The Royal Secret part 5: Perfect for Each Other

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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#5 of Stories of Cabalton

I'll probably add a real sex scene pretty soon, EDIT: I've left the place where it'll go and added a loose description of the important parts (It'll basically just be straightforward oral, much as can be with hyperphallic erotica) but I'm more excited to put up the next part.

Raspberry cake was Phillip's new favorite food. He chewed the richly textured dessert with a serene glance at the beautiful princess reclining in front of him, then he took a small sip of tea that seemed like the best cup he'd ever had. Maybe it was all just because he was looking at her.

He couldn't help but giggle as he watched her finish her drink and settle back contentedly on the sofa, a paw gently fluffing her drying fur back out after being matted from their lovemaking. He looked away begrudgingly in order to find out whether she was truly bewitching his tastebuds with her sensuous body.

The cake was still excellent; maybe he could get used to this royalty thing after all...

"So what exactly would it be like to be king?" Phillip asked as he finished his dessert, "I know that you would be the matriarch, but what would I be doing exactly?"

"Well..." Rachel's previously closed eyes opened in amusement, "Since you don't have 'noble' blood, your powers will be assigned under my deference. One of the intentions of the courting process is to find out what exactly you would be good at," she smoothed the fur of her tail absently,

"The ideal is to have the king and queen rule evenly as a single monarch, but since supreme authority is left to the one with the closest tie to the royal line, it seldom actually happens like that," she continued with a casual shrug, "It hasn't caused a major problem for generations, especially since the representative element of the government makes most of the important policy for the empire. I can't remember the last time father actually used his ability to veto a law, and I believe my mother just helped with some minor political tasks when she was alive."

Phillip nodded thoughtfully, "Well, I'll do my best to be a good king, whatever we end up deciding I should do."

"Ah, one thing I should probably say...I'm not really sure how you should take this..." Rachel flicked her tail nervously, "I'll always treat you like I would a 'royal' husband, but while everyone will call you 'Prince' and eventually 'the King,' that's really more of a courtesy," she smirked sheepishly. "Since you're not a noble by birth, your actual title would be more like...the Imperial Courtesan."

Phillip snorted into his teacup and spilled some of the cooling liquid as his shoulders shook in laughter, "You know...I think I rather like that," he chucked and brushed the droplets of tea from his leg, "I wasn't lying when I said that duke fellow complemented me. As long as I get to paint and be with you, they can call me your Imperial Lapdog for all I care," he smiled warmly at Rachel even as his ears twitched slightly, "I'm more worried about embarrassing you by making a fool of myself at some posh ceremony or other."

Rachel smiled back and wished that she could say that he could never embarrass her, but that wasn't really true. What he couldn't do was make her stop loving him enough for it to matter, "I think I'll always adore you most when you're a little embarrassed, even if it might get you into a teensy bit of trouble now and again. I'm not going to lie; there's a lot that you'll have to learn," she smirked apologetically.

Phillip nodded with an understanding smile. He'd most likely always be awkward and clumsy, but as long as it didn't keep away his beautiful princess, he'd be happy, "For now, I just want to learn some more about you," he said moving over to the couch to sit next to her, "I feel like I just keep asking about your job, but haven't had the chance to get to hear all the fun bits."

"Hmm, what do you want to know?" she cocked her head with a sensual smile.

Phillip grinned, "All right, I'll just come out with it; have you always been that big?"

Rachel giggled as she reach her paw down to tickle her sheath, "I've always been bigger than males my age, I'm pretty sure." she grabbed her slowly swelling flare and tugged it gently, "But until the past six months, I only used to come up to about,," she pulled her penis up till it pulsed slowly on her stomach. It felt surprisingly good to be to chat candidly with someone about her male sex,

"It's been growing every couple weeks since then, the timing of which I am extremely sure because I've been getting increasingly frequent erections along with it," she blushed slightly, "For a little bit, I had to masturbate twice a day to be able to fit in my dress." she took her paw away let her member throb against her belly, trying not to look at Phillip's already erect manhood so they could keep talking.

"That must have been hard...oh bother, figuratively speaking, I mean..." Phillip said with apologetic sympathy, "I think you probably didn't like having to do that, considering how sad you were when you first showed me..."

Affection burned in Rachel's heart as she looked at Phillip. If only he knew how much she'd hated herself when she had to sit on that disgusting machine for the second time in a day, "I was pretty inconsolable that month..." she felt her eyes welling up unexpectedly, "I wish...I wish that somehow I could have known that someday I would meet you...I thought that I was a freak for so long..."

