Chapter 2 - Sibling Rivalry? or Revelry?

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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#2 of Mere Trifles

This is chapter two to my series. I hope everyone is liking it. I didn't get a lot of responses on the first part. I hope that when people see that this is going to be a continued thing they will appreciate it more. Of course all comments and votes are welcome and appreciated. Enjoy!!

As usual, this story contains adult themes that should not be viewed by those under the age of 18 or 21 based on your location. This story contains sexual encounters between two males, sometimes more. If you are not of legal age, or do not like M/M sex, then please leave. If you don't think you will get caught, or you love M/M sex, stick around, you should enjoy this.

And now, to our story.


Mere Trifles

Chapter 2 - Sibling Rivalry? or Revelry?

Two weeks had passed since Jake had moved to campus and transformed the dorm room into the hottest apartment in the city. His roommates loved their new digs, and everyone who visited simply raved about the decor change. The fox had become very popular around the school, not just because of his name anymore. In those two short weeks, he had become loved by his roomies, the faculty, and the staff. Things were proceeding just as he had hoped. Now, however, he was back at his mother's home for the weekend. As usual, his ever neglecting parents were off somewhere indulging in some form of debauchery or other, and probably not together. That meant that the fox was left at home alone with his step-brother Ryan, a state he had found himself in often ever since their absentee parents had mergered a few years ago.

Jake wandered around the overly large estate that was his home, having just recently arrived from school. The very large mansion stood on a parcel of land that was quite a few acres and encompassed an entire forest on one side. The whole property was surrounded by a high brick wall which included a state-of-the-art security system. Jake had to input a personalized code at the gate and was still escorted by a gruff looking horse security guard in one of those golf cart type vehicles. The driveway was almost a mile in length and ran between rows of flower beds with very beautiful and very expensive flowers in them. There were also large white marble statues of individuals in various poses. Jake had been told that these were his ancestors, Wingartens stretching back hundreds of years and many generations. On the other side of the flower beds and statues was green grass as far as the eye could see, meticulously maintained by the grounds crew. The young fox sighed as he moved up the driveway. He parked at the foot of the staircase leading to the house, got out of the car, and the the guard who quickly drove away. He thought it odd that the second guard that was supposed to be on duty was anywhere to be seen.

The vulpine looked up at the mansion, taking it its dark brick construction, the vaulted windows much like the ones at school on the main building. The high rafters were old and cracking, and atop them in various locations stood dark marble gargoyles in the old style. Ivy grew up most of the walls giving a haunted feel to the old house. His mother definitely had a flair for the dramatic. He walked up the wide stairs to the portico. Enormous stone columns held up the large overhanging porch that all lead to two heavy oak doors, marking the entrance to the household. The red fox pushed through the doors and arrived in the main foyer of the mansion. Stunning hardwood floors spread in all directions throughout the viewable area. To the left was a formal living room, complete with antique everything, from the carpet to the furniture, to the portraits of Wingartens long passed. Down a quick hallway was the grand ballroom with a large dance floor and several hanging chandeliers and a small stage where a live band would play. Through another room off the ballroom was an arboretum of sorts. It was filled with mostly fruiting plants and trees, herb bushes, and vegetable gardens. On the perpendicular wall was a door leading to the back of the house, and on the opposite wall was one leading directly to the kitchen. The staff used this arboretum for the fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, although walking through it was pleasant with all the earthy smells in the air. The kitchen was massive and contained two large stoves, a whole row of industrial refridgerators along one wall, and another wall with lots of pantry space built into it. It looked as if this kitchen belonged in a restaurant. Out the main door of the kitchen was the formal dining room. It contained a very long fireplace on the inner wall, several bay windows on the outter wall with a set of beautiful french doors leading out to a veranda with seating for when the weather was nice. In the center of the dining room was a magnificent table so long that it could easily seat thirty furs, comfortably. Above the table were several candelabra type lamps that cast soft lighting over any meal that was served. The outer door in this room led to the main foyer where Jake was now standing. The house had been built in a circular type pattern, with each room on the ground floor connecting to another to form a square around this main room. The center of the foyer had a gigantic chandelier mounted on the ceiling more than twenty feet up, with crystal appendages dangling down and sticking out in all directions, making the object spread out over several square feet. This part of the house also had dual staircases that started in the middle of the room and moved away from each other as they moved up to the second floor. The second floor held the living quarters, consisting of several bedrooms and bathrooms. There were two staircases heading up to a third floor on opposite sides of this floor. Each of these led to an office that each of his parents used for themselves.

