Changing for love part 2: Gender muddle

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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#2 of Changing for love

Part two of my gender shifting series, hopefully I will not nearly a year with the last part lol! :P

This one sees some...interesting turns of events in the lives of the trio.

Early morning, and the pair of now female lovers snuggled together in bed. One a beautiful, well-endowed female wolf named Enya pressed her muzzle contentedly into the cleavage of an even bustier female leopard.

The leopard's name is Hunter, and she had not always been female, in fact just the other day she was a handsome male leopard but after he had found out his girlfriend was more attracted to other females when he caught her with a female cheetah. He came across an unfortunate, purple furred feline who had been the subject of a wizards experiment and could change a person's looks and even sex through some special tendrils on her back.

As Enya shifted in her sleep, Hunter cracked her eyes open at the slight shifting and say a faint bit of sunlight shine through the window. "Mmh, where...what?" Hunter thought sleepily as she didn't recognise the room before she felt something heavy on her chest,

She nearly cried out in shock before yesterday's events came flooding back to her, remembering she was now a female and had changed for her love. Though it was only afterward that they found out the cheetah wore an enchanted necklace that made Enya attracted to her.

However, their love remained just as strong after Hunter was changed, and even though she couldn't go back to been a male, Hunter was going to try and make the most of his new start on life.

The room Hunter was in with her mate was small and cramped, only able to accommodate a single bed which they had snuggled up in. The room was not theirs; it belonged to their new friend. The purple feline experiment named Tia had been kind enough to let them sleep the night, and they didn't turn down her, or rather hir offer as they knew the cat to be lonely.

That's right, she was a hermaphrodite now, she had taken on Hunter's male penis during the change, just another downside to her abilities was taking on part of the hosts attribute shi was altering.

Carefully getting out of bed, knowing it to be early but was not feeling sleepy in the least. Stretching out as she stood up, Hunter caught her reflection in the full length mirror in the small room. Entranced by her reflection, hunter posed in front of the mirror as her nipples peaked from her large, soft furred breasts.

Before, things had been too hectic for Hunter to enjoy her new body, but now in the stillness and nothing other than the quiet snores of her girlfriend in the room, she could carefully admire her body.

She was indeed sexy in this new form, she wondered if that was just the design her female form had taken or if Tia had done that on purpose? Whatever the case, she had to admit that she found her reflection to be quite the turn on as her breasts jiggled with her breathing.

Her body was still strong as it had always been, but there were more curves and a slender muzzle as well as having a dick missing. Instead she had a beautiful slit that seemed slightly damp as her arousal grew at seeing herself in the mirror.

"Wow...I guess I can't complain at the looks" Hunter said quietly as she reached a paw to brush her nipple. The soft fur on her pad was too much, underestimating how sensitive her nipple felt, crying out as an electric jolt of pleasure shot down her, knees going weak and buckling underneath her.. "That...felt so good" she gasped as she straightened on up again after recovering from the initial shock.

As soon as she looked back in the mirror again though, she saw her wolf lover standing behind her, soft arms wrapped around Hunters shoulders. "Hmm, morning hun, busy admiring your body are we?" Enya said with a sleepy nuzzle into her neck, making Hunter arch her head slightly before turning to gently lick the silver furred wolf's muzzle.

"Hmm, I didn't have much time to experiment with my new body, it is indeed sexy" Hunter said before she said in a quieter voice "I'm sorry for disturbing you my love. I just didn't know it would feel so...

"Like this hmm?" Enya said, cupping her breasts and stroking the end nipples with her pads, making Hunter shake with pleasure and would have collapsed to the floor with the sheer pleasure from her nipples if Enya hadn't been supporting her. "I can tell we are going to have a lot of fun from now on" Enya said with a gentle laugh before yawning again.

Gasping out with a slight trickle of fluids down her furred thighs, Hunter made a large effort to recover as there were more pressing engagements to see to. "Enya, you go back to bed and get more sleep, I need to head on out to my house and get some wood chopped up. I am behind what with recent events and don't want to find ourselves having to live here. It would be a bit too much of a squeeze" Hunter said with a chuckle, still a little breathless from the teasing.

