“Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…” Chp 14

Story by Terian Whitepaw on SoFurry

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#14 of “Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…”

©® KAYCEE** Pseudonym 2012

This material may not be copied, sold or distributed without written consent of the author. All rights reserved.


"Ugh!" I heard Gordon groan was we rematerialized. We were standing in the confines off a stone circle covered in smaller stones where once held an altar. It was only a few feet off a nearby roadway.

"You ok?" Blake asked him while grabbing his right hand. Gordon nodded.

"It takes some getting used to traveling by witchcraft. A few times and it'll be old hat," Blake smiled at his lover.

Gordon got his bearings and looked around. They were on the outskirts of a small village that didn't look familiar, "We're not in Kansas anymore."

I looked at the area before me and was shocked to see where we were when I noticed Kyle looking around and highly agitated. There were pin pricks of fur threatening to burst forth from his skin.

"Gran," I spoke concerned, "Why are we here?"

"Where's here?" Gordon asked noticing that Blake's demeanor had changed as well. He and Kyle were sniffing the air.

"Kilmartin Glen," I responded still looking at Gran.

"Where's Kilmartin Glen?" Blake asked.

Gran turned to face him. "Scotland," she said before turning around and looking towards a band of trees in the distance.

Gordon's eyes drew wide to realize that we'd traveled roughly half way around the world in a matter of seconds. He took a deep breath, "So... Um, why exactly are we in Scotland and what is this place?"

Turning and facing Gordon I let him know, "This is Temple Wood Stone Circle, an ancient Druidic circle dating back over 3000 years. It's also the home of my Uncle, Great Uncle, Calvin and his partner, Niul*** ."

I turned back to Gran, "Why are we here Gran?"

She started to speak when Kyle began to growl deep in his chest. I turned quickly towards him, "Kyle?"

Blake lifted his nose deeper in the air and breathed deep and then realized what Kyle had scented. "LYCANS! FERALS!" he yelled, "AT LEAST THREE IF NOT MORE!"

Kyle suddenly shifted and burst out of all his clothes. Fur sprouted across his legs and traveled up his body towards his stomach as he took on his anthro Alpha form. He tore his shirt from his body and only his tattered jeans remained, barely surrounding his waist. He grew in size, larger than he had been before. I could only stare in wonder at what had happened to my lover.

His face pushed forward, bones cracking at the sudden and intense shift that accompanied the increase in size. The howl that emanated from within his body and out his now formed muzzle pierced the landscape making Gran, myself and Gordon nearly reach for our ears to cover them.

He jumped in front of Gran and me with his clawed fingers pointing ahead, his stance wide, head low and began scenting the air in all directions.

Blake was similarly shifting but seemed stunned at the howl that came from Kyle and the size of which he'd reached. He had other matters on his mind though as he reached his full stature and tearing off all the clothes off his body that still remained attached and moved to put Gordon behind him, beside Gran and me, while taking a place beside Kyle.

Gran immediately turned to Gordon, "Are you good with any weapons?" she asked.

"Pistol and rapier," staring her in the eyes, "I fenced in college." Gran nodded, her eyes widening and holding out her hands. A semi-automatic handgun was in the left and a silver rapier in the right.

"The pistol holds 10 rounds of silver nitrate and aconite ammunition, concentrated," adding the last part for emphasis while nodding to the guys, "Be careful." She waived her hand across his chest and a holster along with two more filled mags appeared.

"Gran?" I posed the unspoken question. Having a gun in this situation was rare for any of our history.

She turned slightly to take my eyes, "I fear what we are about to face will not be easy. This situation is much different than I had expected." I could see the concern cross her face and nodded my understanding.

Gordon looked down at the weapon, "Springfield Armoury XD semi-automatic? They've just come on the market," lifting his head towards Gran and cocking the pistol.

I concentrated and within milliseconds a silver tipped staff appeared in my hands. Gran nodded her approval.

