Promise? Chapter 12

Story by Hudson5188 on SoFurry

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Chapter 12


Ninetails was said to be the "Queen of the Underworld" in that stupid ass book I read at Sasa.

If my dreams were really memories, then my mother was a demon with nine tails.

Being called "Prince" by a demon.

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

"Well, that's a new one." I replied back to serpent. "Yu Narukami will do, or you can go by what my friends call me: Bonzu Pippinpaddle-Oppsokopolis the Third!"

"Your references don't amuse me, half-breed."


"Nevermind. It matters little. What does matter is why you have appeared before me. Are you perhaps wishing to return to the underworld?" said the serpent almost pleadingly.

"Well, I was kinda hoping of killing you.....but I guess that would be rude."

"So you really have sided with the goddess bitch? I thought you denounced the gods?"

"Guess I've had a change of heart. Why hate something more powerful than myself?" I replied.

This made the serpent laugh hysterically.

"You see, that wasn't the joke.... The whole "Killing you would be rude thing" was the remark that was supposed to be look old so I guess you may be a bit slower...."

"My boy, do you really believe that the gods are stronger than you?"

Suddenly, I felt a shocking pain at my side. It was one of Ammy's reflectors hitting me. A familiar glare was felt as I turned to face my attacker.

"Oh hey." I said to Ammy as nonchalantly as possible.

"Really? That's ALL you have to say?!" said the angry wolf who didn't seem to notice Orochi or rather she just didn't care. When you crossed the bridge, some asshole blew it up! So I had to go through the basement where all this stupid shit happened and I had to literally help the chef cook up an appetizer for the guy I'm trying to kill. Not to mention I had to push an illogical un-realistic ball that took FOREVER! Not to mention the entire fucking time I was worried shitless about you! How idiotic can you possibly be to charge up into an incredibly powerful demon's nest headfirst with no plan?! You're like a two year old! I take my eyes off you for a second and you go wandering to the nearest old man with candy!"

"Sorry Ammy.... But the good news is that my plan worked!"

It took Ammy a second to realize it.

"You....dirty son of a...." She was writhing in anger.

"I know, I know. I'm a terrible person. But I have good intentions. I wanted you to get over your fears. Now, you can kill me later but first we have this guy to deal with."

Orochi, who had just sat there enjoying the argument, regained his composure.

"Fine, but you're dead afterwards." Said the wolf.

I grinned as I drew my sword. Orochi roared with laughter.

"You honestly think you can beat me? In case you've forgotten, you haven't regained all of your abilities, dear goddess. It took your life at full power in order to defeat me before. How can you possibly hope to win now?" said the serpent.

"God, that first line is the cheesiest line a villain can ever say." Said Ammy.

"I know, right? I bet when we defeat him, he'll either yell "NOOOOOOO!" or "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" I said grinning.

"Don't forget the monologue he's going to do during the fight!" replied the wolf.

"DIE!" yelled Orochi as one of his heads headed towards us. We dodged it with ease. We began circling him, looking for an opening to strike. Ammy was circling his left while I was going around his left. Thankfully, his heads were slow and easy to dodge. But every time I tried to strike, my attacks were deflected. It seemed Ammy was having the same problem. We got back to each other and I asked Ammy,

"Hey, why aren't our attacks working?"

"Because we don't have the 8 Purification sake. If we had some of that stuff and got him to drink it, his shield would be lowered."

"You're telling me that the only way we can get this guy is to get him drunk?"

"Now you know why I was so nervous! But, instead of thinking logically, you ran ahead like an idiot." Said the wolf who seemed to have redirected her anger on me. She didn't seem to notice that Orochi was lunging one of his heads at us. I grabbed her and pushed her out of the way of the impact.

"Can you hate me later for god's sake?! There's a fight going on in case you forgot!"

After about ten more minutes of no progress, we were both tired as hell from the fight while Orochi seemed to be perfectly fine. My demon powers weren't working either, for some reason. I tried to get that voice to give me his power again but he didn't answer. Ammy collapsed at my side.

"Ammy!" I yelled as I knelt beside her.


"Ammy... I'm sorry... God I'm an idiot."

"Heh, you are... but thanks. At least I can say I tried, right?" said the wolf weakly.

