Moonlight Sonata

Story by Ditsi on SoFurry

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#1 of Moonlight Sonata

I'm not usually too confident in my skills to type up a story, but I'm giving it a shot anyway. I hope you guys enjoy this ^-^


"Moonlight Sonata" by Ditsiline McCloud

I heard it in the music. We would meet under a tree, the two of us standing there, gazing into each others eyes and looking in awe at our coincidental union. My words choking up my throat, my mouth open, speechless.


I looked around, to see my class was empty, except from one of my friends. Class was over. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "I was daydreaming again, wasn't I?" I asked rhetorically. I usually did it. It was that song, it filled me with a sense of comfort, as if I was gonna meet the One. Moonlight Sonata by Ludvig van Beethoven. My friend, a labrador skater, nodded.

"Dude, that's like, every day you're doing this. You feeling all right, brah?" I nodded to shoo away his attention. I stood up and walked out of the class. "Dude! You forgot your stuff!"

I was always like this, forgetful, lazy and easily distracted. My name was Ditsiline McCloud, and my nickname, "Ditsi" suited me perfectly. I was a ditz. My friend was called Konnor. don't know why it was spelled with a "K", but he was pretty insistent on spelling it that way. Maybe it was to rebel against society, I don't know. He walked with me a lot, constantly talking about things I couldn't care less about, and I'd listen slightly and fade in and out of the conversation, all the while staying silent.

We pushed past the busy passers-by, walking to the dining hall to grab some food. I looked about, and saw some cute guys, but never made any move on my feelings. I knew I would get crushes easily, but I tried often to dismiss the feeling, for fear of jealousy. Only once have I had a crush get a girlfriend and not felt jealous.

I sat at a table with Konnor and a few guys, looking around while they chatted amongst themselves, then I spotted one guy.

A tall, dark wolf. The typical guy I read about in stories online. It might have been those stories that made me like him, but I guess I always had an affinity for dark furred guys and canines. This guy was almost perfect. I say almost because I had no idea how he acted. I guess it must've been obvious I was staring because Konnor spotted me and clicked his fingers in my face. I snapped back to reality and turned with nothing more than a "Hn?" Konnor laughed, then the rest of the guys looked at him in wonderment, some asking what was amusing him so.

"Dude, forget about it. I doubt he'd go for someone of... your type. No offence."

I nodded.

I am a siamese cat with spiky brown hair and a fringe that would be described as an 'emo fringe'. I am about 6' tall and lanky. I like to wear white vests, my collar, a tartan skirt with the Stewart colors, thich tights and white sneakers. I am Scottish, but been quite American in my mannerisms.

I sighed and took one last glance to the wolf, then noticed him looking at me. Not in a good way. He was frowning and almost glaring at me, as if I had done something wrong. I turned away quickly, fearing his stare. Konnor looked at me, then looked at the wolf.

"What's his problem? Is he giving you bother?" I shook my head and sipped my Pepsi. the other guys took my word for it, which relieved me. Konnor, however, knew me too well. He looked at me and shook his head. "No, brah. What's he doing?" At that point, the wolf was behind me. I could tell only by the reaction of everyone else. I stayed still, sipping my soda some more. Then I heard his deep, dark voice talk to me.

"Come with me. You wanna talk, let's talk."

Konnor looked like he was ready to start a fight with this guy, so I quickly shook my head in panic, then followed the wolf obediantly.

In the corridor, it was quiet. The wolf leaned against a wall and looked at me with his deep, emerald eyes. "So? Why were you staring at me?" I stayed silent. I was too scared to say anything. He came up to me and put a hand on the wall behind me, leaning forward with a serious look on his face, but a bit kinder than before. I whimpered, scared nonetheless. "If you don't tell me now, then meet me at the Walmart, downtown." He walked away, and I thought to myself, What am I in for?

I waited at Walmart that evening. I looked around at the people passing by, listening to my music. As much as I loved to listen to music, after a while, the beats were growing stale. I looked at the carpark to see the wolf getting out of his car, looking around for me. He spotted me, then gave a finger gesture to suggest I go to him. I did so obediantly, and he smirked. I looked up at him, to which he moved his head in a fashion that said 'get in'. I did so, and watched as he sat in the driver's seat. He leaned over with a smile that un-nerved me. "Let's go to mine."

