True Hearts

Story by Sakusaro on SoFurry

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A romance story between a pokemon and human in a town that co-exist the two creatures together as normal beings in the same town. But what happens when one pokemon ignores the forbidding rule of no humans and pokemon shall mate or love one another to be with the one he loves?

True Hearts

By: Sakusaro

Nice, cold, evening, a perfect setting to head to one of my favorite bars in our little town. The Hypno-bar. Incase your wondering; our town consist of a mix of humans and Pokémon. The Pokémon here, believe it or not, act, dress, and talk like humans too. So hopefully no confusion there, unless your already lost. Are you lost, if not then good off with my story. I'm a Charizard, but my friends call me Smokey because I smoke a lot. I was at the bar hanging with my group of friends that consist a Machoke; we name him Muscles, a Nidoking; we name him Dominet, and a Dragonite; we name him Horny. One night at the bar were just sitting, talking, drinking, and laughing up a storm. Until all of a sudden I catch a glimpse of a good, looking human male out of the corner of my eye. Just seeing that face made everything go silent. "Hey Smokey" Muscles said getting my attention "who are you eyeing?"

"The human male in the black jacket" I pointed out putting out my cigarette in the ashtray.

"Him" Dominet renounced "your eyeing John?" all three of them started laughing, which made me feel a little uneasy. "Sorry dude" Dominet continued "but he is picky on his males."

"Yeah" Horny agreed, "all three of us asked him out separately and he wasn't interested." He took another sip of his beer and added, "You don't stand a chance."

"Oh yeah" I snapped getting up from my seat. "Watch me." I gulp down the last of my beer and started heading my way over to John.


I'm not really much of a bar person, but my only friend Salamance told me I need to loosen up a little and meet new people. So he suggested I go to the Hypno-bar and start there. When I walked in I was surprise to see so many people and Pokémon hanging, drinking, laughing, dancing, and having the night of their lives. I took a seat next to a Mightyena who just gulp down another shot. "Lime water please." I asked the bartender and he set down a glass just as I set down the money.

"Woo yeah this is the life" the Mightyena howled obviously drunk. "How can this get any better?"

I wonder the same question as I took a sip of my water until I heard a distinct "hello." I looked up seeing a Charizard sitting down next to me and staring at me. His black jeans and red shirt combo really matches his nice looking orange skin.

"Hello" I answered back feeling a little nervous.

"What's a good looking cutie doing in a place like this?" he asked.

"Whoa" I said gesturing my hands to tell him to wait "your saying I'm cute?"

"Well yeah" he answered, "I'm staring at you and no one else." I started hearing a heavy beating before I realized it was my heart. I was going to say something until he started giggling and stroke a gentle claw down my cheek. "You look cute when you are blushing" I didn't know what to say; I was basically breathless. "So" he continued "got any plans for the rest of the night?" I shook my head. "Would you like a escort home?" I nodded my head. "Then let's go." We jumped up to our feet and headed out the door. Just as we exited the building he offered his arm and I took it in my hands, feeling his strong arms.


I do believe I was still drunk at the time we exited the bar. I couldn't help but smile as I feel his hands rubbing up and down my arm. 'He's so cute this way' I thought looking down at his dark hair, black shirt, black jacket, and black pants. "So" I started, "what school do you go too?" he looked up at me, reveling those gorgeous green eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked, "You and I are in the same final period together."

"Oh?" I said arching a eyebrow.

He sighed and look down "I'm the human who is always alone by the bleachers."

"Oh" I realized "I'm sorry. I have a bad memory on people."

"It's okay" he giggled really holding my arm.

"So how far is your place?" I asked as we turned a corner and started walking down a quiet neighborhood.

"It's not far" he answered and then pointed at a house that we were just coming up too. "That's it"

We walked up the stone path up to his front door, where he let go of my arm, open the door, and turned to me with a smile. "Thanks" he said giving off a cute yawn.

"No problem" I said and just gotten sidetracked as I stared into his eyes. Those beautiful green eyes became hard to turn away from. The more I stare at them, the less I noticed I walked into his house and shut the door behind us.


It made me feel a little uneasy when he stared at me and just walked into my house shutting the door, but there was something about him that made me didn't want to care. He looked up from my eyes and started walking around awing at my house. "I'm glad you like it" I said brushing some hair out of my eyes.

"It's a lot better then what I live in" he said, then he planted himself on the couch.

"You can spend the night here if you want" I offered sitting down next to him.

