S under D[Arc 2: The academy] Chapter 6 ( Arc Finale)

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#13 of S under D

There are a few changes made to this story as the arc is wrapped up. Ty's storyline will continue in arc 5.

Chapter 6

'Understanding is one of the qualities that allows us to be intelligent. Why do so many neglect to use it? The ignorance of the world to not even try and understand that what is different has caused much pain. To end all wars and all strife we must learn to understand.'

Ty Ran out the door at full speed and headed towards the exit. He quickly ran as fast he could down the hallway with his back pack bouncing just above his tail. He reached the edge of the hallway and was spotted by two guards. The ones he heard talking outside his door the first night he stayed here.

The muscular brown bear saw him first and shouted out. "Hey kid! It is past curfew and what are you..." The bear noticed Ty was fully clothed and knew something was off. His partner a white polar bear reached for his radio. Ty started to run away when the pair gave chase.

"This is Phil, We got an escaper. Tylan Zeal. He appears to be trying to make a run for it. Sound the alarm and shut down the place." The polar bear said into the radio as the bears gave chase.

"Are you sure the person you sent to help me has done his part?" Tylan said to the history book that he took out of his bag pack.

"I am sure young one. Just head for the gymnasium. He will meet you there, just hurry. It will do no good if you are caught before we get there." A voice said from the book. It was the voice of the spirit that was guiding him.

Ty continued to run until he reached the stair well down and started jumping the rails of it to reach the ground floor faster. When he hit the ground floor the alarm sounded and an announcement came over the intercoms. "Attention! Attention. A first year student has escaped! Please shut down the area and restrain him immediately." Ty heard the announcement and then took off towards the gym with the two guards still giving chase.

The announcement was heard by many and they all reacted. Dylan ran out of his room knowing that it was his brother who they were chasing while Scratch joined the rest of the guards in chasing down Ty. Leon was however a bit nervous because the announcement came while he was welcoming a very high profile guest to the academy.

"I am so sorry this happened Julius." Leon said to the brown fox standing next to him at the entrance to main building.

"Hmmm. This boy must be something; I want to see his capture with my own eyes." Julius the brown fox and leader of S under D said.

The two started off towards the main building together to watch the festivities.

Scratch had just arrived at the west classrooms which contained the science wing and was about half way between his room and the dorms that Ty had just escaped from. He saw the raccoon turn a corner and run past him from around the Science wing.

"TY!" Scratch screamed out and gave chase.

Ty turned and jumped when he saw Scratch chasing him. He knew he could not outrun Scratch so he had to run fast as he could since the gym was not too far away.

"Stop Ty! You cannot get away from me!" Scratch said as he gave chase. He was quickly catching up to the raccoon. That was until he heard something behind him. As he ran he turned around to see the figure he was chasing earlier on the roof of the building they just ran past. He was also running trying to catch up with them.

The figure suddenly disappeared then reappeared just in front of Scratch and tried to punch him. Scratch tumbled out of the way then positioned himself for an attack. The figure was now identifiable to him. It was a black lion with a white mane and hair. He had a moon like scar on his left. Scratch knew this lion. This lion was the one who was captured the when Ben committed suicide. What was he doing here?

"How did you escape? You should have been programmed as soon as they captured you!" Scratch said as he looked around to see the two bears that were chasing Ty catching up. They spotted the lion and charged at him. The lion managed to move out of the way and just barely avoid being tackled by the bears.

The polar bear threw a pistol at Scratch. "Take that and go after that brat. He needs to be brought in now. Julius is here and we do not want the embarrassment of letting someone runaway right under his nose." Bear said as his partner started to wrestle with the lion. Scratch nodded and then ran off and saw the two bears wrestle the lion to the ground.

Scratch chased Ty right into the gymnasium where he saw Ty reaching under the bleachers for something. "Ty! You cannot escape me!" Scratch shouted then gave chase. Ty pulled his arm back from under the bleachers and then ran away towards the basement of the gym.

'Why did he run down there? The only thing down there is the pool. There is not even an exit. But what did that lion leave for him in here. I should have checked this place out.' Scratch thought to himself as he continued to run after Ty.