Jake made his way to the second floor and headed for his bedroom which was the last one on the floor. On the way, he passed by the door of his younger step-brother's room. His pointed fox ears perked as he heard noises coming from the room. He knew those noises, and well. Ryan was getting pleasured by someone. The fox could distinctly hear his brother moaning and panting, as well as the grunts of someone else. The vulpines curiosity was piqued, and he tested the doorknob, unlocked. With a sly smile he pushed the door open and barged right in. He said nothing as he walked into the room, seemingly unnoticed by the occupants within. The two furs had their backs to the fox. Well, one did, the other had his view obstructed by his partner. Based on what he was wearing, the partner to his brother was the missing security guard. Jake knew the guard well. He had served the Wingartens since Jake was a kit. The bear was wearing his gray guard's shirt open, all the buttons having been undone. His black tie and pants had been discarded to eslewhere in the room, and his boots and socks were placed next to the bed. From his vantage point, Jake could see that the bear, whose name was Reggie, was pretty well-built. Dark brown fur covered his entire body, standing out now with the exertion he was using. From how much he was moving back and forth, the bear obviously had a massive member. Jake stood behind Reggie silently, letting the two continue for quite some time. The moans and squeals coming from the bed stirring his own sheath a little.

"Oh yeah, fuck me bear, I have been a bad little boy" Ryan screamed from his very submissive position.

"Yes sir, Mr. Wingarten, sir" the bear replied through ragged breaths and deep pants.

At this point, Jake had had enough. "He is not a Wingarten" he blurted out "and I suggest that if you wish to keep your job Reggie that you get out of my brother and attend to your duties."

Reggie pulled his cock out of the younger boy so fast that Ryan could be heard yelping from the quickness. Reggie gathered his things and dashed out of the room without saying anything to either of the brothers. Jake waited for the bear to exit, also saying nothing. Finally, the door closed as Reggie was heard dressing and walking out the front door.

"You always find a way to ruin my fun" Ryan scoffed.

"That's because I have so much fun doing it" Jake retorted, turning back towards the bed.

His brother was sprawled out as if the bear was still in between his legs, the musk in the air stronger because of it. Reggie's pre was actually leaking out of Ryan's stretched tailhole. He was pretty hot, Jake had to admit, for an otter, and his sheath jumped inside his jeans at the precarious position Ryan was laid out in. The otter was a pretty light brown in color, his thick fur all sleek as if he had just gotten out of the water. He had little round ears on top of his head, and green eyes the color of wet seaweed. He was quite skinny, but still had more muscle on him than Jake did. His lithe form trailed all the way down to his two and half foot long and very thick tail. Ryan's paws, both fore and hind, were webbed with short stubby appendages to allow him to grip objects. All in all a pretty handsome specimen, for his species. Oh, and obviously, he was quite gay as well.

"Well" Ryan said, not changing his position in the least "are you going to offer me something as a replacement for the toy you sent away?"

"Sure, I can go get the broom for you" Jake responded, rolling his eyes in the process. "And you only wish you could have me."

"As if. I know you have been panting after my tail since that wretched whore of a mother of yours married my father."

"Well, as it stands now, my mother believes you drunken layabout of a sperm donor is screwing the maid" the fox spoke casually.

"All is well then" the otter said as he covered himself finally with the sheets on his bed.

Jaked moved over and sat on the foot of the bed, careful to avoid any wet spots. "I wanted to tell you about school, since neither of our alchoholic parental units seem to be interested. I got stuck with three roommates for the year. Two of them are a gay couple: a dalmation and a wolf, but the third is this really buff lion. He is the one that I have to share my room with. He's straight, but he is oh so hot. His name is Brandon Halloway, and he is gorgeous."

Ryan just listened as his brother droned on about his absolutely boring life. However, this hot lion sounded interesting. "The lion does sound pretty hot to me. You gonna nail him?"

The question, as crude as it was, caught Jake offguard. "No, he is straight. I do have plans on a couple others I have met though."

Ryan smiled. "I bet you couldn't even though you want to."

Jake's expression turned serious. "A bet? You want to bet me that I can't sleep with my straight roommate? What are the terms?"

His brother leaned forward and crawled across the bed, his tail flitting slowly from side to side. His movements were very sensual, and he could see that he was getting a reaction from his fox brother. "Well, if you win, you can have a piece of what you have been craving for the last three years." With that statement, the otter sat himself in Jake's lap and started grinding his naked sheath against the fox's clothed one.

Jake gulped and murred as his cock was stroked through the fabric of his jeans. "And if you win?" he asked, his voice a little more raspy due to the stimulation.

"If I win, and you can't seduce this bulky feline by semester's end, then I get that pretty little car of yours parked out in the driveway. The one thing you seem to covet more than my ass."

