The legenday Aura Master series #6

Story by darkAuraUser33 on SoFurry

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#6 of Legendary Aura Master story

Edited version of chapter 6 of the Aura Master series. All rights reserved for the owner and creator of pokemon. This story is for entertainment purposes. The only thing is mine about this story is the protagonist the antogonist and some side characters. Please, if you are not 18 years old DO NOT READ THIS!

The legendary Aura Master series

Chapter 6: Revelations

The night was a very cold one and the speed in which Rayquaza was flying didn't make it better. Riley had decided that before the actual night stroll began he would make a quick stop on Canalave city to look for some clues about what was happening to Migx. He hopes still that the legend of the Aura can answer his questions. With his mind set he ordered Rayquaza to head to Canalave city with the excuse that it was important for Migx, which was true and due to this Rayquaza nodded. But he wasn't too happy about it because he wanted to have some fun, feel free, before he got confined in that poke ball again...

About fifteen minutes passed when they reached Canalave city. Riley wasn't surprise, he knew that Rayquaza was very fast for its kind of size and that made it even less surprising. However, the ride was pretty surprising itself even scary; he wasn't sure of how fast they were going because of how the speed made it so much harder for him and his Pokémon to stay on Rayquaza's back and not falling from it. He estimated Rayquaza's speed to be a hundred and fifty since Lucario had clenched his paws on his hips and Riolu clenched his on Lucario's hips making a chain that protected them from falling as he took hold of one of Rayquaza's horn/fins to stay in place until they arrived.

Once in the city Riley order Rayquaza to land somewhere close but not in the middle of the city. Rayquaza did what Riley asked him and landed right outside the city in route 218. They got off his back and as he did he told Rayquaza "Stay out of sight. I'll call you when we're ready to go." Hearing this Rayquaza took flight again and hided among the clouds. Then Riley proceeded through the gate to enter the city and a guy with black hair and silver stripes, which began on his sideburns and ended in the back of his head, was standing on the other side of the gate right next to the exit. He had unusual blue eyes, like that of the morning sky; they almost shine in the dark Riley thought as he passed by him making eye contact. When they got out of the gate, Riley stopped moving for a brief moment as he felt a shiver of fright making his way up his spine. He wasn't sure why he felt that way but the feeling was horrible as if something dark had possessed him. He was out of breath for a moment, so Lucario and Riolu were quickly getting worried about him as he continued gasping for air as he looked the ground touching his chest.

After a couple of seconds more passed before he regain control of himself, and without thinking twice he re-entered the gate and the guy with the blue sky eyes was nowhere to be found. He began to suspect about this mysterious man and decided to be careful in case that man was Black heart. He exited the city gate again and as he did Lucario asked him "What's wrong, Master? What happened to you just now?" Riley looked at him as he said "Nothing. We should keep moving. We don't want Rayquaza to eat us alive for being late, do we?" Lucario gulped as he imagined himself and his master being eaten by Rayquaza and shook his head in a no in such a way that it made him look very funny. To this Riley could barely contain his laughter as he forced his lips shut for a couple of seconds before he decided to continue.

Riley and his Pokémon proceeded through the bridge of Canalave city and as he was running he saw the same guy, with the blue sky eyes, standing on a window inside the library with his eyes locked on him. As he ran he closed his eyes and thought: "How can he be there if he didn't even got past us when we were at the gate?" Then he re-opened his eyes and saw that he was no longer in the window.

This made him think that that guy with black and silver hair was Black heart so he warned Lucario and Riolu using his Aura as they reached the library's entrance. Lucky for them the library was opened 24/7 and a beautiful woman receives them there. It was 10:45 pm and the people inside the library were leaving to get some sleep as Riley asked the beautiful woman if she had seen a man with black and silver hair with blue sky eyes entering the library. She shook his head in a no and that made him more cautious about that guy.

He wasn't sure if his new powers, given by Migx, would be enough to survive against Black Heart. With that in mind he thanked the woman and went through the stairs to the second floor where he had seen the man and where he knew that the legend of Aura was in.

As he reached the second floor his eyes and hands were glowing blue with Aura, preparing for a fight but as he entered there was no one inside, only himself and his Pokémon. He told Lucario with his Aura "Guard my back while I look for the legend, Lucario." Lucario nodded but also thought about something really kinky that made him blush slightly and that made him shook his head when Riley turn to look for the legend, knowing that this was no time to be thinking about those things and that there will be a better time...

