Trapped and trained chapter 8: Dealing with the twin

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#8 of Trapped and Trained

Chapter 8

Venom had just come through the teleporter with gammaton in his arms asleep with Aquas and Atlantic following him as usual. Gammaton was taken to see his father and somehow found a way to cause trouble at the base forcing venom to put him back to sleep again after he had just woken up. This was going to be problematic hopefully he could introduce Alex to Gammaton soon and let Alex help him out. He was sure Alex could be one to help. And now would be a great time as gammaton was waking up again.

Venom kissed the poor boy on the cheek before entering the living room but when he got in he felt the huge amount of tension in the room. Something was horribly wrong. Everyone in the room seemed to be depressed about something or tired. Alex was leaning against a wall with tears dripping from his cheeks.

"What happened?" Venom asked the boss who gave him a quick summary of what had happened. Alex's powerline where his powers were stored was now in the hands of a dark prince. The rebels were overcome with fear by the dark prince's presence and the rest were just tired out from training Rin.

Venom let gammaton get to his feet as the rabbit was wiping his eyes after just waking up. "Alphaten let me take charge here." Venom said as he got everyone's attention. He first turned to Alfred who had just returned from tucking Rin into his bed.

"Alfred, was Rin's power as great as you expected?" Venom asked the wolf.

Alfred nodded. "Greater even. I thought his raw power could rival that of a general when he was born but his power can exceed that of the generals. May even rival the royal guard. He needs lots of training though, he lost control of his powers quite a bit during the training and it is taking toll on his body."

Venom started to ponder. "Alright, I will give Rin and the other rebels a Light boost."

Everyone froze and stared at venom, no one wanted to believe that he of all persons would recommend that.

"Venom are you insane? Giving a light boost to the rebels? They are on our side but they are dark bloods such a boost of light would likely kill them!" Alphaten yelled out first. River and the others got interested in hearing what they were talking about.

"You forget what I am Alphaten, I am a mix blood. One of my fathers was a light immortal and the other was a dark immortal. I carry the blood of both inside me. I can easily mix light and dark together without much difficulty. I can perform a light boost to strength their powers and mix it perfectly with their dark blood. It would take time for them to adjust but it should work perfectly." Venom said.

Venom was a mix blood. One of five in existence. Dark and light immortals never mingled because they were at war since the dawn of time but there were times when two would fall in love and produce an offspring together which carried the blood of both. The offspring would try and live in places where the war was not going on such as refugee towns and other places where dark and light could mix. Venom was a special case. He choose to enter the light kingdom as one of his fathers was a member of the royal guard. He followed in his footsteps and became a royal guard but also fell in love with gammaton thousands of years ago. They have been mated for over seven thousand years, although many did not trust him fully because unlike other immortals who could only be light or dark and would have to be turned he could serve both without having to be turned into a light or a dark immortal.

"And from what you said about Alex I will take over his training personally. If the dark prince can draw on Alex's powers then Alex should be able to do the same. I can help him with that. Your father put me in charge of gammaton and since gammaton is going to be staying here I will do what I can to ensure his safety." Venom reached over and pulled gammaton to his side. The rabbit still half asleep leaned in on his mate.

Alex wiped his face and looked at the tiger. "You can really help me? I can get my powerline back?"

"Twins have always shared special bonds with each other being able to manipulate the others powers at will. If you gain enough control over your powers you can shut him out and maybe just maybe draw on his as well."

Alex perked up at the news that he might just be able to get his powerline back. This might not be so bad after all.

"Wait a minute!" Kyle yelled out. "I have a family to protect I cannot compromise my powers right now. Not like this."

Venom raised an eyebrow. "Your family would be protected but I suspect that is not what the real issue is here now is it?"

"I want to do this with my own power. Not by letting someone else give me theirs. My powers unlike the rest of the others are still new and not developed. I want to reach my limits first. I don't want to be a charity case." Kyle said firmly.

Most of the others looked at Kyle weird as he stood up against getting more power?

"I can see it in your eyes. That desire. You want to prove to that prince that you are not weak and you want to do it by yourself. Interesting." Venom smiled. "Then let me just give you these."