"I would like that" he starts stroking a gentle claw up my arm, the feel of it made me shiver to the touch. He giggled a bit and leans in open mouth for a kiss, until I caught a whiff of his beer breath.

"Woo hang on" I said pushing him back. "Listen you're a great guy and all, but I don't like it when I make love with a drunk."

"Aw come on" he said "I'm not that drunk."

"Dude, your wasted."

He looked at me with an upset look in his eyes, then he pulled out a small canteen out of his pocket. He opened the top and hand it to me. "Drink up."


As drunk as I was, I was very stupid. When he sniffed the canteen he threw his head away in disgust. "Take a sip" I said tilting the canteen in his mouth. When I figured a third of it has been taken in I brought it back and he coughed.

"Dude that's some strong stuff" he coughed out.

"Have more" I added and pour more in until I see a drunken red streak run across his face. I closed the lid to the canteen and watch him.

"Wow, that's was some good stuff Charizard" he said swishing his words around. With that said and done I leaned in and kiss him so deep that he thought my tongue was more beer.

The kiss was so good, good enough to get me to go further along as to take our shirts off and rub our bodies together. In an instant, I even took the pleasure to undo his pants, slide both his pants and boxers off, and went straight to sucking his cock. I hear Pokémon say that human isn't a thing to taste, but from the taste of John's meat I have to disagree. I hear the moaning and groaning in John's voice as I suck his length more, wrapping my tongue around it and feeling his balls. He taste so good.


I don't remember everything that happened, but I do remember feeling his lavishing tongue on my cock, forcing me to moan and make noise of pleasure. I couldn't help it, I was so close. I gave off one final yell as I fired into his mouth. I watch him gulp down every drop making me start panting heavily. "Your...delicious" he said bringing those beautiful blue eyes back up to my attention. "Your very delicious" he slides his body up on me, place a hand on my cheek, and lead me into another kiss. If I wasn't drunk I would have pushed him off and call the cops, instead I open my legs and let him shove that big think meat of his up in me. It felt so good having him in me and kissing me. The rhythm he uses feels like he's been waiting for me, which was until he pushed his full length in me. I moan in sweet pleasure in his mouth not wanting him to stop. We break our kiss and he continues it on my neck as he thrust harder and faster, making me moan louder and grab hold of his back like I'm holding him for my life.

The pleasurable thrusting lasted for a good long couple of hours until I started feeling him swell up in me, getting close. "Charizard" I groaned feeling close myself.

"Call me Smokey" he interrupted building a growl in his throat, getting ready for the climax.

I gulped and pant out "Smokey, I'm close."

"Me tooooo" we let out a yell as our seed shoot out, his filling me up. We lay on the couch for only a couple of minutes before he got up and carried me into the bedroom for us to sleep the event off.


When I woke up, I thought I had a dream of John and me doing it. When I sat up my head was pounding. I held my head in my hands as I look around the room with my eyes. 'I'm not in my room" I thought 'this isn't my bed, what happened?' I heard something coming from the outside, I put on my boxers and pants and cautiously walked out the bedroom door. I looked into the kitchen and see John making some coffee. 'Did I really?' I started thinking, then shook my head. 'No I must have passed out and he was there to take me to his place to rest.' Even though the reason sounds right, I can't remember what happened. "Hey John" I said "What happened, my head is pounding." He didn't say anything, he didn't even look at me. I walked up to the counter and asked again "John what happened?"

He slammed a coffee cup on the table and poured in some coffee. He said in a low cold tone "drink this and you'll remember." I took a few sips and try to remember, but nothing came to mind. He grabs my cup and added "forgot to add something." He slams a canteen on the counter and stare into my eyes with great anger. It took me a second until I jumped up in realization. "Finally you remember."

I put a hand over my mouth and just wanted to shout. "John I'm so sor-"

"GET OUT" he shouted interrupting me. I can see the tears forming in his eyes. "Get out of here Charizard, get out and don't return. Don't talk to me ever again."

I couldn't say another word, it's like a sword just pierced through my heart. As much as I wanted to hold him and apologize, I couldn't bring myself to do so. I put on my shirt and headed out the door. As I walked down the street to the bar I started thinking 'who needs him, the guys are right that guy is picky.' I kept thinking that he's nothing, he's just a human, he' human and I love him dearly. When I found my car still parked in the bar's parking lot I found a note on the windshield. 'Smokey, hope your night is better then ours. We didn't even score one bitch. Tell us all the juicy things at school. Dominet, Muscles, and Horny.' I gave out a heavy sigh and thought out loud "What am I going to do?"


