G.R.R. Chapter 5: Take No Prisoners

Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#5 of G.R.R.

Tonight is GRR: Take No Prisoners! The main-event is Soultiger, and the Husky Brothers vs. Testify and . . . but then something happens. Zenaku is found unconscious and bleeding backstage. Silverback is found completely out of it in his locker room. Will Testify forefit the match or will he take L.A.N.C. on in a 3-on-1 handicap match?


Chapter 5: Take No Prisoners

By: Silverback Christianpaw


"What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know, I just found him like this!" the girl tells me.

"Zenaku! Zenaku! Are you ok?! Oh my God, go get some help!"

The walky-talky beeps, "I need emergency medical personnel down here immediately."

"Zenaku are you ok?" There's no answer. I move some debris and metal pipes out of the way. I look closer at his head. It's split open and bleeding bad."

"We got it, we got it," some doctors move in and start inspecting him. One of them pulls me back, "We'll take care of it," she says.

"Ok, ok," I say quickly as a tear comes down my face. I try to take a few breaths to calm myself down, I know freaking out isn't going to help.

It's only about an hour until we go live for the Take No Prisoners pay-per-view. I saw a crowd of employees and wrestlers start crowding around and found Zenaku unconscious.

I take a few steps back, "Oh God please help Zenaku, I love him so much, please help him Lord." I don't hear a voice but I get the feeling that he is going to be ok. I start to calm down a little, I know that the Lord is looking over him and will make sure he is ok.

The tears start to come back when I see two guys come running by me wheeling a stretcher.

* * *


I pull the towel off the rack and start to dry my fur. The warm steam runs through every inch of my fur as I wiggle myself clean. Sniff-sniff-sniff. Hmm, somebody is in the room.

I quickly wrap my towel around my waist and open the door. Both Husky Brothers are sitting on my couch looking directly at me. They must have been waiting for me to come out,

"Whoa, what are you two doing here?" I ask holding the towel up.

"We just wanted to make sure you we're alright," Nubis says. Both of them have big smiles on their faces and their tails are wagging. I don't like it.

"This is my private locker room, so get out," I growl.

"Whoa, easy big fella, we're not here to cause trouble of anything," Light says as he reaches into his gym bag and pulls out a plastic bowl, "we just got a package from our mother, wonderful bitch, who sent us a batch of her delicious chocolate and peanut-butter chip cookies."

Sniff-sniff-sniff. "Cookies?" I inch closer and closer. I can't resist cookies.

"Hehe, here boy," Light says as he pulls the top off. He was right; the bowl is filled with yummy delicious looking chocolate and peanut-butter chip cookies. Ohh, they smell so good.

My tail wags as my drooling tongue hangs out.

"Does big wolfy want some?" Nubis asks me playfully.

I stick my nose in the bowl but he pulls it away before I can snag one. I look at him and start to whimper. I squat down and start jumping a little as I beg. I want a cookie. I want a cookie. I want the delicious yummylicious cookies.

"Hehe, here you go boy," he takes one and tosses it. I catch it in my mouth and quickly chew the cookie down. I was right, it is so delicious, it's even still warm so the chocolate and peanut-butter chips are slightly melted, adding to that smooth yummy taste.

I murr in delight for a moment . . . I want another.

"Can I have another?" I put on my puppy-face.

Light says, "Aww, sure hun, you can have all of them in you want, come on up here," Nubis scoots himself to one side of the couch as Light pats the cushion in between for me. My tail wags so fast I almost lose grip of my towel before sitting down. I look down at the bowl, I want more more more more more!

Light puts the bowl in my towel-covered lap and says, "Eat up cutie."

"Yay!" I dig face-first into the cookies as I bite and chew in the bowl of cookie pleasures. Each and every cookie is cooked and made into delicious perfection.

"Is the big strong wolf fluff enjoying the cookies?" Nubis says cutely while his tail wags.

"Mhmm," I say as I chew. "I guess I had you guys all wrong, I thought you two were inconsiderate jerks who hated me." I keep eating; sadly the cookies are almost gone.

"Hate you?" Light says, "Oh we could never hate somebody as big and as cute as you Silverback."

Nubis says, "Oh yeah, that nasty Soultiger makes us do the most horrific things. We're sorry."

Light rubs my tummy a little, "Yeah, we don't hate you Silverback, in fact, we love you." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. Nubis kisses my other cheek as well. I blush.

"Aww, well I love you guys too," I give each of them a little kiss on the return. Both of them giggle as I do. I look down at the bowl, there are only a couple of cookies left, but my stomach is not feeling so good . . . but these are really good cookies. I force down the last few until the bowl is empty. Light keeps rubbing my tummy,

"We're they good?" he asks.

"Yes, ugh, I think I ate them too fast . . . I think I need to lie down."

Nubis says, "Aww poor puppy," they both start rubbing my belly button. Oh no, that's one of my weak spots. Please don't get horny, please don't get horny, please don't get horny.

Nubis giggles, "Ooh, looks like somebody is happy." Dammit. I look down and see the tent starting to rise in my towel. My eyes are having trouble trying to stay open; this must be a very bad tummy ache.

"Mmm, you know I like big wolfies," Light says as he starts kissing on my neck. I want to reach up and stop him, what if Coach came in and saw this? I try to get him to stop but my arms are too tired. Nubis gets up to his knees in his seat and starts sucking on my nipples. Oh no.

The tent grows even more until the fabric of the towel starts to stretch. Ohh, but it feels good, it tickles hehe.

Murring sounds start coming out of my mouth.

Light stops it by kissing my muzzle. I feel his wet tongue roll and slather around mine. "Mmmmmmm," I kiss him back, it feels so nice. I start feeling my towel being yanked. I stop the kiss for a second as Nubis starts pulling the towel off revealing my throbbing penis. Before I can do anything Light shoves his tongue down my throat for another kiss. He maneuvers my body so I lay down on the couch. I feel my legs being picked up and being laid on the couch, I can barely feel them now. I try to move my toes but it becomes very difficult.