"Do you have to? If you give me fifteen minutes to pull round I will come with you" Enya said before giving a sleepy yawn.

She gave a sudden yelp as Hunter picked her up in her strong arms before gently depositing her on the bed. "No, you get more sleep love and we can make up for it later on today" Hunter said with a gentle look in her eyes at Enya.

"Okay fine, but don't be too long okay? I don't want to be left alone for too long right now" Enya said with a slight flattening of her ears.

"Don't worry, you have Tia for company and I will come back before the morning is over. The wood collector will be round though in about four hours" Hunter said as she donned her usual leather top and trousers.

"Okay my love, I will be busy dreaming of the fun we can have now you are also a female in the meantime" Enya said with a playful growl at her.

"Hunter's face fur fluffed slightly at this in embarrassment before giving a light growl in return "I will look forward to it Enya" she said before giving her a gentle lick kiss before exiting the room.

Shortly after Hunter had left, padding out softly only as a feline could on her paws as not to disturb their new friend Tia, Enya stretched and yawned sleepily, she had always been lousy at rising early so it was probably a good idea for her to get some more sleep.

Before she did though, she caught sight of a ring glinting in a chest of jewellery. Enya remembered what Tia had said about a lot of the artefacts in the room coming from the wizard who had made her an experiment when he was finally brought to justice, but there was something odd about this one.

Gingerly picking the ring up as though it may set her fur on fire, Enya opened her eyes with an audible sigh of relief "huh, this doesn't seem dangerous, in fact it looks pretty" the she wolf murmured to herself, tracing a digit round some blue symbols on the outer surface of the ring.

Slipping it on, she posed in front of the mirror to see how it looked on her, the gold and blue patterns seemed to go nicely with the short silver fur on her paws as she smiled, thinking of keeping the ring if Tia didn't mind?

All of a sudden though Enya felt a strange sensation wash through her body, making her body go all warm and tingly before she felt faint. "Ooh, I suddenly feel odd and...really sleepy" Enya said, collapsing on the bed with a whine before falling to sleep.

Outside the door however, a certain purple furred feline watched with anticipation as certain changes started on Enya's body. As her body started to glow, Tia walked on in and watched on the female wolf as changes started to happen to her.

Enya's breasts began to shrink in size, slowly at first but gradually as her clit seemed to start pushing on out. Tia gasped as before hir very eyes it started to form a stick of flesh as the starting of a males penis. "I...should do something to stop this...but there is nothing now that I can do. Foolish little wolf, I only hope it is reversible for you" Tia said with a mixture of pity and arousal as hir own cock pulsed under hir skirt.

Moaning, Enya started to toss about in pleasure as her dreams seemed to start taking on an erotic quality as her mind and senses began to fill with sexual desires, her, or rather his chest now flat with his cock rapidly pushing out and expanding in size. "Ohhh, I-I need to get out of here, I can't take advantage of her like this can I?" Tia moaned quietly as hir cock stoop from hir skirt fully erect and hir pussy dripped a small amount of juices as Enya's body continued to change into its new form.

Bolting out of the room but leaving a crack to peer through, Tia started to masturbate and tease hir folds as Enya's build became bigger and more masculine whilst his chest bulged slightly as muscle formed underneath his chest.

"Ohh g-god, how I would love to fuck that!" Tia cried quietly as Emya's cock surged past eight inches and his moans became more deeper and stronger, his voice taking on a sensual male quality.

As the new males cock reached around ten inches, Tia closed hir eyes as shi imagined what it would be like to be pierced by such a shaft before hir pussy clamped around hir probing fingers and hir purple furred hand got soaked in feline juices.

Panting, but trying hir best to keep it down although shi doubted Enya would be woken whilst the magic worked on him, Tia peered through the door gap again only to gasp loudly, jamming hir fist into hir mouth as Enya's new male cock stood fully erect and he continued to moan, his shaft standing at a whopping 12 inches now.