I looked at Orochi, who lunged one of his heads at us.

"Yu, get out of the way... he's going to hit you..."

"Like hell I'm moving!"

"Just leave me... I'm a pathetic goddess anyway. I have a terrible personality that doesn't get along well with people. Unbefitting of a goddess... heh" said the wolf with a small smile.

And at that moment, the head collided with my sword. It took all my remaining strength to keep it from moving me. The head did knock my sword out from my hands as it pulled back and prepared for another attack.

"Get the hell out of here, Yu!"


"God, why are you so stubborn! You're going to die!"

"Why are you so ready to quit?!"


My eyes twitched at that.

"Just because you try hard enough, you think that anything is possible. That's not how life works. A child believes in that." Said the wolf.

"Heh, if that's how a child thinks, then I'll remain a child my ENTIRE LIFE!" I said as I summoned my sword.

Suddenly, the moat that was surrounding the hill where Orochi was sitting was filled with a mysterious yellow fluid.

"Thunder brew?" said Ammy in confusion.

"God dammit, it's the power of friendship or something like that. Think it'll work?" I asked.

"Better than nothing, but I don't think I have much left in me to fight. I can pour it into his mouth though."

"Good, leave the rest to me then." I said readying my weapon.

I ran towards Orochi hoping to bait him into biting me. He fell for it, and Ammy sent the sake into his mouth, which made the head drop down to the ground. I attacked it and my cuts actually went through Orochi. I chopped the head off and ran towards the next one. After repeating the process 4 more times, Orochi was down to only 3 heads. I was incredibly tired but kept going. After finishing off two more heads, Orochi said,

"Well well well, looks like you've won you half-blooded freak."

"Well, before that, can you clear up some things? Is my mother really Ninetails?" I asked.

"You're just going to have to figure that out yourself. See you when you get back to hell, Kirin."

"Kirin?" I asked but Orochi had turned to dust.


I walked back to Ammy who had been resting by the bridge waiting for me to finish the job.

"I can't believe we did it." She said.

"Yeah, no idea as to how that sake got there, but whatever." I said sitting down next to her. Noticing how confused I looked, she asked "What's up?".

"He called me "Kirin". Last time I checked, Saladin was the name of the dude from my dreams. Oh and I have something to tell you. Apparently, my mother IS the queen of Hell."

"Guess we can add that to your resume." She replied.

"Yeah, I have a scary feeling that that's going to get a lot bigger as we continue traveling. Speaking of which, where's Issun?" I asked.

"He's looking for his friend, Kushi. She was the girl that was picked by Orochi that we saved. He was still in the village when I ran after you."


There was a moment of silence. Ammy put her head on my leg and closed her eyes.

"Don't do that again. You and Issun are my only friends, and I couldn't imagine what I'd do without you."

"You would probably have a lot less headaches." I chuckled as I ran my hand on her head.

"Probably, but I'd miss out on all the bad jokes you're going to tell before this journey is over. I'd also miss your arrogant, idiotic smile."

"I was actually just going to say that I was going to be more serious from now on."

"Well, you do need to act more serious, but you not to serious. Nobody likes a serious sally."

"Yes ma'am."

"Also, Yu, I said some things that I really shouldn't have said---"

"Eh, I've said plenty of stupid shit to outweigh it. Don't worry about it."

She lifted her head and looked at me with a smile. Then she put her head back down.

"You're not actually planning on sleeping here, right?" I asked.


Promise? Chapter 13

Chapter 13 So after a short break, we left the Moon cave and met up with Issun who had been watching the whole thing from the shoreline with the rest of Kamiki. The cheers and applause were magnificent. Ammy, being the type of person she is, was...

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Promise? Chapter 11

**Chapter 11** _Saladin was being escorted to his new home: His jail cell. This is where he would be held until his trial the next day. While being escorted, the other prisoners saw his eyes and backed away as far as they could in their cells....

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Promise? Chapter 10

By the way, in terms of Ammy's brush techniques, I'm not going to include the expanded ones. Example: Cherry bomb 2/3. That was a pointless power in the first place, so she will automatically have that as well as Power Slash 2/3. Other ones like...

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