Phillip picked up her hind paw and gently rubbed his fingers through her fur, "I don't know how you could possibly think that," he said with a despairing look as he pressed his thumbs into the long arch of her paw, "You're the sexiest, most beautiful princess I could have hoped to see. You're my dream-girl, and so much more..." he tried to seem cheerful, but there was still a lot of pain in Rachel's eyes, and he thought it was because she still might not truly believe what he was saying.

But really, Rachel was searing with the regret of not embracing herself sooner. She was feeling the shame of not having that despicable duke thrashed to pieces for ever talking down to Phillip. A tear squeezed from her eye as she thought about how everyone would only ever see him as an opportunistic commoner, when he was better than any of them; a prince in every way that actually mattered.

She knew it was her responsibility to make them know the truth, and she reaffirmed her silent promise that as soon as possible, she would break the oath she'd made long ago to herself and to her father to never reveal what she was. There was no other way to make the world understand how important and royal this clumsy artist was to her.

"You don't know what it means to me to have found you," she whispered as Phillip hugged her hind paw to his chest out of anxiousness, "You can't possibly understand how much I love you for helping me feel like a princess again." She worked her mouth into a smile and bit her lip, "You make me happy, because you've made me happy with myself."

Phillip folded into the relief of seeing her smile again, and breathed slowly at the fluttering tingle of being in love. He felt like their conversation was helping her a bit, and decided to continue, "I'm glad you feel like that because I still have some questions," he realized with a small jump he'd been hugging her leg and went back to massaging her hind paw instead.

Rachel wriggled back into the sofa with a small, content smile, "Fire ahead."

"Is to put it? Well...anything in particular that you like having done when you paw off? I have a good reason for asking, I promise..." he said with a nervous twitch of the ears.

The princess hummed thoughtfully, "Hmm, I guess I'm not totally sure. I generally didn't have to do too much if I got a really bad erection at an inconvenient time, I pretty much just went off. And I have this sort of...machine that I used when I was in my chambers," She chuckled sadly as she thought of the hated device, "I promised myself I would have it destroyed if I didn't need it anymore. I'm looking forward to just doing it myself now that I can think about you," she smiled passionately as she felt her penis sliding back out at the thought.

"You might want to keep it around, it sounds...neat," Phillip said with a lusty tone that was quickly overshadowed by abashment, "Erm, but also...the reason I asked is because, um...I don't like...bumming and that," his face reddened, "It's one of the reasons that you're so perfect for me, because I...don't like anything to do with that direction, and I think you'd probably, um, kill me even if I did..." he looked at her imploringly.

Rachel giggled at his blushing as she wondered how to reply, "Oh, my handsome little prince...I don't think I even considered that," she stroked her hardening member thoughtfully, "I'll at least keep the sleeve from the machine, assuming I don't have to get another one since you made me even bigger," she took a deep breath as her penis twitched in agreement,

"But I really don't want to go back to using it like I had to before," she shivered in arousal, "When I have sex with you, I go down all the way and it feels so much better," she sighed happily.

"What do you mean?" Phillip asked, affectionately curious.

"Well, see how I am now?" Rachel bent her penis forward with a small gasp of pleasure to show him her semi-erect length, "Either Erica would have to help me get down to this size, or I'd have to do it myself. Then I'd use the machine to get it down the rest of the way. But you..." she rubbed a thumb around her median ring, "You let me cum all at once, and it's like nothing I've ever felt before."

Phillip felt his own erection throb in the glowing pride of being able to satisfy her, "You don't know how much that turns me on," he hiccoughed as a trickle of precum ran down his shaft, "Just promise me you'll say if you feel like that's changing?" He finished with an earnest smirk.

"Don't forget that I'm a princess," Rachel chuckled, "I'm used to speaking my mind if I don't get my way."

"Good," Phillip nodded, "Now unless you wanted to ask me something, I'm rather eager to see if you get any sweeter once you've had your dessert," he sidled off of the couch and moved in front of her, a sticky thread of fluid dangling from his tip.

"Ooh," Rachel breathed as her own precum bubbled out of her flare, "I just want to be able to taste you too this time. I have been a little curious as to what actual male semen is like because I've never had the chance and I kept forgetting to try yours."

"'s pretty gross really," Phillip grimaced, "Like gummy seawater."

"How do you know that?" Rachel asked with a cocked eyebrow as she sat up and began stroking herself.