"Mmmm, come here," I hear a voice say, I don't even know which one of the two it is, but all of a sudden my cock feels very warm and wet as a tongue wraps around it and starts bouncing it in every direction. I can't even move. I try to keep my eyes open but I can't. I feel Light's legs bounce and wrap around my tummy.

"Don't worry puppy, we'll . . ."

* * *.


I stand in view of the camera; Ms. Draxa scheduled me for a pre-match interview to tell the fans what is going to happen tonight. I can do that, but I'm so furious, I want to say more than that because I know somewhere backstage my three opponents are watching.

I watch the cameraman as he signals for the interviewer standing next to me, a young raccoon, to start the interview. A camera light flickers on,

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Josh Raccoon, and I have here with me tonight, Testify Fox." He now looks at me, "Now rumor has it that you were supposed to compete in a six-man tag team match tonight against the G.R.R. Champion Soultiger and the tag team champions, the Husky Brothers. However, both of your tag team partners were found earlier today unconscious in the back and they are not able to compete. So I ask you what every fan wants to know: Are you going to compete against Soultiger and the Huskies in a three-on-one handicap match, or are you going to forfeit?"

He puts the microphone in my face.

"Before I get into that Josh, let me send a quick shout out to the champ, Soultiger." I look deep into the camera, I'm extremely serious and I know he's watching and I want him to hear this. "You know Soultiger; I have to give you props. You are a go-getter kind of guy. If you want something you do everything you can to get it. For example, you didn't want to face Silverback here tonight . . . well it looks like you got your wish.

"I come here to the arena and find my best buddy, Zenaku, unconscious in the back. And then Silverback, a wolf who I know has never taken drugs a day in his life, suddenly drugged out of his mind in his locker room. Well it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. I know you and your entourage, the L.A.N.C. or whatever the hell you call yourselves, had something to do with it." I look back at Josh still holding the microphone to my face,

"Now with that being said; Ms. Draxa came to me and gave me two options; either I can compete against L.A.N.C. in a three-on-one handicap match . . . or I can forfeit the match altogether. And you want to know what I have decided? I already walked out on a big time match up once_, and I refuse to do it again tonight_! You bet your ass I'm still going to do this match!"

I start hearing fans cheering me on.

". . . Under one condition," I continue, "I went to Ms. Draxa and asked her for a favor, something Soultiger knows a lot about. I asked her to make this match . . . no disqualification, and she granted it."

The fans cheer even louder.

"That means I have a license to maim. I have the freedom to do anything that I want to do. You see Josh, this isn't going to be match, it's going to be a fight. Tonight I'm not looking for a solid technical-wrestling match, I am not looking for the spirit of competition, I'm not even looking for a victory, I am looking for one thing and one thing only . . . and that's revenge."

The fans continue the cheer. I look back at the camera, and hopefully into the eyes of my opponents,

"So I hope you guys are ready for me, because I will not hold back. I will take no prisoners! My only hope is that God can someday forgive me . . . for what I do to you!" I walk away from the camera without saying another word. Everything is up in the air tonight as I get ready to release a month of anger and frustration in a matter of minutes.

* * *

"The following contest is now a three-on-one, no disqualification, handicap match, scheduled for one fall," the ring announcer says in his microphone to the crowd. I watch the monitor as Soultiger and the Husky Brothers stand in the ring to choruses of their new L.A.N.C. entrance music and a chorus of boos from the fans. I can't stand them. Because of them I have to go it alone tonight. Well God will be on my side, he has never given me a mountain I can't climb.

I growl to get psyched. My music kicks on and I watch as twenty thousand fans come out of their seats and cheer me. Wow, I'm growing more and more popular by the day, I never knew I would get over this quick. I wish Zenaku was here to see this, but he's in the back being taken care of by the EMT's right next to Silverback.

I say one more quick prayer before I go out. I see a bunch of chairs around here. I quickly snatch one, fold it up and walk out of the curtain. I walk down the ramp as the cheers grow louder. It's time to fight.

I walk down the ramp and see Soultiger talking to his troops, the Huskies and pointing at me.

Ding-ding. The bell sounds and the Husky Brothers climb out of the ring and start running up the ramp for me. Nubis goes for a clothesline but I drop the chair to quickly block it and punch him hard in the gut. He stands hunched over. I pick up the chair. FWAP! I smack him in the back and he goes down. I turn and Light punches me in the face, I drop the chair on the steel ramp, he punches me again and I step backward to the security wall. He runs for me but I stop him in his tracks with a boot to the gut. I grab the hair on his head and slam it into the security wall. He goes down. Now it's Soultiger's turn. I head for the ring.

I try to crawl in but Soultiger gets a quick grip of my ears, I drop myself back down to the floor, out of his grasp, and pull him out of the ring by his ankle. He slides out of the ring and I start firing away at him as fast as I can. Rights and lefts! Rights and lefts! A month of anger and vengeance behind every shot.

He knees me in the gut. He grabs my wrist and tries to throw me into the steel steps at the corner of the ring; I turn it around and reverse it. BAM! I throw him into the steps. They tip over as his body crashes into them.

I look underneath the ring for some weapons to use. I pull out as many as I can find. I pull out a kendo stick, some steel chairs, and a garbage can. I pick up the garbage can. Soultiger starts to get back up but I meet him with a garbage can shot to his head. He gets woozy and falls back down on his butt. I drop the weapon. Anything that isn't nailed down I am going to use. I have to.

"Ha!" Light gives me a clubbing blow to my back. I turn around and punch him in the face. I see the other come for me. I slide into the ring, he slides in after me.

Nubis shoots in with a grapple but I hook my arm under his and throw him down with an arm drag. I lean my body on top of his to wrench the arm back. The referee is dealing with Light as they argue. The referee keeps telling him to get into the corner (Even though this is a no disqualification match the rules of a handicap match state that my opponents are still supposed to tag in and out to legally be in the match).