With no time to waste Riley quickly began searching for the Legend of Aura in the bookshelf, quickly finding it after a couple of seconds. He then opened the book and searched for the exact page he had read about the Aura Master. Once was the page found, he read:

Since the day Sir Aaron gave his life to save the kingdom of Rota from two opposing armies that clash in battle, Arceus, the god Pokémon, has blessed one or two humans with some of its mighty aura and thus Aura Masters were born.

One day, when strange mechanic things that catch Pokémon exist, two children will be born, both of them with Arceus' gift, one of them will come first and then the other. They will have Auras that will reach the sky. They will be able to wield the aura without effort and they will become the aura and even absorb it from others...

But only one will be consume by darkness and he will use his power to bring chaos and destruction upon this world.

If good shall fail and evil prevail, against the Aura Master that stands for all that is good, the world will become hollow and deserted for the evil will swallow everything and the people, our people, along with all the Pokémon will cease to exist.

The Aura master that lives no matter who it is, will posses god like powers for he will absorbed the power of the other. If the one Aura Master who possesses a red Aura wins the final battle and absorbs the other... then all is lost. For us, Aura Guardians will be unable to stop him from bringing the apocalypse.

He will come and swallow us all...Beware of the Aura Master who has an Aura that is red. Aura Guardians beware of the child that can't control his Aura. Beware for his birth will mean the end times are drawing near!

Upon reading the last four verses of the second to last stanza his face turned pale and doubt clouded his mind as he recall that one time in which Migx transformed into the Aura monster. In that split second he thought "What if Migx is Evil? What if he turns into that thing again...? Will its dark power consumed him?"

Lucario had put his paws on his mouth as he read Riley's thoughts. He could not believe it for Migx is as kind and gentle as his Master. "How could he be evil?" He thought as he felt a strong feeling of sadness that was slowly making him believe Migx was indeed evil. Riley was as shocked as Lucario but he decided that he will believe in what he wants to believe as he said firmly to Lucario: "No, Lucario, Migx is not evil. We should known better... we let doubt clouded our minds for a second. But we know that Migx will never bring the apocalypse. I know him... the only thing that guy can bring is love." As he said that he put the book back in its rightful place and he turned around, he was now facing the mysterious guy with blue sky eyes that wasn't there a couple of minutes earlier. He was a grown up man with strong powerful arms, wide back and a very intimidating gaze.

"You really think you can stop the chain of events that will unfold. Migx is evil whether you want to believe it or not. He is and you know it!" The mysterious man said in a very convicting tone. Riley had lowered his face to not look into his eyes as the man talked. He acted cool to what the man standing in front of him had said and his words did not molest him in the least. When he was finish Riley raised his head and saying firmly: "Everyone has a dark side. There is always light for the darkness and darkness for the light. It must be balance for only angels are pure hearted and devils are completely evil. I know that Migx is suppose to be the chosen one but his pure heart is also balanced with darkness so that he could be normal because no one is completely good or completely evil. There is always hope for those that want to change. And you will not make me doubt! Migx is my friend and I will defend him with my life!"

The guy standing in front of him laughed hysterically to what Riley had to say and he replied as he slowly began to banish into the air "We'll see... Oh, tell Migx I said hi and Riley if you're wondering about me... about my identity being Black Heart. I just wanted to let you know that... I am not, in any way, for I am far more powerful. *laughs evilly*" Some kind of blue sparkles filled the air as he completely banished from their sights. Lucario was wide eyed; this guy has slipped through his Aura twice, now. He couldn't sense him coming and he couldn't read his thoughts when he was near him, "What is he?" He thought but he just couldn't answer that question so he asked his master:

"What the hell just happened, Master?!" Lucario said just after the mysterious man had disappeared. Riley only looked at him and shook his head at first, but then he said "I don't know. Who was that guy and is it me or did he just banished? He can't be an Aura Master, can he? The legend only speaks of two not three! What does this mean?"

Then they left the library with that big question mark on their minds but they did not let it ruin the rest of their night. They walked back to route 218 where Rayquaza was waiting for them and he was in a very angry mood as Riley got closer and because of this he proceeded to explain why did they took such a long time but Rayquaza didn't let him spell even one full word for he roared in anger as he began to speak and only laid in his belly. Lucario being a Pokémon that can read minds and understands other Pokémon, of course, said to his master: "Master. Rayquaza doesn't want to hear any excuses. He only wants to fly over Sinnoh and because of you telling him to wait for us he didn't do it. That is why he is so angry." Riley thanked Lucario with a loving pat on his head and mounted Rayquaza shortly after.