"Well..." Phillip blushed, "I've always been more turned on by girls, but...erm...You know how I said I didn't like bumming? I kind of found that out the hard way..."

"Figuratively speaking, of course," Rachel giggled as she felt her length swelling to it's full size.

"Oh bother..." Phillip snorted in laughter as he licked her gently sweetened fluid. "Like I said, you're perfect for me..."

INSERT SEX SCENE (I haven't quite decided how it should run, but I'll have it up some day. Missing detail: they're informed that they're to have supper with the king rather than alone as expected)

Basic Sex outline: Oral for Rachel while Phillip paws off again, she pushes him back in middle of it to give him oral while she paws of instead. She notice's his precum doesn't have much flavor, and expects his semen to be similar despite what he said. The anticipation sets her off, and her cumming onto Phillips legs sets him off as well. Surprise, surprise his semen is really salty and gooey after all, ha ha gross. She doesn't like it but decides she's willing to try to acquire the taste because: love, aww. They see the time and go to take a bath together after asking Erica to fix Phillip's pants, he blushes blah blah. OKAY moving on, I'll write it out eventually...

The lovers bathed happily together, Phillip asking about some of the formalities for dining in the king's presence as they felt the warm, soapy water washing away their fluids. Rachel had to fight to stay awake as the rich contentment of the comfortable bath and her loving company urged her to tarry as long as possible. She assured Phillip sleepily that he would be fine as long as he remembered to not address the king unless being addressed first, not to lean on the table, and so on and so forth as she curled against the satisfaction of their coital afternoon.

But dinner wouldn't wait, even for the princess, and the pair dried under luxurious steam vents as they combed down each others' overfluffed fur. Phillip's trousers had been mended by Erica as they bathed, and he happily put on the borrowed undergarments she had left for him. He didn't need his lucky shorts anymore, and grinned at the thought that they had served him so well.

Rachel on the other hand was more hesitant to put on her special, restraining underwear, but finally conceded with the knowledge that she could take them back off as soon as she was in her chambers. She remembered the times when she had left them on deliberately, looking in the mirror and trying to ignore the slight discomfort as she pretended that her sheath didn't exist. She felt foolish in retrospect, but thought happily that now she could probably get away with leaving them off during her lessons and the other times she was only in the company of those who knew her gender.

The couple walked to the dining hall and Phillip noticed her wincing slightly; he whispered a suggestion that almost forced her to take him into the next private room for a particularly enthusiastic show of her appreciation. He'd suggested that she have underwear made that could be unbuckled for when she was alone, giving her more freedom without the need to undress completely. The thought had never occurred to her over the years, she having always assumed that getting ready for the day meant hiding herself constantly.

Rachel settled for giving him an especially deep kiss, until the pain from her groin insisted she start mentally reciting the names of the various provinces of the Imperium.

The royal dining hall was supremely decorated with regal patterns and arching pillars. It was an interesting design of internal buttressing that Phillip appreciated for its marvelous aesthetics, and he made a note to try his hand at painting some indoor scenes when he had more casual access to the palace.

At the head of the table sat Rachel's father, a rather heavily-built king with a weathered face underneath his simple crown. He nodded at the couple as they were announced, and gestured that they should both sit directly at his side.

Phillip was pretty sure he remembered that this was an important honor, and bowed at his waist as he tried to prevent his ears from quivering too much. He almost forgot to help seat Rachel, but quickly stepped back to pull out her chair for her. When he looked at the king as he took his own seat, he saw a pondering expression coming from the old fox's eyes as he rested his chin on a paw.

"Master Roarch," the king intoned suddenly, making Phillip start, "I was given word that you have taken to dueling in my courtyard."

Phillip couldn't tell if he was being reprimanded or not, but managed to keep too much of a quake from his voice, even as his ears did so with rampant enthusiasm, "I...I was challenged by one of the nobles while I was talking with the Princess, Your Magesty," he lowered his head in an attempted gesture of humility.

"I see," the king nodded without changing his expression, "My guard has also informed me that you retained your honor with a very...unusual method of combat."

Phillip clenched his paws together to try to slow their shaking, " afraid I'm only privy to the sword wielding itself, Your Magesty. If you'll excuse my plainness, I am rather clumsy when it comes to everything else."

"Indeed?" The king returned with the tiniest hint of a smile, "I would rather you speak plainly, Master Roarch. You are dining at my table and have seen fit to impress on me and my daughter an eagerness to prove your mettle."