Jake nodded, throwing his head back as his arousal grew. "Okay, but that car cost me more than our summer home in the Pokonos." His cock had come out of his sheath and was fully erect by now, a wet dot appearing on the jeans from his pre.

"Then perhaps you should get to work on that bet" the otter said, jumping off of Jake's lap and heading towards his strewn about clothing.

"I have to figure out how to approach this without alerting Roland and Timothy too much." Jake said, mostly to himself.

"Roland and Timothy?" the otter screamed, whipping around to face the fox. "You said Roland and Timothy were the gay dalmation and wolf couple right? Is Timothy the wolf, and is his fur shiny and dark as midnight?"

Jake looked at his brother, confusion covering his features. "Well, actually, yes. How did you know that? Oh, wait. Is this the same Timothy that dumped you when he graduated high school before last summer?"

"It has to be" Ryan spat, anger very clear in his voice. "You have to help me do something brother. You have to help me destroy Timothy Barlow. No on humiliates me like that. I don't get dumped for panty waist queens who are more girl than man. I need you to find a way to break them up. Some way to end their relationship in the most embarrassing way possible for that wolf. Maybe you can get to his boyfriend."

"I can't get involved in this. Everybody loves me back at school, and I intend for them to keep on loving me, the saps. It allows me to get away with anything I want."

"Then find someone else to do the dirty work. I can't get to that school, I'm still in high school and everyong in this gods forsaken city knows it. Think of it as a game. See if you can get away with it and keep your sparkling clean image."

"Alright, I can do that. I think I already know how to go about it too. I can accomplish that mission with only one seduction. A record for me."

Ryan humphed. "I'll believe it when I hear about it through the gossip chain. Be careful. Jake, I can't have this getting traced back to me anymore than you can." He brushed past the fox, his tail presssing against Jake's hard and now aching cock. Jake gasped and sneered at his brother as the otter headed for the bathroom.

Jake growled his frustration as he felt his cock throb in his now very tight jeans. He smiled as he realized that he wasn't the only sexually frustrated male on the premises, and he left the house quickly. His car was still sitting at the base of the stairs, but he walked right past it, all the way down the mile-long driveway to the guard's shack. He peered inside at Reggie sitting in the booth looking more than a little uncomfortable. His partner, a chestnut stallion, looking completely oblivious to the bear's discomfort. The stallion was new to the security force, so his reaction when he noticed the lord child of the house stading there was comical.

"Go....good afternoon Mr. Wingarten sir" he said, trying to remove his hat but ending up dropping on the ground. He bent down and picked it up, fidgeting with his hands a lot.

"Hello gentlemen" Jake replied. In a rather stern tone. "Reggie, could I see you a moment, in private?"

"Uh, yeah boss" the bear responded, his ears laid back as he looked to the horse. "Cover the gate will ya?" The horse nodded, his dark brown mane flicking forward and then back again as he did so.

The pair walked over to the garage, set a little ways away from the house. Once inside the cool, dark, cement floored building, Jake turned to Reggie with a gleam in his eye.

"Fucking the master's son, huh?" me mused. The bear only blushed and looked down at the floor. "I remember a bear who was loyal to the Wingartens once. A bear who used to care a great deal about the safety and well-being of this household." Jake reproached Reggie.

"But I do sir. I care a great deal about you and your family. But the other young master threatened by job if I didn't do as he said."

"Oh Reggie, I'm not here to fire you, and I really don't care if you were boffing that twat brother of mine. What I want to know is...." he trailed off for several seconds, letting the bear's mind wander in confusion "does your cock still drip for me like it used to?" he finished innocently as he sauntered over to the bear, his hips and tail swishing in that manner than only a fox can do.

Reggie nodded enthusiastically, a grin so wide on his muzzle that one could see every tooth in his mouth.

"The show me how well you remember" Jake commanded.