As they flew over Sinnoh he said "I'm very sorry but I promise we won't return to the hospital till you're satisfied." Rayquaza looked back and growl as he nodded. After that Lucario said translating what Rayquaza had said, "Master, he said: I'll hold you to that promise." Riley nodded and patted the side of Rayquaza's long back as he closed his eyes and smile.


The water fell upon Migx and Lucario pleasantly, surely making it a much more enjoyable moment than it already was. Lucario had asked Migx for more sex in a very provocative way. She couldn't have enough of her master and that was clear to both. Migx mind was literary sky rocketing with lustful thoughts and Lucario loved them all. For her that was just another way for Migx to say that he loves her and that he can't have enough of her furry body. She was somewhat proud of this because her love for her master was real and it was not forced into her like a few.

Meanwhile as she thought of all those things she turned her back to Migx and began to walk to the shower wall where she put both her paws and lifted her tail as she gave her butt a shake, finally deserting the thoughts. Migx grinned and came up slowly from behind, because his left leg still hurt, to give her a hug. She moan as she felt her strong powerful hands embrace her body, luckily, Migx already knew, very well, where her chest pike was so he put his hands just below it, and Lucario moaned again as she felt her master's arousing cock rub her slit.

He quickly reached the state of full erection as the feeling of Angela's warmness continued. His cock became so hard that it practically bounce up from Angela's tight slit, making its way to her buns where it laid there in a way that felt just too good as he said: "Angela, you're so hot... I can barely contain myself. I- I love you. If only I could... you know..." He blushed and closed his eyes as he pulled Angela more to him. His cock lay against her buns as he pulled her closer to him rubbing them even more as he tighten the embrace for a couple of minutes before he said lovingly "I would like to... have a family with you." Lucario heard this and felt happy but at the same time sad because she couldn't give Migx a son. She wanted this though to be with Migx forever, to have a family, and not to be considered as his Pokémon but his woman and his lover. She knew Migx will agree with her but the other people will they accept that, will they accept Pokémon as lovers instead of friends...or tools?

She thought about it as Migx took his cock and inserted it into her exited slit making her moan in delightful ecstasy as he said: "Angela, my love... you're so...Mmm, so good! So warm and tight... is... is making me crazy." His hands ran through her body as he said those words. Slowly caressing and pinching her erect nipples that her fur hid so well, and kissing her back and shoulders so lovingly as he then slid his hands down to play with her exited sex as he began to hump her with so much love, like the first time, and Angela couldn't how great it felt to have her pussy stretched by her master's cock. She closed her eyes and furrowed her brow as she bit her lower lips and gradually moaned in delight.

He continued his wonderful treatment on Lucario she began to gasp as she said to him in a very kinky way: "*gasp* Aaaah, oh yes!! Mmm-nng *pant* ooh, haah! Fuck me harder, Master!!! *pant*" Upon hearing Angela Migx decided to be a bit rough since she seemed to like it better that way.

He then began to move faster inside her, let's say about second speed of four, Lucario's inner muscles massaged and milked his penis, so well, as it tried to coax out his seed as he hump her in a lustful bliss. He was so happy. The emotions running wild as he closed his eyes and bit his lips, thinking of Angela and him being like this forever, he thought: "Oh, Angela. If only you and I could live forever. I would love you every single day like my final day and I would dedicate myself not only physically but mentally too on pleasuring you till the end of times and even if time itself banishes from this world or any other world. Our love will remain and it will never be overshadowed by our mortal bonds." He was in love... with a Pokémon. And his love was the kind of love that is hard to forget or eliminate.

He was starting to wonder if other people could accept it... more importantly if his family would accept it. But Migx's thoughts were completely deserted when he felt he was on the verge of Cumming, the feeling was so strong it made his balls hurt, but he didn't fell apart right there instead he hold it steady as the rhythmical sucking of Angela's inner muscles ate away his big cock and even thought it felt extremely good he endure.

He knew the fun was just starting and that Lucario his little Angel or should I say devil wanted a lot more from him before he could fill her with his seed. So as her inner muscles build up his orgasm to imaginable heights he decided to turn it up a notch by going into the 3rd speed.

Lucario absolutely loved the new sensation of having her pussy stretch even farther and having Migx's cock even deeper in her as he humped her hard. His big cock was moving in and out of her really fast and she couldn't catch her breath because of it. The way he withdrew and then quickly re-entered her with such passion she had to moan every time: "*gasp* Ah, ah, ooh *pant-pant* Oh, Mmm, that's it! Haah! Yes, yes, yes, oh yes!! Aaaahh, Mmm*pant*" Her moans had Migx on the verge of Cumming again. Gosh! Her moans were so exciting! Lucario seemed like she could take more and more, for hours without stopping. She was the real definition of insatiable on Migx dictionary. But Migx had a trump card... his forth speed that was also his overdrive and he knew that that would surely satisfy her.