Light complies and gets out of the ring and goes to check on Soultiger who is still lying prone on the outside.

Nubis shows a feel of ring presence as he pushes himself up and rolls himself over, causing me to roll over with him and my shoulders down on the mat, he goes for a quick cover but I kick out of it. We break apart and he gets a quick waist lock behind me and takes me down easily. The huskies are no slouches in the ring.

Nubis hooks his arm under my leg and rolls over causing me to roll onto my back and my shoulders down on the mat again. The referee gets on all fours to make the count but I kick out again. I break away from him quickly and take a few steps back.

The crowd claps, I believe for both of us, for our technical wrestling skills. I want to beat the hell out of him but I also don't want to make a mistake, I need to change my game plan and wrestle a good game to weaken my opponents.

Nubis smiles and goes in again, I quickly drop down and trip his ankle with my feet in a drop-toe-hold, he goes down. I pounce back up. He gets back up as fast as he can. He growls and goes for a punch and it connects. He punches me right in the face and I start stepping back. But he's one step ahead of me with jabs to my face. I keep stepping back until I am stopped by the turnbuckle. Unfortunately it's my opponent's turnbuckle.

Light taps Nubis on the back, tagging himself in. He gets into the ring and both of them start stomping into my gut.

"Ahhhh! Ahh!" I scream in pain. Light grabs me by the throat and tries to squeeze as hard as he can. Normally he would have a count of five by the referee to let go of the choke, but since there are no DQ's, he can keep the choke on for as long as he wants. I need to get out of this.

Soultiger pulls me out of the ring, "Get him on the post," he commands his partners. They both prop my body up against the ring post. Soultiger hits me with a knee to my gut. He grabs the hair on top of my head and hammers my face with some hard jabs. My weakened body starts to go down but the huskies hold my arms out and keep me propped up. Soultiger steps back grabbing his fist, getting ready for one hard blow. He fires, but I manage to pull myself away from the huskies, leaving Soultiger to get a fist full of steel.

"Rowl!" he screams. I elbow Light in the face and kick Nubis in the gut. I turn and punch Light in the face and he goes back tripping over a kendo stick from the pile of weapons I pulled out, that kendo stick should work nicely.

I pick it up and immediately go to work. I swing. CRACK! It hits Nubis in his side. He howls and grabs at his side. I swing again and hit his other side, he yelps again. I swing a third time, this time for his head, CRACK! He goes down. I turn and drive the bottom of it into Light's gut, he hunches over in pain. CRACK! I smack the stick across his back. I am a fighting machine with this weapon! Now for Soultiger.

I turn but he runs and pounces me before I can use the weapon on him and I fall hitting the back of my head on the steel ring post. I drop the stick and hold my head as the sounds and whirrs swirl around inside my head. He gets back up and wraps his big paws around my throat and picks me back up to a standing position. He throws me over the security wall into the front row of the crowd. My body lands on the cement at the feet of some fans in the front row.

"Oh my God!" a guy says while some of his friends cheer in excitement.

I turn over to get myself back up. I peak my head over the barricade and Soultiger grabs me by my ears but I quickly swat his paws away and punch him in the face. He steps back for a second and shakes his head. He comes back to try again and I meet him with a high kick to his arm.

"Ah!" He twists around holding it in pain. I jump onto the security wall, when he swings back around face to face with me I leap off the wall and crash down on top of him. The fans in the front row cheer me on.

I get off him and look around for weapons, the steel chairs, I'll use them. I pick one up. One of the huskies is still on all fours crawling away. FWAP! I hit him in the back.

"Ahh!" He lies on the ground. I start grabbing every weapon I see and throwing them into the ring. The garbage can, chairs, the kendo stick, the steel steps, one by one all being cluttered into the ring. I then slide myself back into the ring.

CRACK! I get hit in the head with a kendo stick by Light Husky. He hooks my leg for the cover; he was the legal wrestler in the match last time I checked. The referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." I kick out. He growls at the referee before leaving the ring again. I turn and use the steel steps that I put in to get back to my feet. The top of my head is burning with pain but I need to keep going.

I finally manage to get up. I turn around and see Light with the ring bell in his paws. He runs, aiming to hit me with it. But I kick him in the gut. He drops the bell and goes down holding his gut in pain.

"Ahh!" I scream in fatigue. I see the ring bell, it's a weapon, I'll take it.

I grab the ring bell, Light gets to his feet. I swing. DING! The bell cracks off his head and he falls down, his eyes are closed, he's out of it. I drop the bell and go for the cover. The referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." FWAP! I get hit in the back with a steel chair. I get off and grab the ring ropes to pull myself up. Once I get to my feet I turn my head as it collides with the steel chair again thanks to Soultiger.

I fall over the top rope and out to the floor. I hold my body in pain as the numbers game starts to really catch up to me. This three-on-one attack is starting to get to me, but it's the heat of the battle, and that's when I'm at my best.

I struggle to get back up. Soultiger gets out of the ring with that steel chair ready to be used. I get up. FWAP! He hits me in the head with the chair and I go down again.

"Ohhh!" the fans near me say.

"Oh my God! Testify is down!" the commentators next to me say into their headsets. I would hear more but then their voices get drowned out by the ringing. Soultiger drops the chair on the ground and pulls a television monitor out of the commentators table.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" one of the commentators ask.

"Shut up!" Soultiger is all he had to say to them. He pulls out the other monitor and lets it drop to the floor all tangled up in wires. I shake my head and look down at the floor, I see the chair next to me, I grab it. Soultiger grabs me by the back of the head. I pounce up and drive the chair into his gut. I drop the chair and hit him with a hard punch to his face; he lands on his butt yet again. I turn around, Nubis Husky with one of the monitors in his paw. He swings it; I duck out of the way. He comes back to try and do it again.

