Tails from the Fastlane, Ch. 2

Story by Buster Williamson on SoFurry

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((First chapter too innocent? All that is about to change... This is just the tip of the iceberg. WARNING! Once again. Yiffyness and slight drug reference ahead. If you think you might be offended, turn back now.))

Tails from the Fastlane: Chapter 2

By Buster Williamson

It was shortly after noon when the three friends, the raccoon, jackal, and white fox, had walked a few blocks to get from Preston's house to Adrik's. They were busy gathering up their stuff when the phone rang. The raccoon's oddly young looking mother brought it to them with a smile.

"Adrik! Telefohn, eh ta gavareet Troy." she said, handing it to him.

"Spasiba, 'maht." said Adrik as he held the phone to his ear. "Hello?...Hey Troy! You still coming?...Awesome..."

Preston and Skyler bundled the tent together and went outside through the sliding glass doors to the polished wooden patio. Skyler suddenly turned to Preston, an ear flickering slightly.

"I never get used to his mom not speaking English. You can't tell if she's mad or not..." The white fox looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"Come on, Skyler. She's only lived here for a few years, you gotta' give her a chance. Plus, she was smiling!" said the tall, dark jackal, setting the tent next to their backpacks.

Skyler just nodded and sat down in a lounge chair, sighing as he unbuttoned his soft, olive green shirt at the top to see if it would avert Preston's attention. He wished he could do something... anything... to give the sweet jackal some sort of hint...

The raccoon suddenly came bounding out the doors with a small portable stereo under his arm. "Okay guys, Troy's on his way!"

Preston furrowed a brow. "What's the stereo for?"

Adrik grinned. "Kawa Tzu."

Somewhere across town, there was an orange bat stopped at a red light in his beaten-to-hell black Camaro. Troy sighed and puffed his cigarette, blowing the menthol smoke out the window as he anxiously awaited for the light to turn. It had been almost a year since he'd had any friends, and the thought of what happened to his last ones nearly made him twitch and grip the steering wheel tighter...

After making a pit stop at a gas station and nearly getting lost looking for the raccoon's place, he finally pulled up to the driveway of an average looking middle class brick house with a white SUV in the drive way. He patted his pockets to make sure he had everything, and sealed his small brown satchel. God forbid if anyone were to find out what was in there...

Adrik waved frantically to the bat as he walked around the house, the other two smiling and waving back from the patio as well. "Hey Troy!" shouted the raccoon. The bat was sporting almost the same look he'd had the day before at school. Everyone picked up their gear and began walking off towards a narrow trail in the woods behind the house, Troy following in the back.

"So, how long is this going to take?" asked the bat, nervously glancing down at his bag.

"Not long, fifteen minutes at the most." said Preston, who continually looked over his shoulder at the coon following him, biting his lower lip.

Troy simply nodded as the group moved along. They walked in silence until the jackal suddenly burst out singing 'Jungle Love', soon followed by the coon. For the rest of the hike, Preston and Adrik sang old Prince song lyrics together. The bat held back a fit of laughter as he noticed they were obviously doing it to torture the white fox, as his ears were pressed flat against his head, holding his balled up fists stiff at his side.

Finally, they arrived in a wide clearing with a clear pond in the center of everything. "Wow..." said Troy, watching as the others dropped their stuff and began to unpack the tent.

"Nice, isn't it?" Adrik said, unfolding the tough material and laying it across the ground.

The bat looked to him and smiled, shooting him a reassuring wink. He opened his satchel and swiftly retrieved a CD case with a blue raccoon on the cover, walking over to the stereo so elegantly placed by a thick tree and kneeling down by it. He turned it on, carefully put the disc in, and hit play. "A little something to stimulate the mood while everything gets situated..."

Industrial techno metal was soon blaring from the speakers as the four furs began setting up the tent. Adrik bobbed his head to the rhythm, Preston arching an eyebrow in surprise as he occasionally made some sort of swift dance-like movement. The song came to a smooth and melodic chorus, followed by a wild guitar solo filled with intricate shredding, making the friends' ears perk up in interest.

"Holy shit, this is awesome!" said Preston, shoving a stake into the ground.

Adrik and Skyler nodded, smiling widely as they touched elbows in approval and continued straightening out the sides. It wasn't long before they had the whole tent sat up, and upon completion they sat down and took a rest, the music still playing behind them.

