The Wolf in Him in Me 2: Joining The Pack

Story by DirtyFox on SoFurry

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It had been 3 days since Taylor had revealed himself as Lycas the werewolf an a gloriously rough orgy of lust. I still couldn't sit properly but that didn't stop me aching for him every second.  The bite on my shoulder had healed incredibly quickly, just a scar and deep itching remained which I scratched absent mindedly as my ears caught the distant sound of a skateboard on the sidewalk.  My crotch jumped at the sound, instatly associating it with Taylor. I'd been unendingly horny since he'd taken me, jerking off four or five times every day. He'd let me suck him off the day after we fucked, but otherwise, he'd been out and unavailable.  As the sound grew closer, my cock grew harder. I wanted him so badly. I wanted to run my hands over his perfect abs, to feel his biceps close around me, to taste his delicious canine cock and to feel his knot blasting me open. At last I saw him glide past the window and stride in through the open door.  Thankfully the weather was hot again and he was shirtless, gleaming with sweat as the midday sun caught his back, wearing a pair of baggy cargo shorts and chunky DC trainers and a black cap.  "Taylor..." I started, trying to look nanchelant. He just wrinkled his nose and sniffed the air staring at me.  In the blink of an eye, he shot across the room and pinned me to the wall and with a single hand on my chest, lifted me off the ground so our faces were less than an inch apart. I felt his breath on my face, as he growled, "Smells like someone around here is horny," grabbing my crotch with his free hand, squeezing the bulge roughly.  I gripped the exquisitely chiselled sides of his torso with my hands and took a breath to answer him, only to have his mouth clamped over mine. My moan was muffled by his tongue as he mashed his lips into mine so hard I could taste my own blood.  I gasped for air when he released my mouth and licked the thin film of red from his own lips.  "Fuck me," I panted,"I want you so much." "Heh," he replied and dropped me to the ground. I just maintained my balance as he fell to his knees in front of me and in a swift flick of his wrist, ripped open my shorts.  He licked my cock through my boxers, making me shudder, running one hand up my stomach and the other pulling down my waistband letting my straining human cock spring free, slapping him on the nose.  "Nice," he rumbled, swallowing my entire dick in one swift motion.  "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnggghhh" I moaned at the top of my lungs as his tongue wrapped around the length of my member.  He sucked hard and bobbed his upa nd down only 3 or 4 times before my hips were bucking, I was groping at his hair, and screaming. Within seconds, I came as hard as I ever had directly into his mouth.  I started to collapse before his hand on my stomach held me upright, his head still bobbing.  A loud slurp escaped around my cock as he stood up, relocking his lips to my own. I hadn't realised, but my entire load was still in his mouth and flowed onto my tongue, leaked around our lips, spilled onto our chins and down my throat.  Then, as quickly as he'd arrived, he stepped back, wiping his mouth on the back of his tattooed arm.  He checked his big, black G-Shock, "10 o'clock, we're going out. Be ready." He disappeared into his room and I slid down the wall, face covered in my own cum, cock throbbing out of my shorts. "Fuuuuuuck," I breathed. 