BAM! I super-kick him right in the face. He falls over and lays motionless on top of the commentators table. My super-kick, which I call the Final Breath, has got him down.

Soultiger growls as he uses the table to try and get back up to his feet. I look down at my feet and see the little television monitor. I pick it up, rear back, and fire. BAM! I crack it across his face and the top half of his body falls on top of Nubis on the table. I drop the monitor and lift the rest of the feline's big body up on the table. I can do something with this.

I, still somewhat dazed, slide back into the ring and climb the turnbuckles up to the top rope. I stand at the top rope looking down at the two guys lying motionless on the table below me. I'm not afraid of high-risk moves. The fans come out of their seats and cheer me on. The commentators leave their headsets and get out of the way; they know exactly what I am going to do.

I leap off the top rope and spread my body out for a big splash. CRASH! The table explodes in rubble and wires as I come down on top of two of my opponents. The crowd continues screaming and cheering me on. But I can barely move now, my body is hurt all over. I look at Soultiger; his expression is blank as blood gushes out of his head. I must have busted him open with that monitor shot to his head.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" The fans all over the arena start cheering. Fans normally cheer that after they have seen something that is so spectacular they can't believe it.

I crawl away from the wreckage. My body is hurting something bad, that adrenaline rush can do wonders but my adrenaline is starting to wear off and the pain is starting to creep up in my body. I pull back the apron and look under the ring and pull out a wooden table. My arm is so tired it has trouble pulling the table out, but I tough through the pain and get back to my feet and put the table into the ring.

I slide into the ring and kick the kendo stick and the other steel chair away as I set up the table in the corner. I turn back around and see Light Husky in the ring, he's still the legal guy and can pin me if he gets me down. He punches me in the face and I fall back and am caught by the table. I get back up but in one swift movement Light hooks his arms underneath mine and gives me a belly-to-belly suplex. He sends me over his head and I land back first on the steel steps.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Gaw!" I scream in pain ad I feel my back as it's racked with pain. I try to roll off the metal steps but Light lays me back down and goes for a cover, the referee who has been watching everything on the sidelines, counts;

"1 . . . 2 . . . "I kick out. The crowd cheers.

"That was three!" Light yells.

"Two!" The referee says back. The husky growls and looks at me with anger in his eyes. Maybe I can get him down with these steps. I need to think of a way to counter, if I can knock him down I can pin him and get the victory. Hmm, I'll play possum. I hope it works.

Light grabs my head and drags me off the steps. He gets his arm across my chest as he signals, getting ready for his patented finishing maneuver, the 1.0.

"Gah!" I push his arm away, hook his head with my arm and drop him down on his head on the steel steps as hard as I can.

"Ruff!" he yelps holding his face. The crowd cheers me on, it's like they are cheering my every move.

I fall down exhausted on the canvas. I lay there for a moment as I rest in the cheers of the fans. Sweat drops flow down to the back of my head as I lay there to catch my breath. This match has been hell, and it's not even over yet. I sit back up and have to use the ropes again to pull my tired body up.

Light gets up, now with his head bleeding from hitting the steps. His teeth stick out as he growls. I lay in the turnbuckle still catching my breath. The blood runs down his face and his chest fur.

"Come and get me!" I shout to him panting. He growls more and gladly accepts. He runs up to me and starts hammering on me down in the corner with hard lefts and rights. I fight back the best I can with rights and lefts of my own. I fight as hard as I can; I get out of the corner and keep firing away. The crowd cheers more and more the harder we fight. Finally I push him and leave my feet to give him a dropkick to his gut. He falls back when the kick hits its mark. He lays flat on the canvas. This is my chance to win it.

In pain I crawl over to him. I hook his leg and cover him. The referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." Suddenly I feel a paw grab my back and the fur on the back of my head. The guy picks me up off of Light and turns around and throws me head first into the table. The table cracks but doesn't break as I hit. I turn back around to see who did it. But I only get a one second glimpse of Soultiger before he pounces and spears my body into the table. CRACK! The table breaks apart as I get taken down through it. My body is spent.

Some fans cheer and others boo. I can't move a muscle, my body is near-dead.

"Light, get over here!" Soultiger screams. My eyes are closed, I can't do this anymore. All of a sudden I feel a hot sweaty body lay across mine as the referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . . 3." Ding-ding. The bell rings and the fans start cheering and booing. L.A.N.C.'s music thunders throughout the arena. "The winners of the match: the GRR Champion Soultiger, and the GRR Tag Champions the Husky Brothers!" the ring announcer says.

I get up again holding my side as I sit in the corner. The other husky gets into the ring to join his friends. The referee grabs Soultiger and Light's wrists. Nubis grabs Light's wrist as all three of them get their paws raised in victory.

I sit and look at them; they look like shit to say the least. Their bodies are covered up with cuts and marks and two of them are bleeding from their heads. Hey, that's not bad for a three-on-one fight. This wasn't a match that was three on three or was it a match where they were fighting each other, I single handedly gave the three of them those cuts and marks and bleeding faces. I'd say that's a pretty damn good effort.

They leave the ring holding themselves and licking their wounds as they go up the entrance ramp to the back. I use the ropes to pull myself back to my feet once again. The music stops once they are at the back. My music kicks on and the fans start to cheer and clap in appreciation for me and my effort.

Suddenly some of the fans stand, then more, and then more. And in seconds all of the fans in the arena are standing and clapping for my efforts. This is why I love being in this business, it can take a nobody like myself and turn him into a star. But I guarantee this; I am not done with L.A.N.C., not by a long shot. I already can't wait for tomorrow night's episode of Warzone.


Chapter 5: Take No Prisoners

By: Silverback Christianpaw


"What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know, I just found him like this!" the girl tells me.

"Zenaku! Zenaku! Are you ok?! Oh my God, go get some help!"

