Camp Side Diapers

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A new pet goes camping with her new owner and his parents

Disclaimer: Any resemblance between nouns used inside of this story and those outside of it, unless otherwise noted, existent or otherwise are purely coincidental.

Rain beat down on the canvas of the tent, the cold morning air grasped the blanketed figure laying inside the tent. It did not matter how many times she awoke to the nippy air or how many blankets covered her. The mountain air always seemed to bite at the comfortable conditions inside the sleeping bag. The mud colored caribou rolled over, attempting to pull the bag tight around the drafty hole at the opening of the bag.

She found her hands unable to grasp the edge however. She pulled her hands into view, finding them covered with black bondage mittens. She had forgotten about them, the mouth gag, body harness, and bulky diaper her new masters made her wear. They were kind enough to buy her just before heading into the mountains for a camping trip. Why they couldn't have waited till after this infernal trip to buy her was beyond any reasoning she could come up with.

As usual her bladder was ready to release itself after a long night. She hadn't gotten used to wetting herself completely though. She felt so dirty every time she wet them and the times she had to poop had just made her miserable beyond compare. She felt the need to stand up before she could release her sphincter. She however knew if she got out of the sleeping bag it would be impossible to get back in without her masters help. For the most part she found it less comfortable to pee laying down, but the conditions outside the sleeping bag forced her to live with it.

She laid in her dirty diapers for the next few hours while the rain slowed to a stop. She wondered when one of her master would come in and get her. She had attempted to get out of the tent yesterday to find one of them for a change, unable to grasp and move the zipper to open the doorway. The cold hours torturing her as she waited to be let outside.

The approaching footsteps kept her focused on the doorway as the zipper began to travel. Who would be greeting her today? A young husky poked his head in, her masters son Alaric. She had guessed he was around fourteen, and he sure played with her like it. "Hey get up sleepy head, my dad says I'm supposed to change you." he said with a tone that most fourteen-year old's used when doing something they did not like.

The husky tore open the zipper on the sleeping bag and threw the covers off, caring not of the drenching cold that slapped the nearly naked caribou. Her skinny build did not help the conditions either, she would have loved to have been little fatter to ward off the cold. Reluctantly she sat up and waited for him to clip a leash to her collar and drag her ten yards to the picnic table where they changed her. Again she found herself yanked out of the tent and pulled as fast as possible to the table.

It always drove her crazy to lay down and let someone put her in a diaper, but the mittens kept her from doing anything for herself. Alaric hooked her mittens to her harness as he had done every other time he had to changer her. It was not really for his safety or to keep her from fighting, no they had a shock collar around her neck for that. It was because he like to tickle her mercilessly till she wet the new diaper a little. It always sucked feeling the fresh padding become dirty and to know she would not be changed until she had time to use the new one more. Alaric was evil that way.

Alaric untapped the diaper casually, throwing it away while plugging his nose. He usually never bothered to clean and powder her, but for some reason he made the effort today. The cold wet wipes added to the cold morning air, it was actually some relief when the diaper finally went up around her pelvis since it brought warmth to the caribou's crotch. As usual it was comfortable and soft, it was however still disturbing to her in ways indescribable to anyone who has never been forced to wear one. It did not take long for Alaric to start tickling her, she jerked at her restraints in an effort to stop him but it was fruitless as usual.

"Alaric, do you have to tickle her every time you change her?" Alaric's mother had approached from behind, "Have you decided on a name for your pet yet? Me and your father want to know what to call her."

It surprised the caribou a little, so Alaric was her master? It brought another sense of dread to the caribou. Playing with a masters child and being a slave to a child felt like two different situations altogether. Alaric turned to face his mother, "I was thinking about calling her Stinky!"

"Now honey we talked about this, you need to give her a real name, not just a description of what you think of her. You may want to call her Stinky now, but when your older you'll wish you had named her something else. Now put some real though into it and come up with an appropriate name." She said before walking off towards the campfire.

Alaric pinned her with one arm and went right back to tickling the defenseless caribou. "What do you say we name you ticklish." She tried to laugh around the gag in her mouth, hardly able to breath. "Or maybe Nalli? Would you like that name?"