Trying to look as cool as possible, I stood in the kitchen waiting for Taylor. I had no idea where we were going, but I knew I'd go anywhere with him.  Finally, he emerged looking spectacular as ever, even though he was just in baggy jeans and a vest.  "C'mon, we haven't got all day," he called dismissively, walking out of the door, making me run after him.  We walked in silence into town until we reached The Pack, one of the grungiest bars in the area.  Heading straight for the front of the queue, he just glanced at the doormen who instantly moved aside to let him through, "He's with me," he glanced, as I was ushered in after him.  The music pounded and the lights flashed, making my head spin as I fixed my gaze on the rippling back of muscle strutting ahead.  We went through a small door hidden behind the bar and down a dark flight of stairs opening out into a hazy room beyond.  "Boys, fresh meat," Taylor breathed.  My eyes widened as I stepped into the room. Stood around the walls were seven other guys, all around 18-20 stripped to the waist. Not one of them had an ounce of fat on him, ranging from swimmer physiques to borderline bodybuilders.  The all looked like outcasts. Most sporting an array or tattoos and piercings, some heavily scarred, but all grinning. As I surveyed them, I started to notice each of them had a set of sharp fangs and claws.  Just as my eyes started to get used to the darkness, Taylor grabbed both my hands in a single fist, lifting them up above my head. He tied me to a rope hanging from the ceiling so my feet barely touched the ground.  "Wha- what's going on?" I pleaded sounding slightly pathetic.  "I told you you'd get to meet the rest of the pack. Well here they are. Boys," he called, "help yourselves." With that, the group started to move closer and one by one started to take off their trousers, each and every one revealing thick, long, throbbing canine shafts pointing directly at me.  The first, a heavily built black guy with long dreads stalked forward and bent down to look me in the eye. As he smelt me, he ran a razor sharp claw down the front of my t-shirt, slicing through the fabric and nearly breaking the skin. I was shaking in fear, but the stench of musk in the room began to have its effect, hardening my cock.  Reaching the bottom of my shirt, he ripped the shreds off, as unseen hands from behind me undid my jeans, freeing my bobbing shaft.  In a single, lightning quick movement, the black werewolf leapt into the air, grabbing an overhead pipe. He wrapped his legs, now shoulder height, around my neck presenting 9 inches of wolf meat to my lips. Unable and unwilling to resist, I opened my lips and swallowed sa much as I could in one gulp, instantly illiciting thrusts from the strong hips.  As my face began to get fucked, the hands that undid my belt moved around and parted my ass cheeks allowing a warm, wet pointed tip to push against my aching ass.  I groaned around the cock in my mouth, the vibrations bringing forth a spurt of pre which shot straight into my throat.  The hands on my ass gripped tighter as the hips they belonged to slammed forward, hilting in a single thrust.  The groan changed to a scream as I was suddenly so completely filled and stretched.  The fucking was brutal, all his strength being put into filing my helpless ass. Hands bound above me, I hung from my wrists, swinging gently at the pounding in both mouth and ass.  Four of the guys had their way with me like this. My ass was left running in cum and my face was plastered.  The next wolfman, a punk almost completedly covered in tatts, sporting a red mohawk sauntered up to me and, with a flick of the wrist, sliced the rope supporting me, letting me drop to the ground.  I breathed hard, body aching and used on all fours.  "You're not done yet," he grinned, kneeling in front of me. Obediently, I looked up through a film of cum and opened my mouth. I wanted to resist, but I was also desperately hard and gagging for another cock.  Gagging would seem apt as this wolf was the biggest so far. He slid the first six inches of cock into my mouth before I noticed the remaining 6 inches still protruding. Before I had time to protest he took the back of my head in his hand and slid the rest of it forcefully past my gag reflex and deep into my throat.  "Good boy, goooood boy," he groaned, sliding his cock in and out.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Taylor approach, cock standing proud. He circled us slowly stroking my back with his claws as he passed before kneeling behind me.  I felt a couple of fingers enter my cum soaked ass and feel around.  "Nice prep work, boys," he joked, raising a chuckle from the surrounding wolves.  Gripping my hips, he sank his massive cock hilt-deep into me in one powerful push, causing me to moan again. Finally I had Taylor inside me again. For 3 days solidly it was all I'd thought about.  I rolled my hips and pushed back against his powerful thrusts, sucking wildly on the cock in my throat, dreaming it was Taylor penetrating me from both ends at the same time.  Before long, the wolf in my mouth withdrew his tatted cock rubbing it, growling guterally as he released what felt like half a pint of cum into my mouth and over my face.  Obediently, I swallowed what I could and let the rest wash over me.  Taylor took that as his cue to pick up the pace. Gloriously, violently, powerfully, he fucked me with all his might, his knot swelling.  He slammed into me with all the force he could muster, sinking his knot into me and howling at the top of his lungs. The stretching, thrusting, grinding power sent me over the edge, making me scream, my cock pulsing and releasing a huge wave of cum as the magnificent werewold offloaded directly into my bowels.  The Alpha collapsed over my back and pulled his knot out with a loud pop. I fell, exhausted, into the pool of cum I was surrounded by, naked and in the spectacular afterglow.  "Welcome to The Pack" Taylor panted.