Kyle and Blake scented the air again. "They're trying to get around us from sides and rear. They're definitely feral," Blake whispered while turning back to me.

"Right," turning around to face the other direction as Kyle now flanked my left and his right with Gran in the middle, Gordon towards the road and Blake facing nearest Kyle on his right.

Gordon leaned in, "You understood him?"

That took me by surprise, "You don't?" He shook his head, "Never in this form or any lycan form. I could get the gist of what he meant because of his physical actions but never otherwise."

I had to remind myself that Blake was fully human. "Let's quickly change that," then uttered a few words under my breath.

Gordon looked at me strangely for a second. I could tell he could feel the spell take hold, permanently. Blake was speaking to Kyle. I was listening to Blake give Kyle a heads up, "Do you smell them?"

Kyle nodded, his eyes glowing in the light of the early morning. The sun had not risen yet and it was just the cusp of the when the suns glow would be felt; the break between the night and morning.

Gordon shook his head as his hearing fuzzed for a minute. When he heard his partner say "...them?" he seemed stunned. Mouthing the word 'Thanks' to me; he turned focusing on the surroundings.

There was a sudden howl from the woods as two lycans appeared. They were feral. There was no hope for them. No humanity showed in their eyes.

Saliva dripped from their muzzles as they growled and inched towards us before one of them took off, loping fast at incredible speed. Kyle was knocked sideways. He wasn't used to fighting and neither was I.

Gran uttered two words and lightning shot forth from her hands knocking the lycan twenty feet to the ground with a sizzle. He was hurt but not out.

Another howl came from above in the huge oak twenty feet away, "OH FUCK! THEY'VE FLANKED US!" Gordon muttered.

Standing on the branches were four more lycans. They had circled around and used the trees as a means to hide their approach. One dived forward off the branch. Gordon drew his gun and fired. The bullet sliced through the lycan near the upper chest making it heave as the silver and aconite combination poured through it. Seconds later it burst into flame and incinerated.

While Gordon was busy, another one had leapt down towards Blake. Blake struck at him while the feral was in mid-air. He slashed at it, dislocating the feral's shoulder and leaving a large gash near its' neck. Blood erupted from the wound and sprayed the ground while the feral howled in pain. Blake quickly dispatched the creature with a twist of its' neck. The cracking sound overtaking the feral's howl of pain and then silencing it.

Gran was busy firing lightning into the oaks limbs, blasting off chunks of wood in pursuit of the two remaining flanking ferals. One jumped sideways and towards Kyle, who reached for it and flung it to the side. Blake grabbed it and shoved his hand through its' chest ripping out the, once human, heart. The beast gurgled for a second and then expired.

Gran caught the other one in a whipping spell and knocked it from the branch of another nearby oak it had jumped too then delivered a full battery of lightning at it, turning it to ash.

Another that had been hiding low at the base of the trees moved towards me and Gordon. Gordon pulled his rapier and sliced through its' left arm, severing the limb and turning it to ash. I whirled around and sent my staff through its' chest, making it shudder twice before it began to glow and heaved into a ball of fire then disintegrating.

We were smiling at each other when I was thrown backwards and onto the ground. Growls and howls of raging anger and a face full of teeth snapping at me. Saliva flew from the feral and dotted my head and arms, dripping down on my shirt.

It was the one that had been wounded earlier. Somehow, it had regained enough of its' strength to come after me. I had kept my staff between us, struggling to press the beast back from my body. Not enough though as its' sharp claws were raking out at my arms and hitting my chest.

The beast had lost one eye from Gran's spell and could not focus properly. The eye was trying to regenerate but it created and imbalance. I continued to struggle but it was drawing blood and weakening me with each strike that connected. I was trying to concentrate and utter a 'blow back' spell but the speed at which this lycan was attacking me was overwhelming.

"JESSE!" I heard Gran scream as I fought for my life.


