(CH3) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

Story by taro619 on SoFurry

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There are many things we don't know about in the mysterious world of the military, Project Draco is one of them. I was recruted into this project against my own will at the age of 14. My life went from normal to dodging bullets everyday of my life. You could say that I know death personally. But when you have wings, scales, talons, and can breath fire, you already have a target on your head It's just a matter of time. This is the story of my life, as a Project Draco recruet............as a dragon.

Firedrake stood about 8 feet tall and 12 feet long, and was the only dragon I had seen that was wingless. His blue eyes mixed perfectly with his gray hide, and his horns, 2 going out the back of his head and 2 more going down the length of his muzzle fit his style perfectly.

We had talked for maybe an hour when we were first put into the convoy, now we had been in here for at-least 13 hours and everyone was asleep except for me. I couldn't fall asleep due to fear, fear of what, well, I don't know. Firedrake was 15 years old and was in a hospital with his brother when he was abducted. He said that his brother had a car accident, and well, I sort of felt bad for him. I could feel the vehicle turn onto what felt to be a gravel road, then moments later come to an abrupt stop, immediately waking Firedrake and the other dragon.

"Where are we?" Firedrake asked.

"I don't know." I replied as the rear door opened and a man in uniform stepped inside.

"Welcome to paradise maggots, is everyone feeling ok." he said. With my family military background I new not to answer, but the dragon beside Firedrake did.

"Yes." the dragon said as the man stepped off the back and said.

"Well then, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY VEHICLE." I was up at once and lept out the back of the truck into the cold night air.

I stopped and started to look around when the man yelled,

"GET ON THE LINE MAGGOTS." I complied lining up with my front paws on a long, white line painted on the ground. Once everyone was lined up everything became silent and a blue and yellow dragon, looking allot like Firedrake but with wings, started to walk down the line, looking each of us over carefully.

"My name is Rolland." he said coming to a stop at the end of the line.

"But all of you will call me commander, do you understand." he ordered to us.

"Yes commander!" I yelled.

(No one answered with me, are they crazy?) I thought to myself.

"Well " Rolland started.

"Looks like we only have one that respects me." he then walked down to the middle of the line and stopped.

"I want whoever said that to step forward." he said in a loud but calm tone. I complied stepping a full body length away from the line. He then turned and started to walk toward me.

"loser." Someone quietly stated from the line. My eyes widened as Rolland spun around and ordered the one who said it to step forward. He stormed down the line yelling at each of us. Firedrake, who was standing beside me on the line, then took a step forward so that he stood next to me.

"Are you crazy!" I mumbled to him. Rolland saw Firedrake step forward and started to laugh, He then started to walk toward us. After he had silently circled us a few times, he stopped in front of us and smiled.

"I want all of you to take a good look at these two." he said as he started to walk down the line again.

"They will be the ones that will lead you all into combat. They are the ones you should look up to." he said before pulling a green dragon out of the line.

"And you would let him take you're punishment, He doesn't even know you and yet he tried to take up for you." Rolland then turned and started to walk away. He suddenly stopped and yelled,

"40 mile run, Now!" he then started to run.

I stepped forward to follow him, Firedrake was next. Soon everyone had joined us. An hour later, the sun had started to rise over some mountains. We came to a stop in front of a building just yards from we had started.

"You'll get all the information you'll need in there," Rolland said pointing to the building.

"Afterwards, I want all of you to go to the barracks and get settled in." Rolland said as he turned and started to run the route we had just finished.

"He's crazy." Firedrake said as the green dragon from earlier started to approach us.

"Hey thanks for that man." he said to Firedrake.

"I guess I was scared of what he might have done to me."

"It's fine." Firedrake replied.

"That was a really stupid move." I said scolding him.

"Yeah yeah I know." he replied in an agitated tone.

"Anyway thanks, I'll see you inside." he said as he turned and entered the building.

"Dick." Firedrake said after the dragon had entered the building.

"You said it." I agreed. I then entered the building with Firedrake close behind me. The building was much bigger on the inside than on the outside, but simple, like an over-sized waiting room.

After an hour of random people telling us what we should expect during our training, we were led outside to two barracks lined up beside each other. One for males and the other for females. Firedrake was the first to enter the males barracks with me following closely behind him. It was just one big room with ten of those dog bed like things lining each side of the Walls. I picked the one to the right closest to the door and Firedrake managed to get the one beside me.

