Chapter 5: Follow Me Now

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#5 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


~(To tell you the truth, I had no idea what a "brig" was. I had heard it at least four times on my stay on the barge, and I had always thought of it as a bad thing. Angela must have known what it was, seeing as her face twisted when the captain ordered us to be thrown in it.

I'll enlighten you on what it looks like:

It's a cage at the back of the ship, just barely in the shade of the cabin's quarters. Just a cage. Big enough for six furs to sit back to back in. It was held in place by chains bolted to the deck, which was sort of scary in the event of a storm or... I don't know... a sea monster came and felt like plucking it off into the depths below. Then we'd be totally screwed.

Other than that it was nothing special. The view was pretty good, though...)~

After the captain had given his incredibly lenient sentence (compared to the whole casting

the scum into the ocean and all) the equines who had them pinned, carried the two off to the

back (and when I say carried, they walked Wyler and dragged Angela, who scrapped her

nails on the deck the whole way...), where they tossed them into a cage that lurched when

they struck the back end of it.

"Enjoy yer stay," One of them chuckled as they clapped his hooves together.

"Yeah," The other agreed. "Hope the weather's good."

"Let us out!" Angela shouted, climbing onto the bars that held us in. "We're not animals

who belong in cages! Let us work!"

No answer followed, but still she shouted. Wyler, on the other paw, just sat with his back

against the uncomfortable rail, shaking his head at the raccoon's failed attempts at getting

them free.

Finally, Angela turned to him. "How can you just sit there, Wyler? I mean, you're the one

who got us into this mess in the first place..."

"Me...?" The mutt's eyes shot open as he felt his chest cave in. He rose slowly and walked

over to the girl who accused him. "I'm... the one who got us... into this mess...?"

"Ugh..." Angela scoffed. "You know what I mean. Once that lion that you flirted with

realized that you weren't around, we would have been found out. See? All your fault."

"I..." Wyler couldn't believe how stubborn she was being. "I can't believe you! YOU'RE THE


"But the drunk lion..." She tried covering with confidence, but her ears fell, giving her


"Wouldn't have remembered a single fucking thing..." Wyler interrupted, his muzzle a

mere two inches from the raccoon's face. "Why can't you just admit you fucked up. Once.


"Why would I do that?" She laughed out loud. "When it's all your fault."

Wyler just shouted uncontrollably, pacing around in a circle as big as the brig would

offer. "You're impossible! You're such a GIRL!"

"And you're just a boy with a temper..." She shot back at him, perfectly calm.

Wyler had it. Right then and there he looked around from something, anything, which lead

him directly to the claw on his foot. He scraped a thin line on the wooden deck and pointed to

it. "Do NOT cross this line."

"And what if I do?" Angela said, moving closer to the length-long scratch. She almost

stepped over when Wyler pulled his trump card.

"Then this goes overboard..." He said, holding up that rolled up piece of paper that

basically got him into this whole mess in the first place.

Angela's eyes went wide as she patted down her bleach white cloak, finding nothing. "How

the hell did you get the map..."

"I think you mean MY map," Wyler returned, smiling in his triumph. "And you don't need to

worry about that. Just know, that if you cross that line... *splash*."

"You back-stabber!" She shouted and balled up in the corner of her side. She started

pouting and groaning as she blocked the sun out of her eyes.

"You're calling ME the back-stabber..." Wyler sighed as he too balled in, opposite to

Angela, and felt the sun's rays start to tear away at his fur.


What seemed like hours and hours passed by as the two stayed confined in that

depressing cage. The water, just below them, was calm that day as it gently licked the hull of

the cargo ship. The sky was a miraculous ocean above the ocean, blue as probably anybody

had ever seen before. It was a day to be outside. A day to enjoy, for sure. Unless you were

a dalmatian named Hudson.

All he could do was stay in his cabin, feeling like somehow, someway, the reason the mutt

and the raccoon were forced to enjoy outside... was because of him.

"I could have begged more..." He thought as he rolled over on his bed, which was small

compared to Trusser's, which laid beside him. "I could have bluffed or something... I could

have done more..."

That's when the steel door of the room opened with Trusser, holding a tray filled to the

brim with food in his giant arms. A smile peeled on his face as he placed it on the table by

the door. "Hungry, young'un?"

"Trusser..." The dalmatian sighed as he rolled over, hugging his pillow. "I feel like it's all

my fault..."