He reached the basement to gymnasium where the pool was located. He looked around for a few seconds and spotted Ty who was lying on a floating pool toy. This caught scratch off guard because he did not expect Ty to be so calm while running away. Something was off about this but Scratch could not place it.

"Are you going to come quietly now Ty?" Scratch asked the relaxed raccoon.

"Why? I have already escaped. You cannot stop me now. But I am just here to talk specifically to you." Ty said to the stunned fox. Scratch was wondering how Ty was planning to get out of this room. He trapped himself in the basement. But why? Why did he not make a break for a wall or a gate why run to one of the easiest buildings to secure? And why was he just lying there floating on the water.

"Alright I will humor your crazy request." Spike just leaned against the wall and let himself fall to floor. His back up would be here any minute so all he had to do was keep an eye on Ty. Ty looked over at him. "What do you want to talk about Ty? I know you are bluffing about being able to escape from here but go ahead."

"Why did you become an enforcer Scratch? I learned some things about you from Spike and you were not someone who would just become a recruiter like this overnight. You voluntarily went back for re training and ended up setting records that few have been able to even reach. I just want to know what made you go through all that." The raccoon curiously asked Scratch.

Scratch raised his eyebrows. He still was waiting on some back up so he saw no reason not to give Ty and answer. "I just wanted to be the best recruiter out there. And I am right now, Now that Jeff has screwed his way into the doghouse."

Ty looked at him sternly. "It is not because of Marquis? Did you not say you would live out your dream for him? Or I guess that was just something you said to yourself?"

Scratch nearly lost his cool and jumped at Ty but instead he just gave a deep growl. "You were listening to me? Spike knows nothing about Marquis. How dare you even bring up that name? Ty you are coming with me now!"

Ty just ignored the Fox and started to relax. "You should calm down Scratch. As I said, I have already escaped. You cannot capture me now. I am just waiting to have a conversation with a certain fox. He should arrive here soon enough."

Scratch looked at Ty strangely. Ty was acting weird, quite weird. He was confident he already escaped but there was only one way out of the basement and he was on the pool so he would have to swim to escape. That would make it easy to catch him. "Who might this fox be huh? Spike?"

Ty shook his head. "Julius Taylor!"

Scratch could not believe it. Ty was waiting for the boss of S under D? Julius was scheduled to be here tomorrow. He probably already arrived...

"You called young man." Said the voice of Julius Taylor. The fox that lead S under D. The aura around the brown fox was as dominating as it always was. "Hmm, I wondered what kind of kid would be able to escape my training facility but you are not what I expected." The fox said.

Accompanying the fox was Leon the head master and quite a few guards. The two who were fighting the lion were there too but they both looked little roughed up and a bit wounded. The Lion was nowhere to be found and that meant Ty's escape was still about to happen.

Ty just stared at the fox. The room started to flood with the other guards from around the school. About thirty of them started to surround the pool and prepare to capture Ty at the command of Spike.

"As you can clearly see young man there is no way out of here. Just come quietly. I really hate when young ones try and run from the great gift we bestow upon them." Julius sounded ever confident but Ty was not going down so easily.

Ty stood up without losing his balance and causing the floating pool toy to be influenced by his weight. A few of the guards looked on curiously. They all wondered how he managed to do such a feat.

"I have already escaped. I wanted to ask Spike a few questions while I wait on someone to finish their business. Are you ready to go?" Ty said out loud.

Everyone started looking around to see who Ty was talking to until Spike pointed up to the roof. The same black lion from before was standing on the roof looking down on everyone. The guards all gasped as Julius looked on with curiosity. The lion then started to fall as whatever he used to keep himself pinned to the roof was gone now. He was falling straight for the pool.

Just then waved and threw himself back off of the pool toy he was standing on. They two timed it perfectly so that they fell into the water at the same time. All the guards looked on stunned but waited for the two to resurface as their silhouettes were still visible but then they disappeared.