"Man, it seems like we used to have such a hard time getting this old thing set up right..." said Preston, stretching his arms up behind his head.

The raccoon's eyes darted down to the dark male's rippling abs as his shirt rose up slightly with his movement. Skyler glanced over just in time to catch Adrik checking out their friend, and quickly cleared his throat. "Uh, y-you guys wanna' go for a swim?"

They each looked up, Preston shrugging. "I don't see why not."

Troy tilted his head, scritching his cheek. "I'm not very water friendly... You guys go ahead, I need to catch up on some reading anyway."

The other three males stood and stripped down to their boxers, each of them unbeknownst to one another averting their gaze to the ground to keep from eyeing each other up. "Last one in has to gather firewood!" yelled Preston as he took off running towards the pond as Adrik and Skyler took off running after him. As the jackal neared the edge, Skyler dove forward and tackled him into the water, Adrik soaring over their heads as he bounded over them. The stillness of the water broke in one giant splash, the friends laughing as they resurfaced and began trying to jump on each other.

Troy smiled at them and stood up, walking off towards the trail. He reached down into his bag, grabbing a small pipe and a lighter as he headed off out of sight...

A few hours later, the three boys had just begun drying off after they'd finished swimming and were sitting on their towels, relaxing in the peace and quiet. They heard something rustle from the edge of the clearing, footsteps... The orange bat nearly stumbled over a log as he attempted to put in eye drops while he was walking, his glasses pushed up onto his forehead and into his sleek, black, gelled hair.

"Dude... are you okay?" Skyler looked up, his still semi wet tail wrapping around his waist.

Troy cleared his voice and let out a light chuckle, nodding as he blinked and turned back towards them, setting his glasses on straight. "Yeah, I just got a... bit of an allergy problem with the outdoors, I guess."

Preston restrained a laugh and turned away, looking back over to his raccoon friend. "I believe it's your duty to go and get some firewood, hmm?"

The raccoon groaned and slouched forward, reluctantly pulling himself up. "Aw hell, shoulda' known you weren't going to give me a break..." He swatted the jackal in the back of his head with his moist, ringed tail as he walked by, cackling to himself as he made his way on out into the woods, still in his boxers.

Skyler laughed and shook his head as Troy sat down on the wet towel, smiling. "Man, I'm in such a mood to draw but I don't think I brought any of my materials..."

Preston narrowed an eye. "Oh? What exactly did you bring, then?"

Troy shrugged, looking down at his satchel. "N-nothing... Just some books and uh, my cigarettes... I hope you guys don't mind that I smoke." He winced slightly, not having meant to tell them that yet.

"It's a bad habit, but all of our parents' except for Skyler's smoke cigarettes too, so it's nothing unheard of around here." The jackal knew better than believe Troy just yet.

Skyler yawned, getting up and walking off towards the tent. "Hey guys, I'm a little exhausted... I'm going to take a nap."

The other two nodded, then turned to face each other, the bat shaking a bit nervously.

"I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but you seem like a pretty open minded guy and, uh... I have something I need to talk to someone about." Preston tilted his head, looking the orange furred male over closely.

"Uh, I-- wait, buzz kill? Wait, you think I'm--"

The jackal laughed, cutting him off. He reached down and picked up a small rock, then flicked it towards the bat, hitting him softly in the leg. "Stoned. Yeah, I know... I'm not as naive as my friends are. And... thanks for doing it out of sight." He looked over his shoulder to make sure they were alone. "So, can I tell you something?"

Rubbing his eyes, the bat simply nodded.

"Alright... Well, can I trust you not to tell anyone?"

Troy nodded in response again.

"Well... You don't mind... that I'm, uh, g-gay, do you?" Preston bit his tongue, heart nearly sinking out of his chest.

The bat shrugged, smiling lightly. "I guess not. Let me guess, you and the raccoon?"

"Not exactly... I mean, he doesn't even know about me yet. But... yeah, it is about him."

Adrik finally saw the camp site up head, huffing a sigh as he continued walking towards it with an arm full of itchy wood. Up in the distance, he could make out Preston and Troy sitting next to each other talking. Filled with curiosity and suspicion, the young raccoon crept along a grassy path and approached just close enough to hear them, standing behind a tree.