"What is, lad?" The tiger asked, moving over to his own bed and sitting on it.

"The whole... stow-away thing..." Hudson sighed again. "Like... I could have done more to

help the two, ya know?"

"Hudson," Trusser placed a paw on Hudson's shoulder. "Those two are as good as thieves,

hiding amongst boxes like that. They were stealing a free ride. I say they should at least


"I don't," Hudson replied. "I sort of knew one of them..."

"You told us, kid," Trusser said. "Your pops went to his for his lock stuff, eh?"

"Well there was more than that..."

"Oh? Go on then?"

Hudson took in a deep breath before he continued. "Well, it all started with my baby-

sitter... James his name was. He was a story-book writer... And he introduced me to him one


"So?" Trusser said, raising his eyebrows.

"Well," The dalmatian continued. "He always took us out on Wednesdays. That's when my

parents would go with his parents, out... But it didn't last long. A couple weeks, at best."

"I'm still not following," Trusser sighed, laying back. "So what? What's a couple weeks of

friendship compared to breakin' the law?"

"I dunno, I guess it's stupid." The dalmatian said. "But... He was really fun, from what I

remember.... Even though I never got a chance to really get to know him."

"Bah," Trusser chuckled as he sniffed the air. "How about ya fill yer belly and we'll go and

do something on the ship? Just forget about the whole thing?"

"The last time I saw him was outside James' funeral..." The dalmatian kept on, almost as if

in a trance. "It was weird though. He wasn't crying like I was... And he never went in... He

just stood outside..."

"Alright, lad," Trusser threw him something in plastic-wrap. "Just don't go doin' anything

stupid about, okay? Yer mom's trustin' me to keep you out of trouble, ya know? And I really

don't feel like riskin' my job for ya all the time..."

"I know," The dalmatian said, rolling over to look at him. "I won't do anything drastic..."


Dusk had churned the sky into a mixed array of orange sherbet, splashed with strawberry

and lemon as it all began to fade into the dark night sky. The stars began poking their way

through as the chill off the water began to shiver down the spines of the two who sat in their

prison. Neither had moved since they began hugging their knees, and only when the ships

lights went out did either of them speak.

"Can I please have my map..." Angela said, sounding like she was trying to stop her teeth

from chattering. "I could use it as a blanket..."

"It's not big enough for a blanket..." Wyler sighed. "You're stupid..."

"I'm stupid..." She repeated, sounding pathetic. "And I'm... hungry..." She spoke in a tone

that would break your heart as she grabbed at her belly, which rumbled in an almost

sickening pitch. "I just... want some food..."

"Please don't..." Wyler sighed as Angela began to weep. "...cry... I hate it when women


Tears started falling, sparkling in the early moonlight as they fell to the deck, splashing her

regret everywhere. It was overpowering.

"Don't cry, Angela..." Wyler whimpered to his companion as he got up and outstretched his

arms. His joints felt stiff from sitting all day, but still he readied a hug as he crossed the thin

line he scratched.

Suddenly, the conniving raccoon, who had wiped her tears on her cloak, pounced on the

sympathetic mutt, rummaging through his pockets as she shouted at him.

"Where is it!? Where's my map!? Give it to me now you thief!" She screamed as Wyler

flailed the raccoon off of him, tossing her back into the corner where her fake tears had


"You lying..." Wyler growled as he checked his back pocket, which still had the map

folded. "... son of a..." He then collapsed.

A sudden rush of paws padded their way over to the side of the cage, revealing an out of

breath dalmatian with a striped vest on. He fumbled with the lock as the tiger that had

followed him put his paws on his shoulder.

"What are ya doin', kid" He said as the dalmatian clinged to the bars.

"He's collapsed!" He shouted back to him. "We need to help him!"

Angela, dumbfounded by the sudden change in atmosphere, carved a slight grin on her

face. "Ah me!" She said as, she too, collapsed right in front of them.

"She too, Trusser!" Hudson pointed. "There's something wrong!"

"Not with her," The tiger grimaced. "Didn't ya see the smirk on the snake's face? She's

fakin' it. He must be too!"

"Ugh..." Wyler started coming to as he took in a deep breath. "The hell?" He did a double-

take of the two that were outside of his prison, then another double-take on Angela's body,

which seemed pretty lifeless at the moment. "What just happened?"