"Drain the pool!" Scratch yelled out. As a few of the guard ran to find the pool controls. Slowly the water drained away and revealed what they refused to believe. The two were gone. There were no traces left of them anywhere. "Investigate the pool, hurry it up I want to know how the hell those two got out from there." Scratch ordered as the guards started searching the pool for any clues as to what happened.

Julius was awestruck he just watched a young man escape in front of his eyes but how he escaped got him thinking. Could they be behind it? He needed some answers and he needed to take control of the situation. After letting the guards search the pool with no results to be seen he decided this was out of the hands of the normal recruiters and enforcers.

"Scratch come with me, I have something for you to do. The rest of you should investigate the rest of the school. Those two may have left clues as to what they are planning or where they were going. Check the security videos for anything suspicious. Go I want a full report by tomorrow afternoon" The fox ordered the guards.

Most of the guards started rushing out the door ready to investigate in full what happened. Scratch was ready to work with them but was ordered to stay behind. Julius waited until it was only him Leon and Scratch to tell the two what he wanted.

"Scratch, you should stay here until further notice. I will call tell the boy's father what happened. This is now out of your hands. I suspect he had help from an organization that only the top members of S under D know about. If they are truly behind this then they are preparing for something. Something big. Leon you should keep an eye on any other students that are acting strangely. I suspect there might be more than one. Scratch you now report directly to me and to me alone unless I give permission is that understood?" The fox said to the two with him.

Leon nodded and so did scratch. 'They would never outright go against us. If they are making a move that must mean there is a threat to us. One that would likely cause us great harm. Such harm that they could pick the pieces up. I better gather up all the big wigs and get a hold of the others quickly.' Julius thought to himself as he walked out the gym.

Leon left shortly after him but Scratch stopped to stare at the site in which his brother's partner had just escaped through his hands. "Spike!" he whispered and then ran out of the room. Scratch hurried over to Ty's room to see what he could find. What he found surprised him. Tim and Squeak were both tied up and bound and so was Spike. But spike was awake and struggling. Scratch quickly ran over to his brother and helped him out of the restraints that bond him.

"Scrathc! Ty got away! He somehow bound me up and then ran out. I don't know how he did it but he got out. We have to find him!" Spike said as he tried to make a run for the door but Scratched grabbed him by the arm. Scratch could not meet his brother's eyes and just looked away.

"Spike, Ty is gone. He got away." Scratch said and could almost hear his brother's heart break into pieces.

Spike broke down and started to cry. "How! How did he get away! Why? Why did he have to run" Spike said in between his tears. The crying fox managed to wake up his two roommates who then realized their own predicament.

"He had help from someone. A lion. We could not stop him. I am sorry Spike, I could do nothing." Scratch said as he admitted his failure.

"He said he loved me. Why? Why did he have to run? Why Ty? WHY?" Spike screamed as he continued to cry. Scratch continued to comfort his brother before helping the other two out of their bondage. About half an hour later Spike had cried himself to sleep and scratch was leaving his dorm room.

He started walking but slowly came to a stop. "DAMMIT!" He screamed out as he punched the wall beside him. 'I did it again. I failed again. And this time my brother paid the price! I refuse to let this happen again. Not again. I am going to fix this.' He thought to himself as he punched to wall. "I am going to fix this." He then said out loud as he made his way back to his room. After all he was going to need some sleep tonight if he was ever going to get anything done.

And so a troublesome night came to an end as S under D let one escape from their clutches. Tylan had made his escape and only a few knew where he went. But as with all nights they eventually had to come to an end. And morning brought on a wave of repercussions.

Tim Squeak and Spike were eating their breakfast quietly and out of the way of the rest of the students even so all the talk was about them. Students kept glancing over at them, all of them probably hearing of the events of last night by now and how Spike had lost his partner. Spike had been a daze ever since he woke up and was barely eating his food and his mind was still focused on the night. Tim and Squeak could barely even look at the poor fox the two of them both were helpless and useless last night as Ty restrained them good.

"Attention all students parents have arrived for open day. Please keep all activities in the confines of the school premises. Also please meet your parents in your dorm" A voice came over the school announcement system.

