A Child's Rage Chapter 7: Pain and Pleasure

Story by TheRedFoxCamio on SoFurry

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#7 of A Child's Rage

Chapter 7: Pain and Pleasure

Marisa looked down at the wolf lying asleep in the bed. His body gave off a mixed scent of musk and sweat. The feline found herself caressing the wolf's body; the body he had inherited from his father. At first it had obviously been a nightmare, Marisa had recognized the intense smell of fear and soft whimpering. Somehow that had changed into a typical adolescent male dream. The room was heavy with the scent of Silver's arousal, making Marisa's nose and whiskers twitch. Also, there was the noticeable rise in the sheet around the wolf's midsection that repeatedly caught her gaze. Marisa retained enough control over herself to prevent her paws from caressing the body lower than the last rib. "I probably wouldn't be able to handle this if I weren't pure blood," she muttered.


Silver could feel paws touching him. Six claws traced the lines of his muscles, moving over his body. The touch was kind and soothing; he immediately felt his tight muscles relax. The bright light seemed to dull and the colors scattered, forming a more pastel pallet. His eyes began to focus and above him he saw something orange, the very thing that was touching him. He came to realize that he was awake and alive. As his eyes became more used to being open again Silver realized that the being with orange fur that was touching him was Marisa. Suddenly, Silver began to choke, and he felt an itch in his throat. The feline paws left, as did Marisa's shape. They returned a few moments later; a paw reached and brought his head up, supporting it while the other tilted a glass of water to his muzzle. Silver drank as the water was poured into his muzzle, feeling this itch of his dry throat slowly disappear. Marisa gently laid Silver's head back onto the pillow and placed the empty glass on a hardwood cabinet next to his bed. "Sleep well?" she asked, smiling down at him.

Silver pushed himself up from the bed into a sitting position with his back resting on the pillow. "I was sleeping? I-I don't remember falling asleep."

"You didn't... well, at least... your body did. Do you remember anything? Like where you were before you woke up here?" Marisa queried.

"I was in the library... umm... with Morgan... I think..."

"Very good, now, do you remember anything from your dream?" she asked.

Silver squinted and tried to remember his ream. He knew he had had one, but only bits and pieces remained. The only parts he could recall were from when his street was on fire and the burning cherry trees, and... and... At the memory Silver felt his cheeks heat up through his fur. "Hmm..." Marisa commented observing Silver's reaction. "Was that the first time you had a dream like that?"

"Like what?" Silver asked, hoping she had not noticed him blushing.

"Like the dream that you began blushing about as you thought of it?"

Silver realized that she knew. 'But how could she tell I was blushing?' he though. He looked at her and she was just sitting there, smiling a wise smile and nodding. His eyes turned toward the sheet, which was clinging uncomfortably to his body, and was damp with sweat. "It was, wasn't it," Marisa answered for him. "I just need to warn you that you have reached sexual maturity, and you need to be careful and worry about the possible consequences that may occur if you let your primal instincts take control of you. Other then that you are fine and you only passed out in the library because your body was tired from all the stress you've had to face recently. Your clothes are on the table next to you, and I'd suggest taking a bath and then you should go see your friends who are quite worried about you." She ran a paw through his brown hair, and ruffled his fur underneath, "well, I have work to do, and others to take care of. Bye, Silver."

Marisa turned away and walked out of the room. 'Why would she leave her office if she still had others to take care of?' Silver wondered. Silver pushed himself to the side of the bed, and stood up, at first his knees were slightly wobbly, but once they got used to the weight again Silver began walking away from the bedside with the sheet still plastered to his body. The room was different from the office he had been examined in before. It was smaller, but still had all the warmth of the first one. Then Silver realized that the office was much bigger than he had figured before. This room was just a separated part of the infirmary, a room separated from the office the Marisa worked in. Silver saw his clothes, which were right where Marisa said they were, and then he noticed another door in the room, a different one from the one Marisa had left from.

Silver proceeded to walk toward the door, keeping the wet sheet tight around him. Inside the room was a large stone tub. At the head of the tub there was a spout and a crank. These made Silver look at the tub quizzically. Pulling at the sheet, he let it fall and moved slowly to head of the tub, staring closely at the device. He turned the crank slowly, waiting to see what would happen. To his astonishment, the spout began pouring water into the tub. Putting a paw underneath the flow Silver cringed at the shocking coldness. Giving the crank another turn Silver noticed that the head of the water began increasing. Stepping into the stone tub Silver turned the crank until the water coming out of the spout was at a suitable temperature. After a few minutes of waiting for the tub to fill, Silver realized that the level of the water was not rising at all. In fact, he noticed that there was a hole near the head of the tub. 'Why would there be a hole in a tub made to hold water?' Silver wondered, shaking his head. Looking up again he noticed something tied around the spout. Tearing it off with a claw, he brought it close to his face, examining it in the growing steam. Thinking for a moment Silver decided to give his plan a shot. On a large leap of faith Silver put the object in the hole, hoping it was not too small, and something important that would be missed if it went down the drain. The object seemed to fit in perfectly, as though it belonged there. Then, the water level began to rise. Once it had reached almost the height of the tub Silver quickly cranked it off. Lying back, Silver relaxed in the tub.