Venom waved his fingers and made seven scrolls appear out of thin air. Kyle caught the scrolls and looked at them curiously before Venom told him what they were. "Those are some scrolls my dad gave me. Those are techniques that Dark immortals can use. Dark bloods can use them as well but only if they become strong enough. If you can perform those techniques then you will be able to face off with general blue at least."

Kyle nodded then ran off. He wanted to get home to see what the scrolls contained. The others looked at him approvingly, Kyle had always been the most prideful of them so it was no surprise that he wanted to do things his way.

"What about the rest of you?" Venom asked the others.

"As Kyle said the rest of us have always been weaker than he was but we could put up a fight. But if we want to break free from the dark army completely then we will need to get stronger." Patrick said as he rose to his feet. Benjamin, River and Antonio all got to their feet and nodded. None of them really cared for being a dark blood.

"Alright then no objections Alphaten?" Venom asked the dragon.

"None. You are head of security so I have very little say in what you plan to do. Just ensure this cannot backfire on us please." The boss relented.

"You trust them don't you? I can see they have much loyalty towards their friends and their goal is to protect the ones they love from the dark immortals. Our fight is different from theirs but ours goals are largely the same." Venom paused then raised his hand in the air and formed four glowing white crystals that shrunk down to the size of a tablet. "Eat those. Your powers will start to diminish for a while until it balances out you should notice no difference for a few days but when your powers start to comeback Aquas and Atlantic will be overseeing you."

The four boys took a tablet each and swallowed it. Nothing happened but they four were happy that they were getting more powers to keep themselves safe.

"Now I have a question for you. Specifically you River." Aquas came forward and asked the quiet tiger rarely spoke but did so when there was a matter of great importance.

"Yes?" River answered uncertain of what Aquas could want.

"I checked out you and the others. Kyle's father was Kevin Malice; he was a powerful dark blood that we fought a few times. He turned rebel and died during the events of Dragon Respire. Patrick's mother survived but died later of the injuries she sustained. Antonio lost both his mother and father at dragon respire and so did Benjamin. Of all the rebels here which we checked out only about half had a parent who died or participated in Dragon respire the rest are natural dark bloods. The elder who taught who guys was the one who came out the cleanest and he also originated from here. My question is about you! You family has lived here for generations but we have no records of any of them being full dark bloods. Not even you siblings. Only you. What happened to you to give you your dark blood powers?"

River looked nervous and uncertain while he opened and closed his mouth trying to form an answer. "My family, the founders and developers of the area that is enclosed by the four lakes were descended from a certain person. The second son of the dark king. He gave up his immortality and became a mortal. I am his descendant. My powers are active because I have traveled to the realm of the dark immortals."

Patrick, Antonio and Benjamin all froze in their tracks and looked at River weirdly. The boss and the others eyes went wide before Alfred said something.

"River! How is that possible? You are a mortal. Only mortals who can survive in that realm are dark bloods and guardians to some extent and even then we have time limits. I could only spend a maximum of three hours there before I would die." Alfred responded.

River looked away before responding. "I was summoned by one of the possessions of the dark prince. The statue where he stored his immortality. It took a liking to me and gave me my powers."

Aquas did not believe him for a second. "Your powers manifest themselves in your body giving you enhanced strength and physical abilities. That is the basic power of one of Alphatens warriors. Your powers are just like that of one of our warriors. Your family line shares much similarities with our warriors. That Dark statue did not grant you powers it stop suppressing the ones your family had. Ones that are both light and dark."

"Stop tormenting him now Aquas, I will answer what you want to hear" Said a voice coming from the hallway.

It was the voice of an Otter. Brown otter with white hair. Toned muscular body and naked to boot.

"Galvez. What are you doing here?" Marcus asked the otter. Galvez was the warrior of Dan's team.

"Dan was not the only one who broke a major rule. I was the one who helped the dark prince seal his powers away. I channeled some of mine into that statue that the boy just mentioned. And it was me who gave that boy his powers. Accidentally but It was my doing." Galvez said.

"You... Helped the prince of the dark immortals? That was both brave and dumb of you Galvez and I expected much better from someone of your caliber but tell me more about this statue and how you ended up giving this boy his powers." The boss asked while Aquas did not seem surprised at Galvez's sudden confession and revelation.

"I helped him become mortal and I used my sealing techniques to seal his powers away. I did not want anyone to know because you would want him turned into a light immortal which was something he did not want to do. I am sorry for deceiving you but I thought it was better if no one else knew about my actions." Galvez could only hold his head down.

