A Cub's Hardships

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It's the biography for my anthro.

A Cub's Hardships

Dante, or rather Maundrell Dante Ravenheart a seven-year-old husky/rabbit/mouse hybrid with black fur mainly, white fur on his chest and shoulders, light gray paws, a crimson eye and white hair on his left side, the inside of his ears and his tail was pink as well were his paw pads, his right side had white fur mainly, black chest and shoulder fur, dark gray paws, a sky blue eye, and black hair

, wrote in his journal, "I recall those last few years well. It all started on Christmas."


Dante, age five then, woke that morning to find his father and mother bickering in the kitchen. His father had arrived early that morning from the hospital where he was receiving treatment for his alcoholism. Dante, who at that time had white fur mainly, black shoulder and chest fur, sky blue eyes, dark gray paws, black hair, pink paw pads as well as the inside of both ears and so was his tail, came down, rubbing his eyes. He was naked, as usual since his parents only made him put on clothing, his little crotch catching a breeze. His parents didn't seem to take any notice of him. He turned to the living room and eeped as he saw all the presents. "Wooooooooooow." He ran over and quickly sorted through, finding his presents and wishing his parents would stop their arguing for about an hour so he could get his unwrapped. He had half of them open when he looked up to find his parents watching him. "Oh, hi mommy. Hi daddy." He was blushing innocently.

"Go ahead Maundrell, finish opening your presents," Beau, his father, said.

"Beau, he hasn't even had breakfast yet. Come eat first sweety," said his mother, Belle.

"Belle, when I was a kid..."

"Oh here we go again, when you were a kid, I don't care what you did when you were a kid!"

Dante whined and covered his ears then shut his eyes tightly. He didn't like being in the middle of their fights. The worst part was that when he was a baby he was cursed to where if his parents fought around him his male parts would turn into a female's.

Beau looked over. "Oh G** d***it, he's a girl again."

Belle ran over and rocked Dante gently. "Shhh, it's okay sweety, daddy and I were just having a tiff, you're okay, don't worry, it was just a disagreement. She held him and sighed in relief as his cunny turned back to a sheath. "Oh thank heavens."


When he opened his eyes they were in the kitchen. He could hear muffled voices but decided to take his father's advice and finish opening his presents. The present he laid his eyes on went up to where his hip was. His nails tore through the paper quickly and he found a miniature acoustic guitar sitting there. He knew who'd purchased it instantly. Beau. His mom wouldn't allow it if she knew but he took it up to his room so she wouldn't find out.

When he stuck it in a place he was sure his mom wouldn't check, he went back downstairs. His dad was gone, probably at a bar and his mom was in the garden. There was a plate on the table along with a card. He read the card and instantly his mood darkened. The card read:


I know this is hard to understand at your age, but your mom and I think it's best if I stay at the hospital for a while longer. That's where I am. I'll send you a card every week to let you know how I'm doing, remember, you're the man of the house while I'm gone.

With Love,


The boy sighed and went to his room. His father had left him, and on Christmas of all days. 'The best Christmas ever? Far from it.' He thought as he sat on his bed and looked at his fur. Something seemed...off. His left paws were lighter and his main fur and chest fur were shades of gray unknown to him. Dante slowly stood and went to a mirror. He screamed as he saw his reflection.

His left iris had turned a bright purple instead of the sky blue that it was. Dante fell on his butt and crawled away from the mirror. His nose twitched as he ran downstairs. "Mommy, I'm scawed!" She saw him and lifted him into her arms. Another effect of the curse was that if he ever became stressed, the left side of him would change colors, excluding the inside of his ear, and his tail. Belle felt him nuzzle his head in her neck fur as he cried. If he got stressed two more times, the changes would be permanent.


In the next year, Dante heard less and less from his father until one day his mother came home and grabbed him. It was obvious she'd been crying. She took him to his room, dressed him, then put him in the car and drove to the hospital where his father was at. The two arrived in Beau's room in a few minutes after entering the building. Beau was in terrible shape. His fur was white when it had been black just last Christmas. "D-Daddy?" Dante asked as he walked up to the male who was very sick. A nurse came over and whispered something into Belle's ear.

"Sweety, mommy has to go get some things from the store, do you want to come with me or stay with daddy?"

"I wanna stay wif daddy." He said as he climbed up next to his father.

"Alright sweety. I'll be back in a bit." There was a notable crack in her voice as she spoke those words. Beau looked down at his son. He said the following, taking labored breaths as he did so.

"I'm sorry...for not being...the father...I should've...been."

"No Daddy, you wewe a good daddy. I know. You let me do stuff mommy wouldn't."

Beau sighed and shook his head. "Maundrell...listen...I don't...have much...time left..."

Dante interrupted him before he could finish. "Time for what daddy?"