He wasn't sure if he should use it though because he was using his third speed and he had Angela moaning so hard that he thought "What if my fourth speed is too much for her to handle. I don't want to hurt her!" Lucario though physically lost in pleasure her mind and her aura were still hanging on to reality and that allowed reading Migx's thoughts.

She knew about his overdrive but didn't said a thing because she wanted Migx to use it of his own free will but after learning that he thought she couldn't handle it she grabbed one of his hands, that were place in her hips at the time, and asked him to stop. Migx didn't understand but he did what he was told and as he did Lucario got on her paws and knees as she said hotly "Master you're holding back. I love you and I know you love me too and I know that you don't want to hurt me but truth is you're hurting me more if you hold back that love you're hiding so please do it and mount me!!"

He nodded as he got on his hands and knees and began to crawl to Lucario as he felt the sharp pain on his left leg return for a brief moment but he was enjoying the moment with Lucario so much that he didn't care if his leg breaks again as his cock twitched with anticipation. Once there, he put his left hand on her left hip as he aimed his cock to her pussy and inserted it in her with the other as he slowly began to lower himself. He laid on her back supporting his weight with his hands as he kissed her furry and wet back, and licked it too before saying: "I hope you're ready, *kiss* Angela. If it hurts just tell me to stop, ok. *kiss* Please. You need to tell me if it hurts. This is not like anything you've experience even the first time we had sex... a while ago, I didn't use it and I don't want to hurt you, Angela. *lick and bites shoulder*" She nodded as she bit her lower lip feeling how her Master's cock made her feel, full and complete, and how his kisses and licks lit her most inner and lustful needs and desires.

Migx gave a soft gasped as he felt how tightly her inner muscles surround his member yet again when he slowly began to move deeper till his cock was finally completely inside her, "It feels so good!" He thought as he picked up where he left up. He held her by her hips now and he was on his knees as he began to hump her fast and hard, still in third speed, to warm her up and get her ready for his forth. But it was a bit painful for him every time he hump her because his injure leg hurt a lot but he didn't let Angela know in any way... he wasn't showing it and the pain was so much he could barely keep his paste but for Lucario he will try to do anything and because of that he decided to continue.

As he continue fucking her he felt that his orgasm was drawing near so without letting Angela know he quickly jump started his forth speed and it caught Angela by surprise as the speed build up she said: "*gasp* Oh, ooh, ah, ah, M-Master. *pant* Mmm s-so fast!" Migx couldn't handle it either the pain in his left leg began to sharpen and it was hurting unlike anything he had ever experienced but his thoughts where all about pumping his seed all over Angela's depths.

Lucario's tight exited sex surround his member in such a perfect way, as if his cock was design for her pussy for it fit in so well, that he couldn't hold it much longer as he fucked her he moaned in delight and a bit of pain because of the massive strain he had being feeling on his left leg and that he had being holding: "God! Aaaah, ooh, *groan* Argh! L-Lucario, I'm about to *gasp* cum!" Lucario heard Migx and realized she was also about to explode along with him so she said in a lustful way: "Yes! Cum, Master, filled me up with your delicious and warm seed!!*pant-pant*" Upon hearing this Migx let it all go as he screamed out: "Aaaahh, ah, ah, uh. *pant-pant* Take it, Angela!!!" Both their climaxes joined together as he let himself rest on Lucario's back for a few seconds as they both spammed as a result of their wild love making.

Then after catching his breath he used his left hand to support his weight while the other caressed her belly, he said: "Wow, Angela. This time we both managed to hold our climaxes for a pretty long time. You were really hot and tight. It really felt great. You know what? I'm going to try something really naughty so roll and lay on your back, girl, because I'm not finish." After that he began to withdraw from Lucario to let her roll and lay on her back as he did they both groan in pleasure as his cock slowly slid out of her sex.

Once finish he noticed his left leg wasn't hurting that much anymore but it still hurt as Lucario shifted his body to lie on her back. Her paws were bended and held up a little above her chest, like a doggie when it wants you to caress his belly, and she was smiling as he looked at Migx sexily, "What a naughty girl." Migx thought as he lowered his face to hide a blush. Lucario gave him a sexy growl and began to wave her right paw as well as her tail inviting him to come closer and to continue their love making. Migx began to slowly raise his head till he made eye contact with Lucario and once again his eyes were glowing red as he slowly approached her by crawling a few inches closer.