"You seemed to have fainted," Said the tiger, who had a small snarl laced within his

muzzle. "Or at least that what you WANT us to think, isn't it!"

"Trusser, please," Hudson said, looking the mutt in the eye. "Are you okay?" His voice was

dumbfoundingly sincere, which almost single-handedly knocked Wyler off the ship.

"I'm hungry..." Wyler coughed. His heart began to flutter as he tried to keep himself in eye-

contact with the dalmatian, but he ended up going back to Angela, who had started rolling

over in pain.

"Me too," She added, a bit over-dramatic.

"I'll get you some food," Hudson said as he got up and hurried off. "Trusser, unlock the


"It's a door!" Trusser called back. He then took sight the raccoon as she writhed. Her plan

was to get her cloak to sneak up her belly, just so she could show off her breasts, which

Trusser engulfed with his stare. Little did he know, his tongue was falling out as he fumbled

with the lock that held them in.

"I'll, uh..." He started to say. "I'll get the girl in there somethin'." He turned and almost ran

into a crew-mate, who had a couple boards mounted on his shoulder.

"Watch it, pal," He shot, fumbling with his load he carried.

"Hehdndjsguht," Was about the equivalent to the tiger's mumble in return as he tripped

over himself to get to the galley, which Hudson was returning from with a platter suspended

by his arm.

"Here," Hudson said, placing the tray in front of Wyler, who, upon sniffing, felt his mouth

water. "I don't really know what you like..." The dalmatian smiled bashfully. " I just

grabbed a bit of everything."

"It's weird..." Wyler said as he eyed the turkey leg that was close to him. "I ate swell last

night... And now I'm starving..."

"It could be the whole..." Hudson replied, waving his paws in the air. "Ya know... Drama...


"Heh... Maybe..." Wyler smiled before stuffing his face just as Trusser brought a generous

tray of food to the now sitting Angela, who batted her eyelashes at him.

"Thanks very much, kind sir," She smirked as she eyed the plate of food. "It's finally good

to see that there are SOME men on this ship who can tend to a woman's..." She turned her

head and looked him right in the eye. "...needs." Trusser absolutely lost it. Let's just say if

he had a collar, it would be fluttering him into the atmosphere.

"So..." Hudson said as he sat down in front of the mutt, who was busy downing a helping of

mashed potatoes.

"Hmm?" Wyler looked up, realizing that someone was actually watching him. He raised his

paw and gently felt the meat and taters that were caked onto his muzzle fur, which left him

thankful for fate for keeping the ship's lights dim, or else everyone would see how badly he

was blushing.

"It's okay..." The dalmatian offered a smile and stood. "We'll leave you two now. Trusser?"

He looked to his mentor, who was busy gaggling over Angela, who was taking her time

taste-testing every morsel that had been put on her plate before she swallowed it. She either

approved and smiled, or grimaced and spat out, which Trusser threw in between the bars

quickly before the growing pile of rejects started to form.

"Trusser!" Hudson said as he pulled him by the arm. "It's getting late, ya know? And we

have a lot of work to do tomorrow!"

"Yeah what?" The tiger said, looking around. "Oh right! We best be off to the cabin, ya

know? Can't be lolly-gaggin' around, ya know? Come on then, Hudson, say go'bye to your


And with that, the saviour of the day had been whisked swiftly out of the cage, leaving the

two to eat under the stars. Romantic if it weren't for Wyler's potato moustache and total and

complete uninterest in his cellmate/companion, and ya know... If Angela wasn't such a slut.


"Oh my god..." Trusser said as he stared into the ceiling of his and Hudson's cabin. The

darkness swirled above the two as they lay in their separate beds. "Hudson... could you

believe the cans on that raccoon? Honestly... could ya?"

"Sure..." Hudson sighed. "They were... great I guess..." it pained him that all he could

think about was Wyler and how sorry he felt for him. He seemed on the brink of death back

there in that cage they were in and all Trusser could go on about was the female.

"Like... wow..." The tiger grinned as he pictured the two fun-bags, hidden secure under

that god-awful cloak she wore. Then, envisioning ripping it away... having them just jiggling

there. "If only I could get to know her... Ya know? Bring her back here for some... ya know?"

"For a tiger," The dalmatian said as he too stared at the ceiling. "You sure talk like a pig."