"I would...tell you...if you'd...let me finish," Beau said. He seemed so weak, so frail in his last moments. "I...I'm dying...bud...just remember...don't...see...life for...what it is...but how...it can...be..." The older male took a breath and exhaled slowly, his life leaving with his breath.

Dante whined as he saw his father's eyes glaze over. "Daddy...wake up...this isn't funny daddy." He placed a paw on his father's chest. "Daddy! Noooooo!" A nurse came in and removed him from the room. His mother had a shopping bag and tears were running down her cheeks. Dante stared at her then looked down. He screamed once again.

His left paws were gray now. Dante had light gray chest fur and dark gray fur everywhere else. His hair on his left side was now light gray and his iris was magenta. Belle sighed in frustration as she looked at him.


After the funeral, his mother took him to an orphanage. "Mom why are we here," he asked as he stared up at her. His first thought was that she was going to leave him here, and he was right, partially.

Belle sighed. "I realized I'm not a fit parent for you right now so I took you here. You're going to get adopted by someone more...able. You remember that bag I had with me? Well, get out and cover your ears." She said as she took out the Colt .45 she had purchased.

"Mommy, why do you have a gun?"

"It's complicated..."

"What are you going to do?"

"Cover your ears; it's going to be loud."

Dante covered his ears and watched as she loaded a bullet into the cartridge. He whined as his mom stuck the loaded pistol to her temple.

"Mommy...don't do it..."

However, he spoke too late. Belle had already pulled the trigger. He screamed as the shot could be heard along with the sound of shattering glass. Dante stared at her limp body in shock. It was too much for him to process.

Dante exited the car and started walking away, his pace getting faster and faster. He was running, crossing the street three times to put as much distance from his dead mother as he could. His mind was so clouded that he didn't notice the man sneak up behind him until it was too late.

When he came to, he found that he was tied naked to a bed. The smell of old paper filled his nostrils and instantly figured out that he was in the abandoned newspaper factory. Dante would've spoken had he not been gagged. His ears were filled with the sound of his parents yelling at each other. The curse took effect and soon Dante had a cunny again.

He whined as he saw a figure coming toward him. The first part he saw was the foot-long red shaft ending in a knot. Dante heard the male laugh as he stepped out from the shadows, "Oh Dante, all tied up I see." It was his friend's father, Raphael. The white wolf grinned and grabbed the boy's waist with one hand and guided his shaft into the little male's cunt. Dante cried as it entered, not only did it hurt, but it also felt strange. As far as he was concerned, strange feelings were not needed right now.

The wolf growled softly. "Damn kid, try relaxing a little." Dante yelped as he was entered by the large male. The wolf thrust deeper and deeper into Dante, causing him to bleed a little. Dante cried as the man went deeper and faster inside him. "Oh god kid, I think I'm gonna...ooooooohhhh," he cried out as he came deep inside Dante's womb. Dante would've screamed, had he had the time to before he blacked out.

When Dante woke, he was in an alley, naked as the day he was born with a broken leg and a pain in his stomach. He slowly got up and limped along as a lady from the orphanage came out. "Aw, you poor dear, you're shaking. Come, let's get you cleaned up." She said, scooped him up into her arms and carried him inside.

The woman, who Dante later learned was named Agatha, carried Dante to his awaiting bath. She lowered him into the water as she looked at his leg. "What happened to your leg, dear?"

"I don't know, I woke and it was like this."

"Tell me does this hurt," she asked as she pressed down. Dante's scream was enough to let her know. "I'm afraid it's broken, we'll have to get a doctor to cast that. Now, can you wash yourself, because I need to go fix up dinner for the other young'uns."

"I can do it, thank you for bringing me here, I'll try staying off my broken leg as much as I can." He said and started lathering himself with the shampoo and soap. He washed his hair and face fur first then his upper body and arms, his legs after that, and his sheath last.

Dante drained the water for her and picked up a towel. He dried off with it then stepped to the mirror with it wrapped around his waist. This was when he realized his left eye was crimson. "Guess I'm stuck like this." He said and walked out of the bathroom after brushing his fur.


After many months and a birthday he didn't want to remember, Dante was adopted by a 'loving' family. He did as he was told and rarely spoke. Half the time, his new parents didn't notice he was there and fought in front of him. When this would happen, Dante would run upstairs, lock himself in his room, turn on his Rise Against CDs loud enough to block out the sound, sit on his bed, and stare at what he'd become.

The only thing that he had to remember the 'better' times was a teddy bear. Whenever he felt alone, he'd cuddle it and imagine his parents were still alive.

What dreams consist of

Bogdan, a husky cub with all black fur excluding his torso, abdomen, the tips of his ears and tail which were white, had big green eyes and dressed in loose-fitting, large sweatpants, heart-decorated boxers, and a soft-as-silk Rise Against extra-large...

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