Kyle could feel the power race through him as he shifted. This was different; different from any shift that he'd ever experienced. It was like a new power had been imparted within his body and strafed throughout his being.

The first lycan had caught him off guard as he was focusing on Jesse. He had to protect his mate. It had only been Althea's spell that had prevented the problem from getting worse.

Gordon had taken care of one as had Althea. Another jumped from the tree, its' eyes wild and without humanity. He tried unsuccessfully to use his Alpha power on it to calm it but there was no hope. He batted it away towards Blake who had disposed of it.

He kept thinking of Jesse and protecting him. He knew there were others here as well that needed to be watched but he wasn't focusing on them. His mind whirled at the thoughts and smell of his mate. He was eyeing the last one that had howled when Blake shoved his hand through the one he held. This last one was just in the distance and he turned to it when he heard Althea scream Jesse's name.

Fear gripped him as he whirled around to find his mate fighting for his life at the hands of the first feral that had attacked. His eyes drew wide in anger and fear for Jesse. He leapt in a speed not seen in any lycan before. Two huge jumps in milliseconds and ripped the feral off Jesse.

Anger poured out of Kyle as he saw the wounds on his mate. Jesse's blood had been spilt. The urge to kill swept through him.

The 'animal' swiveled around in his hands and tore at him, striking him with everything it had but it was a futile attempt. Kyle held the feral away from his body with one hand on its' throat as the feral slashed outward, only striking his arm and barely doing any damage. Kyle swung his body around and growled low. It was a rumble of anger that welled up within him. He reach upwards with his right hand and grabbed the feral's upper jaw then quickly with his left captured the lower one and ripped the beast's head in twain; splitting the jaw in half and sending gore over himself and Jesse.

Kyle leaned back and let out a roar of triumph that pierced the forest and surrounding areas. The last feral hastily retreated to the forest. Kyle saw him and started to give chase as anger swelled within him and the smell of blood filled his nostrils.

He heard words in the background but they didn't register at first. He heard yelling...

"KYLE! NO, PLEASE..." Jesse's voice screamed behind him. He turned with anger and malice in his eyes until he saw his mate struggling to get up.

He ran to him and scooped him up in his arms with tears in his eyes, "Je-ssee," he croaked out in a darker and less human tone.


I thought my life was over until I felt the feral being pulled from my body. I could feel some blood loss but my healing ability was kicking in and wounds were beginning to heal. I knew I would still need rest.

My eyes drew to Kyle as I remembered him ripping the feral away. He held the beast with one arm out and away from his body, left hand clasped tightly around its' throat as it clawed at him; biting forward with its' muzzle but not connecting . Kyle's eyes turned slightly towards me and I could see him taking in my wounds. His face turned dark, angry and hatred for the animal he had his hand on burned through his eyes. I watched him quickly turn and grab the feral lycan between the upper jaw and lower jaws and began to pull them apart as if he were sheets of paper that needed separating.

The popping and cracking of the bones in the skull, as Kyle effortlessly tore the feral's head in two. Gore and ichor flew from the animal and coated Kyle's fur and my body and face. Kyle threw the body aside and let loose a blood curdling howl that nearly deafened all of us.

One feral that remained in the distanced turned tail and ran. Kyle started to give chase. I could see his fur raised and the hackles along his back and neck ruff stand out. There was murder in Kyle's eyes. I had to stop him.

"Kyle!" I yelled but he did not hear me. "KYLE! NO, PLEASE..." I yelled louder while trying to get up at the same time. Kyle turned at my voice, his eyes so angry and full of murderous desire. I tried to move to him when his face changed and he ran to me. He scooped me up in his arms and held me close. Tears were forming in his eyes as he looked down at me. They began to fall through his fur and off the side of his jaw.