"Hey!" Trusser replied. "Don't blame a guy for wanting a piece of ass on a ship full of

dudes, okay?"

"Yeah..." Hudson sighed, wishing he could agree.

"Wait a sec, mate," Trusser rose from his bed. "I should talk to captain into lettin' 'em out.

They could stay in here right? The girl would have to share my bed with me... And you can

sleep with the boy." He elbowed him. "Or you could make him sleep on the floor. S'what I

would do..."

"That's cause your secretly gay," Hudson snickered, thinking about what it would be like.

Having that mutt sleeping beside him. Feeling his heart beating through the sheets. Feeling

the warmth of his abstract fur... and suddenly the dalmatian was blushing.

"Get a grip, kid," Trusser said, flopping back down. "You're the one who's shown no

interest in that raccoon. Maybe you're the fag around here!"

"Doubt it," Hudson said with a giggle. "Cause ya know. Ya have to like butt-fucking to be

gay. And trust me..." He paused and gulped. "I... don't like butt-fucking..." His voice got a

little shaky at the end.

"Fair enough...." Trusser let out a huge yawn, leaving Hudson with the stench of everything

he had eaten that day. "Now go to bed. I gotta look well rested to talk to the captain

tomorrow. And you..."

"...have a lot of work to do..." Hudson interrupted him. "I know, I know..."

The sound of the ocean had been loud enough just for the dalmatian to faintly hear without

raising his head from his pillows, which soon was interrupted by the sound of the Tiger

snoring as loud as he could.

"No sleep tonight..." Hudson sighed, debating on getting up. He always did back at home.

Just to wander. His parents always said he should have slept fine, but in his world, he was

always... cold. The sheets in any bed were so uninviting, and never warmed up enough for

there to be any real comfort.

"I wonder..."


{The sun rose quickly, finding a canine curled, aching on the wooden deck of the sailing

ship. The chains crinkled as the wind fidgeted them above the cage that held him and he at

once noticed... not a soul was around. Not even Angela... and he found himself sighing in


Suddenly the cage seemed to open as birds flew overhead, dropping provisions and mail

onto the deck where nobody collected them. Their song flew around him as he lay back,

staring into the great wide abyss of the ocean above, and yet, he found himself wanting.

"Psst!" He heard from his right, causing him to crack his eye open and perk his ears. The

site of the dalmatian that waited on the other side of the cage took his breath away as he sat

up as quickly as he could.

"Hi," Came from Wyler's mouth, meanwhile his brain was screaming. His heart thumped as

the dalmatian motioned with his finger 'come here'.

Wyler's body reacted on its own, raising him high as he floated over trying his best not to

drool everywhere. Once he arrived he rested on his knees, just like the other was, and he

waited, gazing into eyes that returned the stare, complete with a smile.

"You shouldn't be in here..." Hudson sighed as he reached beyond the bars, touching the

mutts arm. Breathtaking.

"I shouldn't have come here in the first place..." Wyler sighed, just barely keep eye

contact. "I mean... I should be at home... Disobeying my parents and being a loser... Ya


"I know," Hudson said with a smile. "I shouldn't be here either... I wanna go home..." He

left those words hanging in the air, obviously not completing them.

"I miss Jasey..." Wyler began to sob as he moved closer to the cold steel. Hudson did so

too, and they embraced with the bars freezing them. "I miss everything..."

"I know..." Hudson whispered into his ear. "But... I've missed you..."

Wyler took a look back into Hudson's eyes, this time their muzzles inches from each

other. "What... do..."

"Shh..." Hudson whispered as he drew closer. A slow movement that called upon

something in Wyler, which made him mimic until he felt the warm touch of the dalmatian on

his lips.

The heat... the moment... the familiarity...}

"Gah!" The mutt screamed into the mourning air. His eyes felt like they had been frozen

shut as a thin mist creeped over the deck, making his shiver.

"What!" He heard Angela say, followed by the flailing of, what he guessed, was her attempt

at defending herself from nothing. "What's going on!?"

"I just had..." Wyler said as he became aware of the boner that had formed in his pants,

which made him blush a little. "... a good dream..."

"Oh," Angela said. "In that case, I'm happy. Please feel free to freak me out EVERYTIME

you have a nice dream, kay?"

"Okay," Wyler said as he looked to the horizon, half in thought, half in wonder. ""

"What now?" Angela sighed, moving closer to the canine as she looked to where he was

looking. "What?!"