"Our investigation never turned up a reason. I was hoping not to put it to trail and that is why I called you here after I discovered River's secret. Our investigation is not complete but until then just like Dan you are going to be held secure until a full investigation is completed." Aquas said eyeing the poor otter.

Galvez held his head down and headed back to the base but was stopped by Atlantic. "Galvez when you get back to base sand Monroe, Chivez and Jacob here. I wish to speak with them about certain matters."

Galvez nodded and left after he had been summoned. Alphaten was not too pleased with such blatant disregard for his authority. "Aquas, you should have told me about the investigation. Why did you exclude me from knowing this information?"

Aquas just gave him a mean look. "That information was discovered during a full investigation of your squad. Your father was planning to stash your brothers here so I was sent to assess any threats from within your organization. Atlantic investigated all outside threats and then found out about Alex with a little help from Tony and Henry. Our investigation was to ensure no threats were there to Gammaton. The threat level here is high but not higher than back at the palace currently. Your father still does not have full faith in you Alphaten. And you should remember that." Aquas turned and walked away both he and Atlantic went up the stairs probably to prepare their room for Gammaton. The rabbit was still looking tired and was leaning on Venom to keep himself upright.

Alphaten just shook his head and walked off he had some work to do back at the base. Venom just stood there and tried to get gammaton to wake up fully so he could eat something.

"Gammaton. Time for your breakfast alight?" The tiger asked his little rabbit mate.

Gammaton still barely alert and awake weakly nodded. And then followed venom to the kitchen.

River was a bit stunned to find out more about what his family line was about after all they were the ones who settled this town when it was first discovered centuries ago. His family was also the first persons to realize the effect the town had on anyone born in the area between the four lakes. It was also rumored by his parents that their family had somehow put the 'curse' into effect.

Four lakes surrounded the area that made up the mostly rural town. One to the north, one to the east, one to west and one to the south. Anyone born here was affected differently. Males became hyper sexual and in need of lots of sexual activity and they preferred that activity with other males and it tended to start at puberty or just before it. Females became dominant and took the reins of power over the males in exchange for letting them play with each other when they wanted. So was the dynamics of this town and why those who were born here tend to stay here and outsiders have to be turned before they learn of the towns secret.

River sighed. He really did not want to remember seeing that statue. It was a horrible experience for him being in the realm of the dark immortals. But that was something he hoped to never experience again.

River was jolted from his thoughts though when three very talkative furs walked into the house. Monroe, the blue and white lion, Chivez the green otter and Jacob the pink and white fox had just entered the house.

Alex turned to look at the three who took notice of his crying. "Ah the little kitty is crying." It was the annoying pink fox Jacob who started to tease Alex. Alex just turned his head quickly away and started rubbing his eyes. The three just started to laugh at the poor cat. Until Aquas returned from upstairs.

Aquas just stared at the three until they stopped laughing. "Alright since you are here I got some assignments for you three." Aquas said to them. The three nodded in response. "Alright then you three are going to be stationed here until further notice. Chivez you will also be helping with training of a dark blood. Monroe and Jacob will be providing security for gammaton."

"WHAT!" All three yelled out in protest. Monroe and Jacob became sacred and started shaking in fear. Chivez was protesting that he had to babysit a dark blood.

"Who is gammaton anyway?" Alex finally had to ask. He got stares from the other three members off his squad.

"He is gammaton." Aquas pointed to the light blue rabbit walking out of the kitchen with a baby's bottle in his mouth. Alex had seen him before but only in passing and that was today when he needed to find Kyle. The little rabbit was trying his hardest to suck out the milk out of the bottle and was completely unaware of the situation around him. "You have been assigned to be his personal guard. The others have been asked to help out. I am sure they can keep gammaton busy while we get everything in order. He did want to play with someone today."

The word play got gammaton's attention and he dropped his bottle. "I get to play with them!" the little cub got really excited and finally got out of the half sleep trance he was in.

"Yep and you get to use this. Since Alex is a 'crybaby fox' I guess that leaves Monroe and Jacob as the best playmates for you." Aquas said teasingly as he tossed a squeaking octopus toy to Gammaton. Gammaton perked up and his powers unconsciously and uncontrollably erupted at that point and sent a huge shockwave through the entire room. Everyone raised their guard instantly but were caught off guard by the effect gammaton's power had.