Most of the students finished up quickly and headed to their dorms eager to start the fun with their families. All of the students except Spike. He was still so out of it he did not hear the announcement. And so he sat their oblivious to everything until Scratch came in to find him.

"Hey Spike! What you still doing here?" Scratch said as he tapped his brother on his shoulder. Spike barely acknowledged his presence. "Dad and his partner are here and waiting for you. This is your first time seeing them now that you are a part of S under D you should at least go see them."

Spike grunted. "What is the point? I screwed up, I knew something was wrong with Ty and I did not do anything. I guess you were right I have always been useless."

Scratch sighed. "I screwed up too Spike. I watched as he got away even. This is not your fault. He tricked everyone including the doctors and guards. How he did it we will never know but for now all we can do is continue to move on or else we will stay stuck in the same place forever. And you need to continue on, staying here and just moping about it will change nothing. Moving on is the only way you will even have a chance to find him again." Scratch paused and turned his brother so that he had to look at him. "He said he loved you did he not?" Spike nodded. "Then he will be back. You will see him again. And I will not let you down Spike. Count on your big brother." Scratch stood up and pounded his chest.

Spike managed to get out of his funk and giggle a bit. "Who would have guessed that you could be an awesome big brother when you want to?"

"Someone told me the same thing when I lost my partner." Scratch said and Spike froze and stared at his brother. Scratch reached into his pocket and produced a key chain with a picture. It was one of him hugging a white rabbit. "This is my partner Marquis. He got shot in the head when we were on patrol. He is alive but struggling to survive. He may never wake up. I have not seen him since that day; I just have never been able to face him. But someone told me to continue to move on and so I did and have continue to do. I will return to his side when I complete the dream we had together." Scratch clenched his fist over the picture. "And I am very close to it. So very close, that I cannot give up now"

Spike for the first time in his life was coming to respect his brother. He never knew Scratch had so much going for him. This painted everything in a whole new light. Just then Dylan and Rogue came running through the door.

"There you are! I know Ty got away but my dad would still love to meet you." The raccoon said with solemn excitement.

Spike nodded and left with Dylan. They were at least going to enjoy themselves. Scratch sighed and then started to go about his business. He walked past many families that were enjoying the perks of having a freshman who was eager to please. Scratch always loved that, the first time was always the best and the most memorable. He took in the sights as he walked along the school to the headmaster's office.

When he arrived at the office he found Julius there combing through the different reports that the guards gave after their investigation. There was a lot of paperwork to go through for him but that came with the territory of being a boss.

"Scratch! I am glad you came, I have not received a report from you yet and you should have a large amount of Intel. Please sit and tell me everything that you know." Julius motioned for Scratch to sit down in the chair in front of his desks. Scratch sat and watched at Julius gather up the massive amount of papers in front of him.

"I investigated Ty's room. He left most of his things behind including his phone. I have some Tech's working on finding out who he has been talking to right now. Last night before he left Ty restrained everyone in his room. Something about that is bothering me."

Julius interlaced his fingers and looked at Scratch. "Why is that bothering you?"

"Ty was trying to sneak out but was noticed by two guards. If he was trying to just sneak into the gym he could have done so easily but he chose to be noticed. And so did that Lion named Leon. I thought we restrained him properly. But I got the notice that Nancy and him escaped our clutches. I do not know what is going on. But somehow he was able to get past our guards and get away." Scratch seemed worried.

"What do you suspect? You think Ty wanted us to know he could escape like that? But why did he restrain his roommates? Did he just want them out of the way? Why take the time to do that instead of just escaping?" Julius was really thinking about Ty's escape. Why did he do what he did?

"Julius I think Ty set something up in his room but Spike saw nothing out of the ordinary today. But I suspect something is wrong. The timeline does not match up. Ty had too much time on his hands before he escaped. I think we are being played." Scratch still was confused by it all.

Julius got up and started pacing. "Scratch I need to tell you something." Julius started closing the blinds and locking doors. "Now that the room is secure. I have some news for you."