"Well, just tell him about yourself first. If he doesn't accept you for it, then he isn't really your friend. You shouldn't hide something like that from someone who cares about you so much..." The bat took a breath, looking up for a moment. "Sorry, I'm still a little blitzed... This probably wasn't the best time for this talk."

Preston chuckled, patting him on the knee. "You'll be alright. But still... I can't tell you how much I love that fucking raccoon... If only he could understand..." He reached up and began trailing his fingertips over his tight, white braids. "It's just... I don't want him to freak out. We've been friends for so long now, and even if I were to have him the way I want him, what would Skyler think?"

He shook his head. "It shouldn't matter to him either. Really, I--"

The bat was interrupted by the sound of a clunking noise from behind him, looking around to see a few sticks of wood roll out from behind a tree. Adrik emerged from behind it, wide eyed, staring at the both of them.

"Holy shit, I-- it's not what you think, it's, uh, I- I-" The jackal stammered around for a word, but the raccoon just kept walking towards him, getting closer and closer, blank expression cast over his features...

As he came upon him, the raccoon grabbed Preston's shoulders, shoving him to the ground and pinning him down, his muzzle a mere hair away from the other's. "Do you have any idea... how frustrating it has been... for ME!?" blurted the raccoon, pressing his lips to the jackal's. Preston's eyes shot wide as the male's wet tongue slid into his muzzle. He quickly grasped hold of himself and kissed back, tilting his head to the side as he wrapped his arms around the raccoon's waist, their bodies still exposed and slightly moist from the swimming earlier, grinding against each other. The two messily slurped at each other's maws as Troy stood up and threw his hands into the air. "I am DEFINITELY too high for this." He treaded off towards the tent to perhaps take a nap alongside the fox.

Adrik ground his crotch tightly against the jackal's, gasping as they parted from the kiss. "How long?" he said, running his paws over the male's smooth, dark furred face.

"Years." replied Preston, firmly grasping the raccoon's ass cheeks.

"Good enough." Adrik lowered his muzzle again, moving into another kiss as the two continued to exchange tongue on the ground, getting slightly dirty in the process. He looked down, noticing the jackal's thick, black cock rubbing up against his thigh. The coon reached down and wrapped his slender digits around it and began stroking it lightly, gazing down into his partner's large, glimmering brown eyes.

"Mmm... My God, Adrik, this is all I've ever wanted..." he said as a drip of clear, salty pre drizzled from his tip.

"M-me too..." Adrik managed to get out, rapidly pawing his friend's surprisingly well proportioned member. Preston began bucking upwards into the coon's fist, his soft, loose balls lightly tapping the male's wrist. They shivered as they felt their exchange of warm breaths upon each other's noses, driving them onwards into their moment of passion out in the middle of the woods. The continued on for a few more minutes until Preston began tensing up and shaking.

"Oh, f-f-fuck, I'm gonna'... I'm gonna'..." Preston gasped as his hips bucked upwards, pulsing onyx member lobbing several loads of thick, potent jackal cum on both their stomachs.

Adrik grinned down to him, shifting around to smear it over themselves, the intriguing smell flooding his nostrils. "You owe me..." he said, laying his head on the jackal's shoulder, feeling the other male's heart pound through his chest.

"I know, I know..." replied Preston, breathing deeply as he closed his eyes and kissed the coon's cheek.

Skyler shuffled as he looked over and saw the bat settling down on the other side of the tent. He rubbed his forehead, sighing lightly. "Damn... I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep after all."

Troy chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't go outside right now. It's a little uh, hot out there..."

The white fox rolled his eyes, unzipping the front of the tent and stepping out. Sticking out like a sore thumb, the first thing he spotted was Adrik on top of Preston. Skyler's mind and heart raced for what seemed an eternity, though it was only a few seconds. He slid back into the tent, falling back on his ass and staring off into space, feeling suddenly as if a part of him had died...

"Told you so..." said Troy, laughing softly to himself as he rolled over and closed his eyes.

((Okay, so what did everyone think? I need some sort of feedback, I'm not sure if I should proceed with this story... at least not in the way I'm planning. Please do let me know! E-mail me at [email protected] Thanks for reading! ^^))