Lazerous gripped the sword handle tightly in his paws, gritting his jaw together. Sweat dripped from his fur as he stared down his sparring partner. In the distance the sun was beginning to set. Class had already ended because of the failing light, but Lazerous needed to spend his pent up emotions. He was hurt from the events during lunch. 'Why do they have to treat me different just because I'm gay?' he thought bringing the two-handed sword up in front of him. 'Jokes are fine, but that was something different...' Lazerous glared at the fox in front of him. Growling angrily, Lazerous charged Camio. The fox gripped to two daggers tightly, waiting for the swing. As Lazerous swung his heavy sword downward, Camio nimbly dodged the blow and leapt away. Camio parried Lazerous' next side ways swing, and spun to the side as the sword was brought up, diagonally, with tremendous speed.

This continued and Camio did not make a single attack, he just focused on blocking and dodging, hoping this would calm Laz's feelings. Instead they had the opposite affect. The attacks began to come faster and stronger, making it harder for the smaller fox to always dodge or block. Laz's eyes were consumed with hatred and anger, and Camio looked into them wondering why he was so fierce in the duel, Without warning, Lazerous thrust his sword straight toward Camio and without enough time to dodge the fox tried to block. The impact sent Camio backward, and he tripped and fell, hitting his head on the ground hard.

Lazerous looked down at Camio and raised the sword for a second, fully prepared to kill him. When his eyes, full of hate and anger, met with Camio's, he dropped the sword and quickly ran to his side. "Are you all right?"

Camio nodded and shuddered, rubbing the back of his head with a paw. "For the most part yes... but why? Why were you full of such hate and anger?"

Lazerous reached a paw down to Camio and helped him up. He did not meet with Camio's eyes and stared at the ground shamefully. Camio reached around and hugged the wolf tightly and Lazerous began to cry.

Lazerous let the tear fall and he was soon shaking with sobs in Camio's arms. He was not crying over what happened at lunch, nor Silver, but because he was incapable of hugging Camio back.


There was a knock on Silver's door. Silver, just out of the bath, wrapped a towel around him, and opened the door. Lazerous stood in the opening, behind him the infirmary stretched behind him. The fur on his face was matted with tears and Silver could not think of what to say. Lazerous sniffed, "Can I come in?"

Silver stepped aside, allowing Lazerous to get through the doorway into the room. Lazerous walked over and sat on the bed. From the door to the bed Silver's eyes followed him, "Are you alright?"

Lazerous sat on the bed with his head in his paws. His shoulders shook, and Silver stood by the door, afraid to do anything. The dream was coming back to him again and the room began to smell of adolescent arousal. Lazerous rose from the bed. The silent tension oppressed any type of communication. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have come here..."

"No, wait," Silver said, grabbing Lazerous' arm as he started walking out of the room.

"No, its fine. I know what you really want."

Silver pulled hard on Lazerous' arm, his claws digging into his flesh through the fur. Slamming the door shut, Silver pushed Lazerous against the door.

"No! How can you know what I want when I don't even know what I want anymore?"

"Stop doing this Silver!" Lazerous cried, "Don't you understand what this does to me?"

Silver slammed Lazerous against the door even harder. "Stop this! You just don't let anything happen. You act like you're a victim and don't let anyone near you. While you act like nothing bugs you when people are around. Than when you are alone you feel it's hard to go on living! I'm the same way. I am no longer who I thought I was. While I was asleep," Silver gulped and blushed, "I dreamed of you."

Lazerous slid down to the floor. 'He dreamed of me? In the same way I would dream about him?' he thought.

He shook his head and looked up at Silver. "Really?" he asked. Silver nodded, and smiled.

Lazerous beamed back, the tears were gone and he was happy. Silver knelt on his knees and looked into Lazerous' eyes. "So, how about it Laz?" Silver asked and leaned toward Lazerous.

The towel around his waist came loose and Silver let it fall. Lazerous wrapped his arms around Silver and they kissed, his paws grasping the back of Silver's head passionately. After a short time they pushed apart, both breathing heavily from their sexual exertion. They stared at each other gasping, both unable to think or comprehend the moment. In Silver's mind he felt a nagging sensation, however everything he felt seemed natural and right; he ignored it. The space between them began to shrink as Lazerous removed his loose blue shirt and white pants. Standing there in front of each other, naked, their sexual desire unveiled before both of them, pulled them together with lustful strings. Lazerous pressed Silver firmly against the wall, reversing their previous positions; their muzzles locked together more forcibly than before. Their bodies surged with pleasurable impulses sent from their brains, and their bodies responded by craving for more. As Lazerous began nibbling Silver's neck, listening to the moans of his lover, feeling his arousal against his own, he smiled.