The walky-talky beeps, "I need emergency medical personnel down here immediately."

"Zenaku are you ok?" There's no answer. I move some debris and metal pipes out of the way. I look closer at his head. It's split open and bleeding bad."

"We got it, we got it," some doctors move in and start inspecting him. One of them pulls me back, "We'll take care of it," she says.

"Ok, ok," I say quickly as a tear comes down my face. I try to take a few breaths to calm myself down, I know freaking out isn't going to help.

It's only about an hour until we go live for the Take No Prisoners pay-per-view. I saw a crowd of employees and wrestlers start crowding around and found Zenaku unconscious.

I take a few steps back, "Oh God please help Zenaku, I love him so much, please help him Lord." I don't hear a voice but I get the feeling that he is going to be ok. I start to calm down a little, I know that the Lord is looking over him and will make sure he is ok.

The tears start to come back when I see two guys come running by me wheeling a stretcher.

* * *


I pull the towel off the rack and start to dry my fur. The warm steam runs through every inch of my fur as I wiggle myself clean. Sniff-sniff-sniff. Hmm, somebody is in the room.

I quickly wrap my towel around my waist and open the door. Both Husky Brothers are sitting on my couch looking directly at me. They must have been waiting for me to come out,

"Whoa, what are you two doing here?" I ask holding the towel up.

"We just wanted to make sure you we're alright," Nubis says. Both of them have big smiles on their faces and their tails are wagging. I don't like it.

"This is my private locker room, so get out," I growl.

"Whoa, easy big fella, we're not here to cause trouble of anything," Light says as he reaches into his gym bag and pulls out a plastic bowl, "we just got a package from our mother, wonderful bitch, who sent us a batch of her delicious chocolate and peanut-butter chip cookies."

Sniff-sniff-sniff. "Cookies?" I inch closer and closer. I can't resist cookies.

"Hehe, here boy," Light says as he pulls the top off. He was right; the bowl is filled with yummy delicious looking chocolate and peanut-butter chip cookies. Ohh, they smell so good.

My tail wags as my drooling tongue hangs out.

"Does big wolfy want some?" Nubis asks me playfully.

I stick my nose in the bowl but he pulls it away before I can snag one. I look at him and start to whimper. I squat down and start jumping a little as I beg. I want a cookie. I want a cookie. I want the delicious yummylicious cookies.

"Hehe, here you go boy," he takes one and tosses it. I catch it in my mouth and quickly chew the cookie down. I was right, it is so delicious, it's even still warm so the chocolate and peanut-butter chips are slightly melted, adding to that smooth yummy taste.

I murr in delight for a moment . . . I want another.

"Can I have another?" I put on my puppy-face.

Light says, "Aww, sure hun, you can have all of them in you want, come on up here," Nubis scoots himself to one side of the couch as Light pats the cushion in between for me. My tail wags so fast I almost lose grip of my towel before sitting down. I look down at the bowl, I want more more more more more!

Light puts the bowl in my towel-covered lap and says, "Eat up cutie."

"Yay!" I dig face-first into the cookies as I bite and chew in the bowl of cookie pleasures. Each and every cookie is cooked and made into delicious perfection.

"Is the big strong wolf fluff enjoying the cookies?" Nubis says cutely while his tail wags.

"Mhmm," I say as I chew. "I guess I had you guys all wrong, I thought you two were inconsiderate jerks who hated me." I keep eating; sadly the cookies are almost gone.

"Hate you?" Light says, "Oh we could never hate somebody as big and as cute as you Silverback."

Nubis says, "Oh yeah, that nasty Soultiger makes us do the most horrific things. We're sorry."

Light rubs my tummy a little, "Yeah, we don't hate you Silverback, in fact, we love you." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. Nubis kisses my other cheek as well. I blush.

"Aww, well I love you guys too," I give each of them a little kiss on the return. Both of them giggle as I do. I look down at the bowl, there are only a couple of cookies left, but my stomach is not feeling so good . . . but these are really good cookies. I force down the last few until the bowl is empty. Light keeps rubbing my tummy,

"We're they good?" he asks.

"Yes, ugh, I think I ate them too fast . . . I think I need to lie down."

Nubis says, "Aww poor puppy," they both start rubbing my belly button. Oh no, that's one of my weak spots. Please don't get horny, please don't get horny, please don't get horny.

Nubis giggles, "Ooh, looks like somebody is happy." Dammit. I look down and see the tent starting to rise in my towel. My eyes are having trouble trying to stay open; this must be a very bad tummy ache.

"Mmm, you know I like big wolfies," Light says as he starts kissing on my neck. I want to reach up and stop him, what if Coach came in and saw this? I try to get him to stop but my arms are too tired. Nubis gets up to his knees in his seat and starts sucking on my nipples. Oh no.

The tent grows even more until the fabric of the towel starts to stretch. Ohh, but it feels good, it tickles hehe.

Murring sounds start coming out of my mouth.

Light stops it by kissing my muzzle. I feel his wet tongue roll and slather around mine. "Mmmmmmm," I kiss him back, it feels so nice. I start feeling my towel being yanked. I stop the kiss for a second as Nubis starts pulling the towel off revealing my throbbing penis. Before I can do anything Light shoves his tongue down my throat for another kiss. He maneuvers my body so I lay down on the couch. I feel my legs being picked up and being laid on the couch, I can barely feel them now. I try to move my toes but it becomes very difficult.

"Mmmm, come here," I hear a voice say, I don't even know which one of the two it is, but all of a sudden my cock feels very warm and wet as a tongue wraps around it and starts bouncing it in every direction. I can't even move. I try to keep my eyes open but I can't. I feel Light's legs bounce and wrap around my tummy.

"Don't worry puppy, we'll . . ."

* * *.


I stand in view of the camera; Ms. Draxa scheduled me for a pre-match interview to tell the fans what is going to happen tonight. I can do that, but I'm so furious, I want to say more than that because I know somewhere backstage my three opponents are watching.