Feeling lust flood hir body, Tia knew shi needed to fuck that cock, shi had been alone for so long, shi needed that. And if shi could figure out how to help him back to normal in the process then that would be forgiven right?

Slinking away as Enya's deep moans sounded through the cabin, Tia fantasized about the fun shi would have with the new male.


Hunter paced herself as she made her way back to her house, making sure not to run so fast she had to stop for breath but not going so slow that she would have no time to chop as much wood as possible to make ready for selling. "Even if I go fast as possible, I will most likely be down around 60 pieces of wood, this month will be a real struggle" Hunter said in short pants, dashing down the road that led to her path. Normally it would take an hour with the distance, but it had only taken the lithe leopard half that time.

Bending over as she reached the small house, she bent on over with her breasts wobbling, panting to catch her breath and berating herself for ever second she wasted. "Come on, I need to get that wood chopped otherwise I will struggle, for both me and Enya" Hunter said, her ears going flat at how careless she had been to let herself get so behind, despite she knew it wasn't her fault really.

Straightening up, Hunter took her key from her pocket and unlocked the cellar she stored the wood and retrieved her axe from her crude shed.

Setting one large piece of wood on the chopping block she had fashioned from an old tree stump she set the log straight before swinging it down in a deft movement, splitting the wood cleanly in two.

Smiling that her hard worked strength had not been diminished with her transformation, Hunter began a steady rhythm of setting and chopping, interspaced with the odd break as she bundled them together with string and set about the next lot.

But after just an hours work into the morning and the sun hung in a clear sky, Hunter found the going tough. It wasn't the work she found hard, she had done this plenty of times as a male leopard and her strength had hardly diminished. No, it was her rock hard nipples that rubbed on her shirt with each movement that was making it hard, making her sweat twice as much with the amount of concentration it took to maintain control. The urge to just drop the axe and paw at her moist slit that had become wet with arousal was nearly overwhelming at this point as her bust also felt a little heavy.

"This is...just useless, I need to take my top off otherwise I am going to go crazy. How other females go about like this is beyond me" Hunter said before she propped her axe up and proceeded to take her shirt off, just leaving her in trousers. It was a good thing she worked back way at the house, otherwise every traveller that passed her house on the road would be trying to jump her, and she suspected not all for flattering purposes as she knew how jealousy could affect some females she had dated previously when she was male.

"That's better" Hunter said, wiping a paw across her damp, furred head before picking the axe up in both paws and able to resume chopping without distraction.

Two hours had passed before Hunter had to take a rest, her muscles screaming from the constant chopping and swinging of the axe, she sat down on a rough, wooden stool and stooped on over as sweat beaded the fur on her head and chest. "Wow...I must have worked up quite the sweat; I am even dripping from..." Hunter stopped partway as she felt tightness in her chest.

Whipping a paw to cup a weighty bust that seemed to have gained a cup in size and very heavy in her paw. What was even more disturbing was that there was a sheen of moisture on her nipple " am I lactating?" Hunter gasped aloud, ears flattening with worry that somehow she may be pregnant with cubs, how could she? She had never openly mated Tia when she became a hermaphrodite and there was no spell that could induce pregnancy. Surly Hunter would feel the effects if she was after all?

She felt her cheeks burning as she stared at her large nipple, the flesh was so warm and the space inside the bust felt very tight. It was painful from this angle but she needed to relieve herself and later on, she would get some answers from that purple feline.

Running a tongue over her nipple, Hunter gave a soft cry of pleasure at the sheer erotic feeling of her rough tongue on the large stick of flesh before recovering. As she braced herself, Hunter latched on and began suckling gently.

Hunter had to stifle a cry of pain; the pressure was that great that she had to ease up before the milk flowed steadily; kneading her bust out of some new instinct to help just like a cub would.

Hunter spent a good few minutes like this, just losing herself in the sensation before she found herself getting full, with another bust to milk she had to save some room as the pain of her full bust was beginning to bring tears to her amber coloured eyes.

