Sulphira\'s War: Chapter 1 - Part 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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The long tail slid out into full view of the waiting reptile. Sulphira made a noise that sounded like she choked on a hiccup and fell off the bed. She looked up from the other side as her master pulled off his glove and revealed his scaly claw, each finger tipped quite nicely with a razor sharp claw. Each claw was a deep shade of red.

"M-m-master?" Sulphira gulped.

"Yesss, Sulphira," a long, forked tongue slipped out from between his fangs. He clenched his hand into a fist, making his knuckles crack in chorus. He pulled off his chest armor. A large, overlapping set of light yellowish scales covered where his neck tapered to his head down below his pants line, probably further. He had a very muscular body, huge pecks, a full eight pack, bulging biceps, triceps, and forceps, etc. This new realization that he was reptilian made her very aroused to find that he looked this good. He was colored everywhere else in a shade of orange and red just like the tail. She gazed over his body with a gulp. He noticed this and laughed.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked, his voice still retained its masculinity but had dropped to almost a hiss.

"I just want you to know that I would still be doing this even if you weren't here right now." And with that, the skin on his face separated into scales and elongated into a snout, much like that of a cobra. His fangs folded up into that top of his mouth and his eyes changed from red nothingness into large slits surrounded by crimson irises.

"Ahhhh, that's so much better. It's like I'm wearing a suit all day long," he hissed.

"You have no ides how annoying it is!" he hissed again. He looked at her. She didn't say anything, just tried to understand everything that had just happened and still was happening.

"This can't be...real. Can it?" she whispered quietly. She looked at him submissively. Although she REALLY wanted this to be real, she kept thinking to herself that it couldn't possibly be. There was no way her master could be. Without her knowing? It was impossible...but then again, nothing was impossible. She looked over the points:

* He kept his quarters very hot, reptiles were cold-blooded and needed heat to survive.

* He ate things whole, not cutting them up or even cooking them.

* What stood before her...but that could just be a spell to trick her into mating with him.

* He had fangs.

* He had no taste.

* His mouth tasted familiar to Sulphira.

* He had a long tongue when he kissed her.

Altogether, the odds looked good. She decided to make her move.

"So," she said seductively. "What other surprises aren't you showing me?"

"What?" he asked, he sounded groggy.

"I said, what else are you hiding from me?" she slithered off the bed and up his leg, past his muscular chest, and up onto his shoulders where she curled around his neck.

She came up to his face and licked his scar very tenderly, so as not to hurt him. He winced, not in pain, but in remembrance. Crying. It was a pathetic thing to get hurt from. He died a little inside.

"Master? What the throne room?" she inquired hesitantly. He just looked at the wall.

"When I was born...a long, long time ago, I was trained to become the Ultimate Ruler of this realm. It was a great destiny to fulfill, and I was happy to oblige to it...but, it came with a terrible price. I had to be bled of emotions, sucked of all things that could cloud my emperorship. Every sense that could cause an emotion was forcibly ripped from my body. I was a shell. An empty shell. But I found a way to bypass it...become a human. If I were to become a human in form, not in spirit, I could use the human's emotions to suit my needs. So I did. And because of that, my human emotions bled back into my natural form." Zellamus perked up a little bit, looking from the ground at Sulphira.

"But alas," he continued. "Because I have never felt remorse, nor has my human form for that matter, my demon state can't take sadness or love or regret or remorse or any of those things. I am still, in a way....hollow." he said gloomily. Sulphira looked horrified. Not being able to feel love? Scorch marks when you cry? That would be living hell for her! She would kill herself if she had to live like that! She felt a tear trickle down her cheek as she heard her master's heartbreaking story.

"Hey, hey don't cry for me," he stroked her cheek, wiping away the tear in the process.

"I'm so sorry master. I truly am," she whispered into his ear.

"Don't be, I may not be able to cry without hurting myself, but the only reason I did was because I felt something I've never felt before. I think it was love, Sulphira. Honestly, I do," he whispered back.

"Now, to answer that question of yours..." he kissed her as he unclipped the straps on his leg armor. It fell away to reveal a lower body not different from his upper body in color, design, and texture. There was only one major difference...a close-to-3-feet-long cock! It was slightly hard and colored in stripes of orange and red. She gasped in shock. It was the biggest she had ever seen! She wondered if it would feel as good as it looked. She slithered down his torso and stopped near his huge snakehood. He moaned slightly as she started licking his head. As she did, his dick got harder and harder with each gentle lick. When it was as hard as it could possibly be, she opened her mouth wide and dislocated her jaw. She pushed her mouth over the reptilian's cock and pushed her head forward, taking half of the entire thing down her throat!

He moaned again, a little louder this time. She shut her eyes tight and squeezed the rest of it down. She was incredibly relieved she had no gag reflex, if she had one she would have choked already. She pulled her head back, pushed forward again, repeating this method for about three minutes. After two and a half minutes, she felt his cock start to give soft bucks in her throat. Dots of precum appeared on his cock as she sucked and sucked on his giant snakehood. Sulphira felt the bucks start to intensify so she sucked harder, knowing all men, of any species, like that when they're getting close to an orgasm. In about thirty seconds, her actions were repaid. He opened his eyes wide and shouted her name as he shot his huge load of cum in her throat. She closed her eyes as the warm fluid poured down her gullet and into her stomach. She felt bloated when he gently gripped her head and pulled her off his shrinking cock, taking all his spooge with her and cleaning his dick for him. She relocated her jaw bone and tried to speak, but he put his finger on her muzzle.

"Don't," he said. "It'll just make you tired." He put her down on the bed and rolled her onto her back, sloshing her full belly. She didn't know what he would do to her, but she knew she would like it. She was right. He put his claw up to her exposed clit and let it rest there for a minute, letting her get a feel for it before he slipped the nail in. She gasped and moaned as he pushed his claw in further and further in to her cunt. When he found her weak spot, his demonic nature couldn't let him just ignore a perfect time to take advantage of someone, so he moved his claw into it and tickled it. She squealed in pleasure which only made him more obliged to use her weakness against her. She felt her orgasm creeping slowly upon her. She prayed he wouldn't stop. He had no intention to. She orgasmed fast and hard, screaming his name at the top of her lungs and covering his finger and a part of his hand with her juices. He pulled his finger out only when he was sure he had wrung every last drop of pleasure from her beautiful body. He brought his finger to his lips and wrapped his tongue around the base of his finger, wrapping it around a little higher each time. Then he pulled it back into his mouth bringing her sweet nectars into his waiting maw. They tasted delicious, like nothing he had ever tasted before. Sweet, thick, and altogether wonderful.

She watched him in this process, thanking god that Zellamus's quarters were separated from the rest of the castle, as she guessed it was quite embarrassing to hear her scream his name. She also felt very, very sleepy. He couldn't blame her, it was almost morning and she had just had an orgasm. She must have been exhausted. Zellamus himself was feeling a little sleepy as well. He lay down next to her and pulled a light blanket over both of them. It was by far the best sleep she had ever had...


Hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it! More to come!

Your friend and writer,
