(CH16) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

Story by taro619 on SoFurry

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There are many things we don't know about in the mysterious world of the military, Project Draco is one of them. I was recruted into this project against my own will at the age of 14. My life went from normal to dodging bullets everyday of my life. You could say that I know death personally. But when you have wings, scales, talons, and can breath fire, you already have a target on your head It's just a matter of time. This is the story of my life, as a Project Draco recruet............as a dragon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 WEEKS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood in front of one of my best friends grave. Wondering what I could have changed if I could do it all again. I then picked a flower that had been growing beside the grave and tossed it onto it. "Rest in peace Blitz." I said before turning to Taro, Faline and Cira who were waiting in a V-22 with 3 of our new human teammates and beginning to walk toward them.

"I'm ready." I said as I stepped into the aircraft. Taro then patted my back, "Lets go!" he ordered the pilot who started the engines. Minuets later, we were on our way to a base outside of North Vietnam.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~42 HOURS LATER TAROS POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

LOCATION: North Vietnam

TIME: 3:40 P.M.

MISSION: Laze village with possible warlord for bombing run

"What's our time on that run Gucci?" I asked the pilot that was going to bomb the village that we were overlooking.

"About 10 minuets Talon." Gucci replied.

"Copy." i said before turning to Ryan Smithson, who was laying on his stomach looking down on the village with a sniper rifle.

"What do you have." I asked

"The usual. Just a few punks with AK's." he replied. The other 2 humans on our team, Carl and Jasper, were sitting in a Humvee playing cards.

"Well, just sit there." I ordered them. Jasper then turned to me.

"What are supposed to do. The hard stuffs done." Jasper replied. I opened my mouth to say something about the chance of getting ambushed, when the radio began to crackle. 

"What is it?" I asked, turning my attention back to the village.

"Talon, there is a HVO (High Value Object) we need you to conform before the bombs hit." the man on the radio stated. Carl and Jasper Immidiatedly jumped up and began moving. Carl grabbed a pair of binoculars and began to look at the village.

"What is it?!" I asked.

"A weapons cache that may have some computers within it. We need you to recover them if possible."

 "Carl, call off the run!" I ordered him. He nodded to me before grabbing receiver.

"Taro, what are our plans." Faline said as she approached my side.

"Get in and out." I replied

 "He's jamming us!" Carl yelled before throwing the receiver against the Humvee.

"Well, what do we do now?" Cira asked. I sighed before replying,

"As i told Faline, we get in and out. Quick and clean." Everybody nodded to me and with that we began to run down the hill toward the village.

"When we get into the area, watch your corners and stay sharp!" I ordered as we reached the entrance to the village.

I quickly dispatched 3 men who were at a guard post making small talk. Firedrake and I stopped on one side of it as Faline and Cira leaped over the top of a wall surronding the compound. 

"Taro, guy comming around your right side." Ryan warned. I immidiatedly slid into the open and pounced. Snapping his back with my weight.

"Thanks for the heads up." I said as we reached the front entrance of the building. 

"Ready to breach." Faline said over the comms.

"3,2,1, Breach!" I said. There was a large bang followed by gunfire. I nodded to Firedrake who kicked open the door. I quickly ran inside the room which was empty.

"Clear!" Firedrake stated as we scanned the room. It was noderitely large, Madby 60 foot wide and 90 foot long. In the far left hand corner of the room, there was a hallway with 4 rooms lining the sides of it. I walked to the entrance of the hallway and stepped to look down it. Suddenly, Faline appeared at the other end, nearly causing me to shoot her. 

"Damn Faline." i sighed as she came to my side.

"Close huh?" she joked before running to a door. I raised my paw and motioned for everybody to stack up on separate doors. Firedrake, Cira and I then went to separate doors, each preparing to breach.

"On Cira!" i stated to my team. They nodded and Cira slammed into the door, easily opening it. I immediately slammed into my door, sending it open as i rushed into the room. I raised my weapon and began scanning the room. My attention was immediately drawn to 20 plus children. All were tied, blindfolded, and sitting on the floor, screaming at the sound of gunfire in the room next to me. I scanned over the room before turning my attention to them.

"Room clear." Firedrake stated before he entered my room, stopping at the entrance to take heed of the children.

"The hell??" he stated, half confused half surprised. The children began huddeling together, scared for there lives of things they couldnt see.

"Taro, we got the cache and the hard drives." Faline stated as she entered th room. she stopped at the entrance, shocked at what was inside.

"They had these children here? How come we didnt know about it?" Faline asked, still shocked by the sight before her. 

"I dont know, but we need to get them and the hard-drives out of here." I replied before radioing Ryan.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Get down here and find some transportation. They have 15 plus children here we need to get out." I replied before walking to the kids, and sliding one of the blindfolds off of a young girl who was gripping tightly onto a Raggidy Anne doll. She looked to me and her eyes went wide with a mixture of fear and confusion. I then slid a paw to her hands and cut the rope that bound her. She looked to her hands then to me before jumping up and grabbing tightly around my neck, hugging me tightly. My eyes went wide with suprise. This little girl was hugging me out of the greatfulness of her heart.