When he left I took a hot shower trying to forget everything, but no matter how hard I try to forget him he kept popping up in my mind. Once dress and ready for school, by the time I got into my car I imagine him in the car with me. I shook my head to get him out of my mind long enough for me to focus on the road to get to school.

As I was walking down the halls of the school I started to look around to see if I can spot him so I can avoid him, but in my heart I wanted to kiss him again. I kept looking all around looking like I'm scared to be jump or something. A hand grabbed my shoulder and I reacted by a back kick, my leg got caught. I opened my eyes to see Salamance. "Oh Sal, I didn't mean too...can you let go of my leg now?"

Salamance, known as Sal, is a friend of mine. He is my only friend and would protect me no matter what. He chuckled as he let go of my leg "your jumpy John," he said "did anything happen?" I couldn't think of anything to say. I'm at the point that I wanted to rat out Charizard, but my heart took over and I shook my head to answer. "Always remember," he continued "you can tell me anything and if it involves someone hurting you I'll hurt them." He then rubbed my head and headed off to class.

By the time the last period came around, I hesitated to walk in the gym. 'Is he going to be in class today?' I thought. Since Charizard and I have final period together, I thought things could get ugly. I then remembered that its combat class, he basically raped me, and now he has to pay. I bulked up, put on a serious face, and walked in.


Even at school where girls would respect me and the guys would either fear me or laugh with me, I couldn't get the guilty feeling out of my head and heart. I was just going to head out to look for him until "Hey Smokey" I turned around seeing Dominet and the guys coming up to me. "So spill" Muscles said "what happen between you and John?" I thought over many excuses to use, but none of them sounded right to use.

"Well?" Dominet pushed elbowing me

"Nothing" I lied "I escorted him home, we talked for a bit, and then I went home."

"No bed action?" Horny asked

"None" I continued. I felt so bad for John that the truth would make it where the guys would make his life a living hell. Then John entered the gym and lean back on the bleachers ready for class.

"Hey look" Horny pointed out "John is here."

"Looks unhappy" Muscles chuckled

"Guess his day isn't what he likes," Dominet added "or last night right?" all three started laughing.

"Quit it guys" I snapped "leave him alone."

Before the guys could say anything else, the coach entered and told us to partner up. The coach stopped me from partnering up with the guys and set me up with a new one. He set me up with an opponent that even I didn't feel comfortable with. He partnered me with John. We got ready on either side of the field, ready for the battle to start. I wanted to see his eyes, but they were shut as if he's concentrating on something. "This is going to get good" Horny shouted out as they got ready to see the battle.

"Don't hit him to hard Smokey" Dominet added and laughed. I was going to say something until the bell ringed to start. John's eyes flash open and I could see not kindness, not love, but anger and a fighting spirit in those eyes saying 'destroy'. Before I could even say a single letter, John ran up to me so fast that I barely dodge the first punch.

'Damn' I thought 'when did he...' my thoughts kept getting interrupted as more and more punches and kicks come in my way.

"Damn Johns quick" Horney commented.

"Holy craps, Smokey do something" Muscles shouted.

They said do something, but what? I cross my arms to shield my body and face, feeling the power behind each blow. I figure I could keep dodging and blocking until John made contact with my chest that sent me flying. The force was so strong that I had to extend my wings to slow down and land. I look up panting and hurting, seeing he just stands there like he wants to see me in pain. In truth I deserve it from what I did. "Come on Smokey beat the hell out of him" Dominet yelled out.

"Shut up" I yelled back while trying to get up.

"What's wrong Charizard" John asked "the school's strongest and determine fighter not wanting to fight?"

"I don't want to hurt you John" I said hoping he would understand

"But I do" he replied and start running for me.

By the time John made his punch, I stepped aside making his punch go across my chest length. "I'm sorry" I said to him, and then I tighten my fist and punch him in the stomach.

I accidently made the punch too strong, for he fell to the ground holding his stomach, and started coughing. I stood over him wanting to give a hand to help him. "Finish him Smokey" Horny yelled out.

"Yeah finish him" Muscles and Dominet added.

I looked from the guys back down to John and looked into those eyes of his. Looking into those eyes made something inside me break into many pieces. I ran out of the gym before I had any thought to finish the battle. I ran into the guy's bathroom and try to pull myself together. My feelings built up so much that I punch a hole in the wall and slid down to my knees crying like I never had before.