"The sun's rising..." Wyler smiled a little. "I've never taken the time to... ya know... look at


"That's cause you can't see it in our city," Angel replied. "But your right, it is pretty..."

And it was. A giant burning blaze of orange and yellow streaked across the horizon like

melting ice cream, running together, creating new and wondrous colors that only added to

the flavour. In the middle lay an egg yolk of light that rose slowly, but surely, as it mixed the

colors, only with the innocent intent of taking your breath away.

They sat in silence in the cage, and although neither of them liked to admit it... they were

glad they were sharing it with someone. Even if that someone wasn't the someone they

would like to share it with. Or something like that.

"So..." Angela broke the silence at last. "What was your dream, anyway..."

"I..." Wyler sighed, not taking his eyes off the sunrise. "... kissed someone..."

"It was me wasn't it..."

"It was ...amazi... wait.. what?"

"I knew you weren't gay..."

"Ew! No... It was someone else..."

"You don't have to hide your feelings any longer, Wyler. I know you love me..."

The mutt sighed and looked at her, wanting to thump her one. "It most definatly wasn't

you, Angela."

"I'm sorry," She just kept going. "But I do believe my heart belongs to someone else...

I'm sorry to have to shatter you like this... but..."

"Who could your heart belong to...?" Wyler groaned, laying back.

"That lovely tiger that fed me last night." Angela chuckled. "He's just dreamy isn't he?"

"Not my type..." Wyler chuckled, resting the back of his head on his paws. "I'd rather


"Me," Angela cut him off. "I know, Wyler. But we're just friends okay?

"Whatever," Wyler said, wishing he could just walk off. But then again, where could he go?

The other side of the cage?


"So what yer sayin' is..." Captain Agnus grunted in his cabin as he puffed on a pipe. The

room was thick with smoke, and it wasn't tobacco he had been burning all morning,

either. "You want me to let those two thieves walk outside. With the rest of us?"

"If... it's not too much trouble..." Trusser asked. He was nervously crunching his hat in-

between his paws as Hudson stood beside him like a good boy.

"Don't say a word..." Trusser had told him when they were on their way to the cabin. "Just

lemme talk, and you stand there like a good boy, right lad?"

And so, stand there he did. He eyed the room, which didn't look much different from his

and Trusser's room, save the extra space he had from only having a hammock as a bed. He

also had a couple medals, mementos, and trophies that lined his walls, but other than that,

they were identical.

"They could kill us in an instant!" The captain shouted. "WE don't know what their capable

of, mate, and I, for one, do NOT want to risk a single scallywag's neck just because you and

your CABIN BOY feel we need to show mercy!"

"But sir," Trusser tried to reason. "They're just kids. Honestly, let 'em sleep with us. You

don't have to spend any more space on 'em."

"And how do you expect to feed 'em, eh?" Agnus asked, obviously oblivious of last night's

episode. He eyed the two and waited for an answer.

"They'll come out of my cut of the pay," Hudson stuck his chest out and stepped forward

slightly. He then realized how tall the captain actually stood and suddenly regretted the

ballsy decision. That sickening feeling was soon followed by a devastating elbow to the ribs

as Trusser chuckled.

"What he's TRYING to say, cap'n," The tiger said, offering peace with his arm gestures. "Is

that WE will pay for them. We'll watch them, and we'll take care of them. No thorns in your

side, or anything, what do you say?"

Captain Agnus took a long hard look at them and raised his cheeks in, what Hudson

thought, was an attempt at a smile. "No."


"This..." Angela broke the silence that had manifested for almost two and a half hours as

the two of them sat in puddles of their own sweat. The sun had long since risen and had

slowly begun to bake them as members of the crew passed and chuckled at their

misfortune. " stupid. I'd rather be out swimming like they were originally..."

"No you wouldn't..." Wyler said as he sat in the corner with his eyes closed. His back was

supported as he laced his fingers in his lap. "Because if that HAD happened to us, I would

have drowned you already. Although I'm sure that wouldn't help anything, seeing as you

would just be complaining that you're dead."

"How?" Angela scoffed, moving over so she didn't have to shout from the other side of the

cage. She didn't have to anyway, but the sun was playing tricks. "I'd be dead. Ghosts can't


"Oh," Wyler replied. "But knowing my luck, you'd be the exception. And you sit there,

floating the whole way while I slowly drown from exhaustion, I'd have to put up with it until I

snap my own neck. "

"You've become a real downer, Wyler," Angela smiled.