Reggie practically ripped off his own clothes, revealing that well muscled, dark-furred body of his. He was only seventeen back when he started on this family's security detail, and Jake was only twelve then. They became friends, Reggie having to take the fox just about everywhere he wanted to go. Once Jake hit high school at fifteen, he started paying a lot of attention to the then twenty year old bear. Their sexual relationship had started then and continued until the fox was a senior in high school when he had broken it off. Now, however, it appeared as if the young vulpine wanted a trip down memory lane. This was just fine to the ursine, who had too much pent up sexual energy from earlier. Once he was naked, Reggie moved to the young master of the house and drew him into a strong embrace, planting his muzzle against that of the fox. Jake played coy, only lightly kissing at the bear's lips. He wanted the bear to dominate him, to show him who was boss in this particular scenario. Reggie, frustrated by the teasing from the fox, drew his lips back in a snarl and growled at the younger male. Jake responded by tucking his tail, lowering his ears, and opening his muzzle. The bear's tongue pierced the fox's muzzle and lapped at the smaller fur's tongue, a very please sound rumbling through his chest. He released the vulpine from the bear hug and began stripping off his clothes, being much more careful than he had been with hiw own garments. Every bit of the fur that was uncovered as the fox was undressed was attacked by Reggie's expert muzzle, his teeth and his tongue dancing across the red fur. Jake's muzzle reached for the sky as he groaned and sighed under the bear's tantalizing ministrations. Reggie remembered how Jake did not like to waste time in their encounters and he made the decision to move things along. He picked up the smaller fur and placed his back on the hood of one of the family's limosines. The movement produced a quiet, but excite squeal from the fox. The cold hood feeling extra chilly against his heated body. With a growl and a snort, the bear pushed his body in between Jake's legs until his massive cock was pressed against the fox's puckered entrance. The ursine did not push forward, however, but slid down his employer's body until his nose was pressed against the tight ring of muscle. This new cold sensation drawing a quick gasp from Jake as he wriggled against the car. Reggie lifted his nose to press agains his boss's sac and inhaled deeply, the fox's arousal invading his nose and making his own body heat up more, an intensity burning in his loins. His tongue darted out of his long snout and pressed itself against the fox's tailhole making Jake suck in a breath. He held that breath until the bear's tongue slid across his opening, then he let it out with a long contented moan of pleasure. The ursine's nimble tongue fiercely and forcefully lapped at the hot entrance of the young fox, making Jake dance and squirm, tiny yips escaping his muzzle with each passing stroke.

After several torturous minutes, the bear's tongue pushed past the vulpine's defenses and into his sweet, velvety cavern. Jake's body tensed at the intrusion, a low growl of enjoyment being pulled from his body as if by force. Reggie's slippery, muscular appendage explored the depths of Jake's body with perfect precision, lubing him up for the main event. Jake sighed in disappointment when that luscious tongue was removed, but giggled excitedly as the bear's massive frame came to rest over his body. The security guard's chest was heaving as he pressed his huge cock against the smaller fur's ass.

"Reggie, call me what you used to call me when we did this before" the fox begged as his body twitched in anticipation.

"Of course" the bear responded, pushing the head of his eleven inch cock past the muscled ring of the fox. "Take all that I have to give you my little bitch."

Jake threw his head back and groaned as his ass was split by the bear's massive member. It was painful, and the bear didn't stop pushing until his enormous balls were pressed right up against Jake's smaller ones. The fox grunted and pushed his paws against the bear's powerful abs to try to get him to stop, even though he really didn't want the ursine to stop. Reggie moaned with a rumble deep inside his chest as he pulled his long vein-engorged cock back out to the head and slammed back into his little fox bitch at full force, generating a surprised yelp from Jake. The bear didn't start slow, instead pounding the fox's ass with long, hard strokes, burying himself with each one. He was a grunting, snarling beast, riding his female for all he was worth. Jake had pretty much turned into a puddle of goo at the treatment. Waves of pleasure washed over his body. He reached down and grabbed his own healthy eight inch erection only to have his paw slapped away by Reggie, who growled and bared his teeth at the fox to keep him from trying again. He shifted his positon slightly so that with each thrust his massive penis slammed hard into Jake's prostate. The added sensation against that sensitive gland brought Jake to his orgasm quickly, his balls drawing up against his body. He howled loudly, the sound echoing off the walls and floor of the garage. The fox spasmed as his cock exploded, several shots of his cum splattering his face. The next few shots landing on his chest and stomach. Reggie wasn't done yet though. He flipped his bitch over and layed his own body on top of the fox's back, pressing Jake hard onto the hood of the car. He then proceeded to fuck the fox with total abandon. No longer was he worried about how Jake felt. He was only concerned with his own needs. Jake simply lay there, panting and whimpering as he was used for the bear's pleasure. Reggie felt his orgasm quickly approaching. As the first wave of pleasure reached his body, he let out a deafening roar and clamped his jaws down on the fox's scruff, claiming his bitch and holding him steady as he dumped spurt and spurt of his sticky load into Jake's ass. The squirts turned to a dribble, and those trailed off to nothing. Reggie pulled his quickly softening cock from Jake's rear, a short gush of fluid escaping as the plug was removed. The bear moved, breathlessly, and began getting dressed again, leaving the fox a heaving, panting mess on the hood of the limo.

"Thanks boss" Reggie said as he exited the garage.

The bear returned to the guard shack where Eric, the stallion, was waiting impatiently.

"Well, did the boss ream you real good or what?" Eric asked, his curiosity at its maximum. "You were gone an awfully long time."

"Not exactly" Reggie answered, a satisfied smile crossing his face.