She raised her muzzle up, a dribble of milk dripping from her muzzle and about to switch breasts when she caught someone staring at her.

A handsome, male black panther in his thirties stood there, breathing heavily and with a massive hard on as he stared at the sight of her milk dripping breasts. "Oh no, G-Gavin, he's early" Hunter thought as she recognised her friend who also collected and paid for the wood. Looking at the sun, Hunter realised she had been longer than she had intended to with her administrations.

Realising he had been caught, the black furred Jaguar shook his head "umm, what are you doing here miss? This is the property of Hunter" he said, wrapping his tail round his torso in a vain attempt to hide his hard-on.

"Umm, no I-I am Hunter" Hunter stammered as she wrapped her arms in a futile manner around her big chest to hide it.

"Well isn't that the most ridiculous lie I have ever heard? Hunter most certainly wasn't a pillow chested pretty leopard the last time I saw him" Gavin said. "Now get something on and I will have to take you to the guards shack for trespassing" he said, reaching a broad paw to grab her arm.

Without warning, Hunter grabbed his wrist and twisted it round, making him grunt and drop to the ground with his wrist clutched. "What's the matter, surprised a girl can fight?" Hunter said with a cocky smirk and taking up a brawlers posture that didn't suit her pretty form at all.

"Wha? You little wrench, you will pay for that!" Gavin said, getting up with a roar and charging her with his intimidating bulk.

As he aimed a running blow to her head, Hunter sidestepped and landed a heavy kick to his back, sending him falling head first into the soft ground and a bemused expression on his face.

Before he could even get back up Hunter jumped on his back, knocking the wind from him and sat there before peering over and staring into his face. "Well now, how many times is that I have beaten you since our bouts of sparring hmm Gavin?" Hunter said, a smirk on her face as realisation dawned on his face.

"Now how did you...wait? Is that actually you Hunter?" Gavin said as he realised it must be him somehow.

"Yep, now then why don't..."

Hunter was cut off as the large Jaguar cried out "DAMN IT! You mean to tell me all along I kept on losing to a woman all those times?" he said, his pride obviously hurt at the thought.

"No Gavin, you were losing to a full male, penis and everything" Hunter chuckled as she got off of him. "I...became a female magic" she said, looking at her foot-paws and blushing as she realised she was still showing off her ample chest to him.

Turning round, she bent on over to pick up her shirt when she cried out in pain at the fullness of her bust again, another dribble of milk forcing its way out of her nipple. She knew she needed relief, and she heard Gavin clear his throat as she knew a torrent of questions were about to spill from his muzzle.

"Well...Ack!" he cried out, whatever he was about to say lost as he was tackled over and had a dripping nipple shoved in front of his face.

"I...know this is wrong, and know you have a lot of questions. But please, these are really painful and I need them relieving now" Hunter said as her fur seemed to glow from the blush.

If anything, the black Jaguar's fur glowed even redder as the milk laden bust was shoved in front of his muzzle. He wanted to push the gorgeous bust away, to resist this strange seductress but...the smell of her milk was intoxicating as he opened his muzzle over the nipple and suckled.

Hunter took in a deep hissing breath as she felt him begin suckling on her bust, the sensation was so painful to begin with that very little milk seemed to escape her bust until she shakily put her paws on her bust and massaged the flesh.

The effect was instantaneous, the message relieved some pressure and the milk began flowing. Only a trickle to begin with but eventually, a steady stream as Gavin drank from her bust.

"Damn, what am I doing? I don't even know this leopard and a trespasser as well. I don't know how she knows me or Hunter but...damn, I want to just fuck that gorgeous body of hers" Gavin thought as his mind became enveloped in a thick fog of lust.

Reaching his paws up, he found there was enough bust to let him grope the warm, lightly furred flesh further up whilst Hunter tended to the milk ducts near the nipple.

Panting, Hunter found herself becoming extremely wet from the erotic play, the relief combined with the males attention was making it harder for her to keep her mind clear.