"Je-ssee," he croaked out in a darker and less human tone. It had me worried about what had happened to him and why he'd undergone such a change. He was bigger than before and I could see the struggle within to keep as balance between his human and Alpha lycan form. His humanity was intact but he was asserting himself with more dominance than any other alpha lycan that I had read about. The human side was winning and merging with the new. I could feel it.

I reached up and stroked his cheek, "Shhhhh," I breathed to him, "It's 'ok' babe. I'm 'ok'," speaking softly and staring into his eyes. He leaned in and licked one of my facial wounds and I could feel the saliva assist in my healing. I took his face and leaned up to catch his muzzle in a deep kiss before wrapping my arms around his neck and whispering in his ear, "I love you Kyle."


The speed at which the last feral took off was no surprise to Blake as evidenced from what he witnessed between Kyle and the other feral. Kyle was twice as large as before and he could sense that his Alpha power far exceeded his own. He didn't know what to make of it at all.

His first concern was with Gordon though, running towards his own mate and checking him out for injuries as he shifted back to his human form.

His hands ran all over Gordon as he checked for any bites or wounds.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," Gordon said pushing back against his lover.

Blake and Gordon turned and found Althea leaning heavily on her staff. They both ran over to her and held her up.


Kyle continued to lick Jesse's wound when his eyes grew wide. Kyle followed his mate's eyes and voice to catch his Grandmother leaning against her staff and breathing hard with both Blake and Gordon attending to her.

"GRAN!" Jesse gasped.

Kyle was at her side in a mere blink of an eye with Jesse still in his arms.


"GRAN!" I yelled watching Blake and Gordon surround her. I feared she'd been hurt.

My mouth had just finished yelling her name when I suddenly found myself looking down at her. Kyle had moved that fast.

I struggled to get down but it was evident that Kyle wasn't going to let me go. Blake was allowing her to lean against him while Gordon held her staff.


She looked up at me and nodded, "I'm getting too old for this shit."

Blake chuckled. "It seems to me that you held your own pretty well," as he continued to keep her steady.

"Oh, I'm alright. I just still haven't gotten my full strength back from that damn fall," acknowledging his compliment before turning to me. "I'm alright Jesse. Now," pausing to look at Kyle, "Let's see about you."

Kyle didn't release me but bent down on one knee to allow her to check him over. "He's healing quickly," he spoke. His voice was taking on his more normal tone but there was a quiver in it.

"I..." he paused.

"Shhh," Gran said softly to him and patted his head, "You've never had to face this before. It wasn't unexpected by me. I should have taken out the first feral but drew my fire because he was so close to you."

"Gran, what's happening to us?" I asked considering what my body was doing and what I was now feeling around me. The forest seemed alive, almost breathing. I could feel an almost 'heartbeat' emanate from within it and the things that lived and those that grew there.

"That's what we're here to find out," Gran said firmly with a look of deep concern. It wasn't for us but for what I wasn't sure.

She regained her footing and took her staff back from Gordon, "You two will be fine, if not better than before."

"Something has changed them both," Blake spoke up. "They are more powerful than before. This last shift triggered it in Kyle and I can sense something in Jesse but I can't figure it out."

"You're right Blake. Kyle is an ALPHA of the First Order," she spoke softly and reverently.

Blake gasped and backed up.

"I thought that was nothing more than a legend," he said dropping back on his ass to the ground only to let out a yelp.

"Damn acorns!" he mumbled.

That single moment broke some of the tension as we all laughed. Kyle's anthro laugh was a mix of chuffing and human elements that made his fur tickled my arms and face.

"That," Gran started when I felt Kyle tense and begin to growl.

Gordon was suddenly on guard as well and jumped to his feet. Whatever it was both of them smelled it, albeit Kyle caught it first.

A lone figure moved from the low rock wall along the roadway and moved towards the five of us.

Kyle's body tensed further and I felt that he was going do something drastic when Gran's right hand shot over Kyle's arm. "Peace Kyle," taking his eyes in his, "There's nothing to worry about."