Scratch tensed up. This was not going to be good news. "I am going to let you in on something that concerns me. I suspect that a group who helped found our organization is trying to take us down. We know very little about them right now. All we know is that they call themselves exile."

Scratch looked at Julius funny. "What do you meant helped found S under D?"

Julius gave Scratch a folder. "This contains the real history of S under D. I wanted you and Jeff to spear head this operation when it begins. I am still getting the pieces together for this. Jeff will likely be out of action for a while so you will head up the preparations for this. I trust you know what to do now."

Scratch started looking over the folder. He knew this must be huge for the boss to give him access to such sensitive information. This threat must have been serious. "I will do my best sir."

"Good, now I will be departing I have much to do on my end. Also you will be in charge of the academy until further notice. Leon is being transferred out do to some other things that I need him to work on. A new principle will be decided soon but you will take over here until further notice." Julius packed up his folders and walked away. He stopped at the door and sighed before leaving the room.

Scratch looked on curiously. 'What was that about?' Scratch thought to himself. It appeared that Julius was nervous about something. Scratch stood and was about to leave when the words that Julius spoke to him sunk in. The fox eyed the chair that Julius sat and his tag started wagging showing his excitement. He slowly walked over and examined his new seat.

He sat down in the chair an embraced the comfort it gave as he leaned back and placed his paws on the desk. He giggled a bit then pulled out the picture of him and marquis. "Getting closer Marquis. I am getting closer. Our dream will become real. I will make it so." Scratch said to himself reminding him of his mission and how close he had become to finishing it.

Dylan and Rouge were walking down the hall to their dorms enjoying the sight of the orgies around them as they had enjoyed these even though it had been short one member. They were holding hands as they walked back to their room.

"Wonder if those two are back yet?" Dylan asked Rouge who was not really listening to him but staring down at Dylan's crotch.

"Rouge? Rouge? Are you listening to me?" Dylan asked his boyfriend who responded by reaching down and giving Dy a nice hard grope. Dy gasped out. "How are you still horny? We have been going at it all day!"

Rouge continued to grope Dy. "well I have not had you all to myself yet and you know how horny you always make me."

Dylan slapped Rouge's paw away. "Wait till we get back to the dorm at least. Then you can have my ass for the rest of the day."

Rouge purred like a kitten at that news. He grabbed Dy's butt cheek and gave them a nice squeeze. "And I will enjoy it to the fullest." Rouge tried to quicken the pace but was stopped when they both saw someone standing in front of their door. It was the brown fox that lead the organization S under D. It was Julius Taylor.

"Boss!" Both said out loud as they were surprised to see the boss of S under D there to greet them.

"I am glad my face is well known around these parts. I trust you are Rouge and Dylan right?" The fox said as he walked over to greet the two stunned students.

"I am Rouge and this is my sub Dylan." Rouge spoke up first.

"Ah yes. I have heard of your exploits. Rouge and Dylan the young couple who last year broke the record for longest sessions. Thirty hours straight. Both of you have great endurance and will and also great skill. And it is that Skill that I have come here to exploit." Julius walked over and gave them both a letter.

"This is an invitation to attend the party tour I will be on. I have been recruiting some of our best young members to perform at the parties and give exclusive series during some of our more high profile events. This year will especially important as we are electing a new wing man for me. The elections will be held in November so that we can appoint them during our new year's festivals all across the world. You have been chosen by me for these special occasions. Starting in two weeks you will travel with me to Texas and tour the country with me doing your best to use those talents of yours to impress everyone. Do you accept my request?" Julius said with a smile on his face.

Rouge and Dylan were both shaking with nervous excitement as they looked at the two invitations. They looked at each other to get the other's answer. They both knew the other's answer already. "Yes!" they both yelled out.

Julius smiled and walked off. "See in two weeks then. I hope you will bring your best." The fox waved as he walked off confident as ever.

"Can you believe this Rouge? We got invited to the party tour!" Dylan said to his boyfriend.