"And you've become a real pain," The mutt shot back, opening his eyes. "All you do is care

about yourself. And when you fuck up, you can't even admit it. Everything is all about you in

your world..."

"And you find a problem with that?" Angela said with anger fused within her words.

"Yeah," Wyler chuckled as if trying to sound sarcastic. "Because if you'd actually care

about something, maybe you'd be better to be around."

"You don't really mean that..." Angela said.

"I've never meant anything more in my life," The mutt kept on, realizing that he was

actually winning. "If I could... I'd leave you in this cage. I'd... I'd push you off a cliff... I'd..."

"I get it," Angela said angrily. "I'm sorry for being me, okay? Get over yourself and quit

being so selfish."

"Can't you ever shut up..."

"You aren't going to accept my apology?"

"I'd rather die... then accept your apology..."

"You're a jerk...!" Angela pretended to cry, which left Wyler sitting there in his puddle to

stare at the floor.

"Sticks and stones," Wyler said. "If I actually cared what you thought, that might hurt...

But seeing as I don't, you might want to save your tears. We don't know when their bringing

us water..."

As if an act from God, or some monitoring system that recorded what they said, they

sloshing behind them that interrupted the argument. This was then followed by the sound of

panting and snickering.

"It's just two buckets, lad," Trusser said as he watched Hudson carry two huge barrels,

one in each paw.

"It's freaking heavy!" Hudson returned, following up with putting the two down. Water

spilled everywhere as the thud seemingly rocked the ship. "And plus you have to

concentrate not to spill any..."

Angela raised a paw, along with an obviously forced smile. "Oh tiger-boy..." She said. "I

would like a new roommate... This one's broken..."

"Broken...?" Wyler scoffed, but was interrupted by Hudson, who was fumbling with the lock.

"I'll trade ya," He winked, followed by wincing.

"How the hell did ya get my keys!" Trusser growled playfully as he snatched them. The

dalmatian shot back a grin. "...sneaky monkey..."

"Oh tiiiiigerrrr," Angela called again, batting her eyelashes. "Roommate? Trade?"

"As much as I'd like to spend the rest of the trip in a cage..." Trusser said, opening the

door and bringing in the buckets of water. "And get up that cloak of yours. I think I'll stick to

my bed, lass." He started walking off.

"Although," Hudson cut in. "We are trying to get you guys out to stay with us in our cabin."

He smiled in Wyler's direction. "But the captain has something up his ass... So we have to

pry at him. But don't worry..."

"Hudson!" Trusser called. "You can talk to them later. Work awaits, ya know..."

"Right," The dalmatian said. He waved, and Wyler was sure it was to him, which he quickly

returned and gave a smile. A turn back to his cell-mate revealed a smiling raccoon with her

arms crossed and a sly eye.

"And I thought I feel in love easily..."

"This isn't love..." Wyler sighed. He then thought about it for a second. "It's just me

missing what life was... That's all"

He sat back and thought about that for a minute. Everything had changed so much, and

yet something about that dalmatian brought back that thin slice of happiness his old life

brought him... only it seemed without strings...

"Maybe I am falling in love..." Wyler said under his breath. He looked up to see Angela,

who had been drinking. She turned her head to him, making him smile.

"What?" She wiped her mouth.

"I guess we just both love too easily, it seems..." He said. He then took a deep breath and

sighed. "I'm sorry for saying those things Angela..."

"Ya know Wyler," She said sincerely, coming over. "You'd Better be!"


And that was the hardest she had ever hit me...


(8)So everything's different... Well, I guess that's OK.

Cause those thoughts that used to hold me down, have all gone away.

I feel like I can take on the world. So, come along for the ride,

Or just get out of my way!(8)

"Follow Me Now."

-Alvin and the Chipmunks.


So I'm very very veryy sorry to everyone who had been waiting for this to come out. I apologise for the extended period of time it took for me to post this and hope that the story itself made it better. I'll try not to stay away from the keyboard like that in the future, but life's been busy as of late. I also appologise if this seemed sort of rushed and had mistakes. I just wanted to get it out to you, so I hope you enjoy it's imperfectons =D.

Love you guys as always =).
