Chapter 8 - Unbridled Emotions and Sudden Death.

Story by Doctor Otter on SoFurry

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#9 of Legends of Azell

you guys thought that with my super hero series I completely forgot about this series, well no I didn't!!!! speaking of my other series, for those of you just turning in I am having a contest that ends Monday mourning at Midnight, if I don't get entries soon, I may have to extend the deadline. details:

Back in Kaiden, Rose stood nude before a full sized mirror in the back room of the church which wasn't exactly decorated elaborately. There was only a simple queen sized bed in the far end of the room with a headboard in which she hung her belt that held her daggers and sheaths upon. She gently watched the mirror intently as she ran her paw softly over that ugly scar on her stomach, now knowing where it came from. She quivered half in sorrow but also in anger. She clenched her paw into a fist as a tear slowly ran down her cheek softly. She wanted to go now to kill the king, she knew she could do it. Her intent was apparent in her eyes burning with a fury that no one had ever seen before.

Suddenly, the door opened to let Jordan, her once lover, inside the room garbed merely in sleeping garments from his pack. She quickly turned to him as he slowly began closing the door again, realizing she was nude.

"I apologize," he said, "I didn't realize you weren't decent..."

She looked down and hugged herself shame. "No, it's ok, you were going to find out sooner or later..." she said softly.

He somberly nodded and made his entrance into the room and approached her after closing the door behind him. Her ears fell flat against her head as he approached, as a slave would shrink from her master who was unsure of what he was to do. He looked over the scar and worked his way up look into her green eyes with a sorrowful look on his face.

"This is what my father did to you?" he asks as he runs his paw over the scar. She could only nod as she closed her eyes tightly, squeezing out even more tears over her cheeks. She turns her face away from his, only to have him place his paw gently under her chin to turn have her face him again. "Don't worry Cecilia, he will pay!"

She blushed a bit as her eyes stared into his suddenly. "Please, Jordan," she began. "As far as we know, Cecilia truly is dead. Will Rose do?"

He simply smiled and ran his fingers through her hair gently. "Aye. I like the name Rose better anyway..." he replied.

Rose gently pressed her face against the lion's chest and lost her composure suddenly, balling wildly to the Lion. She felt so strange, so helpless. She didn't like the feeling this whole situation spawned suddenly. She wanted so badly to be rid of these feelings. This was the first time she ever felt emotional pain, and it showed. The Lion simply wrapped his powerful arms around the poor rogue, letting her sob her heart out as long as she needed.

She suddenly pushed away from the Lion's chest as she sniffled. The lion suddenly placed his paw again under her chin to force another face to face. Then they joined lips in the heat of love and passion that either hadn't felt in such a long time. Their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace. Rose's ears fell once again to her head as she got the feel that everything now was going to be ok, thanks to the Lion's love. As they part, they felt like the both knew the truth, She was his lover from so long ago, and now they were reunited and lovers once again. Rose then turned away from him in a fluster of emotion

"I'm sorry," she said.

"No Need" he replied as he closed the distance between him and her and once again wrapped his arms around him. "What matters is we are back together, and nothing's going to break us apart again!"

She frowned and looked at the two of them in the mirror and sighed. "You'd love a murderer?" she asked.

That caused him to frown as well and slowly turn her around to meet her face to face. "What ever you did up until now, you have repented by leaving the Assassin's guild, realizing they were up to no good. But unfortunately sometimes, some people need to die... This is not coming from me wanting the throne..."

"Do you want the throne?" she asked suddenly.

He slowly stepped back from her and shook his head. "If it were up to me, I'd let another man rule, and I've no say."

Suddenly, she pulled him back in, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Then let's forget this revolution. You're father wants to rule with an iron fist? Let him! I only want to be with you. I want to stop all this nonsense and just... just!"

He shook his head and gently held her close, "We both know that's impossible. You are hunted by the Assassin's guild, and my own father hunts me down for I am the biggest threat to his rule. The will find us."

She sighed and looked up to him again, "Then, we've no choice. We have to stop King Marek at all costs."

"And for that we'll need an army!" he replied.

"Funny you should mention that..." came a wise voice from the door. As the two turned to look, Malcalm was standing at the door, while he was leaning on his cane.

"OLD MAN!!!!" Rose screamed from the top of her voice. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!"

All he could do was chuckle slightly and began to turn to leave. "I am here to tell you we are preparing a plan tomorrow, so you must get to bed and be rested for our plans."

Rose suddenly grabbed a pillow and tosses it at the door, but the door thankfully closed before the pillow hit Malcalm. The fox huffed and shook his head. "I hate that old man some times..."

Meanwhile, in the main chamber of the church, Father Briar was preparing for the service he was going to give tomorrow morning. He was just finished placing the wine for the lunch after the service down upon the altar when he noticed a strange Panther garbed in dark robes and bracers walk towards the altar.

"Dearest son!" he spoke as he opened his arms wide as he approached the figure. "You seek the wisdom of the all caring creator Azell?"

"Nay good father..." he said in a deep voice. With quickness, the panther moved within inches of the father as a secret blade slide from beneath his wrist, pointing at the father's neck. "I seek the woman you call Rose."

Father Briar kept calm as he watched that blade inched closer to his neck. He had no fear in his eyes at all of the man before him. "You are in a church of Azell, you do realize this is a grave..."

"I don't care old man!" he said. "Where is Rose, I know she's here in this town, and I know you're in cahoots with Malcalm."

Father Briar narrowed his eyes. "The light of judgment is upon you good sir..." he began. "If you wish to meet the creator, I suggest you change your ways. And give Nigel my best regards while you're at it."

"ENOUGH!" the man said as he slowly places the blade upon his neck, "Last Chance! Are you gonna give her to me or no?"

The father just smiled and held his hands up. "You answer shall come from above my son..."

"What?!" the man yelled.

Without warning, there was a flash of white that fell from the tall ceiling of the church and crashed down into the panther. As he fell, the man in white brandished his own secret dagger from his bracer and buries it into the side of the panther's neck, slicing through his carotid artery with ease. Now standing over the slowly dieing body of the Panther was the Arctic Fox who was following the group before hand. His face gave no expression as he slowly stood back up, watching the panther finally die.

"I apologize for this father," he said.

"It's not your fault Therem" the raccoon said as he bowed his had in gratitude. "You couldn't have known how long it would have taken for Nigel to find out that Rose is back."

"That's not what I was apologizing for father," he replied solemnly before heading to the stained glass window of Azell. He knelt down and said a quiet prayer to himself before standing up and returning to the task at hand. "I was apologizing for having to kill in your church."

The Father couldn't help but laugh, "A religious Assassin with morals!" he exclaimed, "How rare that is these days."

The Fox started to roll up the red carpet with the now dead panther in it to help rid the father of the body with the father following him. "Just tell your followers that the carpet needed to get cleaned for there was a red wine stain upon it. I'll get you a new one for tomorrow's service."

"What should I say to Rose?" he said suddenly.

Therem stopped as he picked up the dead body and turned around to face the father. "Tell... Rose... NOTHING..."