Alex blushed and covered his groin as he realized his clothes had been blasted off and he was not at full arousal. A quick look showed him everyone else in the room had gotten a similar reaction from the outburst of Gammaton's powers. River, Benjamin and Patrick were all looking around in confusion as Antonio was already stroking himself.

"Let's play. Come on" Gammaton said the most excited little voice one could ever hear. He sued the silk scarf wrapped around his shoulders to grab Monroe and Jacob and pull them towards him where he held them in the air before rushing up the stairs and to the room he was staying in. Monroe and Jacob yelled out in fear as they were dragged off.

Atlantic walked pasted them as he was returning from preparing the room for Gammaton. He laughed to the spectacle and at the despair the two were in. he knew all too well what they would be getting into.

"What was the king thinking when he gave birth to gammaton? His most powerful traits are his curiosity, enthusiasm and lust. Combine that with the fact he reached 'adulthood' at such a young age and you get a recipe for disaster." Aquas said to Atlantic.

"But he is cute and lovable, and that is why he my mate." Venom said as he entered the room to collect Gammaton's bottle. He then looked at the four stunned boys. "Um sorry about not warning about Gammaton's little habit. I hope those clothes are replaceable."

Antonio was the first one to respond. "Don't worry about it. But you could get us four towels. It will make things easier to get home." He was still stroking himself until Benjamin punched him on the shoulder.

"If we are going home then you can finish that at home, let's go. See you tomorrow everyone" Benjamin said as he and the others went to leave. Alfred showed them the way out. Antonio complied and stopped stroking himself as four towels appeared out of nowhere in front of the four. They wrapped them around their waist and headed home.

Alex sighed as he watched them leave. It was nice that he was going to have lots of company now but he was also going to get lots of company now and it would prove to be unpleasant. Alex perked up a bit before he turned to Chivez who was just standing there.

"Hey." Alex said to the otter.

"Hey, uh um... Alex right?" Chivez answered back nervously.

"Yep. So... um" Alex realized he was horrible at making small talk so this was out of his purview.

Chivez looked at him funny and tried to work up to courage to ask. "What happened to you anyway?" Alex flinched away and tried to answer but he could not without shedding more tears. Chivez noticed that Alex was quite uncomfortable with the topic so he also looked away. Alfred had enough of this so he intervened.

"C'mon boys. You are going to be squad mates for many lifetimes the least you can do is talk to each other. SO how about I get you guys a few glasses of wine and get you to loosen up those lips huh?" Alfred said dragging the two boys against their wishes into the kitchen.

Kyle had just arrived home to see his family in the living room with his step father and mother playing with his little siblings. They were not dark bloods like him but they were in danger especially his mother since she was dating one of the rebels' most prominent figures.

"Good afternoon Kyle I hope you had fun with your friends." His mother a white mouse like him yelled out. His other siblings all looked like their step father with his darker greyish fur. Kyle had three little sisters and two brothers.

"Yea, I also went to visit uncle but I got sidetracked." Kyle said rubbing his head and smiling.

"Well you had a good time son. How about you help me with some cooking before I go out tonight?" His father asked him.

Kyle turned away. "Not tonight dad. I am a bit tired. Rin was in pretty bad shape when I left. I am going to bed since his father wants us to help cheer him up tomorrow."

Both his parents looked at each other before his father answered back. "Sorry to hear that. Rin's parents have been on everyone's mind. A very horrible accident from what I hear. Rin was lucky to be out visiting his biological father that day. I hope he gets through this. Losing his parents in such a fashion must be quite hard on anyone."

Kyle nodded and then left to his room. Luckily for him their house was big enough for him to have his own room. He quickly went in and shut the door behind him before he started what he needed to do. His room was sparse. Only a bed, a TV, A nightstand and a computer table with a desktop computer occupied it. He knew asking for more things to decorate his room would be foolish since he had such young siblings. But there was one thing that decorated his room quite nicely. It was a large circle drawn in black chalk that was on his wall. He went over to it and used his powers to activate the circle.

Kyle was engulfed in light and then transported to a black space with nothing in it. That was until three torches were lit and three dark figures appeared below them.