Phillip looked at the king in alarm, "Please, Your Majesty; I wouldn't want to give you the wrong impression...I mean, I wouldn't normally...that is to say..."

The king snapped his fingers to call for the meal to be served, making Phillip jump again, "Impressions are not given, Master Roarch, they are inscribed by your actions," the king intoned softly as he flicked his napkin over his lap, "And I believe you are trying to say with unnecessary modesty what I again have already been told; it was not your honor alone that you were defending by accepting the duel," his regal eyes glanced briefly to his smiling daughter.

Phillip swallowed nervously as he nodded with a small smile of his own, "If it is not wrong of me to say, Your Magesty, I am quite taken with Her Highness. I consider a word against her a word against myself." He shivered as a small bowl of soup was placed in front of him.

The king nodded with another glance at Rachel while she beamed at her suitor, "That is the mark of a good man, Master Roarch. I would expect no less from one seeking my daughter's approval." He drank a small spoonful of his soup.

"You honor me by saying so, Your Majesty," Phillip bowed his head again and hoped the king wouldn't notice his paw shaking as he reached for his own spoon.

The meal continued in silence before the king spoke further, his eyes narrowed slightly as he saw the young tamaskan jump yet again, "What is your opinion of my palace, Master Roarch?"

Phillip wrestled against choking on the bite he had just taken, "If it pleases Your Majesty, I haven't ever been in a more incredible place. This dining hall, in fact, is especially well designed in my opinion. Like an ivory forest at morning."

The king cocked his eyebrow slightly, "Words I did not expect from a lawyer such as yourself, Master Roarch, esquire."

Phillip shuddered in anxiety but wrenched his shoulders back as he spoke, "My passion lies in the arts, Your Majesty. I'm afraid I'm still a novice in my father's trade."

"Indeed," the king frowned but noticed an imploring look from his daughter, "The legacy of aristocracy is not easily broken, Son of Roarch. Birthright is the foundation of the royalty you seek to join."

"I'm not ashamed of my passions, Your Majesty," Phillip said with attempted confidence, "Neither my love for Her Highness, the Princess, nor my love of the arts...But I hope with all my heart to be a proper suitor to your daughter and whatever that may require of me."

The king nodded slowly, " the Princess, then?" he asked softly as he set his utensils back on his plate.

Phillip looked earnestly at Rachel, "With everything that I am, Your Majesty. Even from our short time together, I know she is the only one I could ever wish to marry."

The king looked with slight irritation at his daughter as she put her paw on Phillip's, but his mouth smiled slightly before he could push it back to his authoritative expression, "The Imperium is governed by our royal office in service to the people, Master Roarch. Your love for my daughter is not the limit to your duties as her suitor."

"Then I will learn my duties, Your Majesty, as long as I can perform them at her side," Phillip said softly as he looked into Rachel's eyes.

The king raised an eyebrow over his disrespectfully unmet gaze, but he couldn't bring himself to be insulted.

"He likes you, you know," Rachel smiled as she waited with Phillip for the carriage to take him away from the palace.

"Really? I kind of thought he did...prayed more like," Phillip smiled nervously.

"He's not easily impressed, either. You behaved..." she hummed contentedly, "very royally."

"I was shaking like a leaf the whole time," he chuckled with embarrassment.

"My father and I...don't agree on many things, but he knows when I'm happy," she kissed him affectionately, "Next time you'll have to start meeting the nobility, and you won't have that advantage," she finished with an encouraging look.

"I'll be ready," he assured with a small twitch of his ears, "But it's going to be a long week without seeing you."

"I know, but once you've have a chance to work your charms in court, just think about how we'll have the whole afternoon to ourselves again," she grinned.

"I'll be ready for that too," he whispered as he pulled her in for another kiss.

The Royal Secret part 6: Time Apart

The days went by in staccato bursts as the princess and her suitor waited for the next time they could see each other. And as is the case with time, it always seemed to slow down interminably when they would look over at a clock and try to count the...

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Eastern Desert part 1: Of the Sand

Desert wind cut though Vera's cloak as she looked out at her ruined village, but she didn't care; the knowledge that most of her people had escaped from the raid was the only thing that mattered now. She pulled her rifle from the sand and turned away...

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The Royal Secret part 4: a Royal Demand

Phillip lay on the sticky sheets as the princess Rachel went to get some water. He had offered to get it himself, but she insisted that she had to drink a few glasses before bringing back the pitcher. He still couldn't quite believe his good fortune,...

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