"Do you remember your father?" Morgan asked as Camio walked into the temple.

"Which one? The one I never knew or the one that tossed me out?" he responded grimly, walking up the center to toward Morgan and the altar of Merrin.

"You see... I've tried so hard to remember my parents... their faces... but whenever I think of them I see that wolf's face. I have even forgotten Gabriel's face after he did so much for me." Morgan answered her face turned toward the onyx statue of Merrin.

"What about it? However you look at it, your true parents abandoned their duty and ceased being your parents by handing you over to your church. Gabriel protected you for reasons other than fatherly. That wolf you met was the first to treat you as a normal creature." Camio said, stopping right before the empty space in between the altar and the seats, where Morgan would deliver her service.

"I feel as though I stole him... when we were together all he could ever talk about was his family and how much he cared for them, but he spent a year with me while we traveled here. That was a year that he did not go home and visit his family. He did not see his son grow up, instead had to end by attempts to mate with him in my first heat. In the end he was more my father than Silver's! I'll feel guilty every time I see him... now that Marisa told me who he was." Morgan cried, tracing her claw over the engraved features of Merrin's statue.

"Silver's father was the one who rescued you?"

"He rescued Marisa, too. Freed her from the prison... on our side." Morgan answered, turning around to Camio.

"Look, Morgan, you should tell Silver. You should not feel guilty that you spent a year with Silver's father that was what he chose. Silver is confused, he holds his father in high regards but that is wavering. Even if Marisa does not want you to tell Silver, you should for his father." Camio responded, reaching his paws out and placing them on either side of Morgan's neck.

Morgan stepped back in toward the wooden podium in the front center of the temple, the silk mantle attached to her back and wrists floated through Camio's paws. She looked down at the paper on the podium, the service she had been working on, and waited a moment, trying to harness her chaotic emotions. "Why'd you come here? You hate normally..."

"I had something I had to talk to you about... urgently... that requires both the Priestess of Merrin and my mate. Have we been trying too hard to protect Lazerous? Why would he break down and cry after sparring?"

"He was crying?" Morgan asked, moving away from the podium, the tears she had been crying dried up.

Camio was now lying on the ground behind the altar. Morgan was amazed at how gracefully her mate carried himself. The candles that surround the altar in front and behind had not flickered as he moved.

"It wasn't just the crying that bothered me. In the ten years you've been here have you ever known him to cry just like that? When we were sparring there was this look in his eyes; an intense anger. It was as though he had antagonized me to the point that he would kill me. No, I think there was something more than being upset for going to far in the training." Camio replied, looking up to the ceiling.

'Sometimes I seem to forget how stuff it is in here... even though its empty, I feel like I am being smothered. I used to wish for a room with no light and no breeze, but I am clearly not meant for that,' Camio thought, becoming uncomfortable in the oppressive candlelight of the temple.

Morgan walked toward Camio and said, "I think we misjudged the intensity of the Laz's feelings. Maybe we should not have interfered as deeply as we did. I don't know... maybe we should have let Silver deal with it. It was just at the time I thought letting Silver deal with it wouldn't be the wisest choice."

"Yeah I can see that. I guess that's the only reasonable answer. Thank you." Camio uttered, closing his eyes.

"For what?" Morgan asked.

"For taking the time to talk with me." Camio answered, opening his eyes and turning to Morgan.

"We're mates why wouldn't I take the time to talk with you? Would you stop treating me like I am some noble figure?"

"Well it's just that... well, this place creeps me out." Camio stated, sitting up quickly, and once again the candles did not flicker.

"Maybe you should show a bit more respect and not lie on the floor behind the alter where you aren't even supposed to go," Morgan retorted, folding her arms across her chest.

"Well... yeah, maybe you're right," Camio answered, rising to his paws, "but on the streets Merrin was nowhere to be found so I respect what I respected all those years for my own good, me."

Camio drew Morgan into a hug. "I'll see you later after your ceremony."

"What? You're not going to be there?" Morgan asked, looking up at Camio, as her braids falling off her shoulders.

"Nah. I can't take closed, crowded places. You can bless me after," Camio answered, and kissed Morgan. "I'll promise from now on to not treat you like I would a teacher when we're in here together... but you have to admit, having an intimate relationship in here, with a priestess, is kinda intimidating... Who knows, you might be pretending it was Merrin instead of me." Camio laughed and quickly began walking away.

"How can you say such a thing?" Morgan cried after him, as he walked to the entrance of the chapel, "Maybe you should forget your claustrophobic fears and take Silver to the ceremony... he should be well enough."