She pulled her nipple away from his muzzle with an audible pop "t-thank you, umm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me but I need to get going" Hunter said, her tail lashing as her body screamed to her mind for her to be taken now, to relieve this fire in her depths.

She was in the process of getting up, a look of pleasure and bewilderment on the black Jaguars face before he halted her and pushed her over. "Not so fast there girly, you were trespassing and I could take you to the guards. But if you let me have my way with your hot body, I will pretend I never knew a male Hunter and you can have his place. He hasn't showed up in a day or two so it wouldn't hurt" he said, a dull look in his yellow eyes.

Hunter flattened her ears and growled "get off me Gavin, I don't want to hurt you" Hunter said before she was shushed with a strong kiss on her muzzle.

Her eyes flew on open, before closing in pleasure as she opened her muzzle, admitting him entrance into her mouth as they kissed deeply, Gavin pressing his body, relishing he softness of her breasts and the muscle beneath her curves.

Pulling away, he said in a breathy voice "call me Gavi" He said in a low rumble as he made to wriggle out of his clothes.

"No, this isn't right I...I am a male inside still right? And I have..." Hunter trailed off her thought as Gavin managed to get out of his trousers and cloth underwear. His strong scent washed on over Hunter's nose, the powerful scent of a big male calling to her, making her fur bristle with such a powerful desire to be mated that she almost submitted without protest.

"Now, where were we pretty kitty hmm?" Gavin said as he moved against her body, his paws seeking to remove her trousers before he grunted out in pain.

Hunter had her knee buried right into his chest, her ears as flat as possible and tail swished angrily as she growled "I have a mate, her name is Enya and my love for her is so great that I changed my body for her. You will not rape me Gavin, not now, not ever" she growled, channelling her lust into strength as she threw him off of her, his feline cock sticking straight up like a rod.

Gavin clutched his stomach, tears welling up in his eyes with pain before her words penetrated the fog round his mind. "En-Enya? But that's Hunters girlfri... oh no" he groaned in realisation when he realised what he had nearly done.

"Yes, you almost raped your friend" Hunter said with her ears still plastered to her skull, turning how her body was feeling into anger. "I should kick your ass all over my property, explaining in detail about each part so you know who I am before kicking your butt out" she said, her teeth bared at him and retracting her claws in an attempt to calm down.

Gavin stared at her, his ears matching her but disgust in his eyes instead of anger, disgusted at himself for nearly raping her. "Hunter...but how? I am sorry I didn't believe you but it was too much to believe that you had actually somehow changed genders. Your scent has changed that much that I couldn't believe you" he said in a low, soft voice. "Please...I am so sorry my friend, please I would want to hear about it all" he said as he hung his head and tail.

Smirking slightly, Hunter couldn't stay mad at him. He was like an older brother when she had started out in life, maybe because he had known her father, she couldn't say for sure. "Come on you big lug, and I will get some herbs to help sooth that bruising I am sure is forming beneath that fur of yours" Hunter said as she led him into her house.


Meanwhile, Enya was just waking up late on in the day. Pulling back the curtains, she stared outside at the sun that hung high in the air "strange, I have never slept in that long before" Enya mumbled to herself when she stopped.

Something was wrong, her voice sounded deeper, nothing like her light, feminine voice. Making a clearing noise she tried again, but it was still the same alien voice she heard coming from her throat. "What is the matter with me this morning? First I over sleep in and then..."

Enya paused in shock as she passed the full length mirror, the reflection was all wrong. What stared back was still a sliver furred wolf with an almost platinum mane but it was lacking two things and had an extra bit of anatomy that shouldn't be there.

For one the wolf in the mirror had neither breasts nor a vagina, second the wolf had a heath and a pair of large balls as well as the wolf's image looking more masculine.

Enya's muzzle hung open, not wanting to believe this was her reflection. She moved her paws don her chest and there was no sizable bust to stop her advancements. She reached with her other paw to cup her sheath and the sensation she got was real. Somehow...Enya had been turned into a male.