Once he was between her legs the red glow in his eyes disappeared and he ask her as he slowly began to lower his head: "Are you ready? This is really new to me. I'm about to lick you clean from my fluids and yours..." He stopped half way down giving her a kiss on each thigh and proceeded to speak "I wonder how it will taste? I won't lie, Angela, I'm getting nervous but I want to try this out anyway. I don't know why but is like something inside me is telling me to do so and I can't fight it especially if it got something to do with you..." Angela quickly blushed hotly as she realize what he was about to do so she said, "Master, no, you don't have to clean me. We're in the shower there is no need for that." He smiled and then he replied hotly "Oh, yes there is... making you feel good!"

He slowly lowered his face till he reached his destination where he began to lick their combine fluids. It was really strange, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be instead he felt a bit naughty and also embarrassed from licking his own fluids along with Lucario's because it was true what Lucario had said when she suck him, it tasted like something sweet or a bitter-sweet flavor. After that he knew there was something definitely wrong with him. If he were like he was before the transformation took place he wouldn't even dare to think about it and that is what had him the most confused, did he really fight off that beast and won or did he just restrained it for a bit? Or maybe he just loves Lucario this damn much!

"What is this? My tongue is moving by itself. What the hell is happening?" He said as he quickly noticed that Lucario didn't even flinch as he said those words and knowing Lucario she should have at least ask what was wrong. "And also how the hell did I just talk if my tongue is occupied? He thought and then tried to move an arm but couldn't and that began to worry him more.

Meanwhile Lucario had closed her eyes and she was biting her lips as Migx licked her exited and wet pussy clean. The feeling of having her master lick her inner flesh and how his tongue parted the lips of her vulva was so exciting and it felt so good to her that she could die of pleasure right there but she couldn't let that happened. She had to look him; she had to see if he was enjoying this as much as her. And when she re-opened her eyes she saw how sexy he looked all wet, his black spiky hair was now flat and it looked like a Caesar hairstyle that almost cover his eyes and as she continue gazing him and admiring his body she noticed a red glow coming out from his eyes that barely showed because of his hair. It was those red eyes again and there was something wrong with Migx. He was enjoying her it was evident but she couldn't read his thoughts. Migx somehow let his impulse take control of him and he was fighting trying to take control of his body but this was something Lucario was not aware of.

He kept pushing harder till he heard a profound and majestic tone of voice that also sounded a bit evil "You!! Did you really think you could get rid of me!!! Hear my name, mortal. I am Suecra and I represent your power and your will, your desires and your gift, and I am also your Aura form."

"You're that monster!!! The same voice of that dream that said I'm coming for you" Migx said and there was an odd silence for about two minutes before he replied: "Yes, it is me. However, it's because I am incomplete... and because you don't have control of your emotions. Migx, somehow you lost a small fraction of your soul and that made me incomplete and it also gave me an incomplete form that you will soon see..." As Suecra said that the whole place turn red and blue as a giant screen form out of some mist as Migx lost sight of what was happening to Angela. Then his consciousness took a physical form turning him in some kind of spirit or aura ghost as he said "Wait a minute. I'm inside my head?!" After hearing that Suecra replied a bit annoyed "Yes, human, you're in your head! Now shut up and look into the screen of your locked memories and..." Suecra was once again interrupted by Migx as he tried to tell him to look at the screen "Wait, if we are both here then who is pleasing Angela." "Oh, you mean that beautiful Lucario. Do not worry, mortal, your body is doing a fine job. You see, right now it is carrying out your will... let me put it in simple terms so you can understand me; your body is like in an auto-pilot state. It will only do what you were thinking to do to her before coming here or rather before losing control of your body and wandering in here."

After hearing that Migx looked a bit less puzzled but still confused as he said: "Oh, I see... but how did I lose control of my body?" Suecra sighted and said "Ok, there are times when people wonder too much in their thoughts and they space out, right? Well, for Aura Masters like yourself who hasn't learned to control their inner masters, in your case is me, and wonder too much in their thoughts they space out but not in the way normal people do. You see, because there are two different consciousnesses in the same body when you space out the other consciousness, in your case, me, is allow to take control of the body for a brief moment and thus rendering you unable to do anything for about five minutes unless the transformation occurs that has no time limit and the owner of the body has to fight for control like in your case a couple of days back. But if the other consciousness doesn't take control then the body of the Aura Master takes an auto-pilot state." Migx nodded and said: "Ok, I think I got it."

