[Chapter 1: The Voyage To Hell]

Story by Darixenous Shadowscale on SoFurry

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#2 of The Draxian High Guard

Once on a simple trip home these valiant warriors find out there duties are not yet over.

Disclaimer Notice!!!

All characters Copyright to Akirian Fox Drakenwolf [Andreiz M Banuelos].

Content is of An Adult nature so if your below the age of 18 please run away before your eyes are gouged out by the words in this story. If you are 18 or above then please enjoy.


Slowly Drakenwolf would open his eyes. one by one until all six glowing red orbs were once more gazing upon the waking world. His dreams, of darkness..daemons of his past. HE makes another drink materialize from thought and drinks it deeply as he scans over the ship with his Symbiote Gauntlet. Everything was checking out much to his gratification and despair. In his blood was the urge for war...the prowess to prove oneself in battle. But repetitively he had to remind himself that it was a new era...a new century with new rules. But what he did not know was that soon his Dark wish would come true. Setting the glass down he brushes off his legs and makes his way out. The door making a quiet hiss as it opened to allow his giant form passage only to close after he had left.

As he Paced along the decks he began to observe his surroundings. Passing the area of the so called 'Minor Damage' his mind began to wonder. But as fate would Intend time to wonder could not last long as a familiar voice reached his ears. "Commander?" It had belonged to his Tactical Officer. Turning around he'd gaze at him curiously. Usually he would have slept until needed, as is required of his kind to function with all motives, So he was curious as to what bothered him. "Yes Lieutenant Elk'ath'ren?". Without a word the young Hell Dragon of a Tactical Officer walked forward and places his claws on the Commanders thighs. It was a high of a reach he had to a creature so massive. Gazing up at his commander he silently cried. Drakenwolf knew what it was by scent alone. The dragon had reached a stage in life many of his species had referred to as Rutt. "Commander..I..please..help me. Please help sate my need...at least..until we get to the HQ..I beg of you,,Take pity on me" He would say in tears. It seemed as if he had been withholding his desires to the straining point.

Quickly the door to the Commanders quarters opened to him carrying the young Dragon only to close behind the pair. Gently he lays his Lieutenant down on his massive bed. Lowering his head down to press his maw against the smaller one he slowly entwines his tongue along his own. Meanwhile as he slowly calmed him down and further increases his own arousal and the smaller males passion two tentacles revealed themselves form the commanders back removing his garments with ease while the armor itself retreats under his scales. Passionately almost unheard of and unbeknowst to exist the Commander slowly begins to roam his claws over the smaller ones chest. Caressing along side every scale..every pronounced muscle. And in return he was rewarded with small moans..and the tremblings of desire felt throughout Elk'ath'ren's body. At a gaze from the other Drakenwolf knew what it was he desired. To be filled...dominated..and to feel the safety of a stronger ones embrace. He obliged. Lifting Elk's legs up onto his shoulders his lower two arms would mead and caress the thick muscles along his thighs while the Upper two caressed his sides. His slit opening to reveal two dark long members. immense in size and girth as they dripped in earnest and anticipation for the warmth they were about to be enveloped in. Yet, he held himself poised at his mates entrance gazing into his eyes as if awaiting some word of approval. "Please Commander..my love. I need you now more then ever." With a nod in acknowledgment Drakenwolf payed no quarter as he thrust both lengths deep into his mates tail vent. Causing him to grown and thrumm in delight while he himself grunted in growing pleasure.

With every powerful thrust there was yet another groaning of his name and the clutching of his lovers claws along his muscular scales. His lips sealed tightly to his mates own in a passionate battle of desire and need. Every inch of his twin phaluses penetrating deep only to pound into the others prostate. Elk'ath'ren's members twitched as they continuously leaked copious amounts of pre as he gained closer. His chest held close to that muscular body of his commander and lover. To feel his ridged member pulling and pushing into his tail vent only made him coo and moan all the louder. He was gaining closer and hungrily kisses his lover before breaking the seal only to clamp his jaws into his mates scales as he suppressed a roar while his seed covered there bellies. "Oh Drakenwolf!!!...I love you!!!" he muffledly yelled into his mates shoulder as his orgasm slowly subsided. He could hear the roar above him loud enough to shake the walls and felt the immense amounts of Draxian cum fill into his bowls. But yet again fate proved to be a cruels mistress as the Ships alarms roars even louder yet as both a warning and the direct summoning of his mate to the bridge. With a loving glance and a reassuring kiss they both dressed and headed back to the Bridge.

"Commander on Deck!!" Was all he heard before his immediate attention was drawn away as they plowed through a giant meteorite sized piece of debre. There shields having made sure no harm was done. "I want my View screen up now!!" Roared the Draxian commander. What he saw next made his heart, as well as the entire bridge staffs hearts, fall into a sickening plummet. Out ahead of the vessel was a war...Ships upon ships blazing in the firefight of numerous blast wounds from every direction. and the HQ was in a smoldering ruins while it in itself had lost Orbital Trajectory. And was already disintegrating into the atmosphere of Eidien 23. What had begun as a peaceful trip back home. Now became a voyage into hell itself. Shaking himself loose of his despair and awe Drakenwolf wasted no hesitation as he growled. "Attention all Decks!!! Battle Stations!! This is Not a Drill!"...


To Be Continued in [Chapter 2: Turmoil In The Midst Of It All]


[Hope you liked it..for there are more to follow. ^,=,^]