Enya screamed loudly at the realisation, her, or rather his voice been easily heard around the small house.

Tia came rushing in, trying to fix hir face with a look of alarm at what had happened when all shi wanted to do was purr at the thought of his cock. To pounce on it and feel its length pierce hir through, but shi managed to keep a check on hir so shi wouldn't blow the chance. Not when shi was so desperate and needy now.

"Wait, who are you?" Tia said in shock, making as though ready to assault the wolf. "If you don't tell me who you are and what you did with Enya you will be punished" the herm cat said with a display of fierceness.

"Please is me Enya" the wolf said, staring at hir with wide brown eyes and willing hir to believe her, or him now. "What has happened to me Tia; did you...?" Enya said, letting the sentence trail off as she let the question hang in the air.

"If you are implying that I had a hand in it, you are wrong. You knew the items I kept in here were magical and dangerous so don't pin the blame on me" Tia said, her ears, a darker purple than the rest of her fur flattened at the unsaid accusation.

"It is this ring isn't it? But when I touched it nothing happened" Enya said as he kept his back towards the herm feline.

Sighing, Enya entered and closed the door "you don't know much about magic do you? The ring will not activate until you put it on your finger, have you tried taking it off?"

"Y-yes, but every time I try I feel like the ring is burning my paw off so I have to stop" Enya said with her tail swishing in agitation.

"It is a good job you did stop then, knowing my sick ex-master it would most likely cause you to lose a paw, if not your life" Tia said before asking delicately "why are you still not facing me, I have seen a wolf sheath before you know" shi said, turning the male round.

"W-wait!" Enya cried but too late as her enormous cock knocked Tia's hip.

"" Tia said in shock. Shi had known roughly what was going on with Enya, but shi never thought the effects would be so...alluring. Standing before hir was a very handsome male wolf, his femininity making him all the more desirable to hir. But what stood out the most was a great, thick, 12 inch of fully erect wolf cock.

Enya quickly whipped round again, frightened by hir look that shi would lose control and himself too. "I told you not to" he growled angrily "it won't go down, it is constantly erect and needing relief. Tia...what must I do to make it go away? I want to be female again" Enya cried, a slight howl in his voice.

Licking hir lips, Tia felt hir female drive take over, the musky stench of a well-endowed male was suffocating in the small room. "Well hun, you need to mate with a female knowing my masters works. Only then once you have impregnated her will the ring drop off and you will turn back to your pretty self" Enya said as she was unable to stop a purr from creeping into her voice. "If you like, I will help you with that" Tia said, wrapping hir arms round Enya's furred neck, the fur slightly rougher than when he was a female but still pleasant to touch and that smell...she wouldn't mind that heavenly male scent for cold days when she felt alone.

All Tia got back from Enya was a deep groan before trying to form words ", what are you...doing?" he said as the herm cat took advantage of the situation.

"Well...Hunter's not here to help you, and I think even she would not want you to suffer like this. So I will help you in her stead" Tia whispered in his triangular ear as a purple furred paw trailed down his lighter chest fur. Tweaking Enya's male nipples made him groan, his cock pulsing harder as though it demanded to be seen to whilst Tia used hir other paw to strip hirself down.

When shi was done, Tia's small back tendrils spilled forth and danced, echoing hir body's need to be sated. "Couldn't you just...turn me into a female like you did Hunter?" Enya said as he tried his best to keep his thought clear, but that was becoming harder with each passing moment.

"No, if I did I may lose even more of my femininity or become male all together. Although having a cock is good as well as breasts and a pussy, I do wish to keep more feminine" shi said as Tia wrapped hir arms about the silver wolf's neck again, this time a quiet gasp coming from Enya as Tia's six inch cock pressed into his butt.

"Please...please help me Tia, gods it is driving me crazy!" Enya said as his last doubts seemed to become buried under a pink fog of needy lust. Spinning round in hir arms, Enya pressed his huge member up against Tia's stomach as it pulsed against hir fur, a sticky bit of pre trailing down hir chest as it almost could reach between Tia's small busts with the length.