"As you command my mistress," Camio answered turning around and bowing low, then proceeded out of the chapel.

Morgan turned back to the altar, smiling.


"Shhh," Faye whispered patting a paw on Raine's back as she cried. "I know you would never do what those instructors are saying..."

Raine coughed through her tears and interrupted, "I did, I tried after I woke up... I just couldn't do it... I was just a - a - coward."

"Yes Raine you are pretty cowardly, running away from your attack into darkness, thinking about ending your life..." Faye cradled Raine's head in her paws, and then raised her head so their eyes were locked together. "Promise me, Raine, promise that you won't leave me like your father did."

"Mother, can we leave here... I... don't think I can go back to school... or live here any longer. I can't take the stares of the others or their treatment... they just don't understand."

"Raine, listen, sweetie, no one can understand. Every emotion you feel is different from anyone else's emotion. The death of your father... Silver... their loss has affected you deeply; it has me, too, but in a different way. You will always carry this scar no matter where you go. Know that I will do anything though, if you still want to leave we'll leave... but there may be no difference between here and where we end up."

Raine threw her arms around Faye locking her paws together, tears running down the tip of her nose. 'It's over now; I can finally leave this all behind me.' "Mother, I want to leave."

The mother looks at her daughter, her complicated expression twisted in a grimace of love. "I understand, but I, but I have one last thing I have to do... I know you blame Clarice for all of this, but I can't just leave a friend without saying anything... she has lost more than us."

Raine's pupils contracted sharply her irises glowing green. "But, Mother she is hardly a live... I... well... you see I went to ask her something and," Raine choked softly, "she was extremely confused."

"I can imagine... she just lost her son..."

"No!" Raine interjected sharply and quickly, "She could not remember anything, even what happened to Silver that day. She thought he abandoned her like her mate."

"Then I really must go... not just for my sake, but for hers. If she forgets everything so easily I would be heartbroken if we left and she forgot us... thought the same of us as Silver."

Raine nodded and pulled away from her mother. She stepped into the shadows of the kitchen, clenching her paws in anger, hidden by the shadows. "Go... I can't bear to see her again," Raine spoke softly, her jaw clamped together.

Faye walked softly toward the door. She turned her head and looked at Raine hiding her anger in the shadows. "I'm sorry Raine..."


Silver shivered softly, the warm after-glow of emotional climax parting from his body, leaving him aware of the intense coldness and emptiness of the room, replacing his previous misconceptions of the cheery walls. The warmth from Lazerous's close body, and his arm wrapped around Silver's chest helped chase the cold away very little. He felt small in the room, the sound of Lazerous's quiet breathing echoing in his ears. Silver turned to his side, trying to escape from the moment by looking away, and he desperately tried to close his ears to the quietness of the room. Lazerous remained asleep though, even with Silver's wriggling body. There was a soft knocking on the door that made Silver shake. It sounded like someone hammering a nail into the wall, hurting Silver's ears. His head turned to the door, eyes wide, well aware of the lingering scent in the room; impossible to hide, harder even than to hide him and Lazerous. The door handle began to turn slowly, and Silver felt his heart beginning to beat faster. When the door handle stopped turning and returned to its original position Silver felt only slightly relieved. His pulse still raced.

"Morgan wanted me to come and see how you were doing... and to encourage you to attend her service... but, I'll come back later..."

Silver pulled away from Lazerous's sleeping arm and jumped to the ground. "Wait!" Silver yelled, adding quickly, "Please don't go."

"What do you wish of me, Silver? Me, and the others, tried to prevent this from happening what more can I do?"

"Don't leave me alone," Silver responded, his body now slumped against the door.

"You aren't in there alone. I could smell it out here. Regardless of the circumstances behind your mating with Lazerous, you must accept responsibility. Any regrets the two of you may have are because you were careless... Lazerous was trying his best; he truly cares for you, but also is infatuated with you. He was trying so hard... then you had to mature, and then push him over the edge."

"I don't know if I'll regret this, it's too early for that... but everything is confusing! I don't understand what happened... but I was raised in a world where we took only one mate in our life time. What am I supposed to do? Can I go through the mating ceremony with another male?" Silver cried out.

"Except your mother isn't too inclined to agree with one mate for life. You can only go through the ritual with another one you love. Now you have a choice; decided whether or not this was a meeting of hearts and not lustful instincts... just try not to destroy him."

Silver could hear through the door the rustle of clothes, the swish of a tail, and the receding pawsteps. "Camio, wait, I..."

"I'll come back later... in time for the service. I'll help if you need it, out of consideration for Lazerous."

Author's note: I am trying to decide whether or not to expand and show more of Silver's partnering with Lazerous. Let me know what you all think. Also, I believe this is the last of my fully completed chapters. I do not believe I have finished Chapter 8 yet, which will be the first chapter to not be two words connected with and. :3