Love Ensemble, Part 1

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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Hi! This is my first story ever. I've kinda wanted to do this for a while, so now I'm taking a chance. I'll admit to being an amateur writer, but I'm trying to improve. Practice makes perfect, right?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave feedback and criticism at the bottom. Always would love to hear on how I could improve. Enjoy!

Forewarning : This story involves romantic and sexual interraction between two males. If you are bothered by this in any way, feel free to leave at your own discretion. All characters and content in this story is original (as far as I'm aware...). Please do not use my characters without permission.

bzzt bzzt bzzt! bzzt bzzt bzzt! bzzt bzzt bzzt!, the alarm blares out. It's 6 a.m. and school starts soon. It's only the fourth week of the year and the morning routine is already redundant and mundane to the young red fox named Blake Woden.

"Ugh! Why? Why? Why?...", he groaned out as he reached to slam his paw over the clock just to make it shut up. As he sat up he rubbed his sleepy eyes and let out a big yawn; obviously the teen fox didn't sleep so well last night. "Why can't there be more hours in the night?"

Blake managed to slide out of bed and to his feet. Being in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, he was suddenly very cold and quickly made his way to the bathroom for a hot shower. Hopefully it would help him wake up. After all, he'd have to go through the morning process whether he wanted to or not. As the hot water poured over him he kept thinking about his dream last night. The fox was spending time with his crush from Band and Algebra, Jordan Rull. Jordan was a tall and handsome arctic wolf with glorious blue eyes. He was outgoing, strong, smart, and his smile? So perfect. Blake couldn't help but feel his cheeks getting hot anytime that Jordan even so little as looked at him.

The two of them were going out to see a movie. Jordan drove them, bought the tickets, and even payed for popcorn and drinks. The theater was dead, not that it really mattered. Immediately as they sat next to each other Jordan lifted the arm rest so it became one large seat. Blake felt himself blushing and was relieved that the theater was already dark so the wolf didn't see.

"I'm glad you agreed to go out with me, Blake. I've been wanting to ask you ever since last year," the wolf started.

"You say that like I would've said no..." the fox responded.

"I was never sure if you liked me or not, but I'm glad you do. You're so adorable."

"Y-You think I'm adorable?"

"The most adorable thing in the world," Jordan said as he moved closer to the younger fox.

Blake couldn't do anything but watch as the older wolf moved in closer and gently kissed him on the lips. The kiss was deep and made the red fox shiver softly in pleasure. He felt his entire body press against the wolf as he was pulled closer. He let out a gentle moan just before feeling the wolf smile. The white wolf let out a slight growl and pulled Blake in closer. The fox was completely overwhelmed and became passive; the wolf could've done anything to him, and he was okay with that. He knew that he wanted the wolf more than anything. But he never expected the wolf to be so forward. He felt his pants stir as his cock started rising. The wolf's hands explored Blake's thin frame, sending shivers up his spine. Once the kiss finally ended, the two touched noses which caused Blake only to blush even deeper.

"Oh, you turn me on so much, fox..." Jordan said breathlessly.

"Jordan, I want you so bad," Blake replied, immediately kissing him again, this time much more passionately.

Blake snapped out of his fantasy as he found himself back in his shower, pawing himself off. It took less than 10 seconds for him to finish, blasting his cum all onto the shower wall. He was panting slightly and the bathroom had steam hovering inside for the next few minutes. It was a good cum, but the fox could only frown as it reminded him how lonely he really was. He was only 15, but completely hormonal and needy. Though in reality all he wanted was someone to be close to; make him feel special and wanted. The sex would be a nice, but what he wants is that emotional connection he's been craving finally fulfilled.

He went back into his room and put on a green t-shirt and a pair of jeans, his white sneakers, and his glasses. He looked into his backpack to make sure everything he needed was there. Books, notes, paper, pencils, and sheet music. The fox zipped it up and went downstairs, making himself a bowl of Mini Wheats. His parents weren't awake just yet, but he didn't really care. They never had time to really talk anyway because they were both always so busy. Sometimes he thought that they didn't really care about him. Sure they were his parents, but if they really loved him they'd at least attempt to learn about him more. They never went to a football game, or a concert, or anything. They didn't even know he was gay. At least he doesn't think they know. The only people that know Blake is gay are his older sister and a few of his friends. He wasn't closeted, but he never saw the point of announcing it. If people knew, that's nice for them. If they don't, it doesn't matter.

After finishing his breakfast, the fox made his way out the door to walk to school. It was still dark outside, but the sun would come up soon. Thankfully he only lived a few blocks from the high school, so he was never in a real rush in the morning unless he slept in. The walk was boring, but it beat riding the bus. Plus his two best friends, Caitlin and Josh Domski, usually walked with him. Caitlin wasn't there today.

"Morning, bro!", Josh called out.

"Hey. Caitlin not with you?"

"She had to be at school early for some reason."

"Ah okay..." Blake sighed quietly.

"What's up? You seem bummed. Or are you just tired."

"A little of both. Can I trust you with something?"

"Dude, you've known me for 10 years. Pretty sure you can tell me anything."

And this was true. Blake and Josh have been like brothers ever since they met. He could trust the orca with anything cuz he was always the first person he came to with his problems. Josh was also the first person Blake came out to. He was worried that their friendship would be over, but he was tired of Josh always trying to set him up with girls he didn't even know. The orca was very outgoing and wise for his age, and was always willing to listen and try to give advice for his friends.

"Well, there's this guy I like and-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. It's Jordan from the trumpet section, isn't it?"

Blake blinked at the younger male. "How did you know?"

"Blake, I'm pretty sure half of the band knows you have the hots for him. I catch you staring at him in class every chance you can get. Which is a lot considering Mr. B doesn't have to fix a lot of problems with the saxophones during rehearsals."

"Oh...", Blake's face became red. "You don't think he knows, do you?"

"No idea. But he's an attractive guy and I know a lot of girls wanna go out with him. You should really go for him while you still can."

"Are you insane? He'd never go out with a guy like me..."

"You don't know unless you try, right?"

"I guess so," Blake finally said.

The two talked about random things until they got to school. As they walked down what was known as the 'band hallway', they eventually ran into Caitlin.

"Blake! How're you?", asked the lioness

"Fine, I suppose. Tired. Wanting this day to go by quickly."

"At least it's Wednesday," said the lioness.

"Pfft, like that changes anything," Josh said. "My Chemisty teacher already assigned a project."

"Well, brother, that's what you get for taking AP Classes," retorted his sister.

The two always had their arguments. They were brother and sister after all. Blake thought it was just because they were a little competitive of each other because they're twins. Well... sort of. They're the same age, born on the same day, but Caitlin's mom married Josh's dad after both were divorced about 8 years ago. The two were children at the time, so they grew up as a brother and sister in a normal brother and sister way. It was chaotic in their house sometimes, but it was to be expected.

Before they knew it, the bell rang which meant first period was going to start soon. Blake was excited but also very nervous. His first class was Algebra and Jordan was in that class with him. They sat next to each other, but never exchanged much more than "Hi" every day or so. On the way over to the classroom, Blake kept trying to think of ways to ask Jordan out.

"Maybe I can just bring it up in conversation. Or should I just outright ask him? Jeez, I don't even know if he's gay or not? What if he never talks to me again? Or what if he just doesn't like me. I can't do this, I can't-- Ah!" Blake had bumped into Jordan in the hallway since he wasn't paying attention. He looked up slightly to meet eyes with the arctic wolf, immediately blushing.

"S-Sorry, Jordan..." he squeeked out before rushing past him, not even waiting for a response.