Suecra then proceeded to transform in his physical form. He looked like a man only that he was very tall and muscular his body glowed with a yellow color. He had spiky hairstyle, much like a Mohawk, and beautiful wings like those of a swellow or Pidgeot only that there were the same color as he was, yellow.

"Wow, you're my Aura Master form?" Suecra nodded and replied: "Yes but you see if you transform in the incomplete state we are both in... well, the transformation will be chaotic unless you learn to control it. What you see now is my complete form that resembles an angel but if you transform again without finding your lost part of soul then..." He stopped and a mist covered him completely then as the mist disappeared his true form was revealed, "You will looked like this..." "What the hell happened to you? You look like a demon." Migx said shocked as Suecra nodded and said: "Well, you see, in this form I am a demon or at least I resemble one until you recovered your soul. Now can we please shut up and look what happened to you inside the eterna forest." Migx nodded and the memories started to show on the screen.

Lucario couldn't handle Migx cleaning for he hasn't stop to let her rest ever since he started licking her and because of that she had already came about two times. It felt so good to her but she was also beginning to get tired as Migx's tongue stimulated her in new ways. She had drool all over her already wet neck and chest fur. His cleaning of her felt so delicious! Migx slowly worked his tongue up and down side to side inside her sex as he also finger her slowly to make it even more enjoyable, this had Lucario in heaven two times already, but Lucario wanted more even though she was tired. Thing is, Migx slow and persistent job didn't let her open her mouth except for moaning.

As he continued Lucario cried out "Aaaah, haah! Ooh! Eaaahhhh *pant-pant*." As she came again with much greater force than the past two times, her fluids filled Migx mouth and finally forced him to stop as she said"*gasp* that was too *pant* much. Let's stop *pant* for today, master." Lucario said panting looking at Migx that had his face still between her wet and furry legs with his mouth still above her hot and exited pussy.

She stroke his hair for a bit before feeling her Master's tongue back on her tight and drained slit so she screamed in ecstasy. After Cumming so hard she was very tired so she didn't expect Migx to start again. This time Migx was pushing his tongue deeper in her pussy as he grabbed her thighs carefully and he shook his head with his tongue still inside of her slit gradually as she said: "Ah, ah, ah, Master!" Her body bending to her master's will for she started to perform a humping motion as he sucked and worked her pussy. As her forth orgasm began to build up her thoughts were "Gods! My Master is like a machine. He doesn't get tired! I can't take two more orgasm... or I'll die of pleasure if he keeps this up!"

Migx stared at the scenes before him in awe. He couldn't believe he almost killed his friends and his lover, Angela. He was struck hard as he saw in a first person perspective how he gave his life to stop himself and that made him wonder "why am I still alive if I died back in eterna forest?" Since that was the last thing the screen of his locked memories showed him. He turned around with anger and grabbed Suecra by his shoulders as he shook him and asked him in an angry way "Why?! Why did you do it! You made me hurt my friends. I don't remember anything that transpired after I transform and supposedly died except I was naked and Lucario wanted to have sex with me but I was alive. Explain yourself, Suecra!"

Suecra raised his head for a few seconds before lowering it again and said: "It was me. I had control over your body back then for five minutes. Remember what I said about spacing out. Well, Lucario manage to revive us... by wishing for your return she led a tear full of aura fall upon us and that gave us the chance to awaken from our slumber. You see, you weren't really dead you were in some sort of stasis that made you look like you were dead but you weren't. You only needed aura to wake up since you wasted almost all of it and because the Aura is our vital essence your body was force to rest but because Lucario manage to give a bit of hers you were able to awaken and regenerate your lost aura in an astonishing rate. However, I was the one who took control over your body when it woke up and that is why you don't remember anything except for Lucario wanting to have sex with you."

Migx looked him in the eyes as he slowly let go of him, saying: "I... I believe you. So what know? How can I learn to control you? And how am I going to find the part of my soul that is lost?" Suecra raise his head for a bit and sighed before he lowered it again to look at Migx as he said: "You will have to transform again... but not like last time! Last time was chaotic because you were influence by anger and hatred. This time you must call upon me with your will to save and protect without a hint of anger or hatred. Only then will you be able to transform but it is not as easy as you may think. It takes absolute concentration for it is not like creating auras spheres... this is worlds apart from that, understand. Once you've managed to transform we will have to fight in here inside your head, as you call it, and if you manage to defeat me... then remember this words for they will be the key that will give you the idea of how you can control me There cannot be two but one and the two must become one upon reaching each others' arms and embracing themselves like brothers. As for your lost part of soul, Migx, you must look for someone that is very similar to you in both physical appearance and emotional feelings."

