Alluring Nights -1-

Story by Midnights_Dreamer on SoFurry

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#1 of Alluring Nights

Okay...the usual blather... contains adult content and situations. Do not read if you are squeamish about any of the following situations: Intercourse, Submission, Domination, Blood, Violence.....

Also, I have seen such posts here, and while this has no real "Yiff" It is a Vampire story that I've toyed around with for quite some time, and I hope I can get it up on the boards.... Thank you!


Alexi staggered weakly at Nick's side. Injured and in desperate need, he clung to his older brother like a drowning man would to a life ring. His life had been a miserable one, and his eternal night even worse. He lived in his brother's shadow for so long, their parent's always so proud of Nicolae's achievements.... Till the day he disappeared.

Nicolae struggled to keep his brother on his feet, oblivious to the adoring stare, the impeccable trust in Alexi's gaze. When Nicolae disappeared, Alexi went in search for him, and even found out what had happened... that Nicolae had been seduced, and reborn as a creature of darkness, a vampire who could only survive by shunning the light, and stealing what rightfully belonged to the living.

For several years, Alexi followed Nick trying to release his brother from the darkness that claimed his soul. Till Dimitri found him. His brother's master knew that Alexi was following, and considering that Nicolae himself was trying to rebel from Dimitri's control, he claimed Alexi to control Nicolae.

Dimitri kept Alexi weak, offering the fledgling only enough to remain alive. He even went so far as to make the poor soul addicted to certain types of blood, especially the blood of the aroused. Dimitri would rape the willing and unwilling alike, allowing Alexi some of their blood at the height of their pleasure. It didn't take long before that was the only blood he could take... addicted to it like a human on crack or heroin. For two centuries this continued, till Dimitri tired of Alexi, and cast him out into the night to fend for himself.

Nick guided Alexi's steps as he tried to staunch the flow of blood from the wound the transient had caused. For the millionth time Nick cursed Dimitri for doing this to Alexi, trying to use him as a tool, a hostage to ensure Nicolae's good behavior, till he tired of both. Nick had resided in Pittsburgh for nearly ten years now, and finding Alexi here came as quite a shock...

Nick had found his own circle of friends, one in particular whose friendship was much closer in terms to lover. She knew what he was, and never flinched from him. It was purely by accident that she learned of his secret, and he was prepared to kill her if he had to... but she didn't flinch at his mock-ferocity, and she even bared her throat to him, requesting that if he felt he needed to kill her, to make it quick.

His strength had deserted him then, and though she trembled at his first touch, she didn't flinch away, so he simply kissed her. The kiss continued into a night of passion that he had never experienced before in his long life, nor could he remember blood that had ever tasted as sweet. Their bond deepened, and she became one of his willing donors. Now he felt that Corrine was their only hope. Alexi needed blood if he was going to survive this night, blood heated with pleasure.

"Come on Alexi, don't give up on me now... not much further now." Nick urged, tightening his grip.

In her apartment, Cory yawned, and sipped at the glass of dark red wine at the table beside her. She was curled up on a soft, brushed suede sofa, a hand woven chenille throw wrapped around her legs. She read a book that lay in her lap, though she glanced often at the clock beside her, growing more worried as each minute passed. She tucked one golden curl behind her ear, and fixed her honey brown eyes on the clock.

When the knock sounded, she leapt up, nearly falling as the blanket tangled her legs. She reached the door, managing to keep her balance, and threw it open.

"Nick!" She paused, shocked at the sight of Alexi. "Who is this?" She asked.

"Cory, this is my brother... and in we're in desperate need." Nicolae panted, under obvious strain carrying Alexi's weight.

"Well, don't just stand there, bring him in... lay him down on the floor there by the fireplace...." She said as she turned off to get some water and a couple towels.

"What happened?" She asked.

"It seems that Dimitri tired of my brother's company, and let him go, with no knowledge on how to survive on his own... especially with-" Nick cut himself off, and glanced up at Cory.

Corrine returned with the kettle of water and the towels. "Especially with what?" She asked. Alexi groaned as she began to remove his jacket and shirt.

"He tried to take a transient as a victim, but unfortunately this one wasn't ready to go down without a fight... she picked up a broken piece of wood and stabbed him with it." He judged Corrine's response and she only flinched when she heard how he was hurt.

"I can clean him up and try to help close the wound. I think I have a pint or two in the fridge, I've got to get some more from the bank tomorrow" she spoke as she worked at removing what few splinters there were, and gently dabbed at the coagulating blood to clear the wound.

"It won't help him as it would me... Dimitri... corrupted him." Nick said slowly, hesitantly.

"What you do you mean?" Cory looked up, pausing in her work.

"Dimitri would only allow him to take the blood of those he-" Nick cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Took advantage of, if you will..." He to a moment of pride as he noticed the heightened flush of Corrine's face. "On occasion it's not so bad, but if that's all he was given access to, one comes addicted to it."