"Taro, we found a bus, but we still cant make contact with Guccie." Ryan said, the sound of an engin starting outside catching my attention.

"Ok, give us 3 minutes and were comming out." I replied as we began to free the children. Time flew as we freed them, each child giving a look of fear and thanks to each of us. Soon, we were leading them outside and guiding them to a large green and silver bus. 

"Shes not preatt, but she runs." Jasper joked as we began to help children into the bus. I lowered my head behind the back door so the kids could use me as a step. Moments later, Carl ran around the side of the bus

 "We've got 2 minuets before they level this whole area!" Carl yelled. I glanced to the children left, there were 4.

"We dont have time!" i growled before grabbing the 4 children by the back of there cloths with my mouth and tossing them lightly into the back of the bus before closing the door and patting on the side.

"lets go!" I yelled as the bus began to move. Faline, Firedrake, Cira and I were running along side the bus. We barley managed to escape the blast zone and quickly made it to our EVAC position, where a V-22 soon appeared. It landed and the back hatch opened to revile someone who we thought we were never going to see again, Hunter Firechaser.

"Hunter, what the Hell brings you to Vietnam?:" I asked in surprise.

"Well, this time, Ive come to help you guys get out." he said with a smile on his face.

"OK, but were waiting for the next one. The children go first." I replied to him. "OK." he said before we began to help the children into the V-22. As we neared the last few children, I got a light tap on my head. I glanced up to see a 3 year old girl with a Raggedy Anne doll held tightly in her grip. She then extended it out to me. She wants me to take it. I said to myself. I smiled at her before gently pushing it back into her arms. She smiled and began to laugh, which in turn made me laugh. We stepped away from the V-22 as it began to lift off the ground. It was about 100 feet off the ground before it began to fly away from us.

"Good bye traitors." I heard Gucci say over the headset before he flew over head, extremely close to the V-22. He was followed by a missile, which slammed into the V-22, turning it into a burning ball of flame.

"No!" I heard Hunter say in almost a whisper. I couldn't think straight, I just began to run to the wreckage with all that I had in my body.

"No! This isn't happening! Not to them, God please not to them!" I yelled to myself as I reached the wreckage.

"Oh my God!" Faline said before burying her head into my chest and bursting into tears. I couldn't believe my eyes, they killed those innocent children. Why. Then it hit me

"They weren't after them, they were after us, all of us." I said to the others. Firedrake roared out, he was hurt by this sight, we all were. I then moved a rotor blade out of the fire and couldn't take what lay beneath it. The little girls doll lay almost unscathed by the events that just took place. This brought tears to my eyes.

"Why?" hunter asked. Before dropping a UMP 45 which he had been carrying to the ground. I starred into the fire for a moment before reaching to my chest and ripping my dog tags free of my neck. I then tossed them into the fire that I wished never would have began to burn.

They others soon followed my lead. Then the sound of propellers caught my attention. I glanced at a mountain, where 2 V-22's and 3 Apache helicopters appeared from behind it and began to fly toward us.

"What do we do now Taro?" Faline asked. I closed my eyes and began to remember the little girl.

"We run." I replied to her as Hunter spoke up.

"Either that, or kill them all." he said as he put a pair of earphones in his ears. Suddenly An Apache appeared over the burned wreckage about 70 yards away from us. My heart stopped and i began to back away from it slowly.

"RUN!!!" I screamed before turning and running as fast as i could away from the Helo. My team running beside me, each one having an expression of fear on there faces. Suddenly the Helo began to open fire. The bullets bounced around us. Each 20. cal round kicking up a large amount of dirt as i struck nearby.

"TARO!!!!" Faline screamed out. my heart was pounding with fear. I knew what i had to do.  I stopped and turned to the helo. It was rushing toward us, Its 20.cal firing full force. I trained my weapon onto it and fired into the cockpit. I watched as the pilot and co pilot fell, causing the helo to tilt forward and slam into the ground in a ball of flame. I turned and ran toward my team, who were wating at the woodsline. My heart was still pounding, and i thought for sure i was going to be fit.

"Taro." faline saod, rubbing her head against my chin.

"Lets go." i stated, glancing to the wreckage one last time, before disappearing into the woods, Unclear of what our futures held, unclear of what was going to happen to us from here. All I knew is that with my friends, I didn't care where we ended up, or what lie in our futures. As long as they didn't catch us.

 (Ok, i have written 2 more books of this series. A prequil and a sequil. I will probably post them on this site soon, and i may change a few parts of it to include yiff. Depends on how i feel at the time. anywhay, thanks for reading.)

(CH15) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

Everything became deathly silent as my eyes began to open only to revile a horrid sight. The V-22 was split in half with one half laying just feet away from a steep 300+ foot drop. The other half of the aircraft had fallen into the depths below. Faline...

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(CH14) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

                "I don't like the looks of this." Carson said as we looked the town square over from the alley of a 4 story building. "Neither do I." I said quietly. Everything about this place looked suspicious. For starters, Holland said this was a...

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(CH13) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

                "Your mission, provide backup for the seal team while they execute the mission. Everyone is hostile, are we clear?" Holland asked us. I nodded my head, and so did the others. We were woken at 1:30 in the morning by Holland who was...

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