Migx nodded and said: "Ok, I got it. Now, how can I get out of here?" Suecra laughed softly as he touched his forehead gently with index and middle finger. This granted Migx permission to leave his mind and as he disappeared Suecra murmured: "Take care, Migx. I feel a great danger about to befall us. I have no doubt you're the one who can bring peace and love to this world. The Aura guides you, Friend."

Lucario was in her limit, she was begging Migx to stop when she suddenly felt the constant thrills of pleasure run through her body banished and due to this she supported her weight on her elbows as she lifted her upper body a bit to look at Migx. Lucario had watery eyes a really red face her brow was furrowed in a way that indicated both pain and pleasure and she had lines of drool all over her face and neck. Migx lifted his head to look at her and as he did he saw the expression on Lucario's face and he proceeded to apologize for not stopping earlier, he said: "I'm sorry, Angela. I thought you liked it. I... I promise not to go over the limit like that again. I love you and all I want is for you to feel love, to feel mine, to feel whole...please, forgive me." Lucario smiled as she sat on the shower floor and then almost immediately she took hold of Migx's cheeks and pulled him closer to her face, forcing him to lay on top of her, face to face with her chest pike barely touching his chest, as she said: "Gods! *pant* you're a machine, Master! *pant* Your tongue felt so good inside me and you worked it so well for so long I thought I was going to die from all those thrills of pleasure it brought me. Oh, Master. I love you!!!" Immediately after she said that she latched on Migx's lips tasting her own fluids as their tongues wrestle each other with great care and love.

Minutes had passed after they left the shower and Migx was now getting ready to sleep as well as his Lucario. As he began to slowly lay in bed with the help of Angela his mind was full of thoughts that Lucario couldn't comprehend for they were about his lost part of soul, transforming into the Aura Monster and dying in the process. Angela, Migx's Lucario, was beginning to think that maybe those thoughts will, sooner or later, drive her Master crazy if they continue to wander in his mind so she said to him "Master, what is wrong? Why is your mind clouded with such thoughts? Talk to me you know I'm here for you."

Migx didn't answer he was paying special attention to what he was going to do with Riley and his Pokémon and Angela once he starts to train. He couldn't bear the thought of history repeating itself but this time with one of them actually dying. As he kept on thinking Angela's voice began to reach him and she sounded a little annoyed as she said "Master!! Stop ignoring me. If you don't want to talk to me its fine but don't expect me to let you mate me a..." She was stop by Migx reply before she could say the rest of the words as he said "I'm sorry, Angela. I'm just thinking about the first time I transformed." He didn't lie he just decided that he wanted to hear the story from Angela's point of view, "I want to hear everything, ok."

Angela shook his head in a no at first but as she saw Migx's face she knew it was important because he had a sad and lifeless expression as she read his thoughts that were about him killing everyone he cared for, she was shocked, of course, but why now and why it was so important for him to know what happened she thought as he said "I'm sure you read my thoughts, Angela. I want you to tell me what happened without holding anything back... because I'll attempt to transform once again so I can learn how to control it." Angela's eyes began to get watery as she replied "Master, are you crazy?! The last time you did that you almost killed us and not just that I... I almost..." She stopped as she began to cry and sob. Migx, hearing her knew that it must have been hard for her to think he died when he supposedly sacrifice for them by stabbing himself with his hand.

He himself began to get emotional as Lucario's crying made him feel guilty and responsible. The way she cried it was as if an angel was the one crying and her voice was so full of sorrow that it could make anyone cry.

They were both in the same bed sitting just to the side of each other but it seemed to him that in that moment they were worlds apart and because of it he thought "I'm sorry for whatever I did to you and Riley. It is clear to me that I can only bring you is best if we say good bye. Riley will take good care of you, I'm sure, but the road I'll be walking from now on is too treacherous and dangerous. I want you to know that even though I made you feel bad now, I love you still and I'm going to get you back, Angela...once I've tamed the beast inside."

Angela opened her eyes wide as she read his thoughts and she began to sob even harder with painful growls as she gripped Migx's hands with her paws saying brokenly "I lost you once *sob* I'm not going to lose you again. Why are you saying such things? *sob* Don't you love me? Was I just a tool for your amusement and pleasure? *sniff*" Migx lowered his face as tears began to fall from his eyes and run down his face. This exact moment was extremely hard for him to handle due to all the emotions and their intensity. Migx isn't a coward but he just can't bear to hurt Angela again, the way he did at the eterna forest, he said with his voice quavering "I... I don't want you to experience this again. I love you, Angela; you mean more to me than me own life that's why I must go. I made you cry, I made you feel sad and I'm doing it again, Angela. Y- you're crying because you watch me die..."