Being at his was very un-nerving. I felt uncomfortable being there, and he could tell. It was obvious.I didn't know where I was, didn't know how he acted and was worried about what he was doing. He offered me a drink, and I declined because I didn't drink alcohol. He offered me a smoke, but I declined because I didn't smoke cigarettes. He said it was a joint, and I still declined, for I detested drugs of most kinds - I didn't even take medicine if I could help it.

He could see his way of life wasn't getting through to me. He stripped completely, then turned to me. "Do you like this?" he asked confidently, as if my answer was going to be an excited 'yes'. I shook my head. I wanted to leave, because I was scared of everything going on in this household. He raised a brow, then bent down to look at me. "So, why were you looking at me, then?"

I tried to make a sentence, but it came out very quiet. He shook his head. "Come again?"

"I... feel uncomfortable..." He stood up and sighed. As much as his body was gorgeous, and he was packing something massive, I didn't like his mannerisms.

"So, you're one of those 'innocent' types, huh? Damn." I blinked. I was uncomfortable and shy, sure, but innocent? I doubt it. I knew a lot about yiffing even from a young age. I was too scared to tell him that. But it appeared I didn't need to. He picked me up and took me to his room, then laid me down on the bed. I liked being picked up a little, and when I was in that bed the first thing I did was sprawl. He chuckled at this, but I didn't care. It was very comfortable. He laid next to me and started rubbing my stomach lightly. "I'm kinda glad I figured you out. It'd be a shame if you were like me." I blushed as he leaned in to whisper into my ear. "Plus, you're cute when you're nervous."

Not a moment sooner had he said that when he started to undress me. I felt powerless to stop him. I watched as he slid me out of my shoes, skirt, tights, vest and underwear, and I was lying there, naked. He leaned over me and grabbed my maw, pressing his muzzle against it with a light force. I loved this interaction, and couldn't help but notice the fact that his length was fully erect. It was huge, and the knot made it look all the more impressive. He lifted himself so he was kneeling on the bed and moved so his legs were at either side of my shoulders. I knew what he was wanting, but he helped me get the hint nonetheless. He opened my maw with one hand and used the other to slide his dick into my mouth. It tasted gorgeous. It had the satisfying mouth-filling feel that some people look for in food, with a meaty taste, and a bit of sweet pre-cum to spice it up. As he started to thrust lightly into my mouth I suckled on what he gave me lightly. I could smell his crotch, and it smelled intoxicating. I felt like I was losing control of my conscious state and was falling into the mind set of pure instinct.

It was like he knew how to draw someone out of their shell. As if he knew how to be just dominant enough to allow his play-thing to follow suit. And it was working. Before too long I found myself grabbing his ass and bobbing my head along his thick length, sucking as hard as I could. Whatever I was doing at that point, I knew he was enjoying it. I could hear him panting and moaning. He grabbed my head and pulled out of my mouth. A little bit of drool bridged the space between the tip of his cock and my mouth for a brief moment before breaking the connection between us. He shuffled down the bed and raised my legs near my head. Then, the unexpected happened.

He bent down and all I could feel at that point was a rough, wet feeling making short work of my tail hole. I gasped, my body tensing up and filling with euphoria. I could feel he wasn't just lightly licking away, he was getting stuck in, as if he intended to use his tongue instead of his cock for this 'session' he had obviously planned earlier. I was no sooner getting into it when he moved his head away. It was like he was teasing me to get me to beg for it. I could tell from his smile that's what he was thinking. He laid beside me, on his back, and looked at me with a gentle smile. My sense of nervousness and logic had gone out the window. If I was thinking straight, I'd probably try to leave. But I wasn't, and my first instinct was to climb atop the male, and line up my ass with his cock.

I pushed down slowly, making sure to savor this moment. He had other plans, and grabbed my ass, thrusting as hard as he could into me, leaving only the knot out of me. I let out a yelp, not sure if it was due to pain or pleasure. I fell slightly, keeping myself up by keeping my hands on his chest. He bounced his hips up and down, bobbing me up and down with him. I moaned, and sat back up. He rolled his eyes, as if he was getting bored of either the position or my inability to completely take control over the situation. He sat up, grabbed my back, then moved us so he was leaning over me, my legs over his shoulders.