It did not really matter to her as long as he stopped tickling her. She might have been able to get away if she had not been restrained. Her body writhed under his hand, It screamed for air and sought a path away from the husky's fingers. The control the teenager could exert on the fully grown caribou was a frightening prospect. She could feel herself need to tinkle again. Pee began to squirt out into the diaper every time she exhaled and Alaric could tell. His devilish grin grew to the sides of his mouth as he tickled her relentlessly. A few minutes passed before he stopped, remembering how his parents would always stop him if he drew it out too long..

"Yes, I think Nalli would do quite fine, I'll go tell my mother." Alaric said, hooking a hose to her mouth gag, allowing her to drink some protein enriched liquid. Alaric made his way towards the cam fire leaving Nalli tied to the table. The liquid tasted nasty, but it was the only thing they had fed her over the last three days. Her hunger had made her like it just a little. Alaric returned with an excited look, "Come on my mom says we can go for a walk before we head home." The young husky immediately went to work: removing her feeding tube, yanking her off the table, and dragging her into the woods.

He dragging her for some time through the trees. She wanted to ask him where they were going, but her gag kept her from complaining about the rough trail. "Alright, I think it's time for a break." Alaric reaching for her arms. Nalli did not resist when he moved her arms, there was not really any reason to resist since she could not escape. Alaric secured her arms to a low-laying branch, leaving her arms above her head.

Alaric moved behind her, pulling on the back of her diaper, "Hold still". Nalli tried to look behind her, worried about what he was doing. She could hear a zipper unzipping and she could feel a nub touch her back as he hugged up against her. She panicked, was he about to? A warm rush of liquid ran into her diaper, the feeling causing her distress. The diaper absorbed it easily, but some of it still stuck to her fur. It was no different that regular urine, but she imagined a slimy feeling because of it's source.

"Lets have some fun!" Alaric exclaimed, bringing his hand down firmly on her padded ass. It didn't hurt physically, but mentally it got her worried. The husky slapped her again before moving around to her front. His hands began to prod her armpits, eliciting a jerk from her. The diaper at this point felt slushy between her tights. Alaric placed his free hand on her padded butt, squeezing the mush against her rump. "Yea you like being a dirty girl don't you!?" Alaric tickled her lightly, moving her to the left then the right under his influence.

"My parents don't like me to tickle you more than a few minutes at a time, but I don't see what they're going to do about it way out here. I know you love it, you don't need to deny it. Your just so good at squirming, you must like it! Oh and wait till we get home; I'm going to show you to all my friends. They will want to play with you as well. Oh but you'll just have to enjoy me for now." Alaric began to pick up his tickling, slowly making his way to a full out assault on her ribs.

"MMMMHMHMMMMMM!" Nalli screamed behind her gag, jerking as hard as she could on the branch. His claws danced across her body, leaving her breathless. Alaric continued to prod at her sensitive area's. Nalli could only attempt to cover herself with her legs under the unending barrage of pokes. Gravity weighed her down, preventing her from blocking Alaric's advances. She could feel the full weight of her body on her wrists as she lost the strength to stand. It seemed to go on for hours, and the movement of the sun suggested some time had passed. Alaric never lost interest once. If only his parents were here to stop him.

After a long tortuous session Alaric finally stopped. He reached for her stomach, touching it softly enough to not tickle her. His hand moved down, pressing the padding into her crotch. "I suppose we should go back to camp and get you changed." Alaric tickled her a little more and the proceeded to unlock her hands jerking on the leash to lead her back to camp.

The urine soaked diaper chafed a little as they made their way back. As bulky and absorbent as the diaper was, urine leaked out of the sides every time the caribou had to compress her legs. The long hike back to camp left her tired. She paid little attention to anything other than her sore limbs. Before she knew it she was in a fresh diaper, in a kennel, on her way home in the back of her masters car. Sleeping the whole way.

Not a continued story

To The Future!.. Fifty Years Later

**Disclaimer:** **Any resemblance between nouns used inside of this story and those outside of it, existent or otherwise are purely coincidental.** Sona felt air whizzing across her back. The black abyss in front of her faded slowly to a dull Grey....

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MACHINE{Commission Leoroc}

**Disclaimer** **Machine is a yiff series. Due do the nature of this series; I ask that you don't ignore future postings because each one covers a different kink** **This piece was done on commission by Leoroc featuring his fursona....

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MACHINE {Spanking}

**Disclaimer** **Machine is a yiff series. Due do the nature of this series; I ask that you don't ignore future postings because each one covers a different kink. Grammar Nazis are welcomed with large cookies and a hug. Any resemblance between nouns...

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