lean my head back. You lean forward and lay your tongue flat against the underside of my cock, curling your warm organ around mine. I instinctively shift one of my legs and moan; it feels incredible. You begin moving your head up, dragging your tongue along my member. The sensation is overwhelming. I gently buck my hips and press down against your head. You begin bobbing your head up and down, lapping up my precum as it leaks out of my member.

Without any warning, I feel my groin begin to clench up. I try to say something, but all that comes out is a long, passionate moan as I cum. My elbow buckles as I lose control, forcing me to lie down in the grass as my climax hits. Through my haze of ecstasy, I glance up to see your eyes light up as you taste my seed. You increase your ministrations, your tongue unwrapping and licking quickly at the head of my member.

I feel myself tapering off, my muscles relaxing as you lap up the remaining mess on my stomach and at the base of my cock. I raise my head up from the ground and look at your head, leaned over my groin expectantly. I reach up and pet your dome, causing you to look up. You look in my eyes, unsure of what you'll find.

"Let's try something else."

As if on cue, you tilt your head to the side.

I get up and gently push you off of me, so that you are standing next to me. I reach up and grip your rigid member in my hand. It throbs lightly, and I it jerk a bit as I squeeze, enticing a thin stream of precum to trickle down onto my hand from the tip. I slide my hand down and you squirm a bit, unused to the feeling. I begin jerking you off, your thick ten inches of meat bobbing at the sensation.

I stop. Without looking up, I know you're looking down, wondering why. I grip your member tightly at the base and squeeze upward, forcing some more precum out. I take some of it in between my fingers. I reach down between my legs and begin to spread some of the viscous liquid on my hole. I stick two fingers in, making sure I'm well-lubricated.

"Come here."

You look at me, unsure of exactly what to do. I roll over onto my knees and pull you up against my back. I feel your member trickling pre down my back as I lean forward while reaching down your stomach. I grab ahold of your member, angling the tip downward towards my entrance. You get the idea as I back up, resting your tip against my ring. You lean over me and grab my hips, pushing the tip of your member into my hole. It slides in easily, but you pause for a second, absorbed in the feeling. You quickly recover, sliding two, then four, then six inches in. The pressure's intense at this point, and I can tell you're struggling to move forward. You pull back, then halt, surprised at the amount of pleasure the new direction gives you. I feel your pre squirting in me, lubricating my passage. You slide forward again, much more easily this time, and manage to get about eight inches in. You try to push further, and I moan as you spread me, the pressure intensifying. But you're determined, and with a final shove, you manage to fit your entire shaft. I let out a cry as you spear me, but the pain subsides quickly. I feel so full; I'm a bit dazed by the sensation. You begin to pull back again. I feel every little vein on your shaft as you pull your member out. You get a little more than halfway before you begin sliding it back into me. It feels so wonderful to have you in me like this. Your member presses against my prostate, making my cock jump every time you thrust into me. As you pick up speed, building a rhythm, my muscles relax, allowing you to go even faster. My head is spinning.

Your change the angle of your thrusts. Your member drives as deep into me as it can go, completely filling me with each forward movement. I begin riding your thrusts, pushing back each time you push forward. It feels fantastic. You wrap your arms around my waist and press your chest against my back. I can tell your close. You lean your head down to my shoulder. Your breathing becomes more and more ragged as your thrusts become shorter and more intense. The pressure on my prostate is driving me over the edge.

I tense up; it's too much. I cry out your name. My walls clench hard around your cock as I climax, spraying cum all over the ground. I feel you pull out to the tip then thrust deeply one last time, burying your member all the way in me. You clamp down on my shoulder with your beak. I feel your cock pulsing, flooding me with your seed. I feel my muscles milking you, drawing you as deep as your member can go into me.

Your seed feels so warm. It fills every part of me, floods me with you. I wrap my arm around your head, holding you, never letting you go. You hold me just as tight.

After what feels like minutes, my orgasm finally begins to die down. I feel your cum leaking out of my ring. You relax, letting your weight rest against my back. You release your bite on my shoulder and begin pulling out of me. As your member leaves, I feel a good amount of your seed dripping out, trickling down my legs and sack. You flop down onto the grass next to me and roll over to face the sky. Your eyes look as beautiful as ever in the moonlight. I drag myself over to you, placing my hands on either side of your head. You look up lustily, reflecting on the feelings you just experienced. I bend down, rubbing my cock against yours as we kiss.

After a few moments, I break it off to at you one last time. As I gaze into your beautiful red eyes, I wonder what you see in mine. Then, overcome with fatigue, I lay down with my arm wrapped around you to sleep.

No more what ifs.

"I love you, Numbskull."