Cory's eyes widened as she stared down at the shallowly breathing man lying before her. "So he needs blood to survive, and not the blood that I have here... Unless...." The blush on her cheeks brightened and she meet Nick's eyes. "You don't mean to....?" She whispered"

Nick shook his head. "I would never do anything you would not consent to. You know that." He turned his gaze to Alexi and sighed. "He was the only one of my family who hadn't given me up for dead... In a sense, I got him into this..."

"It would be the only way to save him?" She asked softly, as she finished cleaning the wound. It was starting to heal, but it was alarmingly slow.

Nick nodded slowly. "The healing of that wound will sap his strength, and for as long as he's been without blood, especially the heated blood of the aroused, it will probably kill him."

"Fine... He can take some of my blood... but it's you I would prefer to love..." She whispered and Nick knelt at her side, his slender, pale hand cupped her chin and turned her face towards him.

"I will not force you into anything... No regrets?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"No regrets." Cory responded, feeling her own need within, the need to feel his touch. She shivered as his hand traced a line down her throat, sending a thrill of sensation down her spine, settling a leaden heat in her belly, leaving her nearly breathless.

Nick suppressed a smile and turned to his brother. "Alexi... come on, don't quit on me now. I found you a donor, she's helped me before, she's willing to help you now. Rouse yourself for this, for me...." He urged and Alexi groaned, his pale blue eyes opened to fix first on his brother, then on Cory.

"Her name is Corrine, can you stay conscious?" Nick asked

"Yes" Alexi said, and Cory was struck by the melodious quality of his voice.

Nick turned to Corrine and gestured for her to come closer. She did so, but she hesitated for a moment, very aware of Alexi's gaze. "Must he watch?" She asked, embarrassment tainting her voice.

"No need to be worried... it may be more pleasurable than you think..." Nick coaxed and gathered her gently in his arms, his intense blue eyes holding her captive... She knew tricks to break this hold he could enforce, but she secretly enjoyed his dominance, and she acquiesced to his will.

His arms circled her shoulders as he kissed her gently, slowly. His dominance over her was only half feigned, allowing her to do as she pleased as she began to kiss him back. His hand were full of her hair, and he gently pulled her head back to expose her throat, only to plant a line of light, teasing kisses there, scraping his fangs against the vein in her throat to enhance her anticipation. As much as he longed to, he didn't bite, and it took much of his iron will to keep from indulging in the alluring taste of her blood.

Nick felt her tremble and he smiled, as he lifted her blouse over her head. His fingernails were a little long for most males of today's society, but the thrill that raced along her skin like electric currents as he lightly traced non-sequential lines along her body was worth it.

Corrine was in a daze as his will subjugated hers, though as the saying goes, you can't rape the willing, and she was definitely willing. The knowledge that Alexi was in the room had all but completely fled her mind as Nick continued. Instead she felt the heat within build, as he traced lines across her body, first with his fingers, then with his tongue. She gasped as he drew one nipple into his mouth, his teeth lightly nipping at the sensitive flesh. She could feel his longing, his need for both her body and her blood, and how he fought to restrain himself from the latter.

She reasserted herself and reached for him, unbuckling his belt, and easing his jeans off his hips and down to fall around his ankles, and he quickly kicked them away. She freed him from the constraints of cloth and slowly moved her hand along his length. He groaned softly as he pulled his shirt off. Slowly, she took him into her mouth and he groaned, his hands delving themselves into her hair, guiding her.

Abruptly Corrine stopped, feeling hands remove her panties, realizing it was Alexi... She wanted to pull away when Nick reached for her, halting her movement. She turned her head back towards Nick and he was shaking his head.

"No... let him..." He whispered as again he stole her protests with a kiss. The kiss was heightened by the sensation of Alexi's hand kneading the flesh of her thighs, slowly working his way up. Corrine gasped as his hand lightly brushed that highly sensitive area. Nick guided her back, and again she took him in her mouth, moaning with each touch of Alexi's slender fingers.

"She is wet, brother..." Alexi murmured, and Nick groaned at his brother's words, his need growing. Corrine's gasps and moans grew steadily louder as Alexi explored her further, when she felt his tongue against her flesh she cried out aloud, only to have Nick silence her again with a kiss.

Nick could barely contain himself, feeling her mouth around him, pulling till he feared he would loose control. Alexi's actions surprised him at first, but he allowed it, as long as Corrine didn't object strenuously.

Corrine had given in, accepting that she was being fondled by Nick's brother, just as Nick himself was. She gasped as Nick pulled back, glistening wet from her saliva. She gasped and closed her eyes in pleasure as Alexi inserted two fingers into her. Knowing her arms wouldn't support her weight much longer, she rolled to her back and Alexi's tongue immediately worked at her clitoris, while he continually fingered her.