"I will gladly do just that sweetie" Tia said, a loud purr in her voice joining with Enya's needy growl, unable to repress a shudder of delight as hir much smaller cock pressed against the wolf's monster cock.

"Now...I need it...nowrrrr" Enya said, ending in a savage growl as her need seemed to turn her mind feral, shoving Tia over before shoving past hir cock and finding what his male mind was looking for. Without ceremony, he pushed his great girth into Tia's wet needy pussy lips, a cry of mixed pain and pleasure as the size was too much to take in at once.

"Enya...Enya? Please, slow down, you are hurting m-me!" Tia said, pushing at him in a futile manner, the wolf not used to the male urges and with a need kicked into overdrive by the magic seemed to give him more strength.

"I'm trying too, but it is too much, I can't help myself!" Enya cried out as he buried more and more into hir, Tia's walls clamping down and massaging only driving him on deeper.

Tia screamed out in pain as shi felt his tip push against hir cervix and a large mass push at hir entrance as his knot sought entrance to lock them together. "I-I am sorry Enya, I am sorry, please, pull out!" Tia screamed, feeling like shi would be split asunder by his cock.

All shi got in reply was a muzzle full as Enya forcefully kissed hir on the muzzle, drowning hir screams out as he slowly sunk his knot deep into hir.

The ring on Enya's finger seemed to pulse dully as he took hir as his mate, the herms own cock pulsing its pre into his silver fur as hir cock tip pressed into the wolf's stomach.

Moaning and crying around the muzzle filling hir mouth, Tia felt that massive organ finally pierce hir, the knot slipping in as the tip of his cock flared and dumped its load into hir womb. Tearing away from the lustful kiss, Tia thrashed hir head around, screaming in absolute pleasure as shi was filled up, hir stomach bulging as Enya's wolf seed filled hir womb up with his seed. Hir own cock pulsing and spurting its seed all over the wolf's belly and the tendrils writhing on hir back as though an extension of hir own purple tail.

Tia yowled out long and loud im pleasure overload, throwing hir head back and hir eyes rolling back in their sockets as shi shuddered hard from the overload, this was beyond anything shi ever dreamed or fantasized of as shi dug hir claws lightly into Enya's shoulders. The herm not wanting this to end, shi wanted to experience this every day and it felt as though nothing else would satisfy hir as Tia's stomach grew ever bigger and rounder.

Enya just kept pounding as his ring kept glowing brighter, seemingly gaining more room to thrust and move as his cock seemed to start shrinking inside of hir. He gave a cry out of primal joy, howling deeply as the sensation of his cock shrinking sent him into a frenzy of lust, hammering away until Tia passed out from the sheer pleasure overload of a dual orgasm.

Pulling his softening shaft out with a loud pop as the knot shrunk enough, a gush of potent wolf seed spilled out of Tia's pussy and onto the hard floor with hir stomach slowly deflating as the mass spilled out.

The air reeked of sex as Enya calmed down, his breathing and panting slowing as the lust left his mind for a moment. "D-did it work?" he said, finding his voice just as deep and that the herm had passed out cold with hir tail giving involuntary twitches when more seed would dribble from hir pussy into the already large puddle of seed.

Staring at the ring as the glow faded, Enya realized with dismay that it had not worked, his cock was still engorged and fully erect and, even though it wasn't as big, it was still a good eight inches of male wolf cock that he could not possibly hide from Hunter. "No why, why didn't it work?" Enya said as he panted and his cock still dribbled seed onto the floor willing the ring to not stop glowing but it was no use as it returned to been a normal looking piece of jewellery.

Wrapping his arms and tail about his furred body, Enya cried softly. He didn't want to stay like this; he wanted to be back in his female body with the soft curves, and what about Hunter? Would he want to leave him now that he was a male?

"Well that is it for part two; part three will be underway shortly providing my drive holds out. Will Enya be able to go back to his normal form, and what will Hunter's reaction be when she finds out what has been going on?