"Of course we got invited. I have told you have to best ass in the world." Dylan looked down again and then pounced. He grabbed Dylan's butt again. "And I am tired of being denied it today." Rouge let go of Dy's butt and grabbed his tail and began to pull Dy along. "Now come inside, get on all fours and let me enjoy you for the rest of the night!"

"Hey! You horny mutt! Can we at least enjoy the moment?" Dy protested as he was being dragged inside.

"Yes we can. Once I am shubbing my dick up your ass!" Rouge said as he opened the door and threw Dy into room. Not even bothering to close it. He finally got what he wanted, hos boyfriend on all fours ass in the air and waiting and begging for some action.

And so the academy began to settle down as the families that came to visit left and the orgies of the day settled down the escape of Ty got less and less significant. Soon he would be almost forgotten as life went on. The weekend of the party came and many of the students went to attend various ones. All except Spike who stayed by himself at the academy to reflect on what had become of his life. He was happy for the first time in a long time. But he knew he was missing something. He was still missing Ty.

He was walking along the empty school awaiting the arrival of the students who were away. He enjoyed the nighttime sky and the nice breeze that was happening.

Suddenly he heard and explosion. "What!" Spike said out loud as he saw that the medical wing had been engulfed in flames. Spike then heard two more explosions. Buildings around the school were being engulfed in flames. Spike was knocked over by a shockwave when the building closest to him burst in flames.

He laid there shaken as the heat of the fire bared down on him. Spike had trouble breathing as the wind was knocked out of him but he started to get up. He noticed that most of the school was already in flames.

"Hey someone is actually here! The boss said to take hostage anyone who was still here!" Spike heard someone say.

He looked around to spot two furs. Both had white fur and were wearing white robes with a white mask.

"Who are you?" Spike asked as he recomposed himself.

"We are the exiled ones come to show you the proper way." One of them said. Judging by their tails Spike guessed they were some kind of felines.

Suddenly two smoke bombs exploded in front of the two white robed furs. Spike was startled by this when he felt someone grab his paw and pull him to his feet. He became even more startled when he saw the face of the person who did it. "Ty!" Spike whispered out.

"Come on follow me." Ty said as he and Spike began to run away. The two robed furs recovered and started to give chase. Ty and Spike ran across the school as more and more buildings started to explode. Ty saw his target he pulled spike into the gym. The two refused to step foot into the gym knowing it was about to explode.

Spike was wondering what the hell was going on. "Ty! What is going on? Who the hell are those people and what are you doing back here?"

"Let's just say I am a knight back for his princess and those guys are evil wizards. Now come on we have to get out of here." Ty said to make Spike blush as the roof to the gym exploded sending debris down towards them. Both he and spike just barely managed to make it to the basement.

They continued to run but felt the entire building rock knocking them both off balance. "Hang on Spike. We have to keep running."

Spike nodded and kept running as the entered the basement. Fire could be heard burning above them and the building was falling apart. The managed to reach the pool together and stopped.

Ty looked at Spike and then presented his paw. "Grab on and don't let go"

Spike instead hugged Ty Tightly. "I never want to let you go ever again." Spike said into ty's ear. Ty smiled at Spike's response and then threw himself along with Spike into the pool just as the floor above them collapsed.

'And I never want you to ever let go either.' Ty thought to himself as both he and Spike were engulfed in light. When they surfaced again they were in a misty lake. All they could see was mist and water.

Spike gasped for air as he surfaced and looked around as much as he could before Ty grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Spike melted into it, he missed this so much he could care less about his predicament.

"I missed you Spike." Ty said as he broke the kiss.

"I missed you too Ty" Spike answered back and the two kissed again.

As the two enjoyed their kiss most likely the last peaceful moment they would enjoy. The academy burned. Site at which many events occurred in the past few weeks. Events that will shape the future for years to come. It burned as a declaration of war. Three of them were made and this was the most spectacular of them. Taking out the symbol of stability in S under D burned as their leaders faced an unprecedented threat.

A war a brewing between two unseen forces. Those who knew of these forces would choose sides and fight while those who know nothing of them would be engulfed in the chaos. And that was where the world was heading. It was heading to chaos. And no one would be safe.