Angela stopped crying as she looked at Migx, her crimson red eyes sparkle with tears falling off of them, running down across her face. Her stare felt like a ton of bricks falling on his back as she barely said "How you know you died?" Migx took hold of her in an embrace poking himself with her chest spike as he stroke her head saying: "I saw it all... I somehow managed to unlock those memories... I talked to my aura form and he told me what happened." Lucario broke his embrace pushing him back as she said looking into his eyes "Your Aura form? But how could you even do such a thing?" He latched onto her lips as he began to caress her cheeks and ears with one hand and slowly laying her in the bed with the other without breaking the kiss.

As they kiss time seemed to slow down and the moment began to feel an eternity. Lucario began to feel happy again because her master's kiss demonstrated that he indeed loves her and the way he did, caressing her cheeks, her ears... It was wonderful. He broke the kiss after it seemed hours but only minutes had passed and he said more calmly now giving a brief explanation: "When I was cleaning you I space out and I found myself unable to control my body. At that point I realized I was inside my head and in there I met him, Suecra, my Aura form. He explained everything and he also told me that if neither of us is controlling my body then it goes into an auto-pilot state, which is what you experience earlier, Angela."

For a moment she seem indifferent but after a few more minutes she began to realize that it actually made sense because her master was acting like a "machine" when he was cleaning her. She nodded and asks with a hint of pain and sadness in her words: "Are you still going to leave me behind, Master?" Migx remained silence and turned his head as to not look at her and closed his eyes. He remain like that for about two minutes without thinking in anything he just stayed still as Lucario began to become desperate as her eyes filled up with tears again. Then just when she was about to moan and sob he opened his eyes and began to stare into her watery and beautiful crimson red eyes as he said: "Angela, would you be fine if I let you with Riley for a few days?" Poor Angela couldn't believe her Master was actually going through with this as she said: "Why? Am I a burden to you, Master?" Migx shook his head in a no and patted her head as he said: "Of course not, silly. I only need you to stay with Riley a few days because I'm going back to eterna forest to start my training. I know that you want to stay with me but I will be a lot more comfortable if you are out of danger."

This time was Angela's turn to shake her head in a no as she said caressing his cheek: "No, we shouldn't be apart, Master. I want to train with you and you know that I will never leave your side because I love you." He sighed knowing that trying to get his Lucario to agree with him will be practically impossible so he said: "Ok. Once I'm medically clear to leave the Pokémon center we are all heading back to eterna forest to train." She smiled whipping out her tears and nodded as Migx slowly began to get up from lying on top of her.

The rest of the night felt as if gravity had augmented five times, he felt so heavy. Something was restraining him. The feelings he haves for Lucario were really that great. Angela was sleeping at his side and he was planning to escape and let Angela with Riley just like he had said he would. His thoughts began to gave him away for Angela began to turn and toss while she slept but In the end he decided that it was for the best if he left her with Riley as he put both hands above his left leg and began and began to use his Aura powers to heal his injury a lot quicker.

This was new to him he wasn't sure if it would work but if it did he would leave Angela and Riley behind to train. Seconds later he began to concentrate and his aura began to engulf his left leg before turning in some kind of blue bubble, his Aura was definitely causing something to him and Angela because she look like she was in pain. The process of healing started and seconds later he almost screamed in pain and knew why Angela's expression was one of pain.

He thought the process was going to be a breeze like some cartoons he had seen over the years but the sharp pain he was experiencing was unreal. It felt like he was hurting his leg instead of healing it but he endure like a grown up man. Three hours later the healing process was finished Migx endure it all. He was crying silently, nonetheless, but he made it; he healed his left leg so he decided to give it a test. He began to move his left leg up and down and bend it a few times and it didn't hurt; it was done, he was fully healed.

Reassured of what he was going to do he gave Angela one last kiss on the lips before going back, to where his Aura master form awoke, to eterna forest. His lips barely pressed against Lucario's but that was all he was going to need to be happy the rest of his training days. He didn't extended his good bye because he felt like he was betraying her and because he also began to feel the urge of staying as the cries of his own body beg him not to go but he couldn't afford it, he needed this because it was for a greater good. So with one last gentle caress on her left cheek he broke the kiss and murmured "Good bye, Angela."