I watch the cameraman as he signals for the interviewer standing next to me, a young raccoon, to start the interview. A camera light flickers on,

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Josh Raccoon, and I have here with me tonight, Testify Fox." He now looks at me, "Now rumor has it that you were supposed to compete in a six-man tag team match tonight against the G.R.R. Champion Soultiger and the tag team champions, the Husky Brothers. However, both of your tag team partners were found earlier today unconscious in the back and they are not able to compete. So I ask you what every fan wants to know: Are you going to compete against Soultiger and the Huskies in a three-on-one handicap match, or are you going to forfeit?"

He puts the microphone in my face.

"Before I get into that Josh, let me send a quick shout out to the champ, Soultiger." I look deep into the camera, I'm extremely serious and I know he's watching and I want him to hear this. "You know Soultiger; I have to give you props. You are a go-getter kind of guy. If you want something you do everything you can to get it. For example, you didn't want to face Silverback here tonight . . . well it looks like you got your wish.

"I come here to the arena and find my best buddy, Zenaku, unconscious in the back. And then Silverback, a wolf who I know has never taken drugs a day in his life, suddenly drugged out of his mind in his locker room. Well it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. I know you and your entourage, the L.A.N.C. or whatever the hell you call yourselves, had something to do with it." I look back at Josh still holding the microphone to my face,

"Now with that being said; Ms. Draxa came to me and gave me two options; either I can compete against L.A.N.C. in a three-on-one handicap match . . . or I can forfeit the match altogether. And you want to know what I have decided? I already walked out on a big time match up once_, and I refuse to do it again tonight_! You bet your ass I'm still going to do this match!"

I start hearing fans cheering me on.

". . . Under one condition," I continue, "I went to Ms. Draxa and asked her for a favor, something Soultiger knows a lot about. I asked her to make this match . . . no disqualification, and she granted it."

The fans cheer even louder.

"That means I have a license to maim. I have the freedom to do anything that I want to do. You see Josh, this isn't going to be match, it's going to be a fight. Tonight I'm not looking for a solid technical-wrestling match, I am not looking for the spirit of competition, I'm not even looking for a victory, I am looking for one thing and one thing only . . . and that's revenge."

The fans continue the cheer. I look back at the camera, and hopefully into the eyes of my opponents,

"So I hope you guys are ready for me, because I will not hold back. I will take no prisoners! My only hope is that God can someday forgive me . . . for what I do to you!" I walk away from the camera without saying another word. Everything is up in the air tonight as I get ready to release a month of anger and frustration in a matter of minutes.

* * *

"The following contest is now a three-on-one, no disqualification, handicap match, scheduled for one fall," the ring announcer says in his microphone to the crowd. I watch the monitor as Soultiger and the Husky Brothers stand in the ring to choruses of their new L.A.N.C. entrance music and a chorus of boos from the fans. I can't stand them. Because of them I have to go it alone tonight. Well God will be on my side, he has never given me a mountain I can't climb.

I growl to get psyched. My music kicks on and I watch as twenty thousand fans come out of their seats and cheer me. Wow, I'm growing more and more popular by the day, I never knew I would get over this quick. I wish Zenaku was here to see this, but he's in the back being taken care of by the EMT's right next to Silverback.

I say one more quick prayer before I go out. I see a bunch of chairs around here. I quickly snatch one, fold it up and walk out of the curtain. I walk down the ramp as the cheers grow louder. It's time to fight.

I walk down the ramp and see Soultiger talking to his troops, the Huskies and pointing at me.

Ding-ding. The bell sounds and the Husky Brothers climb out of the ring and start running up the ramp for me. Nubis goes for a clothesline but I drop the chair to quickly block it and punch him hard in the gut. He stands hunched over. I pick up the chair. FWAP! I smack him in the back and he goes down. I turn and Light punches me in the face, I drop the chair on the steel ramp, he punches me again and I step backward to the security wall. He runs for me but I stop him in his tracks with a boot to the gut. I grab the hair on his head and slam it into the security wall. He goes down. Now it's Soultiger's turn. I head for the ring.

I try to crawl in but Soultiger gets a quick grip of my ears, I drop myself back down to the floor, out of his grasp, and pull him out of the ring by his ankle. He slides out of the ring and I start firing away at him as fast as I can. Rights and lefts! Rights and lefts! A month of anger and vengeance behind every shot.

He knees me in the gut. He grabs my wrist and tries to throw me into the steel steps at the corner of the ring; I turn it around and reverse it. BAM! I throw him into the steps. They tip over as his body crashes into them.

I look underneath the ring for some weapons to use. I pull out as many as I can find. I pull out a kendo stick, some steel chairs, and a garbage can. I pick up the garbage can. Soultiger starts to get back up but I meet him with a garbage can shot to his head. He gets woozy and falls back down on his butt. I drop the weapon. Anything that isn't nailed down I am going to use. I have to.

"Ha!" Light gives me a clubbing blow to my back. I turn around and punch him in the face. I see the other come for me. I slide into the ring, he slides in after me.

Nubis shoots in with a grapple but I hook my arm under his and throw him down with an arm drag. I lean my body on top of his to wrench the arm back. The referee is dealing with Light as they argue. The referee keeps telling him to get into the corner (Even though this is a no disqualification match the rules of a handicap match state that my opponents are still supposed to tag in and out to legally be in the match).

Light complies and gets out of the ring and goes to check on Soultiger who is still lying prone on the outside.

Nubis shows a feel of ring presence as he pushes himself up and rolls himself over, causing me to roll over with him and my shoulders down on the mat, he goes for a quick cover but I kick out of it. We break apart and he gets a quick waist lock behind me and takes me down easily. The huskies are no slouches in the ring.

Nubis hooks his arm under my leg and rolls over causing me to roll onto my back and my shoulders down on the mat again. The referee gets on all fours to make the count but I kick out again. I break away from him quickly and take a few steps back.