"Fine, you wanna play that game, then let's do it." I gulped and watched as he had his way with my rump, pounding like a jackhammer. I could feel it in my lower stomach and my back. It felt painful, but I didn't want him to stop. I reached my arms out around his neck and clung to him. He put a hand over my dick and rubbed it lightly, making me purr loudly. I felt tingly, first in my stomach, then in my length. I let out a miaow before tensing up, then releasing my load all over my stomach. It felt sticky and wierd on my fur, but despite I was done, he wasn't. He flipped me over onto my hands and knees, then continued his business in my butt. I felt too exhausted to care at that point, but then a sharp pain began in my rear. I turned quickly to see he was beginning to tie us together. He pushed his knot in all the way, and I felt like I couldn't breathe for a minute or two. He told me to relax, so I tried. Once he was sure I was okay, he humped me for a couple minutes, then made grunting noises. I knew he was going to cum, but at that point I forgot how much a canine cums.

It felt like I was now being fucked by a garden hose. It was so hot inside me, and it just kept going and going. I didn't know when it would stop, and could only feel his warm embrace as he kept going, which gave me a bit of comfort during. It felt like forever while we were tied, and I remember feeling full, as if I had ate too much, but in reverse. I could hear him whispering in my ear, but I cannot remember what he said. I think I passed out before too long, because I remember waking up to see us both still in the same position, with him asleep hugging into me.

I thought about last night and I wondered what on Earth I had done. I just had sex with a fur who's name I did not know and I could still feel his length slightly inside me, as if it was sheathed, but still aroused enough to stay inside. I could also feel his seed trickling out of my ass, and shook my head in regret. Then his voice sounded from behind me.

"Hey, kitten. Glad you came around. We should probably hit the shower." I felt like protesting, but he lifted me and carried me with ease. I felt like protesting would just spur him on. I sighed and just went along with what he wanted me to do.

Showering with him felt nice, but I didn't want it to. He took his time to make sure that I was clean, then made short work of cleaning himself up. I sat and thought to myself. Then a thought dawned on me. "Oh, no! I'm late for school!" The canine shook his head. "It's Saturday."

I wanted to keep protesting. "But my parents!"

"Told them you were staying with me. They were okay with it."

"How did you know my number?!"

"You told me when I asked you, though you were half-asleep at the time."

I sighed. There was no winning with this guy. I looked up at him and frowned. "I don't even know your name though. You could at least have told me that." He smiled and nodded, then picked me up and carried me to the dining room. "Well? You're not gonna tell me your name?"

"It's Warren."

That was all I got for an answer. I suppose it sufficed, for that moment, but I still felt wrong for going to a stranger's house and performing incarnal acts with him. I felt like a whore. He sat me down and acted casual, it annoyed me. He made me some breakfast, then sat down in front of me, eating his own. I wondered how he knew what I liked and didn't like, but didn't reject the food he offered. He lifted his head in between points of inhaling his food and smiled at me. "I guess this makes us mates."

I was taken aback. "Umm... Excuse me?"

He chuckled and petted my head. "Oh, come on, I like you, I know you like me, but you won't admit it, and we just had an awesome night." I shook my head.

"Sorry, but I don't like people who do drugs and-"

"Oh, those are my dad's. He's the one who drinks and smokes, he just doesn't mind me letting my friends have one or two, out of politeness." I blinked and stayed silent. He was constantly giving me reasons to like him, but I wanted to be stubborn enough to like him on my own terms. And I couldn't handle the fact he called us mates so early on in us meeting each other. I sighed and went back to eating my breakfast. On one hand, this guy was totally obnoxious, on the other, he seemed really sweet and kind, and willing to take care of me. He looked up at me and chuckled.

"I know what you're thinking. You're not comfortable being mates with a stranger. I get it. So, today, we'll get to know each other. For instance, I'm acually a fan of yours." I looked up and blinked. I'm an artist, and I like to draw as a pastime. I had no idea this guy knew me beforehand. I paused.

"Uhh...thanks?" He chuckled again, as if he found me adorable when I was unsure of what to say or when I was nervous.

"Come on, let's go out."


Hopefully that was enjoyable... Please let me know and any constructive criticism will be well recieved~

Maybe I'll continue this as a storyline, but for now, hope you enjoyed this!