After school I see John heading out to his car as piss as ever. I opened my mouth to call to him. "Smokey" I turned to see the guys coming over. 'Damn it, am I ever going to say anything?' I thought. "The guys and I are heading to the bar." Dominet said "we thought if we could get drunk enough, we could score some girls in bed. Want to come?"

"No" I answered shaking my head "I got a lot on my mind and I got some homework that would take me all night. See you later." I walked away and got into my car to drive off. I was partially right, I did have some homework but it didn't take all night. When I got done I sighed and looked out the window thinking about John. I hear a knock at my door. "Come in."

The door opened and my mother popped her head in "you all right dear?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, and then I turned to her with a curious tone in my voice. "Hey mom, how come it's against the law for humans and Pokémon to mate together?"

She looked at me all surprise on the question and thought it over. "Well" she started "when the law was being made, the humans and Pokémon believed that both sides should just mate with their own kind to keep up the generations." She looked up to see my expressionless face. "Does that help?"

"Yeah, thanks" I then got up, grabbed the keys, walked past her, and headed out saying "I'll be back in a little bit."

Six o'clock at night and I drove down a neighborhood and stop in front of John's house seeing the lights are on. It was hard to see with the curtains closed, but I know John's silhouette when I see it. He was just walking around in front of the light and the shape changed when I see that he took his shirt off. Out of nowhere I started visioning that cute body of his and how nice it felt against mine. Those eyes in my site, those lips connected to mine, and that nice ass in my grip. All that visioning burst to nothing as I saw the shape of another dragon walking up to him and wrapping his arm around his body. I growled and tighten my grip on the wheel. 'What's he doing with another dragon?' I thought and got out of the car, walked up to the door, and start banging it.


I ran up to the door to see who is there, but when I opened it I saw Charizard standing in front of me. "What do you want?" I asked still a little piss.

"I came by wanting to talk to you." he answered "Can I come in?"

"Why do you want to talk, I told you to never come ba-"

"Who's there?" he interrupted.

"What?" I asked curious on why he asked that.

"I saw your shadows from outside." he raged up with an upset tone "Who's with you?"

I got upset at his question "no one" I yelled "now leave." I was going to shut the door until he caught it and forced it open. He started to sniff the air once he got in like he is in the middle of a hunt. "Don't you ever listen?"

He turned around and placed his hands on my shoulders "John please listen to me" he pleaded.

We both hear a toilet flush and Sal stepped out of the bathroom. "So John, what do you want" Sal looked up to see Charizard staring back at him with an aggressive look in his eyes. "What's Charizard doing here?"

"He's leaving, now" I answered pushing off Charizard's hands and walking over to Sal.

"John please listen to me," he cried out "let me tell you something."

"No" I shouted making him go from aggressive to innocent sadness. "I don't want to hear it" I continued "ever since last night I just want to...get out of here Charizard." I kept my face away from him and try to hold back my tears from Sal.

"This explains everything" Sal said that made me and Charizard look up at him "I get it now" he continued "you see John after your little kick reaction, I asked around seeing if people knew anything. After school I got the results from the battle between you two. I had a suspicion, but now I see the reason."

I wanted to hit him, but he's right. I stepped up in front of Sal and growled "Charizard basically raped me." I was expecting eyes of anger, claws extended to kill, and threats to fear even the strongest souls. Instead he gave out a heavy sigh.

"I figured" he said "I know Charizard's status. A Mightyena buddy of mine was there at the bar and told me that a drunken Charizard escorted you home. So I partially knew John."

I wanted to shout and punch him and Charizard, but I had to head off to work. I quickly grabbed my working uniform and headed out without saying another word.

Eleven o'clock at night and I clocked out from my job and ready to head home. As I walked to my car I thought over all that happened and all that Sal said, and came to realize that no matter how hard I fight it, Charizard, that low life, integrated, stubborn, bull headed Charizard, is the one I love and can't live without. 'I should give him another chance' I thought. Just as I was going to grab the car door handle, a hand grabbed me and one covers my mouth so I can only mumble. Once the hand uncovered my mouth, two figures grabbed my arms and force me on my knees. I looked on both sides to see a Dragonite on one and a Machoke on the other.

"It is all your fault." A voice in front of me said. I looked up to see a Nidoking come out of the shadows.

"What do you mean," I asked "what do you want?"