The crowd claps, I believe for both of us, for our technical wrestling skills. I want to beat the hell out of him but I also don't want to make a mistake, I need to change my game plan and wrestle a good game to weaken my opponents.

Nubis smiles and goes in again, I quickly drop down and trip his ankle with my feet in a drop-toe-hold, he goes down. I pounce back up. He gets back up as fast as he can. He growls and goes for a punch and it connects. He punches me right in the face and I start stepping back. But he's one step ahead of me with jabs to my face. I keep stepping back until I am stopped by the turnbuckle. Unfortunately it's my opponent's turnbuckle.

Light taps Nubis on the back, tagging himself in. He gets into the ring and both of them start stomping into my gut.

"Ahhhh! Ahh!" I scream in pain. Light grabs me by the throat and tries to squeeze as hard as he can. Normally he would have a count of five by the referee to let go of the choke, but since there are no DQ's, he can keep the choke on for as long as he wants. I need to get out of this.

Soultiger pulls me out of the ring, "Get him on the post," he commands his partners. They both prop my body up against the ring post. Soultiger hits me with a knee to my gut. He grabs the hair on top of my head and hammers my face with some hard jabs. My weakened body starts to go down but the huskies hold my arms out and keep me propped up. Soultiger steps back grabbing his fist, getting ready for one hard blow. He fires, but I manage to pull myself away from the huskies, leaving Soultiger to get a fist full of steel.

"Rowl!" he screams. I elbow Light in the face and kick Nubis in the gut. I turn and punch Light in the face and he goes back tripping over a kendo stick from the pile of weapons I pulled out, that kendo stick should work nicely.

I pick it up and immediately go to work. I swing. CRACK! It hits Nubis in his side. He howls and grabs at his side. I swing again and hit his other side, he yelps again. I swing a third time, this time for his head, CRACK! He goes down. I turn and drive the bottom of it into Light's gut, he hunches over in pain. CRACK! I smack the stick across his back. I am a fighting machine with this weapon! Now for Soultiger.

I turn but he runs and pounces me before I can use the weapon on him and I fall hitting the back of my head on the steel ring post. I drop the stick and hold my head as the sounds and whirrs swirl around inside my head. He gets back up and wraps his big paws around my throat and picks me back up to a standing position. He throws me over the security wall into the front row of the crowd. My body lands on the cement at the feet of some fans in the front row.

"Oh my God!" a guy says while some of his friends cheer in excitement.

I turn over to get myself back up. I peak my head over the barricade and Soultiger grabs me by my ears but I quickly swat his paws away and punch him in the face. He steps back for a second and shakes his head. He comes back to try again and I meet him with a high kick to his arm.

"Ah!" He twists around holding it in pain. I jump onto the security wall, when he swings back around face to face with me I leap off the wall and crash down on top of him. The fans in the front row cheer me on.

I get off him and look around for weapons, the steel chairs, I'll use them. I pick one up. One of the huskies is still on all fours crawling away. FWAP! I hit him in the back.

"Ahh!" He lies on the ground. I start grabbing every weapon I see and throwing them into the ring. The garbage can, chairs, the kendo stick, the steel steps, one by one all being cluttered into the ring. I then slide myself back into the ring.

CRACK! I get hit in the head with a kendo stick by Light Husky. He hooks my leg for the cover; he was the legal wrestler in the match last time I checked. The referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." I kick out. He growls at the referee before leaving the ring again. I turn and use the steel steps that I put in to get back to my feet. The top of my head is burning with pain but I need to keep going.

I finally manage to get up. I turn around and see Light with the ring bell in his paws. He runs, aiming to hit me with it. But I kick him in the gut. He drops the bell and goes down holding his gut in pain.

"Ahh!" I scream in fatigue. I see the ring bell, it's a weapon, I'll take it.

I grab the ring bell, Light gets to his feet. I swing. DING! The bell cracks off his head and he falls down, his eyes are closed, he's out of it. I drop the bell and go for the cover. The referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." FWAP! I get hit in the back with a steel chair. I get off and grab the ring ropes to pull myself up. Once I get to my feet I turn my head as it collides with the steel chair again thanks to Soultiger.

I fall over the top rope and out to the floor. I hold my body in pain as the numbers game starts to really catch up to me. This three-on-one attack is starting to get to me, but it's the heat of the battle, and that's when I'm at my best.

I struggle to get back up. Soultiger gets out of the ring with that steel chair ready to be used. I get up. FWAP! He hits me in the head with the chair and I go down again.

"Ohhh!" the fans near me say.

"Oh my God! Testify is down!" the commentators next to me say into their headsets. I would hear more but then their voices get drowned out by the ringing. Soultiger drops the chair on the ground and pulls a television monitor out of the commentators table.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" one of the commentators ask.

"Shut up!" Soultiger is all he had to say to them. He pulls out the other monitor and lets it drop to the floor all tangled up in wires. I shake my head and look down at the floor, I see the chair next to me, I grab it. Soultiger grabs me by the back of the head. I pounce up and drive the chair into his gut. I drop the chair and hit him with a hard punch to his face; he lands on his butt yet again. I turn around, Nubis Husky with one of the monitors in his paw. He swings it; I duck out of the way. He comes back to try and do it again.

BAM! I super-kick him right in the face. He falls over and lays motionless on top of the commentators table. My super-kick, which I call the Final Breath, has got him down.

Soultiger growls as he uses the table to try and get back up to his feet. I look down at my feet and see the little television monitor. I pick it up, rear back, and fire. BAM! I crack it across his face and the top half of his body falls on top of Nubis on the table. I drop the monitor and lift the rest of the feline's big body up on the table. I can do something with this.

I, still somewhat dazed, slide back into the ring and climb the turnbuckles up to the top rope. I stand at the top rope looking down at the two guys lying motionless on the table below me. I'm not afraid of high-risk moves. The fans come out of their seats and cheer me on. The commentators leave their headsets and get out of the way; they know exactly what I am going to do.