After we had been told where everything was located, the mess hall, training grounds, etc, Rolland came in and ordered us outside. Once we had all came outside, he took the dragons without wings to another dragon and then walked rest of us to a steep cliff. The sun was up now and everything was clearly visible.

"You've go 3000 feet before you hit the ground, today we will learn to fly." Rolland said as he walked to the edge and looked down.

"Wait, arnt you going to show us the steps first?" a red female asked. Rolland turned from the ledge and locked his gaze with mine. He then walked behind me and started to push me to the ledge.

"WAIT, WAIT, STOP!" I begged and struggled, but he overpowered me and pushed me closer to the edge.

"I believe in learning on the job." he said as he sent my over the edge, leaping down after me.

My eyes grew wide with fear as I flailed and turned uncontrollably in the air with Rolland beside me.

"Calm yourself kid, then open your wings and let the thermals carry you." He said looking at me thoughtfully. I closed my eyes and folded my wings close to my body, when I opened my eyes again, I was going head first down the mountainside.

"Now slowly open you're wings." Rolland yelled over the wind. I complied feeling my body slow as my wings became fully extended. Then, as if someone had flipped a switch inside my head, an instinct, I guess you could call it kicked in and I caught myself immediately leveling myself out and flying straight with Rolland by my side.

He then went into a shallow right turn, I followed him as we circled back to the cliff. Rolland landed gracefully. I came in behind him and landed with a loud thud that sent a shock through my front legs. Everyone started to cheer for me and I smiled at them. Rolland took the next one, the cocky green dragon, and sent him off the edge followed by both of us this time. The rest of the day was learning to fly and working on aerial combat. Around 7:30 we all got a quick 40 mile run that ended at the mess hall.

Hours passed and we all ate our fill of meat when Rolland stood up and started to tell us the barrack rules.

"The barracks will be locked at 10:00 p.m. And will be unlocked at 3:00 a.m. Is that clear." he asked us.

"YES COMMANDER." we all yelled in unison. That obviously made him happy because moments later he left the mess hall, a large smirk on his face. Later on inside the barracks, Firedrake explained that instead of flying that he was extremely fast and was working on his reaction speed today. After a while of talking the lights went out and everyone soon fell asleep, but i stayed awake. Still afraid of something my mind couldn't touch. It was by the grace of God that i managed to fall asleep, and began to dream.

"I believe in learning on the job Rolland said as he sent me over the edge of the cliff I dove straight down and opend my wings only to realise that there was no membrane on them. I fell for what seemed like eternity as the ground neared me. Just moments before I hit, my eyes flung open and I jumped up only to hear a door shut and to see a draconic figure approach me. The dragon touched my paw then jumped back in alarm.

"Taken." I said as the dragon turned to the door.

"Wrong barracks." she said as she ran toward the door only to collide face first into it. I then wrapped my muzzle with both of my paws to hold back a laugh that so desperately wanted to escape.

"Ouch." she said rubbing her head.

"Looks like you're stuck here till 3." I said still trying not to laugh. She then turned to me and whispered angrily,

"Are you laughing?" I shook my head yes in response to her. She looked at the door then back at me.

"But I got in, why can't I go out?" she asked looking at me angrily. I finally stopped laughing at her and answered, "maybe it's a one way lock." she sighed and said.

"Well since I'm in here, I'm Faline." I smiled at her and replied, "I'm Taro." she then curled into a ball by the door. I stood up and walked over to her.

"You take my bed." I said causing her to look up at me.

"No, but thanks." She said.

"Suit yourself." I said smiling at her. I then walked over and curled into a ball in my bed. Moments later, the sound of footsteps approaching me caused me look up to see Faline standing over me.

"Room for one more?" she asked shyly. I pulled my wing close to my body as she got comfortable with her back against my left side. I then lay my wing over her and curled my head around hers, she didn't object. She then moved her muzzle under my chin. I felt her body relax as sleep took her over. Moments later sleep caught a hold on me.

I was roused hours later by Faline who was stretching. She noticed me lift my head and look her way. Some light had started to enter through a few windows above each bed, and I could now see her White and blue body.

"The doors are unlocked and I'm going to my barracks before we get in trouble." she said as she walked to the door.

"Wait," I said causing her to stop at the door and turn to me.

"Do, you, never mind." I said looking away from her.

"Mess hall, tomorrow afternoon." she said smiling as she left. Moments after she had disappeared, I lay back down in my bed and immediately started thinking of Faline as sleep caught me once again.