She turned to the figure that moved quickly in front of us. He was a rather imposing man of around six feet with a stark shock of red hair on his head and dressed in boots, jeans and a heavy wool sweater.

"Hello Aedan," Gran said smiling at the man.

He didn't seem to be the least concerned about the large lycan holding me, the naked man eyeing him or the man with the gun standing closer to Gran.

"Calm down boys," Gran laughed walking over to the man and pulling him into a hug. He smiled and reciprocated.

"You're lycan," Gordon stated. I could smell it too now as he'd closed the distance between us.

"Aye," the man said, "and this one's a whooper of a one," taking in Kyle standing before him.

"This is Kyle Evans," Gran said pointing to my mate, "and you must remember my Grandson Jesse?"

"This is the little whelp?" Aedan gasped, "He's grown up."

My hackles rose, "Whelp?!" I grunted.

Kyle's body throbbed with laughter over the comment making me reach up and grab his muzzle, "See if you get any for the next few days!"

He stopped chuckling and let out a soft whine.

"They are mates," Gran said acknowledging our conversation.

Aedan's eyebrows raised, "A lycan and a 'Red Cape'?" Gran nodded. The man rubbed his hand across the reddish brown stubble that lined his face, "He's no ordinary lycan."

Blake broke in out of caution, "Blake Marmount and this is my partner and mate, Gordon Hale." They both extended their hands. Aedan took theirs, "Pleasure to meet ye both." I could still see that he was looking at us.

"Althea," he said turning back to Gran, "you care to explain?"

"I can and will but we all need some food and rest," she said straight forward, "and I think you need to tell me about what we just encountered."

"Aye," the red haired lycan spoke, "that I can do on both parts." He looked at the dead ferals behind us, "And thank you for ridding us of some of that ilk," as he spat on the ground.

"Speaking of," Gran said then raised her staff and struck it on a stone.

Streaks of lightning issued forth from the silver tip and wove between us to strike the dead ferals. They began to glow and off orange colour before suddenly bursting into flames and falling to small piles of ash.

Aedan nodded, "Let's go."

I started to push myself up and get out of Kyle's arms but he held tight.

Aedan turned, "He'll have to turn to human or wolf form to enter the city. There's a spell in place to prevent any anthro form from entering. It keeps the ferals out."

Kyle put me on the ground and leaned forward. He suddenly shifted to his full wolf form. He was HUGE!

We all took a collective gasp at the size of the silver-black wolf before us. He was double the size of any lycan's wolf form.

Kyle shook his fur. "Climb on," he spoke, "I'm not having you walk until I know you're checked out fully."

My hands immediately went to my waist as I stared at him.

He leaned forward and stuck his muzzle in my ear, "If I shift to human, I'll be completely naked and I can't promise that I won't get a hard on in front of Gran," then licked my ear.

I suddenly felt another face near ours and the words "HA!" explode in laughter.

"BLAKE!" I yelled followed by Kyle running and pouncing on him.

Kyle leaned down and whispered something in Blake's ear making him stop laughing and get up quickly.

"You wouldn't?" he gasped.

Kyle nodded his head.

"Are we going?" Aedan asked with somewhat impatience mixed with amusement.

Kyle turned and flipped his tail at Blake making the older lycan stare at him.

He stopped and stared at me before crouching down.

Relenting, I climbed onto his back and grabbed his ruff, "Let's go."

We began to follow Aedan down the road back to Kilmartin Glen village. I leaned down to Kyle's ear since we were a bit back from the others, "What did you say to him?"

"I told him that if he didn't behave that we wouldn't allow him back into our bed," he laughed.

"You're serious?" I gasped.

Kyle nodded his head. "Don't tell me that you don't want to have him there with Gordon," he laughed.

My only response was to turn a nice bright shade of pink.

***Author's note: this is off spelling of the Celtic/Gaelic/Scottish name 'Niall' **nee-AL**