I leap off the top rope and spread my body out for a big splash. CRASH! The table explodes in rubble and wires as I come down on top of two of my opponents. The crowd continues screaming and cheering me on. But I can barely move now, my body is hurt all over. I look at Soultiger; his expression is blank as blood gushes out of his head. I must have busted him open with that monitor shot to his head.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" The fans all over the arena start cheering. Fans normally cheer that after they have seen something that is so spectacular they can't believe it.

I crawl away from the wreckage. My body is hurting something bad, that adrenaline rush can do wonders but my adrenaline is starting to wear off and the pain is starting to creep up in my body. I pull back the apron and look under the ring and pull out a wooden table. My arm is so tired it has trouble pulling the table out, but I tough through the pain and get back to my feet and put the table into the ring.

I slide into the ring and kick the kendo stick and the other steel chair away as I set up the table in the corner. I turn back around and see Light Husky in the ring, he's still the legal guy and can pin me if he gets me down. He punches me in the face and I fall back and am caught by the table. I get back up but in one swift movement Light hooks his arms underneath mine and gives me a belly-to-belly suplex. He sends me over his head and I land back first on the steel steps.

"Ahhh! Ahh! Gaw!" I scream in pain ad I feel my back as it's racked with pain. I try to roll off the metal steps but Light lays me back down and goes for a cover, the referee who has been watching everything on the sidelines, counts;

"1 . . . 2 . . . "I kick out. The crowd cheers.

"That was three!" Light yells.

"Two!" The referee says back. The husky growls and looks at me with anger in his eyes. Maybe I can get him down with these steps. I need to think of a way to counter, if I can knock him down I can pin him and get the victory. Hmm, I'll play possum. I hope it works.

Light grabs my head and drags me off the steps. He gets his arm across my chest as he signals, getting ready for his patented finishing maneuver, the 1.0.

"Gah!" I push his arm away, hook his head with my arm and drop him down on his head on the steel steps as hard as I can.

"Ruff!" he yelps holding his face. The crowd cheers me on, it's like they are cheering my every move.

I fall down exhausted on the canvas. I lay there for a moment as I rest in the cheers of the fans. Sweat drops flow down to the back of my head as I lay there to catch my breath. This match has been hell, and it's not even over yet. I sit back up and have to use the ropes again to pull my tired body up.

Light gets up, now with his head bleeding from hitting the steps. His teeth stick out as he growls. I lay in the turnbuckle still catching my breath. The blood runs down his face and his chest fur.

"Come and get me!" I shout to him panting. He growls more and gladly accepts. He runs up to me and starts hammering on me down in the corner with hard lefts and rights. I fight back the best I can with rights and lefts of my own. I fight as hard as I can; I get out of the corner and keep firing away. The crowd cheers more and more the harder we fight. Finally I push him and leave my feet to give him a dropkick to his gut. He falls back when the kick hits its mark. He lays flat on the canvas. This is my chance to win it.

In pain I crawl over to him. I hook his leg and cover him. The referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . ." Suddenly I feel a paw grab my back and the fur on the back of my head. The guy picks me up off of Light and turns around and throws me head first into the table. The table cracks but doesn't break as I hit. I turn back around to see who did it. But I only get a one second glimpse of Soultiger before he pounces and spears my body into the table. CRACK! The table breaks apart as I get taken down through it. My body is spent.

Some fans cheer and others boo. I can't move a muscle, my body is near-dead.

"Light, get over here!" Soultiger screams. My eyes are closed, I can't do this anymore. All of a sudden I feel a hot sweaty body lay across mine as the referee counts,

"1 . . . 2 . . . 3." Ding-ding. The bell rings and the fans start cheering and booing. L.A.N.C.'s music thunders throughout the arena. "The winners of the match: the GRR Champion Soultiger, and the GRR Tag Champions the Husky Brothers!" the ring announcer says.

I get up again holding my side as I sit in the corner. The other husky gets into the ring to join his friends. The referee grabs Soultiger and Light's wrists. Nubis grabs Light's wrist as all three of them get their paws raised in victory.

I sit and look at them; they look like shit to say the least. Their bodies are covered up with cuts and marks and two of them are bleeding from their heads. Hey, that's not bad for a three-on-one fight. This wasn't a match that was three on three or was it a match where they were fighting each other, I single handedly gave the three of them those cuts and marks and bleeding faces. I'd say that's a pretty damn good effort.

They leave the ring holding themselves and licking their wounds as they go up the entrance ramp to the back. I use the ropes to pull myself back to my feet once again. The music stops once they are at the back. My music kicks on and the fans start to cheer and clap in appreciation for me and my effort.

Suddenly some of the fans stand, then more, and then more. And in seconds all of the fans in the arena are standing and clapping for my efforts. This is why I love being in this business, it can take a nobody like myself and turn him into a star. But I guarantee this; I am not done with L.A.N.C., not by a long shot. I already can't wait for tomorrow night's episode of Warzone.

G.R.R. Chapter 6

**G.R.R.** Chapter 6 By: Silverback Christianpaw **Testify** It's been only twenty-four hours since my brutal match at _Take No Prisoners_. I woke up this morning with the worst headache of my life, my back is hurting bad, and one of shoulders...

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G.R.R. Chapter 4

**G.R.R.** Chapter 4 By: Silverback Christianpaw **Zenaku** I stand around the monitor in the back with everybody else as the show starts up. I am still mad as hell that Testify was attacked last week and I couldn't do anything about it since I...

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G.R.R. Chapter 3

**G.R.R.** Chapter 3 By: Silverback Christianpaw **Testify** I walk down the hallway to Ms. Draxa's office with my tail swinging side-to-side. It's been two weeks since I walked out on Polarity and now I am finally starting to feel sane again....

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