Corrine's cheeks were hot with the combination of embarrassment and heightened pleasure as she writhed under Alexi's ministrations. Finally, with a soft growl of warning, Nick pushed Alexi away, and claimed Cory for himself. She cried out with pleasure as he entered her slowly, stretching her with such a sensation of pleasure that she arched her back, her hands grabbing fistfuls of the rug below her. His thumb rubbed the nodule of flesh just above where they were joined, and she gasped, and he slipped one arm under the small of her back, pulling her close as he continued to rub her clitoris.

"Alexi, ready yourself..." Nick panted as he pulled away and eased Corrine to the floor. Once separated, Cory immediately felt bereft, and reached for him with longing. Nick smiled and lay back, pulling her towards him. "Ride me..." He whispered, and he helped her ease herself onto him.

She tensed with the sensations that filled her, she trembled for a moment, keeping still. Finally, Nick's hands grasped at her waist, rocking her back and forth, making her cry out as she felt herself nearing the peak. Nicolae kept his hips slightly raised, hardening his stomach muscles and he could feel her clitoris rub against him, each rocking motion was steadily driving her closer to climax.

Alexi had moved behind her, straddling his brother's legs, and wrapping his arms around Cory's shoulders to fondle her breasts, adding weight to the friction between her and Nicolae. She gasped as she felt his lips along her throat, knowing that as she climaxed, he would drain her of the heated blood he needed so desperately, and that thin trickle of fear only heightened her arousal.

His hands molded to and gently kneaded her breasts, occasionally thumbing at her nipples. The edge of the precipice that she danced along was in sight, and she rode Nick all the harder. He was breathing in panting gasps, each gasp a desperate cry as he felt her every movement. She climaxed first, as she pressed herself as close to Nick as she could, her cries were the signal that Alexi was waiting for.

She felt two things at the same time... Nicolae tensed beneath her, and she felt him fill her with his seed, and she felt the white-hot pain of Alexi's fangs as he bit deeply into the flesh of her throat. The pain quickly turned to pleasure and she cried out with each convulsion of her body as the climax wracked her frame. A thin rivulet of blood escaped Alexi's lips and trailed a line of crimson down her throat, along the swell of one breast to dangle for one moment on the hard peak of her nipple before dropping onto Nick's stomach. Nick felt the drop hit, and he wiped it away with his thumb, then licked it away, again reveling in the taste of her blood.

Alexi couldn't help but feel the arousal of the girl who gasped in pleasure under his hands. Her blood was sweet and spiced with the arousal of her body. He felt each convulsion that ran through her, each one a tribute that he didn't want to stop.

Corrine felt herself grow weaker in Alexi's arms, though the pleasure of her climax still running strong. She knew then that it was Alexi's doing that it hadn't lessened. She dimly heard Nicolae say something, but she was so lost in the pleasure that she couldn't hear him clearly... nor did she really want to. She knew she could die, and she didn't care...

Nick could tell that Alexi had hold of Cory for far too long. "Alexi! Let her go!" He cried, and he scrambled out from under Corrine.

"You'll kill her! Let her go!" He growled and pulled his hand back to strike Alexi. Alexi's blue eyes focused on his brother and registered his clenched fist and he promptly released Cory. With a warning growl directed at Alexi, Nick caught her in his arms, drawing her close.

"You go too far brother..." Nicolae growled, as he closed the wound with a touch. He checked her breathing and her pulse...and frowned. Her pulse was weak and erratic. He fixed his brother with a withering stare, forcing Alexi to back away. Nick lay Cory back, and scrambled to his feet. Thanking the God that he no longer believed in that Cory kept plenty of her medical supplies on hand.

Nick rummaged through the cupboards till he found what he was looking for. He found the butterfly needles, and the tubing, and pulled a pack of O positive blood from the cooler. He snagged an elastic tourniquet as he left the closet. He pulled her towards the couch, and then tied the elastic band around her upper arm. Feeling delicately for the vein in her forearm, he probed it till he felt that he would have no problem. He attached the tubing to the pint of blood, and lay the pint on the couch, allowing the tubing to dangle.

Again feeling for the vein, he wiped it clean as she had taught him with an alcohol swab. Angling his head so as not to block the light, he gently inserted the needle, angling it towards him. Once the needle was in place, he pushed the plastic threading forward. The larger gauge would allow the blood to be transfused at a quicker rate.

He threaded the vein and then removed the needle, cushioning the plastic threading with cotton and tape. Once he was satisfied that the threading would hold, he snapped the tubing attached to the pint of blood in place... Then watched and waited as the pint slowly drained into her system. Slowly Cory opened her eyes. Her vision blurry, it took her a few moments to clear it. She smiled as she saw Nick. "Is everything okay?" She murmured.

Nick smiled and glanced back at Alexi who flushed. "Yes, everything is fine now. Alexi took a bit too much, but I managed to start an impromptu transfusion, if we're going to keep this kind of activity up, you had better get your hands on more O positive." He said with a light tone. Cory smiled and nodded.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind." She said as she slipped back towards sleep.