"I mean it's your fault for changing Smokey." He answered. Hearing Charizard's nickname made me come to the conclusion that these guys are his friends. "It's time for you to pay." The Nidoking walked up and punch me in the face. The other guys hold me up so he can deal more blows on my face and body. "Not so strong now are ya?" he laughed out hitting me with more and more punches and some from his tail. I thought the beating was never going to end. After what felt like hours, they released me. "Stay away from Smokey," the Nidoking growled "or next time no mercy will be given." They left with laughter filling the air.

My legs are weak, I can barely move my arms, and my breathing is heavy. As hard as I could I picked up my cell and speed dial Sal. "Hey John what's up?" hearing Sal's voice eased some pain a little as I breathed heavily in the phone. "John?" Sal asked "John what's wrong?"

"Come get me" I said weakly "I'm in the...parking...lot." I passed out once everything went black hearing one final shout of my name from the phone.


School was different in the morning, while walking down the halls I noticed every human and every Pokémon in a group talking about something. Nothing like this ever happens unless it involves a student or some sort of school event. I decided to walk up to a group of females to hear the news. "Morning girls" I greeted nicely.

"Morning Charizard" one of the girls giggled. "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"John is in the hospital."


"Yeah, he must have gotten into a fight or something."

"When?" I asked about to shake one of them.

"Um...last night." I ran before another word was spoken. I slam past the doors, run by my friends, hop into my car, and drove off like crazy.

By the time I entered the hospital I was completely consume with fear. The nurse at the counter looked up at me and asked "can I help you?"

"John" I almost screamed "is there a patient name John here?"

The nurse typed around the keyboard and looked at the screen. "There is a John here. Down the hall, take a right, fifth door to your left."

"Thank you" I said and fast walked down the hall. I slowed down after taking a right and counted the doors till I was at the fifth one. I knocked on the door and stepped in. My eyes started to swell at the view. John, my john, lying in a hospital bed with bruises from head to fingers. I step closer to the bed and whispered "oh my god, John."

"He's fine; he's going to be okay." I jumped at the voice and see Sal sitting in a chair in a corner. "I'm worried about him too Charizard. We both know he's strong, but..." he trailed off looking down like it's his fault.

"This is my entire fault" I said turning back to John. "If I...if I wasn't so drunk and stupid, I..." tears formed in my eyes and I feel Sal's hand on my shoulder.

"I protected John from many dangers," Sal continued "If you care about him so much, you should do the same." I couldn't say anything. His words were filled with facts and truth. My tears blurred my vision and I couldn't stop shedding them. "I'm going to get some coffee, want some?" I shook my head watching John. "I'll be back in a few." He patted my shoulder and left us alone.

I walked around to John's left side and slide my hand into his. I leaned in splashing his face with my tears. "I'm sorry John" I whispered "I'm sorry for everything. I was a jackass, a fucking idiot who doesn't deserve you. Please forgive me and give me another chance. Let me make it right." I leaned in more and kiss his lips lightly. "Please" I scoot a chair over, sat down, and rest my head on the side of the bed.


When I woke up I was in a hospital bed, once my vision was cleared I looked around and was surprise to see Charizard by my side holding my hand. I heard his words and smiled. I petted his head and accidently woke him up. He looked at me and I said "hey sleepy head." He gave off a smile and lean close, but stopped short. With a chuckle I placed a hand on his cheek and lead him into a kiss. "I forgive you."

Sal walked in while we were kissing but didn't say anything until he saw Charizard lean in closer and I grope his rump. "Whoa looks like someone is awake." He's unexpected entrance made us break the kiss, pull my hand back, and made us blush in embarrassment. "Glad to see your okay John. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"

I gave out a sigh and told them that I was beaten by Charizard's friends, hearing that made Charizard jump up from his seat and growl. "Those sons of a bitch, they are going to die for this." I grabbed a hold of his shirt and he calmed down quickly. "John?"

"I understand your anger hun, but don't. There are some things that violence and fists can't solve."

"But they did this to you."

"Just don't, for me?"

"Fine" I pulled him close to the bed and rubbed my head on his arm. I then sat up and scoot over still holding onto his arm. "What are you doing?" he asked hoping I don't hurt myself or something. I pulled on his arm making him crawl up next to me. Once he sat up I wrapped my arms around him, place my head on his chest, and smiled.

"I want my lover to be next to me while I'm healing" I answered.

He chuckled a bit and tilts my head up for three more words. "I love you." We leaned in close to each other